Your birth certificate was made into a bond,its worth billions!

When the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, pledged all Americans as collateral against the national debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that \"something\" is your credit.

Your value to society was then and still is calculated using actuarial tables and at birth, bonds equal to this \"average value\" are created. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars. These bonds are collateralized by your birth certificate which becomes a negotiable instrument. The bonds are hypothecated, traded until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes, and all that credit created is technically and rightfully yours. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number without the dashes. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number.

UCC-1 is the Best Gift you could ever give for you and your family, file today!

Today the majority of Americans pay taxes because when they get a job their employer requests that they fill out either: Internal Revenue Service Form W-2, Form W-4, or Form 1099, which, as a direct result, withholds taxes from their paychecks for their labor. [The majority doesn’t have a clue as to why they are paying these taxes in the first place.]

It has been affirmed that labor is a fundamental, unalienable right , protected by the United States Constitution. This fundamental right is not supposed to be taxed.
It is presumed that everyone, is expected to know the law. It has been long held that, ignorance of the Law is not an excuse or a defense. The well established maxim that: "He who falls to assert his rights - HAS NONE!", unequivocally establishes that just as a closed mouth never gets fed, "a matter must be expressed to be resolved."
When it comes to dealing with lawyers, government, and the Internal Revenue Service (which is not an agency of the United States Government, but a private foreign-owned corporation) withholding and keeping knowledge from the people is nothing new. It is a common business tactic that has been going on from the beginning of its inception. It will, most likely continue as long as we rely upon lawyers and government to do that which we ourselves should be doing.

In order to find the answer as to why your labor is being taxed, when the Constitution says it is not supposed to be, It is necessary to understand how government exists and operates.

To accomplish this requires a quick review back in history to the time of the War Between the States.
The People of this Nation lost their true Republican form of government. On March 27, 1861 seven southern States walked out of Congress leaving the entire legislative Branch of Government without quorum. The Congress of the Constitution was dissolved for inability to disband or re-convene. The Republican form of Government, which the People were guaranteed - ceased to exist. Out of necessity to operate the Government, President Lincoln issued Executive Order No. 2. in April 1861, reconvening the Congress at gunpoint in Executive, emergency, martial-law-rule jurisdiction. Since that time there has been no “‘de jure” (sanctioned by law) Congress. Everything functions under “color of law” (the appearance or semblance, without substance, of legal right.) Through Executive Orders under authority of the War Powers, (i.e. emergency, i.e. law of necessity) the "law of necessity" means no law whatsoever, as per such maxims of law as:
"Necessity knows no law" [(the law of forbidding killing is voided when done in self-defense)].
"In time of war laws are silent." Cicero.

To establish the underlying debt of the Government to the Bankers, to create corporate entities that are legally subject to the jurisdiction which they exist, and to create the jurisdiction itself correctly, the so-called (fraudulent and unratified) Fourteenth Amendment was proclaimed and passed in 1868. This was a cestui que trust (operation in law) incorporated in a military, private, International, commercial, de facto jurisdiction created by, and belonging to, the Money Power, existing within the emergency of the War Powers, the only operational jurisdiction since the dissolution of Congress in 1861.

Through the 14th Amendment, an artificial person-corporate entity-franchise entitled "citizen of the United States” was born into private, corporate limited liability. Section 4 of the 14th Amendment states: "The validity of the Public Debt of the United States (to the Bankers) ... shall not be questioned."
Within the above-referenced private jurisdiction of the International Bankers, the private and foreign owned "Congress" formed a corporation, commercial agency, and Government for the "District of Columbia" on February 21, 1871, Chapter 62, 16 Stat. 419. This corporation was reorganized June 11, 1878, Chapter 180, 20 Stat. 102, and re-named "United States Government." This corporation privately trade marked the names: "United States," "U.S.," "US," "U.S.A.," "USA" and "America."

When the United States declared itself a municipal corporation, it also created what is known as a cestui que trust to function under by implementing the Federal Constitution of 1871, and incorporating the previous United States Constitutions of 1787 and 1791 as amended, as by-laws. Naturally, as the grantor of the trust, this empowered the United States Government to change the terms of the trust at will.

As evidenced under the Federal Constitution of 1871, the 14th Amendment, the People of the United States, without their consent, were declared "Citizens" and granted "Civil Rights." These so-called civil rights are nothing more than mere privileges. Privileges which government licenses, regulates, and can re-interpret to suit it's purposes at any time for any reason. The Federal Corporate Government also conveniently somehow forgot to disclose to the People that the term "Citizen” with which they have made every living and breathing inhabitant a “subject”, was defined in law as a "Vessel" engaged in commerce.

