Just what is a crime..?

Crime. A positive or negative act in violation of penal law; an offense against the State or United States.

Remember that the States and United States are fictions so, how can you damage a fiction.
What about a Tort?

Tort. ( from Lat. torquere, to twist, tortus, twisted, wrestled aside). A
private or civil wrong or injury, including action for bad faith breach of
contract, for which the court will provide a remedy in the form of an action for damages. K Mart Corp. v. Ponsock, 103 Nev. 39, 732 P.2d 1364, 1368.

A legal wrong committed upon the person or property independent of contract. It may be either (1) a direct invasion of some legal right of the individual; (2) the infraction of some public duty by which special damage accrues to the individual: (3) the violation of some private obligation by which like damage accrues to the individual.
Notice that a crime is an act against the State, but a tort is against an
individual. So if you murder someone how is that a crime against the State?

Please note that when you are charged with an offense, you are charged with violating a code or statute, not for violating the individual. The reason this is being done is because the State claims to own you, so if you kill someone it is the State that has been damaged.
A tort is either mala in se or a breech of contract that causes a damage. There must be intent, but to commit a crime against the State there does not need to be intent.
Mala prohibita. Prohibited wrongs or offenses; acts which are made offenses by positive laws, and prohibited as such. Acts or omissions which are made criminal by statute but which, of themselves, are not criminal. Generally, no criminal intent or mens rea is required and the mere accomplishment of the act or omission is sufficient for criminal liability. Term is used in contrast to mala in se which are acts which are wrong in themselves such as robbery.

When you don't file a Form 1040, that is an omission.

Statute. A formal written enactment of a legislative body, whether federal, state, city, or county. An act of the legislature declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something; a particular law enacted and established by the will of the legislative department of government; the written will of the legislature, solemnly expressed according to the forms necessary to constitute it the law of the state. Such may be public or private, declaratory, mandatory, directory, or enabling in nature.
Will. Wish; desire; pleasure; inclination; choice; the faculty of conscious, and especially of deliberate, action. When a person expresses his "will" that a particular disposition be made of his property, his words are words of command, and the word "will" as so used is mandatory, comprehensive, and dispositive in nature.
Will. An Instrument by which a person makes a disposition of his real and
personal property, to take effect after his death, and which by its own nature is ambulatory and revocable during his lifetime. In re Brown's Estate, Tex Civ. App., 507 S.W.2d 801, 803.
Instrument. Anything reduced to writing, a document of a formal or solemn character, a writing given as a means of affording evidence. A document or writing which gives formal expression to a legal act or agreement, for the purpose of creating, securing, modifying, or terminating a right. A writing executed and delivered as the evidence of an act or agreement. Moore v. Diamond Dry Goods Co., 47 Ariz 128, 54 P.2d 553, 554.
Do you understand the Two different ways they use the word "will." What they do is reduce their "will" to writing and then enforce it at the point of a gun. This writing is also called a "Will."
Will, Statute, Instrument, and Code are synonymous.
Do you understand where this going? "Will" is the disposition of property by someone's command. A Statute is the Written Will of a Legislature. It used to be stated as "will and testament" Do you understand that when a Legislature passes an act they are creating or modifying a will. You are considered property of the State. Are you getting the picture? A code or statute is a "Will."

The Codes and Statutes of every State are Wills.

(Note. When you are charged and warehoused in a jail it is because you went against the "Will" of your "Master." It is not because you harmed another Being. --Nicole)
Does not a Form 1040 have a label?
Label. Anything appended to a larger writing, as a codicil.

In English law, a copy of a writ in the Exchequer.

Exchequer. That department of the English government which has charge of the collection of the national revenue; the treasury department.

Codicil. A supplement or addition to a will; it may explain, modify, add to, subtract from, qualify, alter, restrain or revoke provisions in existing will. Such does not purport to dispose of entire estate or to contain the entire will of testator, nor does it ordinarily expressly or by necessary implication revoke in toto a prior will. In re Crooke Estate, 388 Pa. 125, 130 A.2d 185, 187.
Do you understand why people are forced to file a Form 1040 ? Because King George was the Prince Elector and Arch Treasurer of the Holy Roman Empire and of the UNITEDSTATES of AMERICA.

The Constitution is the "Will." Why do you think in the
preamble to the Constitution it says "to ourselves and our Posterity?" Just read Article six section one. Remember the loans, IRS Publication 6209 (1040 for UK), the First Bank of the United States and numerous debt collection acts. Do you understand why in 26 U.S.C. there is no law requiring you to file? It is the Constitution that requires you to file, Article six section one! Do the IRS agents know this? Look at all of the Acts (Supplements to the Will) that have been passed to collect your labor, the symbols (electrons) that represent your labor. Now do you understand why the Constitution was never put to the people for a vote? It is because they were the property (citizens, persons, etc.) mentioned in the Will (Constitution). Now do you see why the Constitution was drafted in secret? Do you understand that when you pay with your labor you are adding electrons to the Estate and when you get a refund (electrons) you are subtracting from the Estate? Do you understand the importance of Codicil and Label? They don't even have to connect the machine to our udders, we are self-milking slaves.

