Filing a commercial lien against yourself.

Filing a UCC1 Financing Statement is the filing of a legal document into the public as evidence of you regaining control over your Agent in commerce, your strawman. It had been abandoned on the sea (see) of admiralty where it was salvaged by Government and big corps to use for their own gain and benefit.
• By filing the document you are noticing the ‘state’, the public, that you are regaining rightful control over the strawman- birth certificate name for your benefit and not the states and that you are now no longer delinquent.

• By filing you also show that you are the secured party and Principal Creditor to the strawman – vessel – trust – cestue Qui Trust as the Trust was set up to benefit the living spirit within the body of a man and NOT for the benefit of anyone else, government, corporations or your strawman.

• You – the living man, are the beneficiary of the Trust, the Trust being made up of a number of parties including you, your vessel, the state and Commonwealth Governments.

• The strawman is YOUR debtor. Because the living man is NOT to own anything, we have use and possession, as ‘good stewards’ it is the job of your vessel – agent in commerce, acting as a Trustee to the Trust, and whatever assets are being accumulated by the Trust is controlled by the Trustee – your strawman, for YOU as the beneficiary. YOU are therefore the ‘Holder in Due Course’ (HIDC) of the real estate assets held in Trust because the Titles are held in the name of you agent in commerce but the Deed is in YOUR possession and that makes YOU HIDC.
Upon filing a UCC1, you also produce several accompanying documents that are all PRIVATE documents and NOT to be issued into the public. All these documents ae referenced on your UCC1 filing by a code number so there is evidence of there existence, BUT they are to remain PRIVATE.

1. The first is the Security Agreement which is a private document evidencing a contract between you and your dead at law legal fiction strawman – crown security interest name. It is an agreement that evidences that you have an mutually agreed with the agent in commerce that the vessel – agent in commerce owes you $1B, yep, one billion smakeroos. It lists a whole range of securities and their values which YOU have the principal lien position over, the whole of the estate and is a principal mechanism of protection against outside predators in the world, particularly on the high seas of admiralty law where there are abundant pirates called Governments and big corporations. Because YOU are the Principal Creditor, any other claimant against your vessel – agent in commerce, can only be a secondary creditor and can only get at your estate WHEN YOUR vessel – agent in commerce has been paid the $1Billion which you receive as beneficiary, then the predator may have access to the estate of the Trust. It is our most effective defence to protect real estate and other property from predators on the high seas.

2. Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement. To my knowledge this private agreement between you and your agent in commerce is effected to ensure that you indemnify the public against any damage you, as the living, make against any member of the public as they operate only under limited liability insurance and therefore are at risk to damage by your day to day activities. It is simply insurance to protect members of the public from any accidental or delinquent actions from us as private people.

3. Private Agreement - is a private agreement evidencing a contract between you and your dead at law legal fiction strawman – crown security interest name. It is an agreement that evidences that there is an agreement a set of tasks and objectives between the parties. For example, it shows the strawman has agreed to accept all deposits for and on your behalf into his bank account(just look at your credit card or statement to identify whose account it is) because you cannot touch that filthy lucre. You in return, have agreed to fill out his tax return (he cannot because he is a piece of paper and is dead Fred!) and sign it John Henry Doe FOR JOHN HENRY DOE.

When the birth certificate is registered in the U.S Department of Commerce, the Department of Treasury issues a bond on the birth certificate ($1,000,000)

 When a child is born in the United States (and now all over the world) a birth certificate is registered with the Bureau of Vital Statistics in the State of Birth. The key word here is "registered" as in registered in international commerce. A child then become the surety, whose energy is due at some future date. When the birth certificate is registered in the U.S Department of Commerce, the Department of Treasury issues a bond on the birth certificate ($1,000,000) and the bond is sold at some securities exchange and perhaps bought by the Federal Reserve Bank, which then uses it as collateral in order to issue Federal Reserve Notes or some other form of "debt obligation" (see 18 USC 511). (Obtaining a birth certificate is not required under common law.)

A bond is then held in trust for the Federal Reserve at the Depository Trust Corp. At 55 Water Street in New York, about two blocks down the street from the FED. It is a high rise office building and the sign out front reads "the tower of power". When the birth certificate is issued, a separate legal entity is created, The separate entity, or alter ego (ALL CAPTIAL LETTER NAME) is the "straw man" (See Black's Law 6th edition dictionary) and it is the "accomodation party" of the Uniform commercial code 3-415. 

Those all-capital letters do not represent the flesh and blood "Jack Smith” who was born to 'Momma Smith'. Those all cap letters represent the CORPORATE SURROGATE of Jack Smith known as "the strawman" that is REPRESENTING the flesh and blood Jack Smith in the CORPORATE COURT SYSTEM that has replaced Common Law courts, which the government doesn't want you to know about or think had ever existed.

The "name" is credit (see Black's 6th "accommodation party".) Therefore the right (or the use) has been separated from the title or deed.) The "Strawman" holds the title ( he belongs to the government's client who bought the title) and the real live you, flesh and blood man or woman has only naked possessions with the limited "right" to use the things. Maybe that is why our civil rights suits get dismissed out of court on Civil Rule 12(b)(6) motions. This deals with the "failure to state a title upon which relief can be granted." A claim is another word for "title". We have "failed to state upon which relief can be granted". We do not own the "title" to our own bodies anymore. When the straw man (you) violate some rule or statue (for instance a traffic ticket), the flesh and blood, the real you has to appear at the arraignment and admit the straw man's name (credit), and the "energy" surety is due and payable (fine) by the flesh and blood mwn who is in use of the straw man. This is why it is so important to "voluntarily give" your name to the magistrate (court). The defendant is the straw man. The real you, the flesh and blood you is the "offender".   Go into a court room and fail to admit to your "NAME" and see how frustrated the Judge gets. The only way they can continue is to create the joinder between you and the NAME. You are not your NAME.  And they only have jurisdiction over the NAME. 

When you are given a birth certificate an entirely separate legal entity was created. This is called the "strawman". Of course this was done without your knowledge or consent as you were just an infant at the time. Your parents also had no idea their biological property would be used as security to back the fiat paper currency of our nation. The strawman is a fictitious legal entity, created with the hope that when you grew up, you would be fooled into believing that the strawman is actually you. Thus you'd be liable for all of the imaginary costs and liabilities attached to the strawman by these con-artists.  It is shown in the ALL CAPITAL letter name displayed on the birth certificate, social security number, driver's license, tax forms, utility bills, and even credit card bills. 

"Ignorance of the law is no excuse," is the excuse they use to purport this scheme upon the American people. However, this scheme exists in many other countries, proving just how far spread this deception goes. It comes down to wordplay, also known as legalese. Common words we use every day actually have an entirely different meaning when it comes to law. Yet, because we aren't privy to the knowledge of the "law society", we are so easily duped, via fraud and coercion, into being a part of the scheme. A part of the machine.

When anything is registered with the state, ownership is waived and all you are left with is a title, or a certificate. (i.e, the certificate of live birth, the title to your vehicle.)  The registering of a baby's birth actually passes "ownership" of the baby to the government and that allows the State to take the child away from the parents if they ever want to do that.   This applies until the child reaches the 'age of maturity' set by the current legal statutes.   Doing that is not "lawful" but after the birth has been registered, it is "legal" and there is a world of difference between those two terms, a difference which it is very important that you come to understand clearly. Another way the State can gain ownership of a child is via the Marriage License.  With this, the government becomes the principal in a contract involving the three of you, and gain an asset, which is then in the control of the government, the product of that marriage; the biological property; the children. 

In Admiralty Law, Vessels documented by registration under the laws of the United States are entitled to privileges and subject to the obligations prescribed by the laws of the United States for merchant vessels.

To start out with, your parents due to their prior birth registration were already considered being registered documented vessels/mentally incompetent wards of the State, being under the guardianship of the State, who by legal marriage, where the State is a third party to the marriage contract, had an offspring/ward which they brought into this world by delivery, the act by which the res, the subject matter of a trust, or substance thereof was placed within the actual or constructive possession or control of another in the delivery room of the maternity ward of the hospital, the port of entry for vessels/wards. 

Then they asked your mother for your legal name in Upper Lower case which consists of one Christian name and one surname which is the name on the RECORD OF LIVE BIRTH written in upper and lowercase letters. What your mother was not told is that she delivered you to an agent/licensed doctor of the State, in a federally funded hospital, an act by which the res, the subject matter of a trust or substance thereof, was placed within the actual or constructive possession or control of another, the State, for which in equity they created a Certificate of Live Birth with the all CAPITAL LETTERS and recorded that warehouse receipt in the commercial registry as cargo under transportation. 

The hospital documented your birth with the legal name Title in a distinctive style or appellation, Upper Lower case, the name by which anything is known, and because under trust law whenever title or money is transferred, a trust is created by operation of law, representing you, for which they created a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH in all CAPITAL LETTERS, which was filed with the local Registrar and registered with the State, via Certificate of registry, in commercial maritime law which is a certificate of registration of a vessel according to the registry acts, for the purpose of giving him/her a national character i.e. U.S. citizen born in a federal zone, hospital zip code, in the judicial district in which the birthing of the vessel occurred identified by the filing with, for example the "Florida State Department of Health", Office of Vital Statistics within 5 days after your delivery, and then sent to Washington, D.C., for which the hospital receives a check for that vessel. 

