Welcome to the light! Secured Party Creditor Process Pack + Templates $74.95 USD

Massive Amount of New Cutting-Edge Technology


All your UCC1 forms ready to fill out, with examples, and where to send them. and much much more!

Thanks for stopping by my blog ,I've spent the past 10 years going to expensive seminars and compiling some of the most sought after books and material (some info I cannot disclose here, but be assured this is the most up to date technology out there)on the Internet and I thought I could help people who are interested in this information get it all in one shot, If your interested in the accepted for value process, this is the step by step guide that walks you through the entire process. You need to start setting off your debt, this is a proven process that has been evolving over the last 30 years. This information is cutting edge and proven. You must get this information and share it with everyone you know. Below you will see a list of all the books you will receive and also a massive amount of bonus information that I cant disclose here. If you are in foreclosure now or it looks like your heading in that direction, or your struggling with your finances due to the current financial climate all of this info will help you to keep your home but more importantly understand how the system works.

All of this info will be sent to you in pdf format.Here is a list of just some of the books you will receive,plus a massive amount of insider secrets I cant name here.

1.ACCEPT IT FOR VALUE RETURN IT FOR VALUE,Private document, For entertainment purposes only, this is not legal advice. This is strictly a administrative/contract remedy, We are not tendering payment. There is no money to pay anything… The contracts are already in place in the background. We are simply accepting the credits they have established and authorizing them to set-off the debt with the said credits.Written in proper Bank-speak, it is possible to “set-off” unsecured debt items to the IRS and authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to issue Money Orders to pay off those debts using your public side Strawman Social Security Number. On the back side of that SSN, there is an alphanumeric account number in your Strawman name that is your private account that can be drawn from. By doing so, you help reduce the National Debt!

Accessing and utilizing your credit lawfully, safely, and wisely requires considerable education in just who you are in relation to the CORPORATION and your strawman. This process takes time. It requires you relearn your role in society. It requires courage and conviction to go against everything you have been told all your life. It requires responsible teachers and well-developed technology.

Ill show you my process and how it works for me.


A simple guide to save your house.



300 + pages

These steps are taken into consideration
when you know you are not going to be able to pay for the loan but a
default is most likely in the future. You can also use some of these to protect
yourself way in advance of any default or foreclosure action.
1. File with the State a UCC1 Financing statement and addendum.
2. File an amended promissory note with the County Recorders office.
3. File a notice of replacement of Trustee and Beneficiary. (notarized)
4. File a Rescission of Power of Attorney. (notarized)
5. Send in a RESPA request.
6. File the UCC 3 amendment.
a. Vested Interest, UCC3
b. Security Agreement, (notarized)
c. Possessory lien. (notarized)
7. Send an AFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH. (notarized)
Start educating yourself on the Rules of Court and the Rules of Civil
easy to follow instructions.

Also a easy to use guide on the PRODUCE THE NOTE process...

Using the “produce the note” strategy is something all homeowners facing foreclosure can do. If you believe you’ve been treated unfairly, fight back. We have created templates for a legal request, a letter to your lender and a motion to compel to help you through the process.

Dont ever leave your house...

3.BRAND NEW ! Property Protection Package.Proven method to postpone a sale date on your property.All forms included.Along with step by step instructions.

1) SECURED PARTY CREDITOR PROCESS,Properly filing a UCC-1 form to establish a public record that you are not the STRAWMAN and in fact are the holder-in-due-course of it. This is the single most important tool in your tool bag because this alone changes the presumption of law from the side of the STATE to your side;

2) Making yourself the Power of Attorney over the corporate fiction.

3) Copyrighting the STRAWMAN's name. This doesn't just give you another defensive strategy - it gives you a very important offensive weapon, because from this point on, anyone who is coming after your STRAWMAN for anything without your permission is trespassing on your commercial property.

4) Properly filing your Public Notice and Surety Bond.

5) Properly filing these documents in your County Recorders Office.

