After billions of FALSE POSITIVE PCR tests and FAKE CASE NUMBERS that caused global hysteria, paranoia and panic worldwide, the CDC (a private organization) is finally pulling the flawed tests that CREATED THEIR FAKE PANDEMIC.

The PCR test will be discontinued after December 2021...but don't celebrate. The new test is even uglier.


The new kit contains sodium azide. People exposed to even a small amount of sodium azide by absorbing it through their skin (nose or mouth) or breathing it (through nose or mouth) may have some or all of the following symptoms within minutes:

Cough, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, rapid breathing, rapid heart rate, red eyes, weakness, skin burns and blisters at points of skin contact

Exposure to a large amount of sodium azide may cause these other health effects: Convulsions, low blood pressure, loss of consciousness, lung injury, respiratory failure leading to death, slow heart rate

TEST KIT WARNING: The test kit includes a small warning on the instructions that says:

Do not dip the swab into the liquid reagent or other liquid before inserting the swab into the nose.

QUESTION: Isn't dipping the swab into your nose dipping it in liquid?


"Survivors of sodium azide poisoning may have heart and brain damage,” according the public health agency.

Sodium azide is a rapidly acting, potentially deadly chemical that exists as an odorless white solid

When mixed with water, sodium azide changes rapidly to a toxic gas with a pungent (sharp) odor.


1. Blackrock, the CDC, the pharmawhores and politician investors are making billions from the vaccines based on flawed test reults.   Congress invests big in pharmaceutical, tech stocks.

2. The Rothschild dynasty is making a killing from the tests.

3. China is swimming in wealth from mask sales.

4. The too-big-to-fail corporations have TRIPLED their profits from medical martial law restrictions that bankrupt small businesses.

5. Hospitals get 53 K for every Covid case with ventilators.

6. Money Incentives for vaxxing millions of children boosts profits. Vaccines aren't free. They're your tax dollars pocketed by our exterminators.



Trading Prisoners Like Cattle

All crimes are commercial and have a commercial value to them. It makes you look at improvements to the freeways, cities and towns in a different light … especially when those improvements are funded by ‘municipal bonds.’ You’ll also understand why there’s no hurry to end the war in Iraq.

All criminal prosecution is considered an annuity and is for the purpose for raising revenue for the United States. Now you’ll have a better understanding of why people are in jail, why they are in prison, why they are on probation and why they are charged with everything from jaywalking on up through murder one.

An American soldier who dies in Afghanistan and Iraq probably carries a $10 million life insurance on him carried by the government. After all, every soldier, marine, or air force person is an asset to the United States. They have a huge investment in that particular soldier and his activity and it can explain why it is that the US is not so anxious to withdraw its troops from that area. It’s a money making activity and they don’t want to talk about the fact that they are making money on death and that they are making money from the incarceration and imprisonment of many otherwise good hearted people who have not necessarily committed otherwise serious crimes.

They have a rule called the 144 holder. The rule is that they can’t sell private investment securities that are not registered. The rule prohibits them from selling the prison bonds. They have to wait 6 months before they can sell a certain quantity of private securities without being registered, selling them as private securities.

Basically there are 8 people on the board of directors of CCA (Corrections Corporation of America) The top holders are Joseph E. Russell and John M. Ferguson. Russell owns 64,000 shares of CCA stock, which is worth about $70 million. Ferguson owns 34,000 shares valued at about $37 million.

Fidelity Management and Research is the top stock holder, the top investment firm that is selling the bonds as investment securities. They pool them and sell them as mortgage backed securities. Also when they pool them, they sell them as mutual funds on the stock market. By “pooling” we mean the securities on the inmates.

What they are doing is they are actually taking the mortgage backed securities, which are really bid bonds, performance bonds and payment bonds. They pool these bonds and when they pool them together they call them mortgage backed securities. They take these to TBA which is the Bond Market Association. It’s an actual market for bonds. Anytime a bond is issued there has to be an underwriter. The bonds have to be underwritten. Bonds that are issued have to be indemnified so there has to be surety to indemnify the bonds. The brokerage houses and the insurance companies indemnify the bonds. They’re called surety companies.

After the surety companies indemnify the bonds, which is underwriting them, they do this through an investment banker or the banks themselves do this. They job it out to them. They buy up all these shares and turn around and sell them as investment securities. The shares represent the stock which represent the account of CCA. All of this has been funneled through CCA, the Corrections Corporation of America.