In 1912, when the bonds, that were keeping the US Government afloat, and, were owned by the Bankers, came due, the Bankers refused to re-finance the debt, and the colorable, martial-law-rule Congress was compelled to pass, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. This Act surrendered constitutional authority to create, control, and manage the entire money supply of the United States to a handful of private, mostly-foreign bankers. This placed exclusive creation and control of the money within the private, commercial, foreign, and military jurisdiction of 1861, into corporate limited liability. America converted from United States Notes to Federal Reserve Notes, beginning with the passage of The Federal Reserve Act of 1913. Federal Reserve Banks were incorporated in 1914, and, in 1916, began to circulate their private, corporate Federal Reserve Notes as "money" alongside the nations “de jure” currency, the United States Notes. Whereas United States Notes were actually warehouse receipts for deposits of gold and silver in a warehouse (bank), thus representing wealth (substance, portable land; the money of sovereigns), the new flat money (Federal Reserve Notes) amounted to "bills for that which was yet to be paid," i.e. for what was owed! For the new "benefit" of being able to carry around U.S. Government debt instruments (Federal Reserve Notes) in our wallets instead of Gold Certificates or Silver Certificates, we agreed to redeem the newly issued Federal Reserve Notes in gold and also to pay interest for their use in gold ONLY! Essentially, the Fed issued paper with pretty green ink on it and we agreed to give them gold in exchange for the "privilege" of using it. Such was the bargain. Through paying interest to the Federal Reserve Corporation in gold, the US Treasury became progressively depleted of its gold. America's gold certificates, coin, and bullion were continually shipped off to the coffers of various European Banks and Power Elite. In 1933, when the Treasury was drained and the debt was larger than ever (a financial condition known as "Insolvency"), President Roosevelt proclaimed the bankruptcy of the United States. Every 14th Amendment "citizen of the United States" was pledged as an asset to finance the Chapter 11 re-organization expenses and pay interest in perpetuity to the CREDITORS (Federal Reserve Bankers) and the "national debt", ("which shall not be questioned").

On March 9, 1933, Congress passed the Amendatory Act (also known as the Emergency Banking Relief Act) to the Trading with the Enemy Act (originally passed on October 6, 1917) at a time when the United States was not in a shooting war with any foreign foe and included the People of the United States as the enemy.

At the conference of Governors held on March 6, 1933, the Governors of the 48 States of the Union accommodated the Federal Bankruptcy of the United States Corporation by pledging the faith and credit of their State to the aid of the National Government.
Senate Document 43 of the 73rd Congress, 1st Session (1933) did declare that ownership of ALL PROPERTY is in the STATE and individual so-called ownership is only by virtue of government, i.e. law amounting to "mere-user” only; and individual use of all property is subordinate to the necessities of the United States Government.

Under House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933, Senate Report No. 93549, and Executive Orders 6072, 6012 and 6246, the Congress and President Roosevelt officially declared bankruptcy of the United States Government. |
Regardless of the cause or reason, what many American's either do not understand and/or have failed to seriously grasp, is that by the use of Federal Reserve Notes; (which Is not Constitutional Money defined under Article I Section 10 of the United States Constitution), the People of the United States since 1933, have not had any Constitutionally lawful way to pay their debts. They therefore have not had any way to buy or own property. The People, for the benefits granted to them by a bankrupt corporate Government, discharge their debts with limited liability using Federal Reserve Notes. They have surrendered, by way of an unconscionable contract, their individual Rights under the Constitution, in exchange for mere privileges!
A review of countless United States Supreme Court decisions since the 1938, landmark case, Erie Railroad v. Tompkins, (304 U.S. 64-92) clearly establishes that only the State has Constitutional Rights, not the People. The People have been pledged to the bankruptcy of 1933. The federal law administered in and by the United States is the private commercial "law" of the CREDITORS. That, due to the bankruptcy, every "citizen of the United States" is pledged as an asset to support the bankruptcy, must work to pay the insurance premiums on the underwriting necessary to keep the bankrupt government in operation under Chapter II Bankruptcy (Reorganization). That upon the declared Bankruptcy, Americans could operate and function only through their corporate colored, State created, ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERS-NAME, - that has no access to sovereignty, substance, rights, and standing in law. The Supreme Court also held the "general (Universal) common law" no longer is accessible and in operation in the federal courts based on the 1933, bankruptcy, which placed everything into the realm of private, colorable law merchant of the Federal Reserve CREDITORS. To take this to a different level and not only explain why you pay taxes, but also why you do not own the house you live in, the car you drive, or own anything else you think you've bought and paid for etc. The State Government and its CREDITORS own It all. If you think you own your home just because you believe you paid it using those Federal Reserve Notes, just like everything else you possess by permission of Government, simply stop paying your taxes, (user-fees), (licenses) and see just how long Government and the CREDITORS allow you to keep it before they come to take it away from you.
How can all this really be? Why haven't you been told all of this before now? Ignorance of the law is no excuse. Every man is deemed (required) to know the law. Government expects you to know the law, and holds you fully accountable for doing so. Ignoring these facts will not protect you. The majority of American's have been given a Public Education to teach them only what the Public, i.e. government (CREDITORS) wants them to know. It is and always has been each individuals personal responsibility, duty and obligation to learn and know the law.