Then the local registrar issued your parents a copy of the warehouse receipt for the cargo, the CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH from the State of Florida in all CAPITAL LETTERS, representing a vessel/ward of the State representing the abandonment of your title by registration. The State of Florida the Creator/Trustor then created a Cestui que trust (constructive trust) behind your back after the fact, and placed a value on it, based on actuarial estimates of your future labor/human resource. Then they issued a Bond against the trust’s asset, a certificate of indebtedness and funded the bond through the IMF based on your future earnings from your labor as the contributing beneficiary, which is a trust asset, and set up a Federal Reserve account for the same.

If you have an older-style Birth Certificate, look on the Reverse side of it, to see 3 points of interest.

1) A 6-10 digit Number that you have never used in your life.

2) The words "Revenue Receipt" on the left side of this number.

3) The words "For Treasury Purposes Only" on the right side of the number.

So now the IMF has a beneficial interest in and out of the trust estate, the legal title is now vested with the "State of Florida", and held by the Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D.C.; equitable title copy of CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH held by you representing equity/labor; the Governor acting as the managing fiduciary trustee; the Secretary of State Registrar acting as fiduciary trustee until you turn of legal age; and you acting as fiduciary trustee for the trust with duties and obligations once you turn of legal age, and the Secretary of Treasury in charge of the Federal Reserve account. 

That ward/vessel is a now a Vessel of the United States, documented by registration under the laws of the United States and subject to its laws and jurisdiction, and the Title goes to the Alien Property Custodian in Washington, D.C. In a maritime in rem action, jurisdiction over the person of the "defendant", the vessel, is premised upon the presence of the vessel within the district in which the court sits. The only vessel they have jurisdiction over is the trust, that is evidenced by the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, establishing the three points of jurisdiction NAME, SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER and DATE OF BIRTH, the Federal Reserve account under the supervision of the Secretary of the Treasury who is also the managing trustee for the Social Security Administration and governor for the IMF. 

Up until you turned of legal age to work, the deputy Registrar on behalf of the Registrar/Secretary of State, or the Registrar/Secretary of State whichever signed the CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH has been the fiduciary trustee for that trust created behind your back and securitized where the government owns it in part and you own it in part. Meaning the Registrar had the fiduciary duty and obligation for that Trust up until you started your first job. That is why the State can take the child away from the parents, because it is the duty and obligation of the fiduciary trustee as guardian, to look after the ward, and make sure he or she is taken care of properly.


This first Legal Person attached to you, is known as a "NATIONAL CITIZEN" which later becomes synonymous with being a "Government Employee", when you SUBMIT (give in) an APPLICATION (to beg) for REGISTRATION (to sign over your rights) to become a SINner, (by signing up for the Fraud called Social Insurance or Social Security).


You then receive your Employee ID # (also known as a SIN #) which creates another Person called a "TAXPAYER". This means you consent to the Income Tax Act, and now makes you liable for the Income Tax, in exchange for the "Benefits" of being a Government Employee.

When you filled out the Application Form SS-5 for a Social Security Card, the Registrar turned over the duty and obligation of the fiduciary trustee over to you, because he did not want to be responsible as fiduciary for anything you do in commerce using that SS Card/number. You then became the contributing beneficiary and fiduciary trustee for that trust with the duties and obligations for filing and paying the licensing taxes, registration taxes, and taxes on profits, gains and income generated for the trust once it starts to operate in commerce with a Social Security Card/number on all commercial transactions, because you on behalf of the beneficial owner "the trust”, which is resident within a territory occupied by military forces with which the United States is at war, or a resident outside the United States, for which you are considered an enemy doing business with a license and tax identifying number for the purposes "of trade” effectively connected with the conduct of a trade or business within said territory for which you are granted a license under the authority of the President pursuant to the Trading with the Enemy Act, as an enemy in order to trade, or attempt to trade with the enemy for the beneficial owner the "trust”, and as the fiduciary trustee paying, satisfying, compromising, or giving security for the payment or satisfaction of any debt or obligation, and for drawing, accepting, paying, presenting for acceptance or payment, or indorsing any negotiable instrument or chose in action on behalf of the trust.

"A corporation is a citizen, resident, or inhabitant of the state or country by or under the laws of which it was created, and that of state of country only." [19 Corpus Juris Secundumn (C.J.S), Corporations 886]

Legally, we are considered to be a FICTION

In 1666, in London, during the black plague, and great fires of london Parliament enacted an act, behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666.

The act being debated the Cestui Qui act was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women were declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. (back then operating in admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea).

The state (of London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust, the state became the trustee/husband holding all titles to the people and property, until a living man comes back to reclaim those titles and can also claim damages. (Reclaim using UCC 1 and PPSA)

The rule of the use of CAPITAL LETTERS used in a NAME: when CAPITAL letters re used anywhere in a NAME this always refers to a LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION, COMPANY or CORPORATION no exceptions.


CEST TUI QUE TRUST: (pronounced setakay) common term in NEW ZEALAND and AUSTRALIA or STRAWMAN common term in USA or CANADA is a LEGAL ENTITY/FICTION created and owned by the GOVERNMENT whom created it. I repeat owned by the GOVERNMENT.

Legally, we are considered to be a FICTION, a concept or idea expressed as a NAME, a symbol. That LEGAL PERSON has no consciousness; it is a juristic PERSON, ENS LEGIS, a NAME/word written on a piece of paper.

This traces back to 1666, London is a state, just like Vatican is a state, just like Washington DC is a state. The Crown is an unincorporated association. Why unincorporated, its private, the temple bar is in London, every lawyer called to the "bar" swears allegiance to the temple bar. You can't get called, without swearing this allegiance. The Crown already owns North America and everything in it.

Your only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the trustee of the cest tui qui trust and remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody.

The subrogation of your rights

When London burned the subrogation of mens and womens rights occurred.
The responsible act passed... CQV act 1666 meant all men and women of UK were declared dead and lost beyond the seas.  The state took everybody and everybody's property into trust.  The state takes control until a living man or woman comes back and claims their titles by proving they are alive and claims for damages can be made.

This is why you always need representation when involved in legal matters, because you're dead.  The legal fiction is a construct on paper, an estate in trust.  When you get a bill or summons from court it is always in capital letters, similar to tomb stones in grave yards.  Capital letters signify death.  They are writing to the dead legal fiction.  A legal fiction was created when someone informed the government that there was a new vessel in town, based upon your birth.  Birth certificates are issued at birth, just as ships are given berth certificates.

Your mother has a birth canal, just like a ship.  All this information relates to how the general public are still legally tied.  Through admiralty law, through this ancient legal construct we can be easily controlled.  Learning about your legal fiction helps you to unlock yourself.  Otherwise you are just a vessel floating on the sea of commerce.  It is possible to be free from financial stress and debt. 
Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies.  In about 1837 the Births, Deaths and Marriages act was formed in UK and the post of registrar general was established.  His job was to collect all the data from the churches which held the records of birth.

Regis - from queen or crown.  All people are seen to be in custody of," The Crown". This allows people to function in commerce and to accept the benefits provided by state.

So we are in custody.  Worldwide - under the IMF the majority of people are fed, sheltered and provided for, however now it is the system that is benefitting while many are suffering, are poorly fed, housed and water is contaminated.  Many people are now getting sick and dying as a result - not to mention that as people evolve, they now seek to be independent of any system that seeks to control or oppress and harms the earth that this is all taking place on. 

We have legally elected representatives.  We have to understand who we are as men and women and how we can relate in the system.   

The City of London is a centre for markets, where merchants work.  Then there is mercantile law.  It comes from Admiralty.  Look at the symbols in the City of London that relate to Admiralty.
Our national banks are not our banks.  The private shareholders from the private banks own the banks.  It is all private, not public as we are led to believe.  "OF" also means "without", eg. The bank without England.  Private banks issue private currency. 

With WWI a change happened where money was not backed by gold or silver anymore, it is now based on peoples labour.  People are now pledged to the IMF as the surety to pay back the creditors in the global bankruptcy.   Men and women are not bankrupt, they are the only source of credit. The public is bankrupt. 

Regarding the currency that gets issued at the Bank of England, people are the gold or the treasure.  The government issues bonds or treasury bills that are bought by investors.  The money goes back into the economy in order to pay for the people to build things, e.g. an Olympic Stadium.  However, the people are paying taxes for the privilege of using someone else's currency and paying back the principal and the interest on the original loan that was given against the treasury bonds, bills and notes.  It is a private corporation that will own the Olympic stadium, be responsible for running it, be able to sell commercial rights, yet the people are actually the ones who own it and should be profiting from it.  However, principal and interest is coming through the people in order to raise the money. 

