You can access your account at the U.S. Treasury to eliminate debts

In commerce, though, whoever creates the liability MUST bring the remedy as well. If the sender doesn’t send the funds to "pay” the bill you must accept the bill for the value you gave it when you were born and use your prepaid account to offset the debt the presenter is creating. So it is your choice whether to "offset” the debt with your pre-paid account by accepting the bill for value and sending the bill to the "Paymaster”, the Secretary of the US Treasury, or to the IRS, for adjustment… OR give them the equity from your labor, which is in the form of Federal Reserve Notes, checkbook money or credit card money. Eliminate debt with your prepaid account, of course! Why eliminate debt with your own hard-earned money in "your" bank account when you have money of account waiting for you to access at the US Treasury? Your other account can be tapped through the collection agency called "the IRS”.

You can access your account at the U.S. Treasury to eliminate debts and get a refund of all of the income taxes you paid for the last three years by filing 1040’s, corrected IRS docs that we will submit electronically. You can learn how to call upon the Secretary of the Treasury to do his job: to eliminate debt you incurred by simply adjusting to zero the accounts that you incur in the normal course of doing business with your creditors. That means car payments, credit cards, utilities, taxes, student loans, house payments…. YES all of them. Eliminate debt with your prepaid account at the US Treasury. Do it while there still IS an Internal Revenue Service and a US Treasury.

There have been revisions to the UCC Articles especially IX that states that the UCC Financing Statement of the Secured Party applicant has to be filed in the region or State of their Birth. When the file is recorded with the Secretary of the Treasury it must include a Charge-Back Instruction Notice, a 1040 ES form combined with a Birth Certificate. The Secretary of the Treasury is the other party that holds an Interest. The Secured Party also needs to file a UCC Financing Statement and Addendum with the UCC Office in the State that the person resides in order to protect any property there. People at the Treasury Department Analysis and Control Division of the IRS where they keep the files claim that the birth certificate does not have a Commercial Value. They do however admit that the Certificates of Live Births are real and are kept on file. Others have declared that the Application for the Birth Certificate actually does have a Commercial Value which is determined by the ability of the Government to Tax any Future Earnings of the individual named on the documents. The Applications are not kept on file in D.C. itself, some claim they are filed in Puerto Rico, others claim it is Switzerland.
People who have properly and correctly filed within their Birth State or UCC Region will create a completely separate entity or a Secured Party completely separate from their Government created debtor. When the filing and the Instruction Order (the Chargeback) the IRS 1040 ES form, the AFV stamped Birth Certificate lets the Secretary of the Treasury know that the Secured Party has been created with a prior and superior claim to all the assets and liabilities of the Debtor. (STRAW MAN) These liabilities should be forwarded to the Secretary to be processed and discharged through the UCC Contract Trust.
There is a National UCC Administration which the States, the Protectorates and the District of Columbia had formed. The United States has been partitioned into six UCC Regions. If one of the UCC offices in a particular Region does not accept a properly prepared UCC another office within that Region will. A person can have a Regional Filing recorded within a Region State and have it maintain the same thing as filing within their State of Birth.
It appears that the UCC as well as other paperwork that is required to be filed with the Birth State or Region are all logged in the mail room at 1500 Pennsylvania NW, Washington, D.C.

This is the Address of the Analysis and Control Division of the IRS. The documents are examined by the Secret Service, the FBI and Justice Department. The documents are known at the Analysis and Control Division as "UCC Contract Trusts."

There is a significant difference between UCC Contract Trusts and Direct Treasury Accounts which are used prenominaly for the trading of Treasury Bonds, which are managed by the Bureau of Public Debt. There are many UCC and Bill of Exchange documents that arrive at 1500 Pennsylvania Ave NW are mistakenly sent to the BPD. The mistake that many people who file UCC forms makes is a reference to the Treasury Direct or Direct Treasury account within their paperwork. Within the Analysis and Control Division inside the IRS Building in DC, UCC contract Trusts are processed and then the documents are forwarded to one of the two IRS Centers. If you file East of the Mississippi the Documents are sent to Cincinnati, Ohio. If you file West of the Mississipi they forward them to Fresno, California. Your UCC files and documents are going to be scrutinized by the Secret Service, the Justice Department, FBI, then sent to the CID, it is also sent to the IRS Technical Support Division (TSD) within the State that the Secured Party started the discharge.
IRS Technical Support Division (TSD)

Here are some important points to know concerning the administration and purpose of the TSD!

-Almost every single Financial Institution which is connected to the Federal reserve System has registered or contracted access to an account with IRS called a Treasury Tax and Loan account (TTL).

-This TTL account in every Financial Institution is managed through the TSD office which can be found within most of the IRS State Offices. Because of this IRS reconstruction the Technical Support Manager (TSM) in every State Divisional Office of the IRS has been given the same authority once held by the District Director.

-When a Notice of Levy/Lien is delivered to a Financial Institution by the IRS, the Financial Institution simply responds by making an entry in their computer. This simple action transfers the asset from the person who made the Deposit int an IRS TTL account. This means that the Asset never actually physically leaves their office. There are some Financial Institutions that do not maintain a TTL account. They simply hold the funds for twenty one days before transferring the amount directly to the Internal Revenue Service.

-When a Financial Institution receives a "Release of Levy/Lien" from the IRS the Financial Institution makes a simple computer entry and the funds are transferred from the TTL account into the account of the depositor if it is applicable. If a UCC form is prepared properly and filed with the Bank can be an Administrative Obstruction Action in which a Secured Party can use to show a prior and superior claim to those assets on deposit.

-There are certain Banks that will not will accept UCC Documents. Do not use one of these banks but find one that will accept the form and deposit your funds there.

Correct Way To Have Claims Discharged:
The way to correctly have claims discharged with the IRS as well as in the Public Sector using the UCC Contract Trust is to present by the Secured Party a Bonded Registered Bill of Exchange, and this needs to be sent straight to the Secretary of the Treasury. When a claim is made either by the IRS, a federal or state taxing agency. The claim can then have a stamp imprinted upon it stating "Accepted For Value". This needs to be done by the Secured Party and it must be sent through Certified (or Registered) Mail directly to the Secretary of the Treasury to be discharged.

This is documented and authorized through Public Policy:

HJR-192, Title IV, Sec. 401 of the Federal Reserve Act, the Supreme Court’s confirmation in Guaranty Trust of New York vs. Henwood, et al (1939) and Public Law 73-10. Such action is further confirmed in USC Title XII, Title XXVIII, Sec. 1641, 3002 and the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act.

Getting back to the supposed Value of the Birth Certificate this is the facts as I ascertained them.

The number of Birth Certificates that are referenced in UCC Financing Statements that have been stamped and filed in the state UCC Filing Offices is in the Hundreds of Thousands. Under the revised version of Article (Chapter) IX of the UCC (July 1, 2001) such filers had until June 30, 2002 to refile the UCC-1 within their State of Birth.
 If they reference to their Original Filing they could maintain the original date of filing which would then be filed with the Secretary of the Treasury. If this is not done by July 1, 2002 it would result in the loss of their original filing date and also their status as the Secured Party by the Secretary of the Treasury.

Will filing UCC Financing statements and Change/Amendments cover all commercial activity, civil cases, and also criminal actions?
 Government sources claim that all Commercial Activity in the United States and other countries fall under the Legislated (Administrative) Law which is also called the Uniform Commercial Code. Once processed through the Federal Reserve System and/or the Department of the Treasury these transactions are Bonded. Although the Court System makes claims to have Jurisdiction over Commercial Transactions that seem to break Criminal Laws. In reality the UCC Articles on their own are Administrative Law and do not fall under any Jurisdiction of the Courts or to Litigation.