What they are doing is selling stock in the prison system by selling the prisoners’ accounts as securities through the securities exchange. They are making huge amounts of money off it. They privatize the prisoners’ accounts and bring all these investors in and what they are doing is underwriting all these prisoner’s accounts (bonds). This is after the surety company guarantees the bonds. Then they are underwritten through an investment bank or banker. Then they are put out on the market and resold to the public.

Enter any prisoner’s case number within the specified entry boxes, located at Fidelity Investments’ online Securities look up index query, locate that prisoner’s bonds and find out where they are being traded.

Example (with a court case number 05CR272 – this is the District Court Case Number):

You will get a CUSIP number 316423102.

See it being traded as a mutual fund through Fidelity Investments!

To make it clear to whom you have the honor, take a look at the Fidelity Investments logos:

In other words the banks are buying up all the shares and then they resell them as investment securities to the public. The public then buys them as mutual funds or they can buy them as debt instruments, equity instruments.

What they are really doing is they are buying up debt instruments. They are using the fiscal accounting cycle of accrual and they sell the prisoner’s ‘capital and interest’ as it is called in accrual accounting. They resell these to the public because the prisoner did not do full settlement and closure on the account.

They sell the prisoner accounts as a commercial dishonor and sell it to the public as a commercial dishonor.

When you go in the courts they always say they are operating under a statute jurisdiction. The Black’s Law Dictionary 4th edition says a statute is a bond or obligation of record. That’s what all the criminal statutes are: bonds or obligation of record. Go in and read the definition of a recognizance bond and you find that it is a bond or obligation of record. They are selling bonds. They are charging prisoners under a bond; the prisoner signs the bond and the bond becomes the agreement for the payback. This is done when the prisoner signs the final court papers at a sentencing hearing.

Just how many of us remember when our government attempted to finance from the private sector during the Second World War? Weren’t they selling war bonds? They were soaking up the people’s equity in terms of buying bonds, transferring your funds to the government. The government by purchasing those bonds, was promising to pay you back your investment at sometime in the future with interest. At that time what they were collecting from the people was their so-called cash equity. People have gotten too poor, too stingy, too smart to buy bonds to finance the government.

How long has it been since you heard the Post Office or anyone trying to get you down to buy US savings bonds? So what they are doing now instead of getting us to voluntarily give our cash equity to the government for a promise to be paid back in the future, they are securing from us some violation of a statute by which the law ascribes from us a penalty; i.e., the payment of a sum of money due.

Instead of collecting the cash from us, they put us through a criminal procedure where we dishonor the system and what is happening is they are selling our capital and our interest. In other words, they are selling the liability you had in whatever charge was brought against your strawman.

They are taking that capital and interest that you should pay and are grabbing that from us and selling it on the open market to bankers and investors to transfer their funds to government which is covered by the bond of the violation of your strawman of that statute.

In order to secure the bond the living soul is placed in prison as the surety to back the bond which is financed on the investment of the public market place in terms of the sales of stocks and bonds.

The public doesn’t directly bid on my (the prisoner’s) debt. Your debt is assumed by the bankers. The bankers issue secondary paper that allows me to invest in what they are holding as the holder in due course of the claim against your strawman. The reason they are doing this is because you dishonored the post settlement procedures for settlement and closure of the account.

The prisoner should have come in and accepted and used his exemption. Since the prisoner dishonored the post settlement proceedings, then the prisoner is in dishonor and the issuance of the bonds by the financing system was done in order to pass the punishment on to him because of his inability to fulfill his post settlement objectives.

If you get into dishonor by nonacceptance, what they are trying to do is get an acceptor which is the same thing as a banker. They need someone to pay off the obligation and if you get into dishonor, they sell your dishonor and put you into prison as the collateral and they sell the bond.

The bond is issued and they get a surety to underwrite the bid bond with a performance bond and then they get an underwriter to underwrite the performance and payment bonds.

What the performance bond does is it guarantees the bid contract, or the bid bond. What the bid bond does is guarantee the payment of the performance bond. This is done through a surety company. Then they get an underwriter or an investment banker to underwrite it. After it’s underwritten, they sell it to the public as investment securities, debt instruments, or mutual backed securities.