So where you have commerce and money, you also have "justice".  You need to understand the bankruptcy before you can understand the judiciary.  You need to accept the bankruptcy.  We have accepted the claim to accept the summons.  There is an obligation to accept any liability which has been created.  All you can do is accept the bankruptcy.  We are operating in admiralty.  A not guilty plea dishonours the bankruptcy.  The strawman, aka legal fiction is always guilty.  It needs to be accepted for value.  Barristers and solicitors make a living out of creating controversy.  By creating a controversy you become liable for the case.  

Honour and dishonour.  To remain in honour you have to accept a claim and settle it.  Then you add conditions.  I accept on proof of claim and proof of loss.  This gives the liability back to them.  The legal fiction is always guilty.  Only in the high courts, can the real man or woman appear.  Games are played on courts; hence the name court is a game with actors (acting on acts).  It has to be treated as a game and just business.  Court room dramas are misinformation.  In the public, we are operating in bankruptcy and you receive benefits.  It takes a lot of time, effort and study to use these tools.  You have to be prepared to go fully through the process, get the right tool out of your toolbox at the right time.  People need to learn how to act as creditors.
In summary...
  • Money is backed by labour.
  • We cannot exchange it fairly for gold or silver.
  • Capitalisation of "name" means a dead entity, a legal fiction.
  • Know who you are, you are not your strawman or dead fictitious entity.
  • Learn how to become a creditor in commerce.


Use of the Zip is voluntary. See Domestic Regulations. Section 122.32 as amended. You should also know that the Postal service cannot discriminate against the non-use of the Zip Code. See "Postal Reorganization Act ", Section 403, (Public Law, 91-375). The federal government
utilizes the ZIP code to prove that you reside in a “federal district of the District of Columbia”.
This is why the IRS and other government agencies (state and federal) require a Zip code when they assert jurisdiction by sending you a letter. They claim that this speeds the mail, but this is a sly and subtle TRICK. It is also prima facie evidence that you are a subject of Congress and a
"citizen of the District of Columbia " who is "resident " in one of the several states.
The receipt of mail with a ZIP code is one of the requirements for the IRS to have jurisdiction to send you notices. The government cannot bill a Citizen of Texas, because he is not within the purview of the MUNICIPAL LAWS of the District of Columbia. In fact, the Internal Revenue
Service has adopted the ZIP code areas as Internal Revenue Districts. See the Federal Register,Volume 51, Number 53, Wednesday March 19, 1986.
You must remember that the Postal Service is a private corporation, a quasi-government agency.
It is no longer a full government agency. It is like the Federal Reserve System, the Internal Revenue Service, and the United States and the United States Marshall Service. They are all outside the restrictions of the Federal Constitution, as private corporations. They are all powerful
in their respective areas of responsibility, to enforce collection for the federal debt. So, if you are using a ZIP code, you are in effect saying openly and notoriously that you do not live in the State of Texas, etc, but instead are a resident in the Texas area of the District of Columbia (a federal district). There are some so-called Patriot groups that I consider Patriots for money. They advocate the use of Title 42 suits (which are for federal citizens only), send mail to you with a ZIP code, and ask you to do things that place you within the municipal jurisdiction of the District of Columbia.
Remember these individuals may be agents of the government or, even worse, are advocating a one world government by the use of the Social Security number and the ZIP code.
So you must be aware of the movement towards a one world government through annihilation or elimination of State Citizens by use of the so-called 14th Amendment and its related laws.
It is this writer's opinion, both as a result of study, e.g. of page 11 of the National Area ZIP code Directory, of 26 U.S.C. 7621, of Section 4 of the Federal Register, Volume 51, Number 53, of (TDO) 150-01; of the opinion in United States v LaSalle National Bank, 437 U.S. 298, 308, 98, 5
Ct 2d 2357, 571. Ed. 2d 221 (1978); of 12 U.S.C. 222; of 31 U.S.C. 103, and as a result of My actual experience, that a ZIP code address is presumed to create a "Federal jurisdiction " or “market venue” or “revenue districts” that override State boundaries, taking one who uses such modes of address outside of a State venue and its constitutional protections and into an international, commercial venue involving admiralty concerns of the "United States ", which is a commercial corporation domiciled in Washington, D. C.

More specifically, looking at the map on page 11 of the National ZIP Code Directory, e.g. at a local post office, one will see that the first digit of a ZIP code defines an area that includes more than on State. The first sentence of the explanatory paragraph begins.
“A ZIP code is a numerical code that identifies areas within the United States and its territories for the purpose of…..” [cf. 26 CFR 1 1-1 (c)]

Note the singular possessive pronoun "Its", not "their", therefore carrying the implication that it relates to the "United States" as a corporation domiciled in the District of Columbia (in the singular sense), not in the sense of being the 50 States of the Union (in the plural sense). The map shows all the States of the Union, but it also shows D.C., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, making the explanatory statement literally correct.

Properly construed, ZIP Codes can only be applicable in Federal territories and enclaves that may be located within the 50 States of the Union, and to the "United States" and District of Columbia and its territories - cf. Piqua Bank v Knoup, 6 Ohio 342, 404(1856) and U.S. v Butler,297 U.S. 1, 63 (1936) to the effect that "in every state there are two Governments, the state and the United States". Therefore, ZIP Code address are for the corporate "United States" and its agents (for example, a customs and duty collector at New York harbor, when they move out into the States of the Union to perform functions delegated to the "United States" by the National/Federal Constitution, or the Texas Department of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles, or a U.S. Congressman).

But, by propaganda, misleading information and seditious syntax, government has gotten nearly everyone in the 50 States of the Union to use ZIP Codes of address, and that creates a PRESUMPTION or a PREJUDICIAL ADMISSION that one is in such a Federal venue, or that one is such a government agent.

In general, it is well settled in law that Income Tax Statutes apply only to corporations and to their officers, agents, and employees acting in their official capacities, e.g. from Colonial Pipeline Co. v Traigle, 421 U.S. 100, 44 L.Ed.2d.1, 95 S.Ct. 1538(1975)". ...However, all "income tax statutes apply only to state created creatures known as corporations no matter whether state, local, or federal". Since corporations act only through their official capacities, but not as individuals. This is the real purpose for Identifying Numbers-26 CFR 301.6109-1(d) & (g) and 26 U.S.C. 6331(a) and 26 CFR 301.6331-1, Part 4.Use of a ZIP Code address is tantamount to the admission of being a "citizen of the United States" who does not necessarily have the protections of the first eight Amendments to the Constitution (in the Bill of Rights) when proceeded against by Federal or State authority Maxwell v Dow, 176 U.S. 581, 20 S Ct 448 (1900), but "All the provisions of the constitution look to an indestructible union of indestructible states", Texas v White, 7 Wall 700; U.S. v Cathcart, 25 F Case No. 14,756, In re: Charge to Grand Jury, 30 F. Case No 18,273 (65 CJ
Section 2)-not known to be overturned.

You're actually worth more dead (debt) than alive!

The Social Security # on the front of your Social Security Card is assigned to the debtor or straw man, the red number on the back of the card is your exempt priority prepaid account number and is assigned to one of the 12 Federal Reserve Banks, designated by the letter in front of the number. There are 12 letters and 8 numbers after the letter. These letters designate which Federal Reserve district or bank is handling your account, the 8 digit # is your account number, all charge backs should be to this bank and not the Secretary of the Treasury, who in reality is the Secretary of the Treasury of Puerto Rico. The office of the Secretary of The Treasury of the United States was done away with in 1926; I have the legislative documentation of this. The International Monetary Fund has replaced the office of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, which was or is being chaired by Nicholas Brady. The letters below designate which district or bank is handling your account.

A: Boston / B: New York / C: Philadelphia / D: Cleveland

E: Richmond / F: Atlanta / G: Chicago / H: St.Louis

I: Minneapolis / J: Kansas City / K: Dallas / L: San Francisco

The whole problem and nothing else is that the public and national debt or deficit is not being redeemed on the public side through your exemption on the private side. This is the reason you have run away inflation and wars in the public realms.

The reason wars are fought is to kill or execute people to cancel the debt. You will find out that under Title 12 section 1811 and section 3104 [insurance of deposits] every demand deposit account including checking, savings and credit card accounts are insured under the FDIA [Federal Depository Insurance Act] through the FDIC [Federal Depository Insurance Corporation] Title 12 section 1811 (a).

When they execute the debtor to eliminate the debt, they also collect the insurance money; you are actually worth more dead [debt] than alive. Why do you think the police are so quick to shoot people? This executes or eliminates both the debtor and the debt, in one swift action or execution. This is all Karmic and involves the laws of Karma, which in physics involves the Laws of Cause and Effect. This is also the occult or hidden meaning of the scriptures in regard to salvation and redemption.