 Is the Redemption Process an attempt to gain something for nothing from the Treasury Department?  After June of 1933 the International Financiers who are the actual owners of the Federal Reserve System took ownership and control over all private and real property, this was done with the permission of Congress and an Executive Order signed by the President. By instituting your person to the status of the Secured Party for the government created entity listed on the Certificate of Live Birth is not the same thing as getting "something for nothing.."   These procedures set up by the government were put in place so that the Secured Party could reclaim a part of what is rightfully theirs under the U.S. Constitution. Congress made provision beginning in the early 1900s for every minor to reinstate their status as an American under the U.S. Constitution when they became of age. You were a minor when the original contract (Application) was entered into by your parents. These provisions were scattered throughout various legislative acts, joint resolutions and executive orders, many in 1933, as well as in the Congressional Record based on Public Policy HJR-192, codified in Public Law 73-10 and confirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1939. See Guarantee Trust of New York v. Henwood, et al. By these placement actions the Government has kept the details so vague and hard to reference that no person could remedy himself without persistent research. There was not until recently, very many people who even knew that these procedures existed. The most important part of the Redemption of your Strawman is filing your UCC with the BirthState or UCC Regional office, the Secretary of the Treasury and filing in the State of Residence is required to the Redemption Process.

The International Monetary Fund using the Secretary of the Treasury as its representative, and using the Federal Reserve and the ability of the IRS to collect revenue has virtual control over every single Citizens Assets. Once the Secured Party uses the UCC/Redemption they will create the right to reverse this control over the Government created Debtor (Straw man). What the Secured Party accomplishes with this is to put themselves on the same level as the Secretary of the Treasury and this will lead to taking back the control over their own assets.

 A properly prepared and correctly filed UCC filing will ensure in the future to protect the property and assets of the Secured Party. These filings will make it clear that there is a legal and vested interest control of the Secured Party. You will not have to deal in Court Jurisdictions and stay out of the area of controversy.

 Under the UCC/Redemption Process the Secured Party does not obtain the actual Application for a Certificate of Live Birth. This means that the Process is only to be used for an "Accepted For Value" answer to any Commercial Claim. If a written and contracted claim is received by the Debtor (Strawman). it can be Accepted For Value by the Secured Party. The claim can then be discharged when the proper documents are forwarded through the Secretary of the Treasury to the UCC Contract Trust which remains filed with the Analysis and Control Division of the IRS.

 The Department of the Treasury Employees make it quite clear that they will not accept or perform any actions to faxed orders, telephoned or wired instructions. It must be hard-copies that are Original in both signature and any forms or documents. These documents must be delivered by Certified (or registered) mail and must be filed with both the State of Residence as well as the Secretary of the Treasury.  The Internal Revenue Service has increased its use of illegal threats and intimidation. They use the FBI to aid them in their attempts to admonish and Stop the presentments of any Bill of Exchange documents delivered by the Secured party to the Secretary. This does not mean that properly presented and prepared negotiable instruments from a legitimate Secured Party should and can be legally processed under law through local Financial Institutions by the person making the claim. This is done through the Secretary of the Treasury and recorded by the Financial Institution through the Treasury Tax and Loan (TTL) account.

There are some employees at the Department of the Treasury who continue to misdirect many of the Documents which is presented by a Secured Party to the Secretary of the Treasury by mislabeling them as Treasury Securities (they are not Treasury Securities ) then they are forwarded to the Bureau of Public Debt rather then send them to the Analysis and Control Division of the IRS and the UCC Contract Trust.

From what I have been able to learn is that the Discharge of Claims in the Public Sector whether Federal or State Claims, issued by the Internal Revenue Service are easily discharged with a simple computer entry and transfer of credit and debt through the computer using the IRS Technical Support Division. There is verification that this process has come from the Special Procedure Handling Offices of the IRS. When a Secured Party utilizes the Uniform Commercial Code correctly the field is leveled as it pertains to the degree of commercial transactions. Despite the blockage of information as well as being told false information "We The People" are continuing to gain knowledge and information regardless of being the target of threats and blackmail.

It seems that over twenty five million Americans have successfully redeemed their Strawman and achieved access to their Strawman Trust Account before 26 May 2003. It is rumored that many of these twenty five million were political insiders: (politicians, judges, lawyers, corporate executives, senior military, secret service and security services personnel and their families and others) are implicated in the establishment and the maintaining in this fictional and fraudulent system. A system that has been used to abuse the mass population of the United States for over seventy years prior to 2003.

I believe that most people will do nothing to redeem themselves simply because they believe they are better off being Property of the State and being held responsible for a Government created Straw Man is just fine with them.

Need a good Attorney?

This is why you should never hire an Attorney: Because when you do, You are considered a WARD of the STATE!

When You Hire an Attorney, You Are Considered A Ward of the STATE ... An Imbecile, An Incompetent

The reason you are considered a Ward of the STATE is because your Mother signed your Record of Live Birth as the "Informant", ultimately acting as the Trustee of the Executors (Fathers) Estate.... In doing so, she unknowingly signed away the property (the Child) of the Executor (the Father) to the STATE. If married, she's acting as the co-Executor of the Estate, or in the capacity of a Trustee; one with authority to sign over property.

Your Mother Abandoned You At Birth. Have you noticed the Mother's address is already pre-typed in one of the boxes? Have you noticed there is no address for the Father on the COLB? Have you noticed, it's the address of the Mother's "MAIDEN" name in that box? And have you noticed they had the Mother sign as the Informant, and not the Father?

Look here what I found: The STATE of OKLAHOMA'S very own Instructions on Completing the Birth Certificate:

"Signature of Parent

Have parent review the Certificate of Live Birth for accuracy, read the statement contained in this section and sign this section certifying the accuracy of the certificate.We suggest that you ask only the mother to sign the birth certificate. Never have a parent sign a blank or incomplete certificate."

Now why would the Dept. of Health and Vital Statistics teach Doctors, Nurses, and Hospital Administrators to 'coerce' the Mother into signing the "Certificate of Live Birth" instead of the Father, who is the Executor of the Estate? ..... Because the Executor is the Highest Office of the Estate, and the STATE does not care to deal with Him; they would rather go after the Informant/Trustee instead.

Attempting to Administrate an Estate without written-authorized consent of the Executor is very costly; people go to prison, but if they can 'coerce' the Mother/Informant/Trustee to sign over the property, then they have a legal leg to stand on.

NOTE: An Estate must come before a Trust. The STATE issued the Child a "Certificate of Death" which created a new Estate; the legal-fiction, corporate YOU, in which They, were the creator of.

1. The Womb-man is her own Estate in which she's the Executrix if she has reached legal age. If not, her Father is the Executor of her Estate until that time.

2. The Man is his own Estate in which he's the Executor once he comes of legal age, or marries. Until then, his father is the Executor of his Estate.

3. When they get married, it forms a Trust.

4. The Womb-mans Estate now becomes property of the Man.

5. The Two of them come together and have a Child.

6. Women cannot own offspring, only the Man, therefor the Child is property of the Executor's Estate until he/she reaches legal age.

7. The Father is never made aware of this fact.

8. The STATE coerces the Mother into signing the Record of Live Birth as the "Informant", acting as the Trustee.

9. By doing this, she is acting as the Trustee of the Executors Estate (the Father) and giving the Child to the STATE, ultimately abandoning the Child.

10.The STATE runs an add in the local paper announcing the birth and abandonment of the Child (they leave out the abandonment wording).

***** That Was Public Notice and Due Process of Law *****

11.The Executor (Father) never shows up to claim his abandoned property, so the STATE takes ownership; they fulfilled due process by way of public notice in the newspaper.

12.The Doctor sends the Record of Live Birth to the STATE Health Dept. and Vital Statistics.

