Why the three days? It is because you have the right to withdraw from or cancel any contract within three days of acceptance. It is about the only right we have left and it may be found under the, Truth in Lending Act!
All that matters to the Bank, is that you are a flesh and blood human being and that you have affixed your signature to a Promissory Note! They don’t care if you have a great credit score or a poor one! Flesh and Blood Human Beings, technically own everything, and all Corporations are fictional companies that have no value and cannot function until some HUMAN BEING blows life into them! The Promissory Notes each sell for the same value!
Since the Promissory Note was sold without your permission, your Mortgage Debt to them is actually [paid in full] but they never tell you about that! In fact, the Bank also sells your repayment plan to an investor or another Bank for much less, and agree to manage the payments for them. Most Banks now employ a middle company to collect your Mortgage payment. They do this because your Mortgage and repayment plan is not reflected on the Banks Bookkeeping and under Federal and International Law, it is supposed to! So the middle companies act as a buffer and keeps them out of trouble!
Since the Banks can’t legally make loans against their depositor’s assets, everything is just a, Paper Chase! Your payments are deposited into the investor’s account who purchased it and if it involves another Bank, your payment is transferred to that Bank where it is deposited into a savings account, under a number instead of your name!
The reason the account is numbered, is because it is really your savings account! You don’t owe them a debt and so they conceal your payments as a numbered savings account! If they included your name, they would have to mail you a monthly accounting and that would tip you off!
So any foreclosure that might occur thereafter is totally bogus and unlawful because they cannot produce the Original Promissory Note! If demanded, they will produce a black and white photo copy but that is actually the Counterfeiting of a Negotiable Instrument unless it is reduced or enlarged! The point being that if they cannot produce the original Note, it was sold!
Given these circumstances, it was absolutely necessary for them to involve the Judges in their criminal conduct. Foreclosure Judges receive 10% of the original Promissory Note, after they authorize the Bank to steal and sell your assets in FORECLOSURE.
This process essentially makes the rich man richer and explains how the Banks can own the bulk of the skyscraper buildings, parcels of land and stadiums across America. In reality, we pay for our homes three times over its original purchase price without ever securing ownership. Mr. Warburg was a pretty ingenious fellow when he designed the Federal Reserve System and why we Americans always need to be two steps ahead of the Banks, Courts and lawyers!
According to the Constitution: The only way you can pay a debt is with silver or gold and since there is no silver or gold backed currency, the only thing we can do is to DISCHARGE our debts! A DISCHARGE is never a payment in full and it can be resold or borrowed against. Hence, lawyers purchase discharged debts for pennies on the dollar; open a collection company and hire people to harass you into paying that debt to them!
Remember that in all legitimate contracts you always received something of equal value from the company or person you borrowed from. Collection companies fail to provide you with anything of equal value and lie to you that they are collecting the debt on behalf of the original creditor!
The best way to handle a debt collector is to deny who you are and every question they ask ….....