It’s all done through bonds … bonding. That’s what all these municipal bonds are. What they doing is following everything through the prison system. The prison system is being privatized. Through privatization, private enterprise can fund the prison system cheaper than the government can. They are subsidizing everything through privatization.

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), promotes privatization through foundations like the Reason Foundation owned by David Knott. They get the foundations to promote this and get investors to come in.

Cornell was merged with Trinity Venture Company which is an investment company. What they did was change their name to Reid Trinity Venture and then merged with SB Warburg. (Warburg was out of Germany and partnered with Rothschild.) SB Warburg is in Chicago, Illinois, and they merged with BIF in Switzerland, which is a settlement and closure bank, and the biggest bank in the world for settlements. They are connected to Cornell Company which is owned by David Cornell.

Everyone is tied in. Paine Webber Group in the United States and all the big international corporations are the stockholders and own all the stock in CCA. Everyone is using our exemptions on the private side. They filed a 1096 tax return and show it as a prepaid account, as prepaid interest and they returned it back to the prisoner. They took the prisoners deduction for the exemption and they deduct the tax and the IRS bills the prisoner for the tax. So the corporations are stealing your exemption which is your intellectual property.

What’s wrong with this? They are not telling us what they are doing. It’s all commercial. When you go into the court room everything is commercial.

What really matters here is honor and dishonor. The courts have to dishonor the potential prisoner or get that ‘person’ to argue or get that person’s attorney to argue. Just like Martha Stewart. Argue and you’re in dishonor and you’ll end up in jail.

The attorneys are actors to make us think the whole process is a factual issue. They get us into the guilty/not guilty mode and they get into all the cloak and dagger or what evidence to present. It’s a dog and pony show to cover up that they are after the debt money.

All corporations work on a fiscal accounting year which means that they spend debt. They can’t get rid of the debt and balance the books unless they run it through our accounts on the private side.

We the people run on a calender year and the corporations run on the fiscal year. The only way that they can balance their books is to run it through our accounts using our exemptions. Then they can do their reverse bookkeeping entry and go to post settlement and closure. They can’t do that until the prisoners do the acceptance (if they do it).

That what they are looking for in the court room under UCC 3-410 is the acceptor. That means we are assuming the liability for the debt as the principal. A lot of times with debt the principal is always the primary libelant in the commercial setting. He has to assume the liability and then you get your remedy. Otherwise you don’t get a remedy.

What they do is they sell the notes just as they do when you go into prison. They endorse the note and they no longer the holder of the note. The mortgage company wasn’t involved in this process … the attorneys are doing all this. What they are doing is coming to the private side to get the debt without any permission from the mortgage company. In this case they quoted from the UCC, and it’s from Lex Mercatoria, the Law of the Merchant.

Admiralty is all debt and it’s all civil; it becomes criminal when the prisoner gets a contempt charge when he refuses to pay. They can keep you in jail until you pay the debt. The initial get out of jail bond releases you until you’ve successfully paid the debt. Warden comes from admiralty-warden of the sea. The warden is the warehouse man who is warehousing all the goods; he’s the bailee. The commitment order is your bailment, your contract for the commitment of the goods. Then they put the goods in a warehouse and store them there. (Prisoners stored in prisons, just like the people stored in the pods in the movie, The Matrix.)

This fiction (corporation) took you (John Henry Doe), the flesh and blood creation of God, out of the picture and substituted in your place something called the ‘strawman’ (JOHN HENRY DOE).

Whenever you get a summons to appear in court, your name is printed in all capital letters “JOHN HENRY DOE” because that is how the ‘straw man’ is distinguished from the flesh and blood “John Henry Doe”, God-created man.

Since you show up and answer to your all-capital name (JOHN HENRY DOE) on the docket, the court accepts you (John Henry Doe) as the ‘representative’ of the straw man (JOHN HENRY DOE) and proceeds to play the game with you. If you don’t show up, they will still arrest you for failure to appear, because the state has already recognized you as the representative of the straw man – unless you learn how to break that connection (called a ‘nexus’) and take back your straw man from state ‘ownership’.

It sounds complicated and you weren’t told a thing about it in school (public school), but we did tell you it was a “deception”, remember?