5.Cracking the Code,redemption in law-how to become a sovereign,includes all forms and how to manual over 500 pages.The Uniform Commercial Code, "UCC," the subject of this manual, is the transcendent, paramount achievement of the efforts of a few thousands of intensely dedicated and single-minded collaborators (dare we call it "conspiracy"?) over the last two-plus millennia. It is the culmination of an almost incomprehensibly complex, systematic, intricate, pervasive, and far-reaching agenda of strategic and tactical global planning to secure absolute legal, financial, social, ecclesiastical, and political (military) dominance over the people of Earth. The fundamental medium chosen for accomplishing these iniquitous aims: Commerce. The UCC, first introduced in 1954, has been developed across the centuries with microscopically excruciating and painstaking attention to detail for avoiding forever risk of detection and revelation of its true nature. It was fully expected that the Code would never be cracked. Proof of this fact is the absence of any device/mechanism for the enforced reversal of the process and recapture of slaves who manage to break free. If you are a slave interested in breaking free, this manual has answers you have been searching for. Embarking on the pages of this volume, however, is comparable with "taking the red pill," and so should be carefully considered by worshipers of Big Brother and the faint of heart--for with such knowledge also comes the innate urge for responsibility, an unpleasant prospect for many. No matter your level of interest in the workings of the world around you and your commitment in making it a better place, if you "decide on the red pill" you will never again see it in the same way. The Code has been cracked, and awaits your decision.

6.How to discharge any traffic citation.2hr recording on mp3 file.

7.100 page booklet on filling your freedom documents.easy to follow instructions.all forms included.

8.All federal reserve routing numbers.

9.Exciting new Information on the 1099 OID Process,

Universal Postal Union Stamp Technology and Remedy,everything you will need to know!

1099 OID Process:IRS works for creditors. IRS has forms that allow you to be a creditor and acquire funds that are in escrow. An outstanding balance, for instance, on an American Express card is in escrow. The funds are there – you just have to tell the IRS with the proper tax filings to access those funds and pay that guy off with them or return those funds to me.You can OID any funds that go out of your bank account – and get them back. Acquire escrow funds with a 1099-A.If you file a 1099-OID as Recipient, those get reported on a 1040 if you want to get the funds returned.1099-As don’t get reported; neither do OIDs when you’re the Payor. i1040 is available on the IRS website; it gives line by line instructions for the 1040.

Claiming Original Issuance - meaning any debt obligations you put out in the public. When money comes out of your checking account, when you swipe your credit card, when you sign a promissory note. Credit cards create obligations and thus as the creator you have the right to claim them. With the OID you can also fractionalize your account. Meaning pay for $50 dollars for gas with credit card A, then pay off credit card 'A' with credit card 'B', pay off credit card 'B' with your Checking account. Now with a $50 dollar purchase you created a $150 obligation which you can OID. Whether that is ethical or not is another discussion, but ITS BANKING. It's what banks do. This strategy can be used to fractionalize your account as much as you want. You can also acquire assets. Thus if I have a Student Loan for $15,000. I can use a 1099A acquisition and a 1099 OID, report it on my 1040, and poof I have acquired the asset.

10.Sure fire way to clean up your credit reports.All the inside secrets they dont want you to know.easy and fast!
step by step instructions.

11.Secured Party/Creditor Filing Procedures & Treasury Chargeback instructions/most up to date technology.

12. ***BRAND NEW*** IRS REMEDIES,How to operate in the Civil and Criminal courts.Youve got to get this!this will blow your mind!

Debt collector attack plan/administrative process,with all forms.
and much much more

The Commercial Lien Strategy
You can file a commercial lien on property in another state or on property you ’ ve never
seen. With a commercial lien, you can attack the personal property of your adversary at
long range rather than merely fighting to defend your own property in your own back
yard. This offensive capability makes the commercial lien a powerful legal weapon. With
the commercial lien, you can literally take the fight to their back yards.

this 85 page tutorial breaks it all down.

You will receive all of these books plus the bonus material I cant name here in pdf/word doc format,they will be sent to you the same day I receive your donation. 

click here:

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All orders sent out by 10:00 am pst 7 days
thanks for your donation!

email:  creditorsincommerce@proton.me

Under Admiralty law guilt is presumed

The legal notices here displayed concern property seized by Federal agents as booty under Admiralty law. Notice is required so that anyone who might have an interest in the property seized has opportunity to seek to protect his interest.

One would no
t be wise to attempt this, though. Most likely, any excuse will be used to allege that the party claiming interest in the property was a party to the alleged offense that resulted in the original seizure.