13.Now the Child is an Orphan; a Ward of the STATE; abandoned by it's Mother, via the birth announcement she signed as the Informant.

14.The STATE sends the Record of Live Birth to the Registrar's Office, where a New Estate is created and now placed in Probate.

13.The STATE takes the Record of Live Birth and hides it away in the vaults, never to be seen again; now to be used a Security Instrument to back the Nations Debt; The future labor of the Child, which is now One Stock Share in the foreign corporation: UNITED STATES.

13.They split the title and create what's known as the "Certificate of Live Birth", and send that newly created Office (The COLB) to the Child in the mail; it's his/her new identity, and when the Child reaches legal age, he can now become the Occupant of the Executors Office of that newly created Estate, but is never made aware of this.

NOTE: The STATE cannot do business with, or enter into contracts with a living-breathing human being. This is why they created the "Certificate of Live Birth" aka "Certificate of Death", which is the Office of a newly created "corporate" You; the fictitious entity and presumption in law You. They had to turn you into a corporation so they could control you by way of contracts using Trust-Estate, and Probate Law.

NOTE: The CESTUI QUE VIA Act of 1666 made us all dead at birth; cast beyond the sea; lost at sea; dead to the world, and if one day we were ever to return from sea and announce that we are alive, we can take our lawful throne as Executors of our own Estates.

14.Now the Child grows up and remains an incompetent Ward of the STATE because he/she never steps up and assumes their proper roles as the Executor/Executrix of their own Estate once they reach legal age.

15.The now adult uses this COLB as their sole source of identity, even though the STATE advised not to use it as identity (can you say incompetent?)... Just as they say not to use the SS Card as identity.

16.The now 'incompetent adult' aka 'Ward of the STATE', uses the COLB to get a drivers license, social security card, checking account, etc.

17.Now the adult-incompetent is masquerading around town, using this Certificate of Live Birth as identity to get into other adhesion contracts, and basically acting as an agent of the foreign corporation known as the UNITED STATES and is now obligated to pay an income tax; and excise tax; a property tax, and ultimately be subject to the STATE. Now you are obligated to abide by their statutes, rules and regulations.

NOTE: There is a catch to this #17: They are 'presuming' you're an employee of their corporation, but if you are not receiving a paycheck, and there was no employment contract, and they cannot provide proof of pay, then what do they have? Do you work for free? Can they compel you to work for free? That estate is an Office; you are the Occupant of that Office (the corporate-fiction you), and as the Occupant of that Office, shouldn't you be paid for your services?

18.You have lost your Inherent Rights and have been "granted" rights and privileges instead ... 14th Amendment US citizen!

Daddy never showed up to claim his property, and the STATE took it upon themselves to 'adopt' the Child; take it in as their own. The Child is now considered a Ward of the STATE; an incompetent bastard Child with no Father, and the Mother abandoned him/her.

The "Certificate of Live Birth" has a STATE Seal and Registrars Signature, which is certifiable proof the Estate is in or has been in Probate. The Registrar is the court of Probate and Probate deals with Estates of the DEAD, hence the legal fiction name (NAME or Name) on the "Certificate of Live Birth" ... the presumption of law, the other You.

To the courts we are dead; legal fictitious entities; wards of the STATE; bastard Children; Orphans, and they do not wish to deal with us directly. This is why they want you to speak to them (the judge) through one of their own (BAR Attorneys).

The BAR Attorney has a Superseding Oath to the BAR aka British Accreditation Registry; their first loyalty is to the court. They are there to lead the sheep to their slaughterer, the Undertaker in the Black Robe. The judge is Administering the Estate of the incompetent, and his main objective is to make revenue for the STATE, which is acting as the Beneficiary of the Estate, and You and I are being put into the Trustee position of our own Estates.

Now you understand why the Lord said "Woe unto Ye Lawyers".

BAR Attorney's first allegiance is to the Crown, not you. They are there to make you believe someone is fighting for you, but the truth of the matter is: They are there to help the presumed Administrator of your Estate (the BAR attorney wearing the Black Robe-Undertaker)make as much money as possible for the court, him/herself, and the STATE.

Read it again at the top of this post, right out of the Corupus Juris Secundum ... You are a WARD OF THE STATE, an IMBECILE, A MENACE TO SOCIETY, and INCOMPETENT, and that's the truth, take it as you will.

NOTE: I am not saying all attorneys are scumbags that are intentionally trying to harm you. Some of them know what they are doing, and some of them probably truly believe they are doing the best they can to help their clients. But, it's all about the Estate; it's all about the money, and it's all about your slavery and unjustly enriching the STATE in the end.

It is a Constructive Fraud upon you from birth, and that's my heartfelt opinion; take it as you will.



The EFT (SETOFF) TRANSACTION MUST be written on CLOSED personal bank account ONLY! (In regards to public bank CHECK transactions, this is illegal!) It is to be clearly directed on the instrument that it is an EFT transaction only (NOT AN ACH CHECK).


Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition: CLOSED ACCOUNT: An account to which no further additions can be made on either side, but which remains open for adjustment and set-off, which distinguishes it from and account stated.

You must open a bank account and then close it! All closed bank accounts are NOT closed by the bank!

In the definition of “Closed Account” above the term ’side’ means public and private side and it refers to a bank’s accounting ledger! If you do not understand public vs private banking transactions then do not proceed!

If you feel you need to ask your bank about how this works then do not proceed!

The bank you use to process this transaction MUST be a large commercial bank and not a local credit union.


The account must be a personal checking account ONLY and NOT a business account!

You must use check fraud proof ink (Order Online) otherwise you are committing fraud!

An EFT Transaction and ACH are two entirely different things! If the bank runs the instrument through as an ACH (A Check/Public Transaction) the transaction will be reversed automatically. Remember the definition of a closed account? Can the bank run it through as anything but a SET-OFF? If this happens who is in the wrong you or the bank? Better yet who made the mistake because it would have to be a mistake! Now you are learning!


This type of transaction is NOT recommended for open accounts like cell phones, electric bills etc..

It has worked for taxes, student loans, credit cards, car loans, child support and public debt in general.





 Property titles take several weeks to attain sometimes.

Remember, never talk with creditors on the phone or in person, only in writing. If bill collectors are harassing you by phone, tell them you do not contract over the phone and then hang up!

reverse-engineering a criminal matter

If some party wants to press a claim against someone else, and the claim is one of a criminal nature, they would create an Affidavit for Probable Cause and take it to the appropriate authority, perhaps a county attorney, or a state attorney, or even a US attorney.

If the attorney determined that the claim had merit, he would take it before a Grand Jury.  The Grand Jury would consider the situation, and if they felt that the claim needed to be heard before a petit jury, trier of facts, then the Grand Jury would issue a True Bill.  Hmm, bill … sounds a little like commerce to me.

With the True Bill in hand, the attorney would approach a judge or magistrate to issue a warrant for arrest of the offender.  So, a sheriff or marshal will go out and arrest the offender.
If a sheriff or marshal offers you the ‘benefit privilege’ of being arrested, what is the first thing you ask them for?  You would ask them for the original signature order from the judge and the Affidavit for Probable Cause that instigated the whole thing in the first place.

If in the unlikely event that they did have the original warrant, your remedy would be to AFV  and give it right back to them.  [my son did that once … a traffic cop gave him a true bill and warrant in the form of a traffic ticket … my son did the AFV on the ticket and gave it right back to him … the cop said, ‘you just voided out my ticket’, and my son said, ‘yes, and I will do it to every other ticket you give me’, so the cop went back to his cruiser and wrote out another ticket and just threw the copy of the ticket into the back of my son’s truck … and ran off].