What this breaks down to is this: Back in 1933, when the United States went into bankruptcy because it could no longer pay its debts it pledged the American People themselves without their consent as the asset to keep the government afloat and operating. Because government no longer had any way to pay its debts with substance, was bankrupt, it lost its sovereignty and standing in law. Outside and separate from Constitutional Government, to continue to function and operate, it created an artificial world consisting of artificial entities. This was accomplished by taking everyone's proper birth given name and creating what is called a "fiction in law," by way of an acronym, i.e. a name written in ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERS to interact with. A name written in ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERS is not a sentient, flesh and blood human being. It is a corporation, fiction or deceased person. Government as well as all corporations, including the Internal Revenue Service cannot deal interact with you or interact with you via your proper name given you at birth, only through your ALL-CAPITAL-LETTERS-NAME!

Another little tidbit of knowledge which has been conveniently kept from the People is this; When the Several united States signed the treaty with Great Britain ending the Revolutionary War, it was a concession that ALL COMMERCE would be regulated and contracted through British Attorney's known as Esquires only.
This condition and concession still exists today. No attorney or lawyer in the United States of America has ever been "licensed" to practice law (they've exempted themselves) as they are a legal fiction "person" and only an "ADMITTED MEMBER" to practice in the private franchise club called the BAR (which is itself an acronym for the British or Barrister Aristocratic or Accreditation Regency), as such are un-registered foreign agents, and so they are traitors. Esquires (Unconstitutional Title of honor and nobility = Esquires), foreign non-citizens (aliens) who are specifically prohibited from ever holding any elected Public Office of trust whatsoever! Article I, Section 9, clause 8, states: "No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any Office of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the Consent of the Congress, accept any present, Emolument, Office, or Title, of any kind whatsoever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State."

As a direct result, attorneys and lawyers cannot and do not represent you in your proper birth or given name. Attorneys and lawyers re-present corporations, artificial persons, and fictions in law - ONLY!
What the majority in this country fail to recognize is this: because of the bankruptcy and having been pledged as an asset to the National Government's debt, this makes all citizens DEBTORS under Chapter 11. DEBTORS in bankruptcy having lost their solvency - have NO RIGHTS nor STANDING IN LAW and are at the mercy of the CREDITORS.

All courts today sit and operate as Non-Constitutional, Non-Article Three Legislative Tribunals administering the bankruptcy via their "statutes," ("codes.") All Courts are Title 11 Bankruptcy Courts where these statutes are, in reality, "commercial obligations” being applied for the "benefit" or "privilege" of discharging debts with limited liability of the Federal Reserve-monopoly, colorable-money Federal Reserve Notes (debt Instruments).

This means every time you end up before a court - not only do you NOT have any standing in law to state a claim upon which relief can be granted, YOU HAVE NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS! Why? Because you are a DEBTOR under the bankruptcy and in addition to having contracted away your rights in exchange for benefits and privileges; you do not have one single shred of evidence to establish otherwise.

In bankruptcy ONLY CREDITORS have rights! In a nutshell, as a DEBTOR, it is impossible for you to access Constitutional Rights, they are reduced to mere privileges which are licensed, regulated, and can be altered, amended and changed to meet whatever the particular or special needs of government for whatever whim. If taking away your home, your car, taxing your labor, or locking you up for violating any of the Sixty MILLION plus legislatively created DEBTOR codes and statutes they have on the books today happens to meet the needs of government - it really doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize who the loser will be!

The Commercial Lien Strategem.

Faced with corrupt lawyers and judges, no litigant can expect to win in court by simply
playing defense. To beat them, you must be able to scare them. You must be able to make
them respect you, and that means you must be able to take the offense — attack them

Unfortunately, judges, lawyers, and other government officials enjoy various levels of
personal immunity provided by both law and "professional courtesy." How do you sue a
lawyer for malpractice? You hire another lawyer — if you can find one who’ ll take the
case. How do you sue an IRS agent for violating your Constitutional rights? Only with
great difficulty. How you sue a judge for railroading you in court? You don ’ t.
As a practical matter, private citizens can’ t sue the President of the United States, a
Governor, judge, or even an IRS agent for failing to obey or enforce the laws. If we try to
sue in court to compel our government officials to obey the law and perform their lawful
duties, the judges routinely ignore our petitions and laugh us out of court.
Because legal and de facto immunities shield government personnel from being sued for
committing crimes against the People, the public is legally disarmed, unable to
aggressively sue the government or its agents and compel them to obey the Law. As a
result, the public’ s legal posture is fundamentally defensive: we try to duck, dodge, and
hide in legal loopholes to defend ourselves against the government and the courts. We try
to escape, evade, and avoid, but we seldom counter -attack against our antagonists, largely
because we think there are no lawful weapons to do so. However, it appears that a
powerful offensive legal weapon may now have been discovered, tested, and proven for
common Citizens — the commercial lien. We don’t try to sue a government official for
failing to perform his lawful duties. Instead, we simply file a lien that encumbers the
official’ s personal property and credit rating like a ton of bricks until he voluntarily
satisfies our demand to perform his lawful duty, and we, in turn, voluntarily agree to
excise the lien.
Example 1 — Edward J. Wagner, an hourly, unionized employee at General Electric,
received Notices of Levy from the IRS, garnishing his wages and moneys received from
several other sources. Wagner tried to persuade G.E. not to honor the Notices, since they
were not properly attested as "true bills of commerce." His efforts met with no success.
After giving G.E. proper Notice and Demand, Wagner and his wife filed a Commercial
Lien in the amount of $224,640,00.00. In the lien, Wagner impounded G.E. inventory
that he had worked on (including air conditioning units, analyzing equipment, etc.) as
security for the lien. This is similar t o an auto mechanic impounding a car he had repaired
("mechanic’ s lien"). This meant that G.E. could not lawfully sell or transfer the
equipment until the lien was either extinguished or satisfied.
Among the reasons for the high dollar amount are that the law allows for such high sums
as rewards for damages incurred, and it generally has to be large enough in relation to the
size of the company involved, to get its attention. Otherwise such a large company might
just ignore it.
Consequently, a legal war followed, and by June of ’ 92, G.E. had gone to court several
times trying to remove Wagner’s lien, all without any real success. This was in spite of
the fact that G.E. had the best, most highly paid, and highly motivated lawyers.
In June of ’ 92, the first major victory for the Wagners came. The IRS issued four
different official Releases of Levy, one to General Electric, plus three other places where
they had wages and income that the IRS had levied — the Port of Seattle, Dean Witter
Reynolds, and Ohio State Life Insurance Company. These effectively released the IRS ’ s
attachment on the Wagners ’ income and assets. That’ s a pretty solid testimonial to the
power of the arguments in Mr. Wagner’s lien.

