So it seems that wherever a check is issued, is the “ISSUE” reportable on 1099-OID; or, where a cash item in a Federal Reserve Note is given and/or received, or a bond or other type security given in commercial paper that is payable in Federal Reserve Notes or US dollars, is the gambling proceeds reportable on 1099-OID.
The 1099 OID filing instructions refer to the “ISSUE” as the reportable item, and that is the check at the source that has not yet returned to the source. It can’t return to the source until it enters the closed circuit via the Federal Tax Form 1099 in its journey back to the “source”. One could say that the first issue, the check, being the “Source”, is the venue, and after filing 1099 on that issue, the item returning to the “source” I suppose the difference in the Source of issue and the item returning to source, (a tax), is the returning item, is charged electronically and travels in a CLOSED circuit back to the source for settlement in exchange!
When you receive a bill for a product you have used, and there was no check, therewith, for you to pay the bill, the amount of that bill is Withholding and is a Federal Withholding in possession of the person who gave you the bill without a check to pay it. Thus, the action for settlement is to report a tax liability assessed in a 1040 tax return, and tax the same as income tax on a 1099-OID filed, therewith. It is the IRS, then, who will tell the bill collector that the amount of the bill is a Federal Withholding. (the withholding in the bill is the amount of Federal Withholding admitted in the bill). The bill is evidence of that amount withheld, and without a check or money order to accompany the bill sent to you, the absence of the check or money order is the admission of Withholding for that amount.
So, there you have the reason to tell the bill collector the amount billed to you is a Federal Withholding, withheld by the sender of the bill, and is cause to assess the same on 1040 and [to] tax the assessment on a 1099-OID, therewith, for settlement and closing in exchange Treasury Direct #(SSN-yours)
So, it is the tax refund that is the remedy and that makes the action in Small Claims Court unnecessary. I suppose it could be made a Court of Record by putting copies of the 1040/1099 into the court record, but it is the IRS Forms 1040/1099 that makes an Administrative Court the Court of Record with a remedy. The Administrative Court is that of the IRS. That is what the tax court record will consist of, and that is probably the only Article III Court of Record bound with Revenue in the New Venue.
The Bill gives information that makes it obvious the actual payment is withheld, so it is that Withholding that is your taxable income! The requests for the billing agency to file 1099-OID on the issue(s) seems to be alright, but so far the requests have been met with silence and that silence is taken as a Refusal and Dishonor and therefore cause to go ahead and file both the 1040 and the 1099-OID. The tax assessment (1040) can be done on receipt of the bill…when the bill did not include a check, therewith, to enable you to pay the amount due. The fact exists that the funds have been Withheld from you, expressed in the bill, because it requests you to pay those absent funds. Obviously, they have been Withheld and the Withholding is Federal
because of the Public Policy HJR-192. So, I think the funds can be reported as a Federal Withholding in possession of the named recipient on the 1099-OID.
It is your credit they use to pre-pay any plan to use the agency services. So, you might ask for the plan to use their services, and provide you the papers to file Federal Tax Form 1099-OID on the issues, to enable you to pre-pay the available services used to make settlement for closing in exchange Treasury Direct #(SSN-yours).
Request the plan to enable us to use their services pre-paid. That will require the use of 1099-OID. Maybe, when one gets a bill from a company or agency one can accept the bill and return it asking for the plan to enable him to make settlement by set-off or report the item/issue as taxable income and request your tax refund from IRS in tax recovery.
When we focus our attention on the Withholding, we see it as, in fact, Federal Withholding, by virtue of HJR-192 and subsequent legislation thereon; and we can report it as such when we get a bill, and there is no check therewith. Thus, they have withheld the payment, and the same is Federal Withholding. (They probably obtained use of the Withheld credit by assuming the use of the amount used and Withheld from us, and admitted the same was prepaid when they sent us a bill for the product of our own credit (the ghost)-That was identity theft!)