Usually what happens is that they only have some copy of some supposed warrant, and so they arrest you and put on handcuffs (for their safety as you can use whatever physical resistance you are capable of if the warrant is illegally served … which it always is) and haul you off to jail.  “Every person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest ... and, in preventing such illegal restraint of his liberty, he may use such force as may be necessary.”  Columbus v. Holmes, 152 N.E.2d 306 (1958).
So, what is the remedy for that?  Sue the warrant!  One good way to sue the warrant is to do a habeas corpus.  If a warrant is sued, it is presumed to be fraudulent.

I used to hear a man say, find the first defect in the paperwork, and you are 2/3 done.
Now if you haven’t done any of that, what will have to happen is that they will have to identify you.  Technically, they will be trying to identify you as being a citizen.  If you are a citizen, then all of the statutes and codes kick in making you liable for the public or national debt.  If that can be established then you are considered to be an ‘absconding’ debtor (meaning that you are taking off with some of the property belonging to the state, etc.), then they will put you in a holding cell or jail until you can be arraigned before a magistrate to see why you haven’t paid your bills, in particular, the True Bill.
Paramount to establishing a contract between you and the court is for you to give them your name and hopefully they can get a signature or two out of you.

So, the remedy for those requests is … don’t give them your name and don’t sign anything.
Perhaps you might use the tactic Roger used years ago whereas if they ask you for your name, you simply ask them for theirs, and then follow with the rest of the questions … do you have a claim against me, etc.
Brandon, Gordon and Jack have recently come up with some things to say which seem to work real well.  You could say, ‘well I am the authorized representative for JOHN DOE’.  And then there is a further conversation that could be had from there.
Or you might say, ‘I won’t say it for fear you will misspell it.  If you will write it down exactly as I spell it, then here it is…’.  Or you can wear a name tag.

If they insist you sign something, just ask, ‘can I be forced to sign a contract against my will’?  If they say ‘yes’ or still pressure you to sign, you might ask, ‘so then, what you are implying is that you are waiving your bond and insurance and making all of your personal property available for seizure by me.?
Or you could give a qualified signature which could be used to ‘set up’ a situation later on.  If you just give what would be called a general signature without any qualifiers, then you are granting them general jurisdiction on your signature.  But you can qualify your signature in any number of ways.  Some of the most popular are By:  Authorized Representative, or Grantor, Trustee, Beneficiary, Executor, UCC 1-308, UCC 3-402 b, etc.  But what you are doing is allowing your signature to be used only in those limiting situations.

At some point they will be wanting you to plead or pray (but you won’t be praying to God, you will be praying to the false idol known as the ‘state’).
If you are in shackles, you might ask them to take off the restraints because you can’t speak freely unless you are free to do so.  Otherwise any contract you enter into will be done under duress and will not have any effect later on.

If they free you up, tell them that you need an appearance bond at no cost to you so that you can speak in the court.  If they refuse the appearance bond, ask them if anyone present is holding a bond on you?  Who is holding the bond in this case?
***at this point it is important that you always get an answer to every question that they put to you.  You should ask responsive questions which require only a yes or no answer.  Never ask a second question until you have the first one answered.***
Remember that your appearance in the magistrate court is totally civil.  What is being determined is whether or not you have paid your bill.

Traffic Ticket (Nearly any charging instrument can be handled this way.)

NOTICE:  When a petition for abatement is before a court, that court is charged with according to the petitioner to the advantage if there is doubt on the part of the court.  In addition, courts should take cognizance of the law that provides:  Where conditions for its issuance exist, abatement is a matter of right, not of discretion.  The misnomer or mis-description of a party defendant is ground for abatement, and grounds for abatements are the same for equity and law cases.

Also, please note that the abatement does not preclude petitioners remedies and relief available under any law forum for the injury and damages incurred by false accusations from corporate officers, and the like.

 Demonstrating Competence in Commerce.

(These events occurred on Dec. 10, 2016 A.D. in the Municipal Court for the City of Tumwater, Washington.  Prior to entering the Court, Our Man has written on the face of the ticket "Refused for Cause without Dishonor, Abandoned Paper and Fraudulent Commercial Claim".  The ticket was returned to the Clerk of the Court within 72 hours of being issued.  About 10 days later, Our Man received a Notice of Mitigation Hearing regarding this matter for the stated date.  Our Man then put in a one page Notice and Demand for Abatement.  No other actions were taken prior to going into court.  I have changed only the name of Our Man.  All other information is true and correct as best as I know.)
Judge Lyman:  The case of JOHN HENRY SMITH.
(Our Man walks up to the Defendant's Lectern and starts shuffling his papers.  The Judge has a large pile of papers in his hand.  Probably 30 to 40 pages of paper.  Now Our Man has not put any of this in the case.  Hmmmm.)
Judge Lyman:  Are you JOHN HENRY SMITH?
(Our Man doesn't answer but continues to sort his papers.)
Judge Lyman:  Are you JOHN HENRY SMITH?  (A little emphasis on the question.)
Our Man:  Is this being recorded?
Judge Lyman:  Yes.  Are you JOHN HENRY SMITH?
Our Man:  If I may read my statement, I think it will become clear.
Judge Lyman:  O.K., go ahead.
Our Man:  I am John Henry of the family Smith.  I am here today to settle this matter.
Regarding Number TPD7Y2231291 I'm here today, appearing specially and not generally, to abate the matter of a worthless security interest known as a UCC-1 commercial lien in the form of a "TRAFFIC INFRACTION" against the Federal Reserve account in the name of JOHN HENRY SMITH, a decedent.  Said worthless security interest was created by an employee of CITY OF TUMWATER who identified himself as Jon Weiks #0032 on October 29, 2007, a mere pirate operating under color of law, who on said date and with subterfuge attempted to attach private copyrighted dead man statutes to me, a living Man, for the express purpose of stealing my sweat equity .  I then exercised my Right of Avoidance to this offered commercial venture by returning this abandoned and defective paper for cause without dishonor to Sheryle Wyatt or her agent on October 31, 2007.  This was clearly a case of mistaken identity as the charged entity is a decedent under Title 26 USC and not me and this is the basis upon which I move for abatement.

"Sir, are you prepared to abate this matter now?"
(It would be helpful to know, that Our Man is about 6'5" tall and speaks rather slowly in a monotone voice;  totally unthreatening in his demeanor.)
Judge Lyman:  NO!

Our Man:      I will then continue my statement as follows: Let the record reflect that J.V. Lyman has denied the Principal's motion for abatement.  My rejection of the offer made by CITY OF TUMWATER to raid the Decedent's estate,  one JOHN HENRY SMITH, should have ended the matter, however, apparently this private commercial trading company known as "CITY OF TUMWATER/MUNICIPAL COURT DUNNS # 03-851-7355, SIC # 91110201, Cage Code # 1T9M3", a store front masquerading as an office in the judicial branch of Government and operating under the Department of Defense, is hell bent for it's own personal gain on probating the estate of JOHN HENRY SMITH, of which I am the Owner and Principal.  For the record, I object to the probating of said estate and do not give my permission thereto.  I am here today for the express purpose of establishing my Right of Avoidance if anyone should attempt to impose a Claim of Distress against the person of my collateral.  Any outcome on this matter other than an outright abatement or a check written to me for certified funds today assuming the transfer of funds has already taken place, will result in a Demand to the DTCC (Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation) for Investigation of Fraud on the TRAFFIC INFRACTION, a fraudulent
I now ask you the following:
Does the prosecutor have a 1099OID in regard to the "charge"?
Judge Lyman:  There is no Prosecutor here.
Does the clerk?
(Judge Lyman doesn't answer.  Just stares at Our Man.)
I've got my claim here…where is yours?
(Again Judge Lyman doesn't answer.  Just stares at Our Man.
Our Man holds up his IRS forms 706, 709, and 1099OID.)
Tell me, Sir, who the payor is and also who the recipient of the funds is.