Although this lien strategy is explosive, it ’ s more like nitro-glycerin than hydrogen
bombs. You need to be knowledgeable and careful to use nitro -glycerin, but you don’ t
need to be a nuclear physicist. However, nitro -glycerin can blow up in your face if you
handle it carelessly!
Likewise, "bombing" government officials with liens is a craft, not a science, that can be
used as easily by knowledgeable pro se’ s as it can by lawyers and legal scholars. The
commercial lien is simple, inexpensive, and takes very little time. It requires no court
action or judge’ s approval. And, it has proven to be very direct and effective, if it is
handled correctly. However, a few careless pro se’ s have had their liens "blow up" in
their faces, so be meticulous when you use them.


This statement is NOT A BILL!

This explanation is proposing a much-needed paradigm shift in our mind regarding the bills we receive in the mail from corporations, including the United States Corporation.

If everything commercial is a Trust since 1933 because lawful money was taken out of
circulation, then a “Bill” cannot be a Bill. They cannot be charging anyone for anything since they know we have no money to pay for anything. Checks and all liability currency are promises to pay , and essentially are a dishonor because payment is delayed . 

However, in commerce, this MIS-TAKE can be forgiven.So, then what is a “Bill”? Logically, it must be a request for us to authorize the release of assets held in trust by the Trustee as the payment (asset/credit – liability/debit = 0). This “payment by EQUITABLE TITLE TRANSFER”results in the extinguishment of debt! Notice that the amount on the bill is a positive number - a CREDIT. It does not have parentheses around it, or a minus sign in front of it, which commonly indicates a negative number.

This positive number represents an asset that will offset a liability held by the corporation for a commercial transaction. They just need our authorization (endorsement on the back of the bill)to get ownership of that asset amount so that they can then apply it to discharge the liability on their books for that same amount. 

We have the equitable title to that amount.
When we indorse the back of a Bill, then the legal and equitable titles to the asset (credit) are now vested in that one piece of paper , and when that indorsed instrument is returned to the party that sent it, then that party is now the Holder in due course of the legal and equitable titles to both the asset and liability amounts for that account and must then EXTINGUISH the debt by operation of law.The Corporation is already holding both legal and equitable titles to the Liability .

They are also holding the legal title to the Asset as implied by them sending you the Bill (the US Corp and all their sub-corps hold legal title to all assets since 1933 and are Trustees, or agents thereof, per the purpose and intent of the HJR 192,June 5, 1933 TRUST , codified in 31 USC 5118). The only thing they are missing is the Equitable title to the Asset so that they can finally do the discharge to balance the books and extinguish the debt. They have the charge (DEBIT/DEBT) amount – they just need the discharge (CREDIT/ASSET) amount to balance the books to zero.
Having both of the titles for the asset/credit amount now allows them to use that asset/credit amount to perform their duty as Trustee to extinguish (discharge) the Liability/Debit (debt) amount by operation of law –the trust laws that are invoked when the legal and equitable titles are merged.So The Bill is NOT a BILL – it is an asset credit voucher containing the credit amount that we must release to the Trustee (or agent thereof)by indorsing the back of the Bill and returning it. This is the duty that the beneficiaries (or agents thereof) have been failing to perform.

You can OID any funds that go out of your bank account – and get them back.

IRS works for creditors.  IRS has forms that allow you to be a creditor and acquire funds that are in escrow.  An outstanding balance, for instance, on an American Express card is in escrow.  The funds are there – you just have to tell the IRS with the proper tax filings to access those funds and pay that guy off with them or return those funds to me.

You can OID any funds that go out of your bank account – and get them back.  Acquire escrow funds with a 1099-A.

If you file a 1099-OID as Recipient, those get reported on a 1040 if you want to get the funds returned.  1099-As don’t get reported; neither do OIDs when you’re the Payor.  i1040 is available on the IRS website; it gives line by line instructions for the 1040.

