You are considered an infant, “Ward” of the “STATE” as your Mother as the “Informant”

The Internal Revenue Manual (I.R.M.), “An infant is the decedent of an estate or grantor, owner or trustor of a trust, guardianship, receivership or custodianship that has yet to receive an SSN.” An infant is anyone under the ager of 21.

Your Mother allegedly Abandoned You at birth. Have you noticed the Mother’s address is already pre-typed in one of the boxes? Have you noticed there is no address for the Father on the COLB?

Have you noticed, it is the address of the Mother’s “MAIDEN”; i.e. “unmarried”, name in that box? And have you noticed they had the Mother sign as the Informant, and not the Father?

You are considered an infant, “Ward” of the “STATE” as your Mother as the “Informant”, (a person who informs on another person to the authority) signed your Record of Live Birth, allegedly acting as the Trustee of the Executors (Fathers) Estate. If she declared she was married, then the father and mother are one-in-law and thus the Mother would have the same authority as the Father: executor. However, as an unmarried woman, they assume she is acting as the co-Executor of the Estate, or in the capacity of a Trustee; one with authority to sign over property. However, she has none without her husband’s approval, in a common law marriage. In a civil marriage, she has no authority. We must also note that the line of executor would fall on the nearest male relative. Not only is the mother without legal representation, no male is listed either. In fact, all Male relationships are left off the documentation.

There is absolutely no reason for the Father not to be on a birth record, except for religion. Matthew 23:9 And call no man your father on the earth: for one is your Father, even he who is in heaven.The first amendment clearly prevents the government from adding his name: i.e. “prohibits the making of any law respecting an establishment of religion or impeding the free exercise of religion”. Thus, the term “father” would impede the establishment of religion.

The STATE of OKLAHOMA’S very own Instructions on Completing the Birth Certificate:“Signature of Parent: Have parent review the Certificate of Live Birth for accuracy, read the statement contained in this section and sign this section certifying the accuracy of the certificate. We suggest that you ask only the mother to sign the birth certificate. Never have a parent sign a blank or incomplete certificate.”

Now why would the Dept. of Health and Vital Statistics teach Doctors, Nurses, and Hospital administrators to ‘coerce’ the Mother into signing the “Certificate of Live Birth” instead of the Father, who is the Executor of the Estate? Because the Executor is the Highest Office of the Estate, and the STATE does not care to deal with Him; they would rather go after the Informant/Trustee instead.

Attempting to Administrate an Estate without written-authorized consent of the Executor is very costly; people go to prison, but if they can ‘coerce’ the Mother/Informant/Trustee to sign over the property, then they “appear” to have a legal leg to stand on. However, it is all based in fraud. Keep as many people as you can ignorant, then you can have the blind leading the blind.