If you're the recipient, then I guess you'll be paying the transfer taxes on this charitable contribution from the Decedent's estate which you are attempting to probate here.  We both know that if you haven't paid the tax, you have no claim in Equity.

Judge Lyman:  Do you have any evidence that the Defendant is deceased?
(Our Man doesn't even seem to notice the Judge's question and continues on.)
Sir, have you paid the taxes?
Judge Lyman:  Do you have any evidence that the Defendant is deceased?
Sir, have you already probated this estate behind my back?
Under 26 USC 2002 you are personally liable for payment as the executor defined under 2203 because you have actual or constructive possession of the property.
Judge Lyman:  It sounds like you would like this matter mitigated.  I am going to read the Officer's affidavit into the record.  (The Judge proceeds to read about a 5 page Affidavit from the Officer.  The Officer covered just about everything possible except counting the dents and scratches on Our Man's car.  Amazingly complete.)
Judge Lyman:  I can't determine from the Officers Affidavit whether you committed an infraction of the Law or not.  I am dismissing this matter.
(Our Man doesn't even seem to notice the Judge's and continues reading his script into the record.)
Sir, have you already taken a charitable contribution from my estate to fund your purchase of private equities in mutual funds?

Sir, have you already submitted a 1099R for that purpose?
If you've acquired funds from the decedent's estate that makes you a qualified heir and not paying the taxes makes the property you stole contraband which means all the forfeiture statutes kick in.
Judge Lyman:  I have dismissed this case.
(Our Man just keeps on reading.)
Unless you abate this matter here and now OR give me a check for the funds you stole, I will be alerting the Criminal Investigation Division of the IRS that you are guilty of tax evasion and money laundering and to start an investigation on you personally with regards to my estate.
Judge Lyman:  I have dismissed this case!  (The Judge is turning red and sweating).
(Our Man just walks up to the lady acting like a Clerk and hands her all his IRS forms and leaves.  The Judge is visibly shaken by the whole matter.)


The issuing of bond for profit on prisoners has finally been deciphered. 
It is no wonder that there is a rise in prosecution for non-violent crimes! 
As soon as your social security number hits the system, there is 
someone buying a bond in your name that accrues the longer your ass 
sits in jail. We couldn’t figure out why the incarceration rate was so high 
that the counties couldn’t afford to pay the bill. 

The courts are operating under Statute Law. A “Statute” is defined in 
bond or obligation of record, being an abbreviation for “statute 
merchant” or “statute staple.” 

Statute –merchant = is defined as a security for a debt acknowledged 
to be due, entered into before the chief magistrate of some trading 
town, pursuant to the statute 13 Edward I. De Mercatoribus, by which 
not only the body of the debtor might be imprisoned, and his goods 
seized in satisfaction of the debt, but also his lands might be delivered 
to the creditor till out of the rents and profits of them the debt be 

The Grand Jury Foreman is the Drawer or Maker of the Indictment by 
his signature, the Defendant/Debtor or Straw-man is the Drawee and 
the State is the Payee and the live Man or Woman is the Payor. What 
they are doing in the courtroom is all commercial, and is in conformity 
to 27 CFR 72.11, where it says all Crimes are commercial. What the 
judge and prosecutor are doing in the courtroom is making a 
commercial presentment under section 3-501 (1) “Unless excused 
(section 3-511) presentment is necessary to charge secondary parties as follows”: 
(a) Presentment for acceptance is necessary to charge the drawer and 
endorsers of a draft where the draft so provides, or is payable 
elsewhere than at the residence or place of business of the drawee, or 
its date of payment depends upon such presentment. The holder may 
at his option present for acceptance any other draft payable at a stated 
date; (b) presentment for payment is necessary to charge any endorser; 
(c) in the case of any drawer, the acceptor of a draft payable at a bank 
or the maker of a note payable at a bank, presentment for payment is 
necessary, but failure to make presentment discharges such drawer, 
acceptor or maker only as stated in section 3-502 (1)(B). 
If you don’t accept the charge or presentment you are in dishonor for 
no acceptance under 3-505 of the U.C.C. (c) and 3-501 (2) (a), (b). 
Acceptance is the drawer’s signed engagement to honor the draft as 
presented. It must be written on the draft, and may consist of his 
signature alone. It becomes operative when completed by delivery or 
notification 3-410 of the U.C.C. 

You are the Fiduciary Trustee of the Straw-man which is a cesti que 
UNITED STATES TRUST; in this capacity you have the responsibility to 
discharge all his debts, by operation of law. You are also the principal 
or asset holder on the private side of the accounting ledger; you are 
holding the Exemption necessary to discharge the debt. When they 
monetize debt they have to have a principal, capital and interest is what 
circulates as principal and is called revenue or re-venue. Principal is 
where venue lies. When you are in dishonor they cannot use your 
exemption to pass the debt or charge through your account to obtain a 
discharge, so they sell your dishonor, which has a commercial value of $1,000,000 dollars for each count. When Social Security # is assigned or 
a Blank Bond is issued and when you are imprisoned the Bond is filled 
out. This Bond is called a Bid Bond, Standard Form 24 (REV. 10-98) 
prescribed by GSA-FAR (48 CFR) § 53.228(a). This is also called a Prison 
Bond. These are also referred to as Contract Surety Bonds. The First, the 
Bid Bond, provides financial assurance that the bid has been submitted 
in good faith and that the contractor intends to enter into the contract 
at the price bid and provide the required performance and payment 
bonds. The Second, the Performance Bond, protects the obligee from 
financial loss should the contractor fail to perform the contract in 
accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract documents. 
The Third kind of Contract Bond is the Payment Bond which guarantees 
that the contractor will pay certain subcontractor, labor and material 
bills associated with the project. 
On April 9, 2002 (12:18 pm) Lehman Brothers Banking Cartel in New 
York City agreed to provide prison industry leader CCA (Corrections 
Corporation of America) with a new $ 695.0 million senior secured 
credit facility, to be combined with a $150 million notes offering. The 
war on terrorism has created a buzz in the private prison industry. Less 
than three weeks after September 11th, a New York Post story on the 
for-profit private prison industry stated, “America’s new wall of 
homeland security is creating a big demand for cells to hold suspects 
and illegal aliens who might be rounded up.” In order to prosper, prison 
operators need to maintain a steady flow of prisoners and prison 

The Corrections Corporation of America owns most of your prison 
systems and sells its stock and shares on the New York Stock Exchange, 
the major stock holder is the Paine Webber Group.There is also a Prison Realty Trust [PZN], which is a real estate investment trust [REIT] and is 
the world’s largest private sector owner and developer. 
Prisons are nothing but warehouses for the storage of goods and 
chattel under commercial law. The Warden is a Bailee or Warehouseman 
[before the term Admiral was used he was called Custos Maris “Warden 
of the Sea”] [In some ancient records He was called Capitanus 
Maritimarum or “Captain or Tenant in Chief of the Maritime”] who 
receives personal property from another as Bailment. The Bailer is one 
who provides bail as a surety for a criminal defendant’s release. 
When your dishonor is sold within the United States it has a six digit 
accounting # and is called a Cardinal Number, when it is sold at the 
International Level it goes Ordinance or Military and uses a nine digit 
accounting number. This is where AutoTRIS and CUSIP come in. 
AutoTRIS is the Automated Forensic Traces Investigation System and 
was designed in the Russian Federal Center of Forensic Science using a 
graphical toolkit that was developed at Automation Designs & 
Solutions, Inc. for other software products. 