State tax is in an escrow account, so you use a 1099-A to say use those escrow funds to pay this debt – or you could send the obligation to the Treasury with a money order to pay the debt.  Or you can go to the bank; get a pre-approved transaction through Treasury; start a TT&L (Treasury, Tax & Loan) transaction, bond the account and tell the bank to hold the funds in escrow; send a notice to the State taxing agency that the funds are being held in escrow and as soon as they get a 0 balance that the funds will be released to the State taxing agency.  There are many ways that can work; some certainly are more preferred than others.

Act as a creditor in all aspects of life, even and especially spiritually.  Then your potential of creating solutions is infinite.

Whatever you claim back does not get added to the public debt.

Creditors correct all filings and report properly to the IRS.  Debtors are taxed; creditors aren’t.  Creditors don’t take benefits or privileges or exemptions (on a tax form) or deductions; creditors simply get a return of their interest, all of it.  Creditors have 0 exemptions and no filing status.

All judges and attorneys are members of the BAR and work for the Crown – that’s why they have a title of nobility (esquire).  It’s OK to have attorneys because the States lost their sovereignty.  It’s up to the attorneys and judges and the IRS to make sure that the creditors get their stuff.

Get transaction pre-approved through the Treasury and then bring them into the bank.
You can then, at the least, sit on your security interest and then the bank and you are in a stalemate.

California is a trust deed state.  When you buy a house, you fill out a deed of trust (contract, lien) and then there’s the grant deed (title, with only your name on it).  You are the trustor (grantor) of the deed of trust (you created the trust).  You made the title company the trustee and you made the bank the beneficiary.

The only trust that a grantor does not have control over, ultimately, is an irrevocable trust.  A deed of trust is revocable.  You can record a document at the County Recorder reshaping the trust.  Make yourself the beneficiary and someone else (friend) the trustee – here’s the new trust.  They no longer have a security interest in your property.

Now the title company has no authority to sell it.  Still at a standstill but the account is still not closed and you want the accounts closed.  You have the grant deed in your name.  Even after the bank’s interest has been sold, you have to sign a quit-claim deed before they can sell the property.  If you don’t sign a quit-claim deed, they can’t touch the property because you’re the one on the grant deed.

These documents are NOT secret! They ARE a matter of Public Record.


1. The IRS is Not a US government agency.  It is an agency of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Diversified Metal Products v I.R.S et al.  CV-93-405E-EJE U.S.D.C.D.I., Public Law 94-564, Senate report 94-1148 pg. 5967, Reorganization Plan No. 26, Public Law 102-391)

2. The IMF (International Monetary Fund) is an agency of the U.N. (Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Ed. page 816)

3. The United States has NOT had a Treasury since 1921 (41 Stat. Ch 214 page 654)

4. The U.S. Treasury is now the IMF (International Monetary Fund) (Presidential Documents Volume 24-No. 4 page 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-2887)

5. The United States does not have any employees because there is no longer a United States! No more reorganizations. After over 200 years of bankruptcy it is finally over. (Executive Order 12803)

6. The FCC, CIA, FBI, NASA and all of the other alphabet gangs were never  part of the U.S. government, even though the “U.S. Government” held stock in the agencies. (U.S. v Strang, 254 US491 Lewis v. US, 680 F.2nd, 1239)

7. Social Security Numbers are issued by the U.N. through the IMF (International Monetary Fund). The application for a Social Security Number is the SS5 Form. The Department of the Treasury (IMF) issues the SS5 forms and not the Social Security Administration. The new SS5 forms do not state who publishes them while the old form states they are “Department of the Treasury”. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111 Subpart B. 422.103 (b))

8. There are NO Judicial Courts in America and have not been since 1789. Judges do not enforce Statutes and Codes. Executive Administrators enforce Statutes and Codes. (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428, 1 Stat 138-178)

9. There have NOT been any judges in America since 1789. There have just been administrators.  (FRC v. GE 281 US 464 Keller v. PE 261 US 428 1 Stat. 138-178)

10. According to GATT (The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade) you MUST have a Social Security number. (House Report (103-826)

11. New York City is defined in Federal Regulations as the United Nations. Rudolph Guiliani stated on C-Span that “New York City is the capital of the World.” For once, he told the truth. (20 CFR (Council on Foreign Relations) Chap. 111, subpart B 44.103 (b) (2) (2) )

12. Social Security is not insurance or a contract, nor is there a Trust Fund.  (Helvering v. Davis 301 US 619 Steward Co. v. Davis 301 US 548)

13. Your Social Security check comes directly from the IMF (International Monetary Fund), which is an agency of the United Nations. (It says “U.S. Department of Treasury” at the top left corner, which again is part of the U.N. as pointed out above)

14.You own NO property!!! Slaves can’t own property. Read carefully the Deed to the property you think is yours.  You are listed as a TENANT. (Senate Document 43, 73rd Congress 1st Session)

15. The most powerful court in America is NOT the United States Supreme court, but rather the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. (42 PA. C.S.A. 502)

16. The King of England financially backed both sides of the American Revolutionary War..   (Treaty of Versailles-July 16, 1782 Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80)