The words charge and discharge are used in the imaginary laws of commerce because we are forced through our ignorance to use electrons as a medium of exchange. Don't you ever wonder why you are asked by a cashier if you would like to charge it? The slip that the cashier hands you is the symbol of the electrons that have just entered the Circuit. Why do you think when you are dragged into one of their 'courts' they tell you that you have been 'charged'? What do you think a 'Transmitting Utility' in Article nine of the Uniform Commercial Code is? So guess what the Transmitter is? Guess what is being broadcast, charged and discharged? People do not see the wave only the symbol of the wave. They do not know that the wave even exists.
Why do you think that they pass bills? A bill is a charge for goods or services. Then you have the 'Bill of Rights'. A 'Right' is one mans ability with the assistance of the state to control others (Blacks Law Dict.). That is why you must pay a filing fee when you file a suit against someone. You are being charged to use the State to force other people to be jurors, witnesses etc. Jurors are people who are being controlled by the State on your behalf.
This is just a sampling of what has been done to us because of our greed, laziness, contempt for our fellow man, having the nerve to pretend to make laws and wanting something for nothing.
We are having Electronic Warfare perpetrated on us. Our very physical bodies work upon electricity. Our thoughts are electricity. The thoughts that are placed into our minds are placed there through the use of electricity. The thoughts that you think are your own are not. You have to become aware. Please make an attempt to analyze the program that has been placed in you. You have to understand that the person who is in 'charge' is the one who controls thought by way of controlling the electricity in your brain. Think about it. If you had a plumber to your home and he tracked mud all over your carpet you would phone the company who employed him and ask to speak to the person in charge. The person in charge is the one who controls the electric current in the plumbers brain.
Now if the plumber can not be controlled, he will be 'fired' or in other words discharged.
What do people do when they are upset, they write to a legislator, one of their Masters? Legislatures were created for one purpose, to make you the property and to manage the electrical current in your brain. If a group of people can command you to act or not to act and take your labor, what are you? If they have the power to declare that an act that is not criminal, is a criminal act, what are they? You are a slave and they are your master.
The thought that legislators, judges etc are in 'charge' has been willfully and deliberately placed in your brain so that you will be their slaves.


I x R
A bank is a capacitor in which the electrons flow to from ground. A check or money order etc. are the symbol which represents the electrons. (See definition of money in U.C.C.) A loan is actually the procedure that is done to cause electrons to enter into the circuit. The check that you receive from the bank is the symbol of the electrons that have been put into a capacitor (account) in your name. This is accomplished by a few key strokes on a computer key board.
The charge (electrons) are transferred from account to account (capacitor to capacitor) when a good or service is transmitted. This is done either by wire or satellite. (See Electronic Fund Transfer Blacks Law Dict. 6th Ed.) Remember an electron is both a wave and a particle. The system must never be allowed to become balanced. There has to always be a debt (something owed) in order for the electrons to flow. If electrons were not removed from the circuit the capacitors would all become equally charged and all commerce would cease. If the capacitors were all equal and the circuit was balanced how could one capacitor discharge into another. The Internal Revenue Service withdraws electrons from the Circuit by way of what is called an 'Income Tax'. Income is the Electrons that have flowed into the circuit. There are other ways that remove electrons but this is the most noticeable. There has to be a load on the system in order for the electrons to flow. This must be done in order to allow commerce to flow. A debt can never be paid. A debt can only be discharged. The Circuit can be controlled by changing the Force, Current, or Resistance. Your labor is actually dissipated. The harder the people labor the more electrons they remove from the Circuit. There becomes too many electrons in the Circuit for the amount of goods and services consumed. So 'Taxes' must be raised or, in other words, the load must be increased. When they tell you that the economy is expanding it means that the Circuit is getting larger. Notice that when they tell you the economy is expanding most people are working harder and their standard of living is dropping.
Now, what do the electrons symbolize? People exist by symbols. Everything in this fictional world symbolizes something else.
Those who refuse to bow to the IRS are in actuality keeping those who do alive. Those who bow to the IRS are destroying themselves. If we do not send electrons to the Banks and the IRS, this ultimate system of control will come crashing to the GROUND. In the present situation the peoples standard of living can only go down. Both parents now must labor in order to survive. Any variable in the system can modify it. One who is skilled in the art of controlling the Circuit is called an Economist.
It is impossible for the mass of people to be paranoid. Paranoia is defined as a heightened sense of awareness. People are not even at the level of being aware, let alone paranoid. They (the mass of people) have their voltage (thoughts) supplied to them. How can you be aware when in your entire life you have never had a thought?