The allegation is enough to justify the taking of property - under Admiralty law guilt is presumed. The claimant might well lose other property not yet in the hands of these land going pirates, even though no actual conviction of any offense is ever entered. Check your local paper's legal notices. Look into the cases cited and see if any conviction occurs - or if any charges were even filed - against the persons whose property was seized.

Colorado is a long ways from the ocean. Admiralty law is farther still from the common law recognized under Federal and State constitutions.

UCC 1 Debt Elimination

On May 23, 1933, Congressman Louis T. McFadden, (R-OH) Chairman of the House Banking and Finance Committee brought formal charges against the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, The Comptroller of the Currency and the Secretary of United States Treasury for numerous criminal acts, including but not limited to, CONSPIRACY, FRAUD, UNLAWFUL CONVERSION, AND TREASON. To protect themselves from these charges both the House and the Senate, on JUNE 5, 1933, passed House Joint Resolution 192. It provided that the people, who had delivered their gold to the federal government following an illegal proclamation by President Roosevelt, would be exempt from paying their debts since their means of payment, their substance, had been taken from them. HJR 192 provided a remedy for the crime.

The basis of UCC-1 debt elimination derives from HJR-192 in which the Corporate US board of directors, the Congress, removed from the flesh and blood men and women of the several united States of America their substance with which they can pay for things and replaced it with fictitious "money" in the form of debt instruments called Federal Reserve Notes. This created the exemption.

Essentially, the acceptance/redemption debt elimination process obtains access to the trust account that the federal government has been using since your birth to monetize and pay off the national debt. They automatically made the government the trustee of that account and used your energy and talent to fund the national government. With your birth certificate sent from the state in which you were born, the Department of Treasury creates a constructive trust account that permits the corporate United States and all of the other subsidiary corporations, states, counties, cities, etc. to interact with you as a corporate, fictitious entity. They are fictitious public entities that cannot interact with you, the real, living person. But they have convinced you, the living flesh and blood person that they are referring to you. You have voluntarily accommodated this interaction on behalf of your fictitious entity, your "corporation."

By filing your UCC-1 financial statement, security agreement, negotiable bill of exchange and the Federal Reserve routing numbers with the fictitious corporate government entities, you separate yourself from that accommodation and take the position as the first creditor to that debtor. The debt belongs to the Corporate You, but the real you has been making the payments. Now you will stand first in line to utilize the collateral held in your trust account by the government. Using this trust account as they have done, you can assign credit to the bank at which you, the fictitious entity, owe the debt. A simple transaction discharges that debt. Who can now complain that the debt is not satisfied? You have done what you have agreed to do, but the credit did not come from your checking account. It was a non-cash transaction in the public fiction of commerce under the Uniform Commercial Code.

In the case of mortgage elimination, the credit in your “strawman” man account is directed to redeem your note through a commercial Bill of Exchange. This credit is transferred to the bank holding your mortgage to discharge the debt. If the bank accepts this legal tender as per mortgage agreement, you request the reconveyance of the deed back to you. Should the bank refuse the offer of legal tender and will not discharge the debt, they are in dishonor by failing to perform according to the mortgage agreement. As the grantor of that mortgage you can revoke your agreement within 33 days by foreclosing on the bank. Simultaneously, you seek judicial review of the administrative procedures you have followed in accordance with pertinent statutes. Even if the judge refuses to sign the order, in 6 months it is ruled in your favor by default. Should the bank refuse to reconvey the deed, a clear title is provided by transferring the property through three trusted individuals: buyer A for $10 and consideration and after 10 days sold to buyer B for $10 and consideration for another 10 days, buyer C and finally to you for $10 and consideration for 91 days, then it is recommended that the property be sold to your asset protection program in which you are established as its beneficiary. This avoids loss of property made vulnerable to the predatory attorneys due to the new status of a property that is free and clear of debt.

Discharge Almost Any Debt with Proper Use of the UCC....