17. You CANNOT use the U.S. Constitution to defend yourself because you are NOT a party to it!  The U.S. Constitution applies to the CORPORATION OF THE UNITED STATES, a privately owned and operated corporation (headquartered out of Washington, DC) much like IBM (International Business Machines, Microsoft, et al) and NOT to the people of the sovereign Republic of the united States of America.  (Padelford Fay & Co. v The Mayor and Alderman of the City of Savannah 14 Georgia 438, 520)

18. America is a British Colony. The United States is a corporation, not a land mass and it existed before the Revolutionary War and the British Troops did not leave until 1796 (Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43, Treaty of Commerce 8 Stat 116, Treaty of Peace 8 Stat 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association October 20, 1774)

20. Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213)

21. The Pope can abolish any law in the United States (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. 1, 53-54)

22. A 1040 Form is for tribute paid to Britain (IRS Publication 6209)

23. The Pope claims to own the entire planet through the laws of conquest and discovery.  (Papal Bulls of 1495 & 1493)

24. The Pope has ordered the genocide and enslavement of millions of people.(Papal Bulls of 1455 & 1493)

25. The Pope’s laws are obligatory on everyone.  (Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix, c. vii, n. 4. Prati, 1844 Syllabus Prop 28, 29, 44)

26. We are slaves and own absolutely nothing, NOT even what we think are our children.  (Tillman vs. Roberts 108 So. 62, Van Koten vs. Van Koten 154 N.E. 146, Senate Document 438 73rd Congress 1st Session, Wynehammer v. People 13 N.Y. REP 378, 481)

27. Military dictator George Washington divided up the States (Estates) in to Districts  (Messages and papers of the Presidents Volume 1 page 99 1828 Dictionary of Estate)
28. “The People” does NOT include you and me. (Barron vs. Mayor and City Council of Baltimore 32 U.S. 243)

29. It is NOT the duty of the police to protect you. Their job is to protect THE CORPORATION and arrest code breakers. (SAPP vs. Tallahassee, 348 So. 2nd. 363, REiff vs. City of Phila. 477 F. 1262, Lynch vs. NC Dept. of Justice 376 S.E. 2nd. 247)
30. Every thing in the “United States” is up for sale: bridges, roads, water, schools, hospitals, prisons, airports, etc, etc… Did anybody take time to check who bought Klamath Lake?? (Executive Order 12803)

31. “We are human capital” (Executive Order 13037)  The world cabal makes money off of the use of your signatures on mortgages, car loans, credit cards, your social security number, etc. 

32. The U.N. – United Nations – has financed the operations of the United States government (the corporation of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) for over 50 years (U.S. Department of Treasury is part of the U.N. see above) and now owns every man, woman and child in America.
The U.N. also holds all of the land of America in Fee Simple.
The good news is we don’t have to fulfill “our” fictitious obligations. You can discharge a fictitious obligation with another’s fictitious obligation.


There are at least 3 debt elimination procedures that can be used administratively to eliminate credit card debt:

1. challenge the validation of the debt
2. file a commercial lien against YOUR trust
3. novation of contract
Validation as a debt elimination process to eliminate credit card debt
First you must understand that in our money system there are no funds because there is technically, no money. There is only debt and the debt instruments that are used in place of money. The credit card lender did not loan you any money. They didn't even lend you their credit. They aren't allowed to do that. They used YOUR credit to authorize the use of the card. You can very simply establish this by demanding that they validate the debt. That is, someone in a position of authority at the "lending" corporation would have to sign an affidavit under oath that the debt that they claim you owe is a valid debt. They can't and they won't. They have actually committed fraud and now you are asking them to sign for it. No way they want to stick their neck in THAT noose. Failing to sign the affidavit, they just write the debt off as a loss. This normally takes a series of communications and eventually you paint them into a corner and they quit. If they try to have a collection agency get involved, you simply remind them that the collection agency is not a party to the contract and cannot speak for the "lender." They might have an attorney get involved, but the attorney would have to validate the debt, as well, and handled very promptly, exactly and professionally, your process grinds them to a halt.

Filing a commercial lien against your own trust to eliminate credit card debt

Another version of this debt elimination process picks up on the fact that there are no funds, just debt money. Look at a dollar bill. It does say Federal Reserve NOTE, right? It's a debt instrument that's being used as though it were real money. When you agreed to use the credit card, they used your assent, your signature to create the credit. They used your name to create a trust with themselves named as trustees, and they have used that trust as collateral on the national debt.

That collateralization is in an asset account for the trust after it was monetized on the world money market. Eliminate Credit Card Process #3 establishes YOUR right as the trustor and takes that trust back under your control. Under your control you can transfer trust assets to the trust debt account, thereby discharging the debt. Debt elimination by discharging debt.

You next must understand that the debt is not yours personally. You have, since you began doing money transactions, functioned as a voluntary fiduciary representative for that trust account, paying its bills with your own phony debt money. When you set up your first checking account, you accepted this relationship with the trust the government had set up in your name. You have not had control of this trust because you never claimed it and your parents could not control it for you because they were wards of the State like you and had never claimed it..