If you don’t realize that you are ‘owned’ by the state, then consider this: whenever you go to a car dealer and buy a new car, the “deed” (from the manufacturer) of that car is sent by the car dealer to the Secretary of State of the state in which you live. It’s recorded and then destroyed. You, in turn, are given a “title of certificate” by your state which says that you have a legal right to possess and use this car which is now “owned by the state” who received its deed. “Your” ownership of the car is an “illusion,” the reality is that the state owns the car.

Same for a marriage licence. You are asking the state to give you permission to become man and wife. By seeking out said marriage licence, you are affirming to the state that your are slaves of the state (“chattel”) and you recognize that the ‘massah’ has authority over you for such things, otherwise you wouldn’t be asking for its ‘permission’ in the first place.


We the People in America are getting mighty educated these days. We tracked
down the original 13th Amendment to the Constitution for the United States of
America - you know, the one you started the War of 1812 over so you could burn
the copies - and it says you Esquires are not allowed to have a title of nobility
AND hold public office in America. Up until now because of ignorance imposed
upon us, you have been getting away with it.
Outside of your Public {fool} schools we have learned that the BAR originates in
the Crown Temple in London, England. Therefore, your oath to the BAR means
you are not Americans anymore but agents for a foreign power. You have no
citizenship. You claim to have licenses to practice law. As a matter of fact there
is no such thing as a license to practice law. We searched in the statutes, codes,
rules and regulations for every state and also their respective secretaries of
state and supreme courts. No authorization for the "license to practice law"
exists anywhere. That means every one of you is unauthorized and illegal in the
Republic. JOHN HENRY DOE, ESQUIRE is a fiction that exists only on paper.
Hey, a bar-card dependant on dues paid-in-full in your exclusive membership
organization is not a license.
What you do have is a BAR card that simply authorizes you to use the statutes,
codes, rules and regulations, which are all copyrighted. We can't help but notice
that all of the law you use is copyrighted, so the People can't use it without
using you. People, how well are you doing with these laws? It wasn't easy since
you have us hanging upside down looking in the mirror trying to read the
newspaper, but we figured out that statutes, codes, rules and regulations are
not law but abrogation of the law. Abrogate means to abolish by authoritative
action, see, ANNUL. Applying the force of deadly violence, you annulled the real
Law and replaced it with color of law. Color of law is a false flag, a pirate flag.
You're all a bunch of actors. No license and no law, either. And you know that
that card will not get you very far anymore as your privileges are waning.
We attempted a count of the number of statutes, codes, rules and regulations
that you created, with the intelligence endowed by your Creator, to use against
us. We’re not finished yet as there are many more than 60 million statutes,
codes, rules and regulations -- certainly more than all of you BAR attorneys put
together can keep track even with plenty of software, quarterly updates, and
teams of legal researchers – but hey, you have [hourly] billing!