The United States is bankrupt and has been since 1933. The U.S. "went off the gold
standard" in 1933. The U.S. "went of the silver standard" in 1964. Remember? That's
when all the coins were debased for cheaper metals like copper and nickel. Therefore,
the United States has no gold or silver backing for currency and daily operations as
required by the Constitution.
So, what assets are left? So how does the United States finance its daily operations?
The only asset left is the people. In the government's own language, it is called "the
good faith and credit" of the American people. But, what is that "faith and credit" based
on? Look at Senate Resolution #62 above. "ALL PROPERTY BELONGS TO THE
STATE" and you are now a "mere user" of "their property". In their own words; you
allegedly have "so-called ownership" by the (so-called) "virtue" of a Bankrupt
Government? But, how did this take place? Where did the U.S. Government find the
Solution; collateralize people for the "credit" by getting the people to "believe and
have faith".
How? By registering them (all United States Citizens and Americans) into international
commerce, and selling bonds on them. The person becomes the surety on the bonds, or
the "pledge" for the "faith" to build the "credit of the United States". The asset bonded
(the personal collateral) is the "energy" or the future labor of the people which is payable
at some undetermined future date. Thus, the people become the "utility" for the
"transmission" of energy, which is your labor and intellectual property over time.
When a baby is born in the United States, a birth certificate is registered with the Bureau
of Vital Statistics in the state of birth. The keyword here it is "registered"; as in, "gifted
with a certificate" that is given by the parents of the child to the "virtue of the
government", and then registered in international commerce through the DEPARTMENT
OF HUMAN RESOURCES. We are Human Resources [Executive Order 13037
Sec. 2(b)] WILLIAM J. CLINTON Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 8:45 a.m.,
March 5, 1997
NOTE: Now you know what a "human resource" is. Your energy and intellect are "resourced",
meaning taken from the "source" (i.e. You) and "sourced" to something else
(i.e. The U.S. Government's monetary system of "good faith" (belief) and credit.
The baby becomes the surety, whose energy is due at some future date. When the Birth
Certificate is registered in the U.S. Department a Commerce, the Department of Treasury
issues a bond on the Birth Certificate and the bond is sold at a SECURITIES
EXCHANGE as a "Derivative" (meaning a derivation on the ALL CAPITAL
LETTER NAME See Blacks sixth edition dictionary) and bought by the Federal Reserve
Bank through the Deposit Trust Corporation (aka: DTC) at 55 Water Street, in New York
City, about two blocks down the street from the FED. The DTC is a high-rise office
building and the sign out front reads: "The Tower of Power".
You've seen that TOWER, right? Remember the LORD OF THE RINGS and the Energy
Transfer Towers of the MATRIX.
When the Birth Certificate is registered, a separate legal entity is created; a mirror image
of the real flesh and blood. This separate entity, or alter ego is called the "straw man".
Remember the Straw Man with "no brain" in WIZARD OF OZ?
The Straw Man is the “accommodation party” of UCC 3 -- 415. The name is credit. (See
Blacks 6th. “Accommodation party” and "Straw Man"). Therefore the right (or the use)
has been separated from the title (or deed). The “"straw man” holds the title (and "he/it"
belongs to the government's client who bought the bond/title) and the flesh and blood
man has only naked possession with the limited “right” to use the thing (like his body or
his alleged possessions and land, which now becomes “usury” of another title/property).
When the straw-man violates some rule or statute (for instance a traffic ticket), the flesh
and blood man must appear at the arraignment and admit the straw-man's name (credit)
and then "pay it's debt to the society". The “energy” on the surety is due and payable by
the flesh and blood man who is in use of the straw man. The flesh and blood man is the
“offender” through the improper use of the straw-man. An “offender” is on the offensive
team until he screws up and goes on the defensive with the defendant and loses.
This is why civil rights suits get dismissed out-of-court on Civil Rule 12 (B)(6): "failure
to state a claim upon which relief can be granted". The word: "claim" is another word for
"title". So you have "failed to state a "title" upon which relief can be granted". You do
not own the "title" even to our own bodies anymore, and the United States verified this
with SENATE RESOLUTION #62..."All ownership is in the hands of the State" and your
"use" of any property or labor, including your own...."is subordinate to the STATE".
What is the result?
A very sophisticated form of peonage-servitude and the Constitution does not apply
because the government, on all levels, is thrown into international commerce, the law
merchant, now known as the Uniform Commercial Code. [See Public Law 88 -- 244 in
which the U.S. subscribed to private international law. See definition of "goods" under
the UCC at 2 -- 105 (1) and 9-- 105 (1) in which animals, i.e. -- humans and their unborn
offspring, become "goods" sellable in commerce.]
Revelation 18:.....11-17"The traders will cry and carry on because the bottom dropped out
of business, no more market for their goods: gold, silver, precious gems, pearls; fabrics of
fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet; perfumed wood and vessels of ivory, precious woods,
bronze, iron, and marble; cinnamon and spice, incense, myrrh, and frankincense; wine
and oil, flour and wheat; cattle, sheep, horses, and chariots. And slaves—their terrible
traffic in human lives.
So if this scenario is correct, how does one get back the bond that has been sold on the
Birth Certificate? How does one "break the collusion" with a system that one does not
believe in or even really know or understand?

MONEY FROM NOTHING. Montgomery vs. Daly


It’s been called the most astounding sleight of hand ever devised. The creation of money privatized, and usurped from Congress by a private banking cartel. Most people think money is issued by fiat through the government, but that is not the case. Except for coins, which compose only about one one-thousandth of the total U.S. money supply, all of our money is created by private banks. Federal Reserve Notes (dollar bills) are issued by the Federal Reserve, a private banking corporation, and lent to the government at interest, creating a huge debt to the nation. A debt the nation can never get out of unless the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 is abolished. Moreover, Federal Reserve Notes and coins together compose less than 3 percent of the money supply. The other 97 percent is created by commercial banks as loans, and backed by nothing.

You don’t believe banks create the money they lend? Neither did the jury in a landmark Minnesota case, until they heard the evidence. First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Daly (1969) was a courtroom drama worthy of a movie script. Every American that is facing a housing crisis should take note.

Defendant Jerome Daly opposed the bank’s foreclosure on his $14,000 home mortgage loan on the ground that there was no consideration for the loan. “Consideration” (“the thing exchanged”) is an essential element of a contract. All contracts need an offer, acceptance and consideration to be valid.

Daly, an attorney representing himself, argued that the bank had put up no real money for his loan. The courtroom proceedings were recorded by Associate Justice Bill Drexler, whose chief role, he said, was to keep order in a highly charged courtroom where the attorneys were threatening a fist fight. Drexler hadn’t given much credence to the theory of the defense, until Mr. Morgan, the bank’s president, took the stand. To everyone’s surprise, Morgan admitted that the bank routinely created money “out of thin air” for its loans, and that this was standard banking practice. “It sounds like fraud to me,” intoned Presiding Justice Martin Mahoney amid nods from the jurors. In his court memorandum, Justice Mahoney stated:

Plaintiff admitted that it, in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis,  did create the entire $14,000.00 in money and credit upon its own books by bookkeeping entry. That this was the consideration used to support the Note dated May 8, 1964 and the Mortgage of the same date. The money and credit first came into existence when they created it. Mr. Morgan admitted that no United States Law or Statute existed which gave him the right to do this. A lawful consideration must exist and be tendered to support the Note.

The court rejected the bank’s claim for foreclosure, and the defendant kept his house. To Daly, the implications were enormous. If bankers were indeed extending credit without consideration – without backing their loans with money they actually had in their vaults and were entitled to lend – a decision declaring their loans void could topple the power base of the world. He wrote in a local news article:

This decision, which is legally sound, has the effect of declaring all private mortgages on real and personal property, and all U.S. and State bonds held by the Federal Reserve, National and State banks to be null and void. This amounts to an emancipation of this Nation from personal, national and state debt purportedly owed to this banking system. Every American owes it to himself . . . to study this decision very carefully . . . for upon it hangs the question of freedom or slavery.

Needless to say, however, the decision failed to change prevailing practice, although it was never overruled. It was heard in a Justice of the Peace Court, an autonomous court system dating back to those frontier days when defendants had trouble traveling to big cities to respond to summonses. In that system (which has now been phased out), judges and courts were pretty much on their own. Justice Mahoney, who was not dependent on campaign financing or hamstrung by precedent, went so far as to threaten to prosecute and expose the bank. He died less than six months after the trial, in a mysterious accident that appeared to involve poisoning. Since that time, a number of defendants have attempted to avoid loan defaults using the defense Daly raised; but they have met with only limited success. As one judge said off the record:

If I let you do that – you and everyone else – it would bring the whole system down. I cannot let you go behind the bar of the bank. We are not going behind that curtain!

From time to time, however, the curtain has been lifted long enough for us to see behind it. A number of reputable authorities have attested to what is going on, including Sir Josiah Stamp, president of the Bank of England and the second richest man in Britain in the 1920s. He declared in an address at the University of Texas in 1927: “The modern banking system manufactures money out of nothing. The process is perhaps the most astounding piece of sleight of hand that was ever invented. Banking was conceived in inequity and born in sin . . . . Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them but leave them the power to create money, and, with a flick of a pen, they will create enough money to buy it back again. . . . Take this great power away from them and all great fortunes like mine will disappear, for then this would be a better and happier world to live in. . . . But, if you want to continue to be the slaves of bankers and pay the cost of your own slavery, then let bankers continue to create money and control credit.”