One way to see this in action is to notice how the "System" maintains the illusion by artifice and deception. Look at your checkbook. How did they present your name? ALL CAPS. Odd, isn't it? That's similar to your name but you most likely don't spell it with all capital letters. What I did a few years back when I needed more check blanks was to ask the people at the bank to CHANGE my name to normal capitalization of the first letters of my name. She COULDN'T do it because her computer would not permit that. The bank personnel will be unaware of why that is. I just shrugged my shoulders, grinned and told her that that was OK, go ahead and do it the way it was. Do they insist on ALL CAPS because they would like to be very clear and allow no mistakes? The clue to that answer is in the line on which you sign your name. It's not a line. It's nearly microscopic words, fine print, some of the finest fine print you might ever encounter. It generally says something like "ONLY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE".

If you are familiar with the corporate world, you know that only AUTHORIZED personnel are permitted to sign corporate checks. The AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE of the corporation alone has this role. So you the human being has been given authority to sign the checks of your trust, which is an incorporated entity, a fiction.

For over 125 years, corporations have had many of the attributes of human citizens. Making a fictitious entity that has real attributes of a living person in the law, they can deceive you the real human whose name the bank corporations have appropriated from your birth certificate. The birth certificate represents an Official Certificate of Manufacturer that in the hands of the government can be pledged on a debt, the national debt. The IRS is the collection agency for this pledge. Its roots are not in the United States Code but in the necessity of the Federal Reserve and its parent corporation, the IMF, to collect on the debt instrument they hold. This ALL CAPS name is how the US corporation, State corporation, County corporation, or School District corporation can communicate with you through this Corporate YOU. Interesting, isn't it. It gets better.

When you place a commercial lien against the Corporate YOU for what it owes you for paying its bills or simply because it is yours and you have the birth certificate, drivers license, etc to prove it, then and only then do you take back the power that they had usurped from you at birth. The Constitution says that they cannot levy a tax directly on the citizens of a State. So they don't. They levy a tax on a corporation which they control and send the bill to wherever you reside knowing that you will never figure it out. And you will pay and pay obediently.

Similar to The Matrix, you are trapped in a system that extracts your energy through a fiction and fools the real you into identifying with that fiction. As long as you identify with that fiction they can continue to control the real you in many ways because you are chattel for their purposes. Your children can be taken away, sent off to fight in wars, forced to bow to the demands of the System. That's why debt elimination is the path to real freedom. Are you starting to get the picture?

It's all commerce. That's why witnesses in court testify in the "dock." They are vessels. That's why the flag displayed in the courtroom has all that gold braid and fringe. It's an admiralty court that administers the law of commerce. No, the government might not wish to release you from your debt slavery but when you have taken the necessary legal steps to discriminate between you, the real person, and the fictitious person, they cannot by law expect you to pay the bills assessed to the fiction because you have declared that IT owes you and before ANYONE gets paid, you get paid. It's a commercial lien on a debtor entity. You are following THEIR rules to obtain YOUR freedom and independence.

It's not YOUR poor spending habits. It's not even YOUR national debt to be repaid. The malfeasance and misfeasance of the government is at fault. Since they took all of the REAL money away, and took your energy through fraud, they left no means to ACTUALLY pay your bills.  When you agreed to the use of any or all credit cards, YOU, the living human being, created the "money" to pay the bills. The Federal Reserve Bank (a private institution with NO reserves) deposited that fake "money" in THEIR account and has demanded that you pay interest on it until you have obtained sufficient debt instruments ('money") to exchange for the discharge of the debt. That credit card is not yours, either, you know. Look at the name. Take out your credit cards and look at the name...ALL CAPS. The debt is owed by the fiction even though you have had use of the merchandise or services. The fault lies in a government that has coerced, cajoled, or was complicit in extorting energy from you and intentionally or unintentionally fumbling away your heritage and the future of your family. When you finally TAKE RESPONSIBILITY for yourself instead of remaining a ward of the state, you mark your maturity as a real human being who is the creator of government, not its chattel. When you eliminate credit card debt you are also doing your patriotic duty to the real united States of America.
Secret Weapon Against Lawsuits, the IRS, and More!

Banks rarely go to the trouble and expense of attempting to sue someone who has stopped paying on their credit cards, and that's under normal circumstances!  When they know you have evidence that they've violated Federal law it's very unlikely that they will file suit. They certainly don't wish to sign their names to any affidavit of validation. They must obey the regulations that prevent predatory lending in consumer protection laws.

The non-adversarial, administrative approach shows you how to use 3 different ways to use the UCC administrative processes for those who are not in default or in danger of default. All are non-adversarial ways to eliminate credit card debt and cost the same no matter the number of credit cards, the amount owed, or the number of times you wish to use the process to eliminate credit card debt. We show you how to use a commercial filing of a lien against a constructive trust account at the US Treasury which with proper forms and procedures gives you status as First Creditor. Transferring assets within the national bankruptcy you can discharge your debt as you reduce the national debt. You might be able to continue to use the credit card....and keep on discharging it! The third wau to eliminate credit card debt utilizes the law of contract to change the contract the same way the credit card "lender" often changes it without you knowing it. This third process to eliminate credit card debt is called Novation.