You willingly write statutes, codes, rules and regulations at the behest of the
putrefying and corrupt Chosen Masters, an ancient hate-driven cult within a
hate-driven racist sect that are the same-old tiresome take-over-the-world
crowd and utilizing a blueprint of criminality. The lowly beasts of this world
have more honor than you. Reptiles are exalted by your presence. You willingly
herd the People you have defrauded into your [the] system of the Matrix like so
many cattle, to be processed, robbed of their freedom, families and property,
experimented upon with drug sorcery, and all too often killed.
You do this because the [your] BAR Association is a hate-driven money cult.
Your masters reward you by allowing you to charge obscene hourly rates for the
building of your personal empires. You are so far gone from the sight of God
that you think you have the authority to write rules to justify torturing your
fellow beings. Collectively and individually you have much blood on your hands
– very unclean hands! (You know what that means.)
And your "noble cause" is what? Why, the U.S.A., in total, bankruptcy is your
noble cause, your reason for destroying millions of lives minute-by-minute. The
U.S.A.’s bankruptcy is George W. Bush's noble cause – his Order of Skull &
Bones organization’s only cause for being is the weakening and ultimate
destruction of the unites States of America by any means necessary. Claiming
the authority to enact and enforce new "bankruptcy laws" (statutes) that create
debtor's prisons for the People, who since 1933 have had no money to pay a debt
with, the U.S. corporation is itself bankrupt and has made us into the surety for
the debt. No more of this crap!
In fact all so-called governing bodies in the U.S. are bankrupt corporations
telescoping from one to the other, back and forth between federal-state-countymunicipal,
due to the Federal Project of Credit, like the giant, and pathetical,
tentacle beast that it is. The SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF
AMERICA is a bankrupt corporation and does not exist. Your law firm is
bankrupt. There is no money. We have no legitimate law because we have no
legitimate money.
Whether or not you BAR attorneys swore a secret oath to administer the U.S.
bankruptcy, the bankruptcy is in each and every letter you send, every form
you submit, every court pleading you file, every plea bargain you negotiate. It is
a fact-of-life -- of your every professional thought, besides billing, "Law" has
nothing to do with it.
At this point you attorneys have made your true function patently obvious.
"Attorning" means to take all of the property of the People and give it to the
Chosen Masters. Well, your masters' day is over. Oh, it may seem that they are
consolidating their control of all the Earth, therefore assuring your positions as
their agents for profit and mayhem; but always profit; but we continue to
expose the Chosen Masters in this forum and many others, and we are getting
quite ready to jam their signals, crash their programs and round them up.
Guess where we are going to put the Chosen Masters! And do you really think
that ‘they’ are going to grant you some favor(s) – is your ego so corrupt that you
really think that you are better than everyone else? When ‘they’ choose to bring
down the hammer what makes you think that you’ll be immune?
You are being destroyed by leaks from within. From the 13 European families
of banking perversion to the Everytown, USA municipal traffic court judge (who
would not be caught dead retiring with less than $30 million of the People's
money) and all the Satanist racketeering extortionist blackmailing pedophile
warmongering purveyors of human flesh in between, the Chosen Masters are
finished. Hey, is this getting through to you yet?
Some of you attorneys may be hearing the not so distant jungle drums and
growing uneasy, but most of you are 100% in your ego at all times and evidently
proud of being arrogant. Your arrogance may interfere with your
comprehension of this message, but check it out, because now it is your turn to
"understand" something -- the jig is up babe! The truth herein is ugly, but we
believe Americans are very angry about the truth as exposed to date and that
they are ready to hear more. Upon being more fully informed many will even
act on it according to their conscience. You have not succeeded in confiscating
ALL of the guns! (Ed. note: “I’d prefer a bullet to bare hands.”)
Just when we thought your deeds could not possibly get more hideous, we
discovered that you create commercial paper for each inmate in prison and put
a price on him, or her, and hypothecate that price many times. Correctional
Corporation of America (CCA, Nashville, Tennessee, and others) create the
bonds, and Lehman Brothers underwrites those bonds – and those bonds are
being bought and sold on the world financial markets every day! The Chosen
Masters cut you in on the deals and you all take profits from this – remember
those who choose to partake in the benefits also get to enjoy the liabilities.
Further we are enraged to know that U.S. corporations are being funded by our
brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, who were busted for pot or for not
having a current driver’s license. And these prison work farms are producing
low-cost-to-produce products that go on to eliminate jobs and revenue in our
communities. You BAR attorneys created crimes out of nothing and wrote the
rules for this heinous and sickening theft of the People's energy, all for
administering to the U.S. bankruptcy and your own assumpsit, unjust
enrichment and quantum meruit. We the People, the ones in whom the power is
truly vested, are putting an end to your despicable trafficking in human flesh
and spirit.