Robert H. Hemphill, Credit Manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta in the Great Depression, wrote in 1934: “We are completely dependent on the commercial Banks. Someone has to borrow every dollar we have in circulation, cash or credit. If the Banks create ample synthetic money we are prosperous; if not, we starve. We are absolutely without a permanent money system. When one gets a complete grasp of the picture, the tragic absurdity of our hopeless position is almost incredible, but there it is. It is the most important subject intelligent persons can investigate and reflect upon.”

Graham Towers, Governor of the Bank of Canada from 1935 to 1955, acknowledged: “Banks create money. That is what they are for. . . . The manufacturing process to make money consists of making an entry in a book. That is all. . . . Each and every time a Bank makes a loan . . . new Bank credit is created — brand new money.”

Robert B. Anderson, Secretary of the Treasury under Eisenhower, said in an interview reported in the August 31, 1959 issue of U.S. News and World Report: “[W]hen a bank makes a loan, it simply adds to the borrower’s deposit account in the bank by the amount of the loan. The money is not taken from anyone else’s deposit; it was not previously paid in to the bank by anyone. It’s new money, created by the bank for the use of the borrower.”

II. The Following is the Actual Court Record of:







First National Bank of Montgomery,



Jerome Daly,



The above entitled action came on before the Court and a Jury of 12 on December 7, 1968 at 10:00 am.   Plaintiff appeared by its President Lawrence V. Morgan and was represented by its Counsel, R. Mellby. Defendant appeared on his own behalf.

A Jury of Talesmen were called, impaneled and sworn to try the issues in the Case. Lawrence V. Morgan was the only witness called for Plaintiff and Defendant testified as the only witness in his own behalf.

Plaintiff brought this as a Common Law action for the recovery of the possession of Lot 19 Fairview Beach, Scott County, Minn. Plaintiff claimed title to the Real Property in question by foreclosure of a Note and Mortgage Deed dated May 8, 1964 which Plaintiff claimed was in default at the time foreclosure proceedings were started.

Defendant appeared and answered that the Plaintiff created the money and credit upon its own books by bookkeeping entry as the consideration for the Note and Mortgage of May 8, 1964 and alleged failure of the consideration for the Mortgage Deed and alleged that the Sheriff’s sale passed no title to plaintiff.

The issues tried to the Jury were whether there was a lawful consideration and whether Defendant had waived his rights to complain about the consideration having paid on the Note for almost 3 years.

Mr. Morgan admitted that all of the money or credit which was used as a consideration was created upon their books, that this was standard banking practice exercised by their bank in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, another private Bank, further that he knew of no United States Statute or Law that gave the Plaintiff the authority to do this. Plaintiff further claimed that Defendant by using the ledger book created credit and by paying on the Note and Mortgage waived any right to complain about the Consideration and that the Defendant was estopped from doing so.

At 12:15 on December 7, 1968 the Jury returned a unanimous verdict for the Defendant.

Now therefore, by virtue of the authority vested in me pursuant to the Declaration of Independence, the Northwest Ordinance of 1787, the Constitution of United States and the Constitution and the laws of the State of Minnesota not inconsistent therewith ;


1.That the Plaintiff is not entitled to recover the possession of Lot 19, Fairview Beach, Scott County, Minnesota according to the Plat thereof on file in the Register of Deeds office.

2.That because of failure of a lawful consideration the Note and Mortgage dated May 8, 1964 are null and void.

3.That the Sheriff’s sale of the above described premises held on June 26, 1967 is null and void, of no effect.

4.That the Plaintiff has no right title or interest in said premises or lien thereon as is above described.

5.That any provision in the Minnesota Constitution and any Minnesota Statute binding the jurisdiction of this Court is repugnant to the Constitution of the United States and to the Bill of Rights of the Minnesota Constitution and is null and void and that this Court has jurisdiction to render complete Justice in this Cause.

The following memorandum and any supplementary memorandum made and filed by this Court in support of this Judgment is hereby made a part hereof by reference.


Dated December 9, 1968


Credit River Township

Scott County, Minnesota


The issues in this case were simple. There was no material dispute of the facts for the Jury to resolve.

Plaintiff admitted that it, in combination with the federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, which are for all practical purposes, because of their interlocking activity and practices, and both being Banking Institutions Incorporated under the Laws of the United States, are in the Law to be treated as one and the same Bank, did create the entire $14,000.00 in money or credit upon its own books by bookkeeping entry. That this was the Consideration used to support the Note dated May 8, 1964 and the Mortgage of the same date. The money and credit first came into existence when they created it. Mr. Morgan admitted that no United States Law Statute existed which gave him the right to do this. A lawful consideration must exist and be tendered to support the Note. See Ansheuser-Busch Brewing Company v. Emma Mason, 44 Minn. 318, 46 N.W. 558.   The Jury found that there was no consideration and I agree.   Only God can create something of value out of nothing.

Even if Defendant could be charged with waiver or estoppel as a matter of Law this is no defense to the Plaintiff. The Law leaves wrongdoers where it finds them. See sections 50, 51 and 52 of Am Jur 2nd “Actions” on page 584 – “no action will lie to recover on a claim based upon, or in any manner depending upon, a fraudulent, illegal, or immoral transaction or contract to which Plaintiff was a party.”

Plaintiff’s act of creating credit is not authorized by the Constitution and Laws of the United States, is unconstitutional and void, and is not a lawful consideration in the eyes of the Law to support any thing or upon which any lawful right can be built.

Nothing in the Constitution of the United States limits the jurisdiction of this Court, which is one of original Jurisdiction with right of trial by Jury guaranteed. This is a Common Law action. Minnesota cannot limit or impair the power of this Court to render Complete Justice between the parties.  Any provisions in the Constitution and laws of Minnesota which attempt to do so is repugnant to the Constitution of the United States and void.  No question as to the Jurisdiction of this Court was raised by either party at the trial. Both parties were given complete liberty to submit any and all facts to the Jury, at least in so far as they saw fit.

No complaint was made by Plaintiff that Plaintiff did not receive a fair trial. From the admissions made by Mr. Morgan the path of duty was direct and clear for the Jury.  Their Verdict could not reasonably have been otherwise. Justice was rendered completely and without denial, promptly and without delay, freely and without purchase, conformable to the laws in this Court of December 7, 1968.


December 9, 1968

Justice Martin V. Mahoney

Credit River Township

Scott County, Minnesota.

Note: It has never been doubted that a Note given on a Consideration which is prohibited by law is void.  It has been determined, independent of Acts of Congress, that sailing under the license of an enemy is illegal.  The emission of Bills of Credit upon the books of these private Corporations for the purpose of private gain is not warranted by the Constitution of the United States and is unlawful.  See Craig v. Mo. 4 Peters Reports 912.   This Court can tread only that path which is marked out by duty.    M.V.M.

JEROME DALY had his own information to reveal about this case, which establishes that between his own revealed information and the fact that Justice Martin V. Mahoney was murdered 6 months after he entered the Credit River Decision on the books of the Court, why the case was never legally overturned, nor can it be



FORWARD: The above Judgment was entered by the Court on December 9, 1968. The issue there was simple – Nothing in the law gave the Banks the right to create money on their books. The Bank filed a Notice of Appeal within 10 days. The Appeals statutes must be strictly followed, otherwise the District Court does not acquire Jurisdiction upon Appeal. To effect the Appeal the Bank had to deposit $2.00 with the Clerk within 10 days for payment to the Justice when he made his return to the District Court.  The Bank deposited two $1.00 Federal Reserve Notes. The Justice refused the Notes and refused to allow the Appeal upon the grounds that the Notes were unlawful and void for any purpose. The Decision is addressed to the legality of these Notes and the Federal Reserve System. The Cases of Edwards v. Kearnzey and Craig vs Missouri set out in the decision should be studied very carefully as they bear on the inviolability of Contracts. This is the Crux of the whole issue.   Jerome Daly.

SPECIAL NOTATION.  Justice Mahoney denied the use of Federal Reserve Notes, since they represent debt instruments, not true money, from being used to pay for the appeal process itself.  In order to get this overturned, since the bank’s appeal without the payment being recognized was out of time, it would have required that the Bank of Montgomery, Minnesota bring a Title 42, Section 1983 action against the judicial act of Justice Mahoney for a violation of the Constitution of the United States under color of law or authority, and if successful, have the case remanded back to him to either retry the case or allow the appeal to go through.  But the corrupt individuals behind the bank(s) were unable to ever elicit such a decision from any federal court due to the fact that because of their vile hatred for him and what he had done to them and their little Queen’s Scheme, had him murdered (same as them murdering him) just about 6 months later.  And so, the case stands, just as it was.  Amazingly, if they hadn’t been so arrogant about the value of their federal reserve notes and paid the Justice just 2 measly silver dollars, or else 4 measly half dollars, or else 8 measly quarters, or else 20 measly dimes, or else 40 measly nickels, or else 200 measly pennies, they could have had their appeal and would not have had to get blood on their hands.

As it is, they are now known for their bloody ways, and the day will come when the American people will reap vengeance upon them for such a heinous and villainous act.  Amen.

You are now officially “Dead”

We are born on the land and are considered heirs of the land assets of our country.