Understanding the Birth Registration Process

Remember in Admiralty, Vessels documented by registration under the laws of the United States are entitled to privileges and subject to the obligations prescribed by the laws of the United States for merchant vessels.

To start out with, your parents due to their prior birth registration were already considered being registered documented vessels/mentally incompetent wards of the State, being under the guardianship of the State, who by legal marriage, where the State is a third party to the marriage contract, had an offspring/ward which they brought into this world by delivery[1], the act by which the res the subject matter of a trust, or substance thereof was placed within the actual or constructive possession or control of another in the delivery room of the maternity ward of the hospital, the port of entry for vessels/wards. Then they asked your mother for your legal name[2] in Upper Lower case which consists of one Christian name and one surname which is the name on the RECORD OF LIVE BIRTH written in upper and lowercase letters. What your mother was not told is that she delivered you to an agent/licensed doctor of the State, in a federally funded hospital, an act by which the res[3] the subject matter of a trust or substance thereof was placed within the actual or constructive possession or control of another, the State, for which in equity they created a Certificate of Live Birth with the all CAPITAL LETTERS and recorded that warehouse receipt in the commercial registry as cargo under transportation.

The hospital documented your birth with the legal name Title[4] in a distinctive style or appellation, Upper Lower case, the name by which anything is known, and because under trust law whenever title or money is transferred, a trust is created by operation of law, representing you, for which they created a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH in all CAPITAL LETTERS, which was filed with the local Registrar and registered with the State, via Certificate of registry[5], in commercial maritime law which is a certificate of registration of a vessel according to the registry acts, for the purpose of giving her a national character i.e. U.S. citizen born in a federal zone, hospital zip code, in the judicial district in which the birthing of the vessel occurred identified by the filing with the Florida State Department of Health, Office of Vital Statistics within 5 days after your delivery, and then sent to Washington, D.C., for which the hospital receives a check for that vessel.

Then the local registrar issued your parents a copy of the warehouse receipt for the cargo, the CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH from the State of Florida in all CAPITAL LETTERS, representing a vessel/ward of the State representing the abandonment of your title by registration. The State of Florida the Creator/Trustor then created a Cestui que trust (constructive trust) behind your back after the fact, with the all Upper Lower case name, and placed a value on it, based on actuarial estimates of your future labor/human resource. Then they issued a Bond against the trust’s asset, a certificate of indebtedness[6] and funded the bond through the IMF based on your future earnings from your labor as the contributing beneficiary, which is a trust asset, and set up a Federal Reserve account for the same. So now the IMF has a beneficial interest in and out of the trust estate, the legal title is now vested with the State of Florida, and held by the Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D.C.; equitable title copy of CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH held by you representing equity/labor; the Governor acting as the managing fiduciary trustee; the Secretary of State Registrar acting as fiduciary trustee until you turn of legal age; and you acting as fiduciary trustee for the trust with duties and obligations once you turn of legal age, and the Secretary of Treasury in charge of the Federal Reserve account.

That ward/vessel is a now a Vessel of the United States, documented by registration under the laws of the United States and subject to its laws and jurisdiction, and the Title goes to the Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D.C. In a maritime in rem action, jurisdiction over the person of the "defendant", the vessel, is premised upon the presence of the vessel within the district in which the court sits. The only vessel they have jurisdiction over is the trust, that is evidenced by the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, establishing the three points of jurisdiction NAME, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and DATE OF BIRTH, the Federal Reserve account under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury who is also the managing trustee for the Social Security Administration and governor for the IMF.

Up until you turned of legal age to work, the deputy Registrar on behalf of the Registrar/ Secretary of State, or the Registrar/Secretary of State whichever signed the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH has been the fiduciary trustee for that trust created behind your back and securitized where the government owns it in part and you own it in part. Meaning the Registrar had the fiduciary duty and obligation for that Trust up until you started your first job. That is why the State can take the child away from the parents, because it is the duty and obligation of the fiduciary trustee as guardian, to look after the ward, and make sure he or she is taken care of properly.

When you filled out the Application Form SS-5 for a Social Security Card, the Registrar turned over the duty and obligation of the fiduciary trustee over to you, because he did not want to be responsible as fiduciary for anything you do in commerce using that SS Card/number. You then became the contributing beneficiary and fiduciary trustee for that trust with the duties and obligations for filing and paying the licensing taxes, registration taxes, and taxes on profits, gains and income generated for the trust once it starts to operate in commerce with a Social Security Card/number on all commercial transactions, because you on behalf of the beneficial owner “the trust”, which is resident within a territory occupied by military forces with which the United States is at war, or a resident outside the United States, for which you are considered an enemy doing business with a license and tax identifying number for the purposes “of trade” effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within said territory for which you are granted a license under the authority of the President pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy Act, as an enemy in order to trade, or attempt to trade with the enemy for the beneficial owner the “trust”, and as the fiduciary trustee paying, satisfying, compromising, or giving security for the payment or satisfaction of any debt or obligation, and for drawing, accepting, paying, presenting for acceptance or payment, or indorsing any negotiable instrument or chose in action on behalf of the trust.