Why is privatizing prisons so appealing to Federal, State, and Local 
governments? As the Nation put it: The selling point was simple: Private 
companies could build and run prisons cheaper that the governments. 
Unfettered American Capitalism would produce a better fetter, saving 
cash-strapped states millions of dollars each year” while simultaneously 
generating huge profits. The Nation explains this miracle would be 
accomplished. “Private prisons receive a guaranteed [per diem] fee for 
each prisoner, regardless of the actual costs. Each dime they don’t 
spend on food or medical care [for prisoners] or on wages and training 
for the guards is a dime they can pocket.” Most guards in public prisons 
belong to the LEOU, which is part of the American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees AFSCME. I have a pointed question 
for you, why aren’t we as principals on the Private side of the 
accounting cycle using our Exemption Priority to discharge all this 
Public Debt under the Uniform Exemption Act section 3 “Exempt” 
means protected, and “exemption” means protection, from subjection to 
a judicial lien, process, or proceeding to collect a debt. The answer is 
we are all double-minded and do not know who we are in a 
commercial setting. Every individual in Prison is in there, because of 
Commercial Dishonor. 


I. Basis of Action when confronted.
Never walk into the police station or court voluntarily.  If you do you traverse and acknowledge the validity of their jurisdiction/offer.  As Lao-tzu noted 2,500 years ago: “Do not invite the fight, accept it instead.  Better a foot behind than an inch too far ahead.”  Let the offer come to you; don’t make the offer.
When you are confronted with an obligatory court appearance, keep in mind the following:
Everything is commerce/contract, being administered in a state of emergency under the war powers.  The commerce clause of the Constitution operates in the private international law merchant of the bankers to whom essentially every government in the world is bankrupt.  All of this functions in admiralty/maritime where you have no rights and the captain’s word is law.
As a result of the above condition, military war powers enforce all interstate commerce (which is everything), with draconian penalties for impeding commerce.

Because the climate in which we live is a relentless and ravenous assault from all aspects of the “government” against our commercial liability, i.e. “revenue raising,” enforced by guns, violence, and prisons, life in America a high-risk venture. It requires understanding of how to neutralize the endless barrage of attacks in the form of commercial presentments/offers.  Fighting is a no win proposition.  Matters must be neutralized, defused, and transmuted into victory without conflict.

We have no money, only private debt paper, insurance scrip (like Monopoly money or casino chips which a real monopoly has foisted on the world), operating in the bankruptcy.  Everything is commerce, which is banking, which is debt paper, which is credit/debit balances on banks’ books, which is bookkeeping.

Assets (credits) must always equal liabilities (debits).  The books must always balance for world commerce to operate.  The commercial account must be cleared within three (3) days, which is codified in the US in the Federal Truth in Lending Act, Title 12 USC § 1601, “Regulation Z.”

A traffic citation, summons, indictment, complaint, etc., is a commercial presentment.  When the presentment is issued a debt is created, a liability on the bank’s books, which must be balanced with an asset.  They want you to supply the asset in the form of paying a fine, some specific performance, or jail time.
Every such commercial presentment is an offer to contract, concerning which you have the following five (5) options:

1. You can deny or fight the charges and thereby traverse, enjoin the action, legitimize their cause of action, and lock yourself in to their jurisdiction.  This is a commercial dishonor.  If you enter a plea, or the judge enters one for you, you have traversed.  The only issue now is the facts (“did you or did you not run the red light?”).  In other words, dishonor submits you to a court proceeding to resolve the dispute over facts of the matter.

2. You can demur.  A demurrer accepts all alleged facts as true and raises of issues of law.  A classic example is: “Yes, I did it, but so what?  The statute of limitations has expired so issues of law foreclose all possibility for me to be prosecuted in this matter.”

3. You can stand mute, in which both the law and facts are invoked.  The judge will enter a plea for you and a court proceeding to resolve the controversy will commence.  Standing mute is also a commercial dishonor and locks you into both law and facts.

4. You can protest, such as by denying jurisdiction.  This also locks you into the requirement to proceed with the court process to resolve the dispute.

5. You can accept the offer/charges (citation, summons, complaint, indictment, etc.) for value.
Of the above options, only # 5:

1. De-fuses, i.e. dissolves, the controversy, thereby obviating all necessity or possibility for court proceedings since there is no dispute to resolve (you have “agreed with your adversary quickly while you are on the way with him”).