The Matrix

We are not free men; we are slaves, and bound to our Masters by adhesion contracts and secret Trusts. The goal of the Masters and their (agents) our elected officials, is to keep the people oppressed and subservient to them! As the Masters agents, they utilize propaganda techniques through government controlled schools; churches; the media and mind control by force and or the threat of force through the courts and police enforcement!
Police officers in America have been pumped full of more bullshit than a manure spreader and because of their trust, public school conditioning and training, they haven’t the ability to see what is going on! Many have been conditioned by previous military service, not to think for themselves but just follow orders, which makes many of them as dangerous as a Terrorist! Now ask yourself; who are the real Terrorists in America?
Guess what; “the Constitution isn’t for the Police either” and still they are forced to swear an oath to defend it!” The more regulations, statutes and codes created, and the greater the number of regulatory officers and agencies created to enforce them; the greater the Masters control over their Slaves and that is mind control by force and threat of force, by the very people we rely on, to protect and serve!
At some point in history the foreign Agents in control of our Federal Government, decided that they needed to create Federal Police Agencies to protect them! I can’t blame them! If I was a part of a conspiracy that could result in the American people hanging me for Treason, I’d want bodyguards too! Now, if you are one of these public officials; how do you justify the employment and expense of bodyguards, when nobody is trying to injure you, and you don’t want anyone to know that you are committing Treason? Instead of confessing your motives; you must find a way to accomplish your objective and blame it on someone else!
HENCE: The birth of a bad law, The Volstead Act and the beginning of “Prohibition!” Enterprising people began to make money and others organized. Those who organized became mobs and when the mobs began killing each other, the free lance boot-legers and innocent people in drive by shootings; our federal officials sat back and enjoyed the show! They did absolutely nothing until the public was literally breaking down the doors of the Capitol Building: [Just like they had planned it!]
The FBI existed before this time. They were a small investigative unit under the Attorney Generals Office. The Agents had no arrest powers and were prohibited from carrying guns. Their only authority was to investigate federal employees and make reports to the attorney general, who then decided if the matter was serious enough to concern the government and whether to prosecute the employee! The FBI was eventually armed, expanded and provided national jurisdiction to fight the gangsters! None of which would have been necessary had it not been for The Volstead Act! Slowly, the agency has grown into the giant it is now and ironically; the Legislature never authorized their expansion. Everything was done by the AG administratively! Where does it say in the Constitution that a federal employee has the authority to create law, create a police authority or expand a current one?
Do you see how our government has circumvented the restrictions placed upon them by the Constitution and manipulated the American people? Every catastrophe, calamity or disaster has been planned and financed by our so-called public representatives with an ulterior motive in mind. The creation of Homeland Security was done in the same way! A Terrorist attack was staged by hired men having connections to the Middle East. I’m not going to go into the conspiracy, other than to say that President Bush and the FBI were as guilty as the men who high-jacked the commercial airplanes! The director of the FBI confessed to the Congress of his Agencies involvement under Presidential Order. He was relieved of his position and Congress took no action against President Bush and the media did not report any of this to the American people! Treason charges were filed against President Bush, Vice-President Cheney and the FBI by a two star General from the Pentagon and no action has ever been taken and nothing was ever reported to the American public, upon the orders of President Obama.
This was just another government catastrophe designed to make you (the public) beg the government to come to your aid and protect you! Each time one of these catastrophe’s are staged; our representatives steal more of our liberty and freedom from us, but America doesn’t care because now they feel safe once again! And that’s what these foreign Agents want us to believe and feel!
We complain today that government has eroded our rights! It’s true because we were lied to directly and indirectly and told to believe something other than truth! The correct term here is: “Propaganda” and all government controlled entities and institutions mentioned, are quite expert in the use of it! When I was a child; during a period labeled “the Cold War;” I remember my teacher’s telling the class how expert the Communists are in the use of “propaganda!” I can say now with absolute certainty that no one is as expert as the American government! In fact I believe that our government officials taught the World!