But within hours undeclared agents of the federal “State” franchise get our Mothers to sign Certificates of Live Birth. These documents are misrepresented as simple recordings of the baby’s birth. Instead, they are registrations of commercial “vessels” using the baby’s name, and serving to make the “State” franchise the beneficiary of the baby’s estate on the land.

However many days, weeks, or months later as determined by “State” law, your “vessel in commerce” is reported “missing, presumed dead” to the probate court, which then doctors the civil records and converts your living estate to a trust ESTATE benefiting the perpetrators of this scheme.

You are now officially “dead” with respect to the land jurisdiction and unless you take action to correct the probate court records, you and your assets are permanently trapped in the international jurisdiction of the sea. You are therefore unable to take recourse to your holdings on the land or the law forms of the land that you are owed. Ever heard the Constitution called the “Law of the Land”?

This is why your constitutional guarantees don’t apply. There’s no version of “you” operating on the land as a result of this fraud.

And it is all based on identity theft and unilateral adhesion contracts that are obtained under conditions of deceit while you are still just a baby. There’s no way that you could ever know that this was going on or have any opportunity to object to it.

You are kidnapped and press-ganged into the international jurisdiction of the sea and your ESTATE is claimed and pillaged before you leave grade school.

And the monsters doing this to you? The IMF and FEDERAL RESERVE and other criminal international banking cartels and organizations like the American Bar Association that have participated in and profited from this lurid fraud scheme.

The IMF does business as the “UNITED STATES, INC.” and has franchises doing business as the “STATE OF OHIO” and so on. These franchises are no different than the franchises of Dairy Queen, Inc.

The FEDERAL RESERVE (reconfigured as a United Nations owned and operated corporation) is doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. — they are just now setting up franchises operated simply as “OHIO” and “WISCONSIN” and so on.

None of these corporations has any lawful or even legal authority over you and your assets, but, thanks to their fraud scheme, they do have control of “your” ESTATE and now, “your” public transmitting utility which have both been created using your given name without your knowledge or permission.

JOHN QUINCY ADAMS = federal STATE estate trust owned and operated by the IMF, a UN agency dba UNITED STATES.

JOHN Q. ADAMS = federal public transmitting utility owned and operated by the new United Nation’s version of FEDERAL RESERVE doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Isn’t it time to take back control of your property? [ . . . your flesh and blood human body and the fruits of your labor?]

Every prisoner has a monetary value to the US Corporation

The moment an order is written, whether it’s a warrant or a traffic ticket, or whatever, the money machine is activated. Every prisoner has a monetary value to our government whether its local, county, state or federal. Bonds are written based on the person’s name and social security number and are sold through a brokerage firm such as AG Edwards or Merrill Lynch who has the contract to sell all the prison bonds for the city, county, state or federal prisons. Over 50% of the money market bonds right now are purchased in Japan or China. I’ve been told by researchers that Walmart and, used to be, Kmart also purchase these bonds, Walmart mostly doing so by emptying out bank accounts at night. Both companies are fronts for enormous money machines.

The way the bond works is that a monetary value is placed on the alleged crime and then factored the way banks factor their money. In other words if a person is convicted of a felony the ‘value’ would be $4 million. The county/city/ state then multiplies it by ten, so the bond that goes out for sale with the prisoner’s name and social security number is a short-term ‘promissory’ note. It’s offered at $40 million. Perhaps an investor will offer 40% of the $40 million, or $16 million. Once this ‘promissory note’ of the face value of $40 million reaches the banks it is then multiplied again by 200 to 300% and sold as bank securities. For those of you who wonder why the US has more people in prison per capita than any other nation on earth, you’ll begin to understand how we can have a weakening economy and still fund wars overseas. It’s all based on other words, prison for profit.

Knowing all this and knowing that a prisoner can have a ‘net worth’ of say, $10,000 per day in the money markets, helped me explain to many bewildered people why they were in jail. We were only merchandise in a warehouse. The storage was pretty cheap; one woman while in jail researched the cost of feeding prisoners per day which ranged from 74 cents to $2.72 per prisoner per day.

The Matrix

We are not free men; we are slaves, and bound to our Masters by adhesion contracts and secret Trusts. The goal of the Masters and their (agents) our elected officials, is to keep the people oppressed and subservient to them! As the Masters agents, they utilize propaganda techniques through government controlled schools; churches; the media and mind control by force and or the threat of force through the courts and police enforcement!

Police officers in America have been pumped full of more bullshit than a manure spreader and because of their trust, public school conditioning and training, they haven’t the ability to see what is going on! Many have been conditioned by previous military service, not to think for themselves but just follow orders, which makes many of them as dangerous as a Terrorist! Now ask yourself; who are the real Terrorists in America?

Guess what; “the Constitution isn’t for the Police either” and still they are forced to swear an oath to defend it!” The more regulations, statutes and codes created, and the greater the number of regulatory officers and agencies created to enforce them; the greater the Masters control over their Slaves and that is mind control by force and threat of force, by the very people we rely on, to protect and serve!
At some point in history the foreign Agents in control of our Federal Government, decided that they needed to create Federal Police Agencies to protect them! I can’t blame them! If I was a part of a conspiracy that could result in the American people hanging me for Treason, I’d want bodyguards too! Now, if you are one of these public officials; how do you justify the employment and expense of bodyguards, when nobody is trying to injure you, and you don’t want anyone to know that you are committing Treason? Instead of confessing your motives; you must find a way to accomplish your objective and blame it on someone else!

HENCE: The birth of a bad law, The Volstead Act and the beginning of “Prohibition!” Enterprising people began to make money and others organized. Those who organized became mobs and when the mobs began killing each other, the free lance boot-legers and innocent people in drive by shootings; our federal officials sat back and enjoyed the show! They did absolutely nothing until the public was literally breaking down the doors of the Capitol Building: [Just like they had planned it!]
The FBI existed before this time. They were a small investigative unit under the Attorney Generals Office. The Agents had no arrest powers and were prohibited from carrying guns. Their only authority was to investigate federal employees and make reports to the attorney general, who then decided if the matter was serious enough to concern the government and whether to prosecute the employee! The FBI was eventually armed, expanded and provided national jurisdiction to fight the gangsters! None of which would have been necessary had it not been for The Volstead Act! Slowly, the agency has grown into the giant it is now and ironically; the Legislature never authorized their expansion. Everything was done by the AG administratively! Where does it say in the Constitution that a federal employee has the authority to create law, create a police authority or expand a current one?

Do you see how our government has circumvented the restrictions placed upon them by the Constitution and manipulated the American people? Every catastrophe, calamity or disaster has been planned and financed by our so-called public representatives with an ulterior motive in mind. The creation of Homeland Security was done in the same way! A Terrorist attack was staged by hired men having connections to the Middle East. I’m not going to go into the conspiracy, other than to say that President Bush and the FBI were as guilty as the men who high-jacked the commercial airplanes! The director of the FBI confessed to the Congress of his Agencies involvement under Presidential Order. He was relieved of his position and Congress took no action against President Bush and the media did not report any of this to the American people! Treason charges were filed against President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and the FBI by a two star General from the Pentagon and no action has ever been taken and nothing was ever reported to the American public, upon the orders of President Obama.

This was just another government catastrophe designed to make you (the public) beg the government to come to your aid and protect you! Each time one of these catastrophe’s are staged; our representatives steal more of our liberty and freedom from us, but America doesn’t care because now they feel safe once again! And that’s what these foreign Agents want us to believe and feel! 

We complain today that government has eroded our rights! It’s true because we were lied to directly and indirectly and told to believe something other than truth! The correct term here is: “Propaganda” and all government controlled entities and institutions mentioned, are quite expert in the use of it! When I was a child; during a period labeled “the Cold War;” I remember my teacher’s telling the class how expert the Communists are in the use of “propaganda!” I can say now with absolute certainty that no one is as expert as the American government! In fact I believe that our government officials taught the World!
I don’t blame my teachers. Most of them were subjected to and spoon fed the same propaganda under direction of these foreign Agents and corporate entities that now employ them. Our teachers are simply spoon feeding our children with the same propaganda that was fed to them! Naturally, if a teacher becomes too creative and steps outside the box, or thinks outside the box, the penalty for such creativity is the termination of employment, their future profession and benefits! Generally, the reason used for termination is: “Failure to adhere to the established curriculum and or meet the needs of this establishment!” Who established the needs and curriculum? Why the government agents under the U. S. Department of Education, acting through the foreign Agents representing the Masters!

During the Bush Administration, a Treaty called the North American Alliance was negotiated and signed but the content was not reported to the American public. The Treaty guarantees that the boundary lines dividing Mexico, the United States and Canada will dissolve and become one country to be called North America, upon the installation of the New World Order Government! The currency for North America is being manufactured by the United States Mint. They are gold coins called AMEROS. I have pictures of these coins being minted, that were taken by an employee and smuggled out!

Everything in your life has been controlled from birth and you’re still being controlled! The free-thinkers of the world have either been murdered or institutionalized in asylums. Free-thinkers are a detriment to the Masters and their Agents! They have the potential to become (Martyrs), especially if the populace begins to pay attention to what the free-thinkers have to say or teach! Look at what happened to Jesus; John Kennedy; Bobby Kennedy; John Kennedy, Jr. and Martin Luther King, Jr.! If you believe John Kennedy, Jr. was an accidental death, then you probably believe that on 911, the attack on the twin towers was a real Terrorist attack!