2. Makes you the owner of the contract/offer.

3. Makes you the Creditor.  The Creditor is always the winner in court proceedings, all of which have only two (2) classes of participants: Creditors and Debtors.  The Debtor always loses and pays.
After you accept for value and own the contract/offer, the matter is non-negotiable, i.e. private and personal between you and the offerror in his non-official capacity.
Every arrest and incarceration today is seizing the surety on a commercial dishonor.  The commercial accounts must balance for commerce to function.  It is not possible to retain only the debit side of a bank ledger.  The offsetting asset side must be there for the books to balance, the commercial account to clear.  Otherwise, world commerce would collapse into a pile of mush immediately.
When you dishonor a commercial presentment (citation, etc.,) the offerror accepts your dishonor, undertaking a Banker’s Acceptance (BA) and executing a Bill of Exchange.  This Bill of Exchange is for at least 10 times the face amount, and possibly 100 X.  The one who accepts, being the Creditor, is entitled to place whatever value he wishes on the transaction.  The counties run on these bonds.
You must now pay the full amount or the Bill of Exchange, the bond, or the account remains open indefinitely; the case (books) never closes.  If you fail to pay in Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) to balance the books, then you are arrested and incarcerated as the surety, collateral, to raise the funds to balance the ledger.  These funds are raised by borrowing (via your straw man) on the public debt for which you, the real being, are responsible for paying (discharging) if you have not rebutted the rebuttable presumption that the King (Wizard, Bankers, Power Elite, etc.) owns your all capital-letter name.  You have no liability if the books are fully balanced.  Performance on acceptance balances the books.
This is one reason the prisons are so full.  Another reason is that the judges are part owners of the prisons, and make money on everyone they incarcerate.  Prisons are immense money-making operations due to the bonds raised against the straw men (debtors) of the people (collateral) warehoused behind bars.  High dollar amounts are attached to the bonds raised to incarcerate people.  The prison industry is big business, constituting the major industry in California, Texas, and Florida.
If you have a bail bond you can’t proceed until you rid yourself of the bond.  Accept it for value, send it back to the bondsman, register the bond in the Commercial Registry as your secured property.
Never confess who you are.  That is bearing false witness against yourself.  Some people advocate carrying no identification.  If you are arrested, they have two (2) hours to identify you.  If you identify yourself, they are allowed to hold you (provided you don’t sign their paperwork or otherwise traverse) for three (3) days (72 hours).  The general rule is therefore, of course, never tell them who you are (why do their job for them?) or sign anything.
Anything you do except comply, insofar as dealing with the police is concerned, is interfering with a policeman in his line of duty.  What is his duty?  It is revenue collection for the city.
One of three (3) things is needed to identify you:
1. your date of birth (the day your vessel, i.e. body, was birthed into the 14th Amendment Public Charitable “cestui que” Trust as a citizen of the United States, a corporate franchise launched into a voyage in commerce in an ocean of insolvency, i.e. unpayable bankruptcy).
2. your Driver License.
3. your Social Security Number.
Without any of the above three (3) items, their job is difficult to impossible, especially with a two (2) hour time limit.
A judge’s job is to get you to traverse, contest, and dishonor, and thereby make an offer, which the judge can accept, and thereby own.  If you are hauled into court or forced to go under threat, do not offer and do not negotiate.  If you reject, negotiate, or issue a counter-offer, you create a controversy.  You perform a dishonor, which the judge can accept.
Concerning every offer a judge makes to you, accept it for value, with words such as:
1. “Thank you for your offer, which I accept for value.  May I have your name please?”  (You are acknowledging his commercial presentment and wanting to know with whom you are doing business and entering into contract)
Thereafter you must proceed with the remainder of the standard questions and request, i.e.:
2. Do you have a claim against me?
3. Do you know anyone who has a claim against me?
4. I request the order of the court to be released to me immediately.
If the judge says, “I don’t have a claim against you, but I believe that the prosecutor does,” you proceed with the three (3) questions to the prosecutor.  If he says that the State of California, United States, etc., has a claim against you, say:
“I call the State of California to the witness stand.”
When the State of California fails to take the stand to testify and be cross-examined, you can say:
“It appears no one has a claim against me.  I request the Order of the Court to be released to me immediately.”
Remember that when you accept their offer for value, you place the amount on the transaction and they are required to perform and adjust your account.  You are now the Secured Party, i.e. Creditor.  You are the Principal and the Interest goes to you.
II. Proof of Claim.
The fundamental issues must be perpetually kept in mind and actualized.  Namely:
1. The central core of any dispute is who can state the claim upon which relief can be granted.  Whoever can prove his claim wins.
2. One rebuts their rebuttable presumption of holding a claim against you, via presumption of ownership (by your default) of your Birth Certificate and straw man, by filing a UCC-1 Financing Statement with the real you (upper and lower case spelling of your name) as Secured Party and your name in all capital letters as the DEBTOR.  The UCC-1 is the single most irrefutable, unbreakable, bedrock contract in the world today.
3. Without rebutting their rebuttable presumption via filing a UCC-1, their unrebutted presumption stands as the truth in commerce and you have no standing in law.  You are bereft of rights, devoid of standing in law, and completely unable to “state a claim upon which relief can be granted.”  The result is that you are rendered permanent DEBTOR owned by them and concerning which they have carte blanche to deal as they wish.  You are a slave on the master’s slave plantation without capacity to go against your owner.
4. Once filing the UCC-1 you have irrefutable proof of your supreme claim and, if you proceed correctly, win in any proceeding as the acknowledged Creditor in the matter.  Then all would-be claimants lose for “failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.”
5. The bottom line is therefore: How do you state your claim upon which relief can be granted in a manner that cannot be ignored by a judge or administrative agency?
6. The catch-22 of the matter is that in law only the original counts, but if you surrender your original of something you no longer have it.  Then if the opposition confiscates it you are devoid of a way to prove your claim and lose.
7. This conundrum is resolved in the following manner:
a. Obtain certified, true copies of your UCC filings in the Commercial Registry that establish your basic claim on your straw man and also any particular matter at hand (citation, indictment, court case, etc.);
b. Take the above-referenced documents (plus a certified, true copy of the court docket sheet—signed, dated, and stamped by the clerk—pertaining to your case, if one exists) to a notary and have two (2) or more notarial acknowledgments of the entire package as a “certified, true copy of the original”;
c. Serve one of the original notary acknowledgments, via process server or means such as Registered Mail with Affidavit of Service executed by a third party, notarized, on the judge, designated as “[Name of Judge—upper and lower case spelling] dba [NAME OF JUDGE], [FULL NAME OF COURT]” if such exists, or the legal department or party/office that receives service of process re an agency.
8. A notary acknowledgment has powerful effects and ramifications: it must be entered as evidence on the record of a court case and a judge must take judicial notice of it.  To achieve either of these results is not always easy.  By proceeding in this manner you have placed before the judge or authorized party on the other side a proof of your supreme claim that must be recognized and cannot be avoided.  In short, you have stated on the record (court or administrative) proof of your “claim upon which relief can be granted.”
A mere copy of the documents otherwise proving your supreme claim not only can be disregarded by a judge or legal department of an agency, it may be mandated to be disregarded (considered hearsay) since only the original counts.  To rely on mere copies may render your situation worse since you have played your hand, i.e. tipped them off, without the clout to back it up.
If you, or someone you know, is in jail, have the central documents pertaining to the case notarially acknowledged and served on the judge with at least a statement to the effect: “Enclosed/attached herewith is a notarially acknowledged, certified true copy of documents substantiating the supreme claim re [Citation, Tax Bill, Complaint, Case, etc.] of [Name of Secured Party].  Either provide proof of claim superior to the claim of Secured Party as evidenced by the enclosed/attached within [time frame you designate] or your failure to prove said superior claim within said time frame constitutes conclusive presumption, fact, i.e. judicial or administrative res judicata, that no such claim exists.  Absent your proof of superior claim Secured Party requests that the account be adjusted and the Order of the court be released to Secured Party immediately.”
Concerning anything you receive in writing from the system, it is a demand on or at least bears on your commercial liability.  A document you receive is almost always a bill, commercial presentment, offer to contract into your paying a debt or engaging in some specific performance.  In short, the system wants something from you.  Otherwise, why would they send you anything?  If it is a notice of discharge of an obligation (e.g. statement marked "paid in full”), it is still a matter concerning which you must establish your superior claim by accepting for value and registering in your UCC on the Commercial Registry.
As a result of the above, the procedure for dealing with essentially any document [e.g. Citation, Tax Bill, Complaint, Case, etc.] you receive is the same:
1. Make copies of the presentment;
2. Keep the original intact, pristine (unmarked on), in a safe place;
3. Stamp a copy with text to the effect: “accepted for value, all related endorsements, front and back, in accordance with House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933”;
4. Sign your name and date the stamped copy, using blue ink;
5. Send the stamped, signed, dated copy back to the sender within ten (10) days of your receipt thereof.
By engaging in the above process you have undertaken a Banker’s Acceptance, become the owner of the contract and entire matter, the holder in due course, Secured Party, and Creditor.  You have “placed the ball in their court” and their only options are to withdraw their offer (cancel the bill/offer) within the 72-hour Regulation Z grace period or thereafter be foreclosed from the option to do so.  They are then stuck with the debt in the amount you unilaterally choose (which must be at least equal to the amount of the bill, and preferably 100 times that amount to cover the bonding).  Their failure to cancel the matter within 3 days is a commercial dishonor and they are on the defensive.
Make the above-described procedure your norm for dealing with all unwanted claims against your commercial liability, whether tax agencies, bill collectors, court judgments, etc.  Remember the central Commercial Maxim: “An unrebutted affidavit, claim, or charge stands as the truth in commerce.”  You must accept for value, and do so within the time frame (10 days) allotted to you in order not to waive your opportunity to do so.

This statement is NOT A BILL!

This explanation is proposing a much-needed paradigm shift in our mind regarding the bills we receive in the mail from corporations, including the United States Corporation.
If everything commercial is a Trust since 1933 because lawful money was taken out of
circulation, then a “Bill” cannot be a Bill. They cannot be charging anyone for anything since they know we have no money to pay for anything. Checks and all liability currency are promises to pay , and essentially are a dishonor because payment is delayed . However, in commerce, this MIS-TAKE can be forgiven.So, then what is a “Bill”? Logically, it must be a request for us to authorize the release of assets held in trust by the Trustee as the payment (asset/credit – liability/debit = 0). This “payment by EQUITABLE TITLE TRANSFER”results in the extinguishment of debt! Notice that the amount on the bill is a positive number - a CREDIT. It does not have parentheses around it, or a minus sign in front of it, which commonly indicates a negative number.
This positive number represents an asset that will offset a liability held by the  corporation for a commercial transaction. They just need our authorization (endorsement on the back of the bill)to get ownership of that asset amount so that they can then apply it to discharge the liability on their books for that same amount . We have the equitable title to that amount.When we indorse the back of a Bill, then the legal and equitable titles to the asset (credit) are now vested in that one piece of paper , and when that indorsed instrument is returned to the party that sent it, then that party is now the Holder in due course of the legal and equitable titles to both the asset and liability amounts for that account and must then EXTINGUISH the debt by operation of law.The Corporation is already holding both legal and equitable titles to the Liability .They are also holding the legal title to the Asset as implied by them sending you the Bill (the US Corp and all their sub-corps hold legal title to all assets since 1933 and are Trustees, or agents thereof, per the purpose and intent of the HJR 192,June 5, 1933 TRUST , codified in 31 USC 5118). The only thing they are missing is the Equitable title to the Asset so that they can finally do the discharge to balance the books and extinguish the debt. They have the charge (DEBIT/DEBT) amount – they just need the discharge (CREDIT/ASSET) amount to balance the books to zero.
Having both of the titles for the asset/credit amount now allows them to use that asset/credit amount to perform their duty as Trustee to extinguish (discharge) the Liability/Debit (debt) amount by operation of law –the trust laws that are invoked when the legal and equitable titles are merged.So The Bill is NOT a BILL – it is an asset credit voucher containing the credit amount that we must release to the Trustee (or agent thereof)by indorsing the back of the Bill and returning it. This is the duty that the beneficiaries (or agents thereof) have been failing to perform.