I don’t blame my teachers. Most of them were subjected to and spoon fed the same propaganda under direction of these foreign Agents and corporate entities that now employ them. Our teachers are simply spoon feeding our children with the same propaganda that was fed to them! Naturally, if a teacher becomes too creative and steps outside the box, or thinks outside the box, the penalty for such creativity is the termination of employment, their future profession and benefits! Generally, the reason used for termination is: “Failure to adhere to the established curriculum and or meet the needs of this establishment!” Who established the needs and curriculum? Why the government agents under the U. S. Department of Education, acting through the foreign Agents representing the Masters!
During the Bush Administration, a Treaty called the North American Alliance was negotiated and signed but the content was not reported to the American public. The Treaty guarantees that the boundary lines dividing Mexico, the United States and Canada will dissolve and become one country to be called North America, upon the installation of the New World Order Government! The currency for North America is being manufactured by the United States Mint. They are gold coins called AMEROS. I have pictures of these coins being minted, that were taken by an employee and smuggled out!
Everything in your life has been controlled from birth and you’re still being controlled! The free-thinkers of the world have either been murdered or institutionalized in asylums. Free-thinkers are a detriment to the Masters and their Agents! They have the potential to become (Martyrs), especially if the populace begins to pay attention to what the free-thinkers have to say or teach! Look at what happened to Jesus; John Kennedy; Bobby Kennedy; John Kennedy, Jr. and Martin Luther King, Jr.! If you believe John Kennedy, Jr. was an accidental death, then you probably believe that on 911, the attack on the twin towers was a real Terrorist attack!
[If you still think this way, after what you have read: Please stop reading; put your thumb in your ass and close your eyes! You are much too gullible, ignorant and brain dead to be helped and you deserve the treatment you and your family are certain to receive!]
Contrary to popular belief, nothing has changed since the day of Jesus! If Jesus was alive today, he would be declared a Terrorist and locked up in an asylum and slowly poisoned to death through the use of drug combinations that are designed to slowly consume life instead of heal. As long as free-thinkers profess their thoughts, they will be institutionalized until their death! Society will be told that these men are dangerous and or they will be classified as Terrorists!
The entire World is a ‘Slave Plantation’ and is set up under this same principle by the Masters, “the high contracting powers,” who have been identified in certain International Treaties as the Pope/Vatican, the United Nations, the King/Queen of (England or United Kingdom) and principals of the International Monetary Fund.
The coming of a “One World Government,” which public representatives and the media have been talking about, actually began in 1790 with the passage of the Articles of Confederation! These Articles and the principles therein, were first suggested in the Magna Carta and later became the foundation of the U. S. Constitution but, “there not for you!”
The Capitol City of the World has been identified as New York City, according to the United States Code. The United Nations with the blessings of the Vatican, keeps the World divided and in flux, under the principle of “Divide and Conquer,” and all religious orders within the United States are instructed to keep us passive! People, populations, economies, religions and political agendas of every country on earth are manipulated by the Masters, which keep each Country in a euphoric flux against the other.
Partial proof of such Power:
We are presently living under the Babylonian Talmud, which was introduced to England in 1066 and has been enforced by the Pope, various Kings and every religious Order since. This Babylonian Talmud represents total and relentless mind control in that people are taught to believe in fictions, things that do not exist [e.g.] Private International Law is now Commercial Law, which only deals in fictions; “fictions called persons, money, politics, government and authority.” The Uniform Commercial Code, known as the Law of Merchants, which is 6000 years old, was derived from ancient Babylon and is now Private International Law. [See: The Uniform Commercial Code, section 1-201]. PS/ Human rights do not exist in fictions!
Prior to 1066, many of the Kings subjects [Lords and Dukes] held allodial deeds to land, which are land grants from the King or past Kings and which prevented the present King or his agents from taxing, trespassing or enforcing his will upon those subjects. Land protected by an allodial deed and improved by a home made the subjects, Sovereigns in their own right and the king of his castle. In 1066, William the Conqueror defeated England and stole the Kings Title, his lands and the lands belonging to his subjects. From William I (1066) to King John (1199), England found itself in dire straights because it was bankrupt! During this span of time, parishioners routinely passed their land onto their family or to the church without the Kings permission. So the King invoked the ancient, “Law of Mortmain,” also known as “the dead man’s hand,” which is our modern day probate law.