[If you still think this way, after what you have read: Please stop reading; put your thumb in your ass and close your eyes! You are much too gullible, ignorant and brain dead to be helped and you deserve the treatment you and your family are certain to receive!]
Contrary to popular belief, nothing has changed since the day of Jesus! If Jesus was alive today, he would be declared a Terrorist and locked up in an asylum and slowly poisoned to death through the use of drug combinations that are designed to slowly consume life instead of heal. As long as free-thinkers profess their thoughts, they will be institutionalized until their death! Society will be told that these men are dangerous and or they will be classified as Terrorists!

The entire World is a ‘Slave Plantation’ and is set up under this same principle by the Masters, “the high contracting powers,” who have been identified in certain International Treaties as the Pope/Vatican, the United Nations, the King/Queen of (England or United Kingdom) and principals of the International Monetary Fund.

The coming of a “One World Government,” which public representatives and the media have been talking about, actually began in 1790 with the passage of the Articles of Confederation! These Articles and the principles therein, were first suggested in the Magna Carta and later became the foundation of the U. S. Constitution but, “there not for you!”
The Capitol City of the World has been identified as New York City, according to the United States Code. The United Nations with the blessings of the Vatican, keeps the World divided and in flux, under the principle of “Divide and Conquer,” and all religious orders within the United States are instructed to keep us passive! People, populations, economies, religions and political agendas of every country on earth are manipulated by the Masters, which keep each Country in a euphoric flux against the other.
Partial proof of such Poan Talmud, which was introduced to England in 1066 and has been enforced by the Pope, various Kings wer:

We are presently living under the Babyloniand every religious Order since. This Babylonian Talmud represents total and relentless mind control in that people are taught to believe in fictions, things that do not exist [e.g.] Private International Law is now Commercial Law, which only deals in fictions; “fictions called persons, money, politics, government and authority.” The Uniform Commercial Code, known as the Law of Merchants, which is 6000 years old, was derived from ancient Babylon and is now Private International Law. [See: The Uniform Commercial Code, section 1-201]. PS/ Human rights do not exist in fictions!
Prior to 1066, many of the Kings subjects [Lords and Dukes] held allodial deeds to land, which are land grants from the King or past Kings and which prevented the present King or his agents from taxing, trespassing or enforcing his will upon those subjects. Land protected by an allodial deed and improved by a home made the subjects, Sovereigns in their own right and the king of his castle. In 1066, William the Conqueror defeated England and stole the Kings Title, his lands and the lands belonging to his subjects. From William I (1066) to King John (1199), England found itself in dire straights because it was bankrupt! During this span of time, parishioners routinely passed their land onto their family or to the church without the Kings permission. So the King invoked the ancient, “Law of Mortmain,” also known as “the dead man’s hand,” which is our modern day probate law.

The Pope and the Vatican objected to the “Law of Mortmain” because the King owed the Vatican a lot of gold he had borrowed and this law now prevented the church from receiving gifts of land. In 1208, England was placed under Papal interdiction (prohibition) and King John was excommunicated. King John was ignorant of the teachings of the Bible and was made to believe by Pope Innocent III, that the Pontiff was the “Vicar of Christ;” the ultimate owner of everything on earth, and the only one who could grant the King absolution for his sins; providing the King make a suitable gesture of repentance to the Pope and the Holy Roman Church!

The word “VICAR” is defined in Webster’s 1828 English Dictionary, to mean, “A person deputized or authorized to perform the function of another, a substitute in office,” and thereafter, all of the Popes since Pope Innocent III, pretend to be Jesus Christ on earth.

In his attempt to regain his stature, King John offered the Pope and the Holy Roman Church his Kingdom, plus 1000 gold marks each year as payment of a lease on the land, and he accepted the Pope’s appointed representative [appointed ruler] and swore submission and loyalty to Pope Innocent III and the Holy Roman Church. In 1213, a Treaty was entered into between the King and the Pope. The Treaty made the King a tenant of his former Kingdom and a trustee to the Pope and the Holy Roman Church. The Kings ancestors were later appointed Treasurer of the Vatican Bank and continue to serve in that capacity to date. [See: Treaty of 1213; and the Papal Bulls of 1455 to 1492; and The Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England from 1198 - 1216, Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd. 1956].
In 1215, the Barons of England reacted to the loss of their rights and privileges they once enjoyed before the 1213 Treaty, and so they revolted against King John and stormed the castle. Under the threat of death, they forced him to sign a document that recognized their stature and spelled out their individual rights! The document was named the Magna Carta. When Pope Innocent III was informed by King John about the Barons revolt and the Magna Carta; the Pope condemned the document and declared it null and void. In his written declaration to the Barons, the Pope stated that, “The Declaration of Human Rights embodied in the Magna Carta, violated the tenets of the church.” Imagine that— a church that does not believe in human rights — but has a prohibition against abortion! I believe that is called an, Oxymoron! [See: The Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England 1198 - 1216, Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd. 1956].

The Treaty of 1783, known as the Treaty of Peace, signed subsequent to the Revolutionary War; was a Treaty between King George, the Holy Roman Church and the representatives of the Corporate United States. The opening statement is written in Olde English and when interpreted means: “The King claims that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ and that God gave the King the power to declare that no man can ever own property because it goes against the tenets of his Church, the Vatican/The Holy Roman Church and because he is the Elector of the Holy Roman Empire.” [This is why no person or company can ever own real estate in America!] And the Founding Father’s agreed to that Declaration!
The Treaty of Verona, which took place on November 22, 1822, was another Treaty between the King of England, the Pope and the “high contracting powers” of the World and exemplifies the power that the Pope and the Vatican weld in the World and magnifies their interest in the Republic of the United States. It also explains what has happened to us in America.

The Treaty of Verona:

Article I: Basically states that the “high contracting powers” [the Masters] agree and decree that all representative forms of government and governments that recognize the individual sovereignty of ordinary people, is incompatible with “divine right” and all agree to use all of their efforts to bring an end to such governments, wherever they may be found or exist. [Isn’t the United States supposed to be a representative form of government, which recognizes individual sovereignty? At least that’s what the Declaration of Independence promised].
Article 2: That the “high contracting powers” agreed and decree that freedom of the press is a detriment to there existence and all promise to adopt measures to suppress the press in all of Europe. [If Americans want to know what is happening in the United States, they need to tune into the Foreign News Service because the American Press is suppressed beyond belief, ever since the Nixon administration and the Watergate scandal. Americas Press however, will talk badly about other countries and the Foreign Press reciprocates the favor. Do you remember my earlier comment about, “Divide and Conquer?” If you want to know what is happening in America, you need to watch and listen to the Foreign Press!
Article 3: Convinced that religion contributes powerfully to keep the people in a state of passive obedience, all of the “high contracting powers” agree to take measures to insure its continuation and a written accolade is directed to the Pope for his efforts to create and continue those measures. [An example of the measures they are speaking of involves the King James Bible.]

[e.g.] The King James Version of the Bible was concocted by the King under the guidance of Pope Innocent III. [This is the same King who was convinced by the Pope, that the Pope was God’s representative on earth!] This collaboration was kept secret to conceal the truth of their manipulation of the prophet’s written word. If you can locate an ancient manuscript of the Bible, which predates the King James Version; you will discover that [during the crucifixion of Christ], it is written in the ancient text that Jesus said: “Forgive them NOT, for they know what they do!” In the King James Version, it is written that Jesus said: “Forgive them Father, for they know NOT what they do.” The King James interpretation represents a passive version and is in keeping with the purpose and the accolade mentioned in Article 3 of the Treaty of Verona.

The King James Version of the Bible is the most popular version today and is presented to the masses by all government controlled Christian religions.
[Passive obedience however is not taught or practiced in the Muslim religion]. What was the lie our government used to explain the involvement of the armed forces of the United States and England, in the Middle East? I remember Muslim leaders screaming that this was a “Jihad,” [a holy war] and our so-called leaders denied the allegations. When the American people were later questioned by the media, they responded with disdain and disbelief!

Is there any wonder why there are now Muslim paramilitary camps being formed on American soil? And when our government officials were questioned why they permit these paramilitary camps to exist; their response was, [The U. S. Constitution protects their right to exist!] I remind you that this is the same Constitution that we are not a party too; has been circumvented by our government officials and fails to protect any rights of, “We the People!” The reason the foreign Agents posing as our federal representatives, are not concerned by the formation of these camps, is because of the mass genocide planned for the American population in the fall!

Korea is now in the news for testing nuclear weapons. Our government is making Korea look like the aggressors when in fact Korea does not want to be a part of the New World Order government and they are reacting out of fear! They simply want to live their lives as they see fit and our government officials and the United Nations are trying to bully them into submission!
The following further exemplifies the power of the Vatican in America:
“If the Sovereign Pontiff should nevertheless, insist on his law being observed, he must be obeyed.” [Bened. XIV, De Sgn Dioec., lib., ix, c vii, n 4. Prati., 1844].
“Pontifical laws moreover become obligatory without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers.” [Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44].