Do you own a home? A car? Do you have a credit card or a student loan?

Well, all of these different types of debt began with you filling out a promissory note (a contract). When this is submitted to the bank, and after an “approval process”, you receive that money by signing this contract. And the bank tells you quite dishonestly that you owe them a debt for that amount of money, and gives you permission to amortize the payment of that loan over a set amount of time, usually 30 years for a mortgage. But, they also charge you interest for this convenient “service”. That means that by the end of those 30 years you’ll probably have paid double if not triple what the actual loan amount was at the signing of the original contract (promissory note).

But there is one thing that the bank is not telling you. One very, very big piece of the puzzle…

Are you ready?

According to the Federal Reserve banks, and printed in their banking rulebooks, money is created when a person (you) signs a contract (promissory note) with a bank.


Let me explain…

Last year I remember hearing about a campaign to protect people from foreclosure by these banks and mortgage companies called “Show Me The Note!” At the time, I did not understand the significance of this simple but effective and protective statement. Now I do…
“Show Me The Note” is quite a valid request. It simply means that you are requesting the original contract (promissory note) that was signed by yourself and the foreclosing bank when the money was created and given to you to buy your home.

But you see… the bank cannot ever produce this note. And here’s why…

The bank sells your note (promissory note or deed) to the Federal Reserve the minute you sign it, and the Fed then gives that bank the amount that it then “loans” to you. Therefore, the bank is at a balance of $0.00 dollars at the point of inception and payment for your loan. Remember, this is how money is “created” according to the Federal Reserve banking rules and regulations.

The problem that these banks have is that they no longer hold the note (title) to your home, because they have already sold it at face value to the Federal Reserve. And in order for a creditor (the bank) to make a claim against the debtor (you), they must in a court of “law” show proof of their claim to collect your supposed debt to them. However, the only proof of their claim for the foreclosure of your home is in fact that original note (promise to pay, promissory note) that you signed, which created the money that enabled the bank to give you that loan in the first place – money out of thin air!

Remember, money is created only when you or I sign a contract to get “credit”. It is the very fact that all of this information is not disclosed to us that makes this contract null and void. Full disclosure must accompany any contract lest it be invalid and unlawful.

Your loan contract was sold to the Federal Reserve (a private corporate central bank) by the bank or mortgage company with whom you signed your contract. It’s gone… vanished… paid off! The Federal Reserve then bundles those deeds (contracts) and sells them as securities and bonds, to countries like China, Russia, and whoever else will buy them. So in essence, China may already own the title to your home, or at least it thinks it does…

And this is why the bank has no lawful grounds to foreclose on you. They do not hold a lawful lean on your home. You owe nothing to anybody! You created that money legally through the bank and Federal Reserve by accessing your trust account assigned to you by the UNITED STATES when they took your freedom and liberty and put your wealth and property at risk starting on the day you were born (birthed).

The principle and interest you pay to the bank is pure profit for the next 30 years, because you signed a contract saying that you would pay that amount with your home and land as collateral. But for a contract to be lawful, there must be full disclosure of these little facts. Since this was obviously not disclosed to you, all of these mortgage and other contracts are null and void. The bank has no contract, no proof of claim against your debt, and no rights to force you to pay them anything.

If this sounds like a copout from paying your bills, remember that the bank never risked anything, and they never gave you a penny of their own money. You did a favor to the banking system by creating new money. You created commerce. Nothing more…

And you are entitled to this money (worthless paper used for commerce) as an indentured citizen of the UNITED STATES who is used as collateral and assigned this value at birth.

And remember… due to the Fractional Reserve Banking System created by the Federal Reserve, the Fed creates 40 times the amount of your “loan” for its use, again making money out of thin air.

I hope that you are beginning to understand that this is another of the biggest scams in the history of scams, and that all bank loans, from credit cards to student loans to mortgages work in this same exact way, secured or unsecured. Again, this is how money is created into the economy, per the rules of the Federal Reserve Bank, the private corporation unaffiliated with our government or our nation, who control our monetary policy and can destroy the value of the dollar at any time the choose.

Do you really feel guilty about reclaiming your piece of the pie?

The only way to truly benefit from this freedom is by declaring your individual God-given rights of sovereignty through a UCC (Universal Commercial Code) filing. You must offset your debt lawfully as afforded you. You must become a Secured Party Creditor.

I cringe when I hear people say they aren’t going to fight the system and instead are going to give up their house. They feel hopeless. They feel like they can’t win…

But the truth is that there was never anything to lose! The bank has no claim!

But, I understand. Most will not buck the system simply because they do not understand the system and how the Constitution for the United States was set up to ensure this type of unlawful action like bank foreclosure can never be done to us. I took me a very long time to come to this comprehension. This is how freedom works, and it only works if you claim it.

This is the forbidden knowledge…

I guess it all boils down to this… What is an education?

If an education is defined as simply four years of partying and getting drunk in a frat house while barely passing the exams of one of the most sub-standard collegial educational systems in the first world (I believe we are 39th on the list) of which most of the information taught is to train us on how to follow these rules instead knowing and learning the actual laws… and if your level of education is defined by the amount of money paid in order to receive a less than prestigious diploma stating grade level and accomplishment… then I am happy to say that I am a college dropout! I am self-educated to the point that normal conversations with doctorate level graduates equate to a conversation with a child who still believes in the Tooth Fairy, Santa Claus, and the Easter Bunny… simply because that is what they are taught in the corporate indoctrination centers that we call schools. Rational thought, self-awareness, and sovereignty is not taught in school. And Law is not the prevailing wisdom in law school.

Then, when you realize that everything you see in the movies, television, and on the news is specifically designed to uphold the illusionary state of unconsciousness that most of us live in regarding our debt slavery, that’s the point where normal conversation as defined by the media driven society becomes unbearable. And fitting in at parties becomes impossible. I’m now the crazy guy… the one talking out of my butt. I’m the one who, despite the beauty, glory, and not to mention the fact of the information I try and relay, I am labeled as the negative one… the downer.

And so now I’m the antisocial one… the one who doesn’t go to parties. The one who cannot do small talk. And I’m the one that cannot keep normal friends simply because normal means brainwashed! And normalcy is not freedom in any way.

The friends I have made are necessarily informed or at least curious, somewhat awake, and want to learn what I have already learned or want to teach what I am seeking to learn. When you do meet these people, you develop a friendship and a trust that is unknown to most; kinship through shared plight.

And to anyone reading this, I have only this to say. I may not know you. You may think that no one really knows you. But I hope that you haven’t reached the point in your life where you’ve given up, where you’ve lost all hope, where learning was something you did as a teenager, and where happiness equates to blissful ignorance. I hope that you wont let these corporate monsters force you to be a victim of this. I hope this reaches you with the spirit it was intended, and I wish for you the best in whatever you do.

A sheep you are not… for you have read this far!