We used to have common law courts in this country. You may have not been
taught this in your mystery schools, however, in common law, unless a living
man or woman has been injured or a property loss has occurred there has been
no crime. We also found out that you BAR attorneys raised the level of the Sea
[water] on paper so that it "covers" the Land, thereby fraudulently subjecting
us to admiralty/maritime law, to the Law of the Sea, read: piracy. A so-called
Police Officer (read: cop) pulling us over is an act of piracy. It is a kidnapping –
plain and simple. That gold-fringed flag - that's a pirate flag he's flying, so cops
reading this take heed, for the Chosen Masters put you where the rubber meets
the road. You are nothing more than a base-level revenue generating agent for
them and if they lose a few of you to some really bad guy – well too bad – a
bunch of your buddies will gather around and collectively give thanks that it
wasn’t them who bought the bullet. Hey guys, get this through your heads now:
codes do not apply to the People, only to the corporation for which
they were written, and that means you, and it means you are nothing more
than corporate thugs. Don’t want to believe it – just talk with some of the [real]
old guys. Some of you became cops in order to get respect – respect is to be
earned -- we have been giving you not respect but fear, and people can overcome
[their] fears. We have a God-given right to defend ourselves and our property.
Just keep it up, and, just like what you’ve been doing to us -- survivors will
become defendants.
The Chosen Masters have decreed that there are too many of us (Prince Phillip
and Henry Kissinger refer to us as “Useless eaters.”), so you BAR attorneys
make it "legal" on paper for vile toadies of the Chosen Masters to poison us and
the entire Earth through the food (aspartame, genetically modified, irradiated,
etc.), air (chem-trails, pollution, etc.) , water (fluoride, etc.), and land (eroding
top soil, de-mineralized soil, etc.), and when we sicken, you force [known to be]
dangerous vaccinations and drugs upon us, and when we die, our former
employers receive death benefits$$$$$$ on secret, illegal life insurance policies
taken out on us, unjustly enriching a variety of corporations so that the Chosen
Masters may take profits. You (and the cops) will answer to the People in the
lawful courts we establish and for now you must answer to your families,
friends, neighbors, all whom you betrayed, sold out and, just plain, sold. Just
about everyone - except Freemasons of course - have been to a traffic court --
what did you think was going to happen? Your la-di-da days are numbered.
You infernal BAR attorneys are the original back-door men, the nefarious ones
in the back room, failing to adjust the accounts. You never pay your bills. Once
you take a case you are the holder of the account for the case. This means,
under Public Law 73-10 wherein all crimes are commercial crimes, and under
Public Policy, that you must adjust the account to offset the liability for closure
and settlement. You always fail to make the ledger entry - there is NO money
and the People are exempt from levy - so you attorneys never pay your bills.
You impose the charges upon us and put us in prison instead.
You get paid whether you "win" your case or not, and the corrupt judicial
system enforces the payment of your fees. This is conclusive proof of the
criminality inherent in the U.S. judicial system. What else is a criminal but
someone in possession of a valuable commodity - human energy - that was
acquired without exchanging something else of value for it?
Well, it is painfully obvious to the People that those are not our courts and we
will never get justice in them. We are going to do away with them and you.
Don't look now, but people in positions of authority are going to seize the reins.
Even now we are turning the tide for a permanent return to a constitutional
form of government. The People will no longer tolerate the lies, the corruption
and death that are your daily bread.
You BAR attorneys are all drunkards drunk on debt, chasing Federal Reserve
Notes (FRNs) which are nothing – nothing more than debt notes and debt (read:
death). You have made it illegal for the People to get out of debt! You put every
man, woman and child under the probate statutes and made us into corporate
fictions so you could create life-destroying industries such as taxation and the
judicial system. You attorneys are harming life on the entire planet, and you
cannot make it clearer that you are anti-Life. Through trickery and the
deceitful use of language, you would reduce our lives to nothing more than a
series of commercial transactions. We who now must pursue such lifediminishing
goals as "getting out of debt" or "making the rent" or "paying the
bills" - we demand that the BAR stand down and stand aside, now, and make
way for the true Law. For starters, the People are exempt from levy. In common
law there is only two laws: do not harm another living being, and honor all of
your contracts - which easily condenses down to only one Law: do unto others as
you would have them do unto you.
Speaking of "personal debt", we learned from our research that the People, the
living men and women of this land and all the lands, are the source of all
pretend money; i.e., "credit"; i.e., "commercial credit". So-called credit does not
exist until We create it. We living Beings of Light are the source of all the
energy that is expressed as "credit". Thus, the People can never be debtors, and
you attorneys have slandered our names in your collection letters. We will
make claims against you for the slander of your deceit, so EXPERIAN,
TRANSUNION, EQUIFAX, take note. Your BAR attorneys will not be able to
save you. EXPERIAN, TRANSUNION and EQUIFAX are bankrupt
corporations. Yes, People -- in this the bizarre matrix world the credit reporting
agencies are insolvent.