“Hence, the jus nationale, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the United States; may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff.” [Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, Volume I, pages 53 and 54].
[This passage is saying that the government has no authority to abolish or change ecclesiastical law in America and that only the Pope has the power to do that].

Keys to the Conspiracy:

“Alice in Wonderland,” a famous children’s story written by Leo J. Carroll, which was his pen name. The author’s true profession was that of a lawyer, a lawyer who had a conscience, “another oxymoron!” Leo J. Carroll was English and was privy to the early scheme and conspiracy to destroy all the Worlds governments and eventually replace them with a “One World Government!” So he instituted his own plan to inform the Worlds population about this nefarious conspiracy, by writing about it in a children’s story! He figured that parents would buy his book, read the story to their children and when the real conspiracy began to unfold; the parents would identify with his story and rise up against this evil!
Kudos to Leo J. Carroll, but unfortunately his plan was too quick and the pace of the conspiracy was too slow and methodical for anyone to make the connection!
Consider this information:

1) During my research, I discovered a Congressional Record from the 1930’s, which was a report compiled by an expert in counter intelligence hired by the British Parliament. The report detailed a plan or method to be employed by Parliament and the United States government, for the complete take over and destruction of the U. S. representative form of government! The report was sent to our Congress for review and then there was an argument from certain members of Congress who insisted that the report be recorded as “Top Secret,” out of a fear of reprisal, should the American people discover its existence!
The opposition members of Congress argued that the American people are functionally illiterate and too preoccupied with their own personal comfort, to be concerned about what we do! The report was entered into the open record of Congress and was never discovered until 2002! I have this Congressional Record in my computer documents!

2) I met a man who was once employed by Military Intelligence. He is now diseased. We became close friends and over time he confided in me something that had been bothering his conscious for many, many years! During his employment in the Military; he happened upon a scientific report by MI, prepared for the Congress. The report detailed a plan titled; “How to reduce the population of the United States.” The conclusion reached in the report was through mass vaccinations to cure a fictitious pandemic!

NOTE: As of June 2009, a former scientist, once employed by a large pharmaceutical company in the United States; has disclosed that before resigning from his employer, former President Bush, signed legislation that defers and eliminates the Federal Food and Drug Administrations mandatory product testing; defers and eliminates disclosure of possible dangers to the public; and defers and eliminates civil liability on the part of the FDA and the pharmaceutical company.

NOTE: This scientist revealed that the President and Congress are expected to order mass vaccinations for a (fictitious swine flu pandemic) in the fall of 2009 and that the vaccine to be used; contains small amounts of Bird guano, a substance known to cause serious illness and death and in several tests, killed the lab animals that were injected! This scientist suggested that most of the soldiers, who have died in the Middle East conflict, have died from these vaccinations, but no one is talking!

NOTE: The people who have died of (swine flu) so far, died because they were vaccinated with the vaccine that is planned to be given to the American population in the fall of 2009 and half of the Worlds population. The World Health Organization is expected to declare a (pandemic) and will request that President Obama and Congress order mandatory vaccinations in the United States! Any one who refuses to take the “death vaccine,” will be arrested as a Terrorist and will be committed into internment camps!
As a Terrorist, no one is permitted a lawyer, a hearing or a judge, pursuant to the new Patriot Act passed by Congress after 911.

The World Health Organization is owned by and under the direction of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families! Do you now see the pattern unfolding?
NOTE: Police officers, Sheriff’s Deputies, U. S. Military personnel and their families will not escape this mass genocide! All will be compelled to take the “death vaccine” right along with the rest of the general public!

My guess is that the federal or state governments will install another police authority to replace our Police, Sheriff’s Deputies and Military. My belief is that they will be using army personnel of the USSR and China. These armies are now occupying former military bases in each state that was closed down under the guise of budget cuts. Fort Dix in New Jersey now occupies a battalion of the Russian Army. I don’t know which bases are being occupied in the other states.
NOTE: One closed military base in each state, has also been converted into an “Internment Camp.” The Halliburton Corporation was hired by the federal government to modify each base and install maximum security buildings. Why would the United States require so many large Internment Camps? One camp should be sufficient!

Because these camps are expected to receive thousands of innocent Americans who simply refuse to submit to the “death vaccine!”
NOTE: Homeland Security is in charge of these camps and they have been training personnel to man these facilities since 911. According to one informant, the personnel have been told that anyone committed into their custody are members of a home grown Terrorist organization suspected of inflicting biological warfare upon America! The innocent people shot or interned will be blamed for the planned mass genocide being committed by our own government leaders!
The “want ads” in the newspapers, and on the internet by Homeland Security, seeking to employ people to help fight Terrorism, are the jobs they are attempting to fill at these Internment Camps!
What I don’t understand is why the members of the Press continue to follow Orders by not reporting anything when, from what my group of Internet Researchers have been able to determine; only members of the Congress, the Bar, Federal Police and their families will be protected and exempt from these vaccinations! The members of the press will be forced to submit to this “death vaccine” the same as everyone else!

NOTE: I have pictures of hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins purchased by our government, which are being stockpiled in New Jersey. These coffins are for the burial of dead Americans during this planned mass genocide.

I also have the statement by the scientist. He has been making Radio Announcements from a Pirate Radio Station in Chicago, attempting to warn the public of this planned mass genocide!
And I have copies of a complaint and restraining order, recently filed with the FBI, by an Australian Journalist, charging that the FDA, the World Health Organization and the
U. S. Federal Government is planning a World Pandemic against the population of the earth and that the United States population is expected to be decimated!

3) I met an elderly gentleman while living in Virginia. Somehow our conversation moved from the weather to the death of JFK and then the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. I confessed to the gentleman that I had located Executive Orders signed by President Kennedy, six months before his assassination and that in those Executive Orders, President Kennedy disclosed that he and his brother Bobby, the Attorney General, have uncovered evidence that the Federal Reserve Bank was instituting a plan to undermine the American Economy!

President Kennedy “Ordered” the dismantling of the Federal Reserve Bank by these Executive Orders and “Ordered” that the U. S. Mint begin printing and circulating Silver Certificates to replace the Federal Reserve Notes in circulation. These facts were never presented to the special commission appointed to investigate JFK’s assassination and these Executive Orders were never repealed however, the Federal Reserve was never dismantled and after JFK’s assassination, the U.S. Mint ceased the printing of Silver Certificates. In the years to follow, the Federal Reserve Bank attempted to remove all of those Silver Certificates from circulation and destroy them. Only coin collectors possess any of the original Silver Certificates. The Collectors can trade or sell them between each other but they are prohibited now by law, from circulating them back into the American economy! Imagine that, the Congress passed a law prohibiting the circulation of lawful currency!

4) This same elder gentleman told me that when he was a child of 12, his father was a Mortician in Washington, DC and his family resided at the Funeral Home where his father was employed. This Funeral Home was eventually engaged by the White House to embalm the corpse of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, upon his death.

The elder gentleman then asked me; “Do you know why FDR’s funeral was a closed casket, when he died of natural causes?”

I didn’t know the answer! Then the elder gentleman responded: “Because my father didn’t know how to hide a bullet hole to the head!”

The man went on to elaborate how the Secret Service and FBI had visited the funeral home during this timeframe and made everyone swear under threat of death, not to reveal what we saw or knew! Nothing was ever reported to the public or printed about it in the history books and, “I’m too old now to give a shit about their threats!”

Just in case the old guy was simply trying to best my research on JFK; I wrote down the name of the Funeral Home and his last name, once I entered my vehicle. Later that afternoon I began to research FDR’s death and burial and discovered that the name of the Funeral Home matched! I then found a censes report for Washington, DC of that year and discovered that the old gentleman’s father was in fact a Mortician and he resided at the Funeral Home with his wife and two children!

5) Not knowing as much then as I do today; I telephoned the Washington Post and spoke to Bob Woodward, who was one of the two famous investigative reporters responsible for bringing down the Nixon Administration. I told Mr. Woodward about the possibility that FDR had been assassinated in office and was covered up! I gave him what information I could and told him that I hoped he would be able to solve this incident as well! This was seven years ago and nothing was ever printed, discussed in the Post or was ever released by any news service! Two years ago, I found the evidence of the Treaty of Verona and many other details discussed herein, which strongly suggests that freedom of the press no longer exists in America, (if it ever did!)

Some of you “Doubting Thomas’s” may want to argue with me that: “If this is such a huge conspiracy; how is it that you and your Internet friends can research everything on computers and write about it?”
The answer is that our Masters and their government agents are quite full of themselves! They have intelligence, wealth, influence and absolute power and control over everything and everyone on this earth but, they are human and suffer the same common frailties that every powerful leader has endured since the beginning of time; “fame and the desire for recognition!” They can’t talk or brag about their conspiratorial accomplishments while they are alive out of a fear of retaliation, which is in direct conflict with their human egos! So they are forced to settle for their accomplishments to be recorded in expectation that one day the MATRIX will be revealed and they will be recognized, revered and ogled by future generations of their kind!