We recently heard that the authorities will start to confiscate our gold fillings
and gold teeth. (This is for paying interest on the U.S. bankruptcy, folks.)
Attention municipal, county, state, and federal, United Nations (UN) Chosen
Masters/Powers in Charge: We will not tolerate it. We denounce your obscenely
unjust and unlawful codes and refuse to obey them. We hereby declare your
illegal statutes, codes, rules and regulations to be null and void and of no
further effect. You can take My so-called drivers license and shove it!
You are parasites. You create no value. You bring nothing to the table. All of
the invisible so-called contracts by which you think you have us in a chokehold
are null and void for lack of consideration, lack of full disclosure, for threats,
duress and coercion in the formation of the contracts, and for being
unconscionable. You ain't got nothin'!
We the People demand forgiveness of all the debt. We demand the restoration of
money of substance, backed by gold and silver. We demand our money back for
all the illegal income tax on our labor that you converted (stole and gave to a
foreign corporation; i.e., the Federal Reserve's collection agency INTERNAL
REVENUE SERVICE - also a bankrupt corporation). We demand the return of
all the money you defrauded us out of for your cash cow socialistic Social
Security Ponzi scheme. We demand our money back for all of those bull-crap
illegal parking tickets and illegal court cases. Inasmuch as those funds are
collected by corporate thugs and therefore illegal, the funds cannot be added to
municipal budget so therefore the People's property goes straight into the
judge's retirement fund. We demand that you make reparations to us for having
defrauded and enslaved us.
We demand the immediate stand-down of the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE
(IRS). Further, once INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE has returned to us every
penny plus interest, we demand the permanent abolishment of INTERNAL
REVENUE SERVICE. Then we shall sue our corporate employers for theft
(Form W-4 and wage levies.)
Through our studies we have learned that our real government is in the county.
In the Republic, where all of our rights are intact, our highest elected official is
the county sheriff. We will restore lawful government first at home, in our
counties. Generals and Provost Marshals, duty calls like never before, and we
are taking names. Do your duty and put the county sheriffs under arrest, or we
We will open the prison doors and send home everyone busted for pot and every
other innocent victim of your unlawful codes. They will go home with all of their
property restored to them plus reparations and public apologies. A goodly
portion of those reparations will come from your pocket, Mr. BAR Attorney. We
will return back to the prisons all of the real criminals routinely set loose into
our communities by the pedophilic treasonous "authorities", and, by the way,
many, many of you BAR attorneys will join them for your crimes.
Judges merit a special note. Municipal traffic court, bankruptcy court, probate
court, federal court, makes no difference, you are the most venal and rapacious
type of creature imaginable. We have awakened to the real state of affairs: that
we live in the bizarre world of your make-believe. Thus it should come as no
surprise that the man in the black robe/dress, supposedly learned in the "law",
is in reality an extortionist, a career criminal, the most unlawful creature on
Earth. The judge's bench ("bank") is a moveable feast, his black robes highly
appropriate for a bird of carrion.
You are all in breach of the Covenant, in breach of the Trust, in breach of the
Contract. In your souls and in commerce, you are in dishonor. Your rights are
forfeit and your property is forfeit - trust or no trust.
We the People who are Beings of Light, children of our heavenly Creator who is
not bankrupt, are taking back our responsibilities and taking over. We are
creating a world without man-made parasites. Even as you read this we are ...
phasing you out. You cannot turn back this tide.
Members of the BAR, here are your choices: A.) Come into the Light; or B.) go
into the Light. You very dark ones face un-creation or the Hell planet -- you will
not be missed – either as a target or as a thought.
By: We Who Oppose Deception
and we do reserve all rights-at all times and in all places!
P.S. for the People: Did you know that the BAR Attorneys passed a very sneaky
law in 1980 that says they represent both sides in a case! But it is a felony for
an attorney to take money from someone he/she does not represent. So if an
attorney bothers you, tell him he/she is fired! Without recourse – without
prejudice. Enjoy!

The Secret Covenant

An illusion it will be, so large, so vast, it will escape their perception.
Those who will see it will be thought of as insane.
We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us.
We will behave as if we are not connected, to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished
one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from
seeing the changes as they occur.
We will always stand above the relative field of their experience, for we know the secrets of the
We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.
We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak, while pretending to do the opposite.
We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is

We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air.
They will be blanketed by poisons every where they turn.
The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many
fronts, yet we will feed them more poison.
The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and
reproductive systems.
From all this their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breath, and
We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons, for they can see far.
We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones.
Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
They will see our products used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effects.
When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them it’s for
their help.
We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children
love most, sweet things.
When their teeth decay, we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steel their future.
When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and
create other diseases, for which we will create yet more medicine.
We will render them docile and weak before us with our power.

They will grow more depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
We will focus their attention towards money and material goods so they may never connect with their
inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures, and games, so they may never be one with the oneness of it all.
heir minds will belong to us and they will do what we say. If they refuse, we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.
We will use fear as our weapon.
We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides.
We will always hide our objective, but carry out our plan.
They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.
Our families must never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure, always, for it is the way.
We will make them kill each other when it suits us.
We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion.
We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how.
We will guide them kindly and gently, letting them think they are guiding themselves.
We will foment animosity among them, through our factions.
When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us
We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children.
We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend.

The hate will blind them totally, and never will they see that from their conflict, we emerge as their
rulers. They will be busy killing each other.
They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.
We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us.
We will continue to prosper from their wars and from their deaths.
We shall repeat this over and over, until our ultimate goal is accomplished.
We will continue to make them live in fear and anger through images and sounds.
We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this.
The tools will be provided by their labor.
We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.
We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know.
They must never know that a man’s color is an illusion; they must always thing they are not equal.
Drop by drop, drop by drop, we shall advance our goal.
We will take over their land, resources, and wealth, to exercise total control over them.
We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have.
We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in
When they shall band together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the
world, for we shall own all the media.

We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor.
When they shall rise up against us, we shall crush them like insects, for they are less than that.
They will be helpless to do anything, for they will have no weapons.
We will recruit some of them to help us carry out our plans. We will promise them eternal live, but
eternal life they will never have, for they are no of us.
The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to
higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us, never knowing the truth. They must never learn this truth, for they will turn against us.
For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become
immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel to the stars.
They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to that
realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.
The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will be unable to focus upon it until it is too
Oh yes, so grand will the illusion of freedom be, that they will never know they are our slaves.
When all is in place, the reality we have created for them will be their prison. They will live in
When our goal is accomplished, a new era of domination will begin.
Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs that we have established from time immemorial.
But if they ever find out they are our equals, we shall perish then. This they must never know. A

If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action.
They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it
will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions shall have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this
reality shall transcend many generations and life spans.
This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We are the ones who from heaven to earth came.
This covenant must never, ever be known to exist. It must never, ever be written or spoken of for if it
is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast into the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end of infinity itself.
Author: Unknown.
Adherents:______________________________ (up to the reader to connect the dots.) A Secret Covenant
No. It’s not a coincidence.
That literally everything marketed by publicly traded corporations is full of poison, none of which

will kill you tomorrow (probably), but all of which, combined, result in “negative outcomes” for your

health, your life expectancy, and your state of mind.

Ignorance of the law is no excuse

A review of countless United States Supreme Court decisions since the 1938. landmark case. Erie Railroad v. Tompkins. (304 U.S. 64-92) clearly establishes that only the State has Constitutional Rights, not the People. The People have been pledged to the bankruptcy of 1933. The federal law administered in and by the United States is the private commercial "law" of the CREDITORS. That, due to the bankruptcy. every "citizen of the United States" is pledged as an asset to support the bankruptcy, must work to pay the insurance premiums on the underwriting necessary to keep the bankrupt government in operation under Chapter II Bankruptcy (Reorganization). That upon the declared Bankruptcy, Americans could operate and function only through their corporate colored. State created, ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERS-NAME, - that has no access to sovereignty, substance, rights, and standing in law. The Supreme Court also held the "general (Universal) common law" no longer is accessible and in operation in the federal courts based on the 1933, bankruptcy, which placed everything into the realm of private,color-able law merchant of the Federal Reserve CREDITORS. To take this to a different level and not only explain why you pay taxes, but also why you do not own the house you live in, the car you drive. or own anything else you think you've bought and paid for etc. Their State Government and its CREDITORS own It all. If you think you own your home just because you believe you paid it using those Federal Reserve Notes, just like everything else you possess by permission of Government, simply stop paying your taxes, (user-fees), (licenses) and see just how long Government and the CREDITORS allow you to keep it before they come to take it away from you.How can all this really be? Why haven't you been told all of this before now? Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Every man is deemed (required) to know the law. Government expects you to know the law, and holds you fully accountable for doing so. Ignoring these facts will not protect you. The majority of American's have been given a Public government Education to teach them only what the Public. i.e. government (CREDITORS) wants them to know. It is and always has been each individual's personal responsibility, duty and obligation to learn and know the law.