The Pope and the Vatican objected to the “Law of Mortmain” because the King owed the Vatican a lot of gold he had borrowed and this law now prevented the church from receiving gifts of land. In 1208, England was placed under Papal interdiction (prohibition) and King John was excommunicated. King John was ignorant of the teachings of the Bible and was made to believe by Pope Innocent III, that the Pontiff was the “Vicar of Christ;” the ultimate owner of everything on earth, and the only one who could grant the King absolution for his sins; providing the King make a suitable gesture of repentance to the Pope and the Holy Roman Church!
The word “VICAR” is defined in Webster’s 1828 English Dictionary, to mean, “A person deputized or authorized to perform the function of another, a substitute in office,” and thereafter, all of the Popes since Pope Innocent III, pretend to be Jesus Christ on earth.
In his attempt to regain his stature, King John offered the Pope and the Holy Roman Church his Kingdom, plus 1000 gold marks each year as payment of a lease on the land, and he accepted the Pope’s appointed representative [appointed ruler] and swore submission and loyalty to Pope Innocent III and the Holy Roman Church. In 1213, a Treaty was entered into between the King and the Pope. The Treaty made the King a tenant of his former Kingdom and a trustee to the Pope and the Holy Roman Church. The Kings ancestors were later appointed Treasurer of the Vatican Bank and continue to serve in that capacity to date. [See: Treaty of 1213; and the Papal Bulls of 1455 to 1492; and The Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England from 1198 - 1216, Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd. 1956].
In 1215, the Barons of England reacted to the loss of their rights and privileges they once enjoyed before the 1213 Treaty, and so they revolted against King John and stormed the castle. Under the threat of death, they forced him to sign a document that recognized their stature and spelled out their individual rights! The document was named the Magna Carta. When Pope Innocent III was informed by King John about the Barons revolt and the Magna Carta; the Pope condemned the document and declared it null and void. In his written declaration to the Barons, the Pope stated that, “The Declaration of Human Rights embodied in the Magna Carta, violated the tenets of the church.” Imagine that— a church that does not believe in human rights — but has a prohibition against abortion! I believe that is called an, Oxymoron! [See: The Selected Letters of Pope Innocent III concerning England 1198 - 1216, Thomas Nelson and Sons, Ltd. 1956].
The Treaty of 1783, known as the Treaty of Peace, signed subsequent to the Revolutionary War; was a Treaty between King George, the Holy Roman Church and the representatives of the Corporate United States. The opening statement is written in Olde English and when interpreted means: “The King claims that the Pope is the Vicar of Christ and that God gave the King the power to declare that no man can ever own property because it goes against the tenets of his Church, the Vatican/The Holy Roman Church and because he is the Elector of the Holy Roman Empire.” [This is why no person or company can ever own real estate in America!] And the Founding Father’s agreed to that Declaration!
The Treaty of Verona, which took place on November 22, 1822, was another Treaty between the King of England, the Pope and the “high contracting powers” of the World and exemplifies the power that the Pope and the Vatican weld in the World and magnifies their interest in the Republic of the United States. It also explains what has happened to us in America.
The Treaty of Verona:
Article I: Basically states that the “high contracting powers” [the Masters] agree and decree that all representative forms of government and governments that recognize the individual sovereignty of ordinary people, is incompatible with “divine right” and all agree to use all of their efforts to bring an end to such governments, wherever they may be found or exist. [Isn’t the United States supposed to be a representative form of government, which recognizes individual sovereignty? At least that’s what the Declaration of Independence promised].
Article 2: That the “high contracting powers” agreed and decree that freedom of the press is a detriment to there existence and all promise to adopt measures to suppress the press in all of Europe. [If Americans want to know what is happening in the United States, they need to tune into the Foreign News Service because the American Press is suppressed beyond belief, ever since the Nixon administration and the Watergate scandal. Americas Press however, will talk badly about other countries and the Foreign Press reciprocates the favor. Do you remember my earlier comment about, “Divide and Conquer?” If you want to know what is happening in America, you need to watch and listen to the Foreign Press!
Article 3: Convinced that religion contributes powerfully to keep the people in a state of passive obedience, all of the “high contracting powers” agree to take measures to insure its continuation and a written accolade is directed to the Pope for his efforts to create and continue those measures. [An example of the measures they are speaking of involves the King James Bible.]
[e.g.] The King James Version of the Bible was concocted by the King under the guidance of Pope Innocent III. [This is the same King who was convinced by the Pope, that the Pope was God’s representative on earth!] This collaboration was kept secret to conceal the truth of their manipulation of the prophet’s written word. If you can locate an ancient manuscript of the Bible, which predates the King James Version; you will discover that [during the crucifixion of Christ], it is written in the ancient text that Jesus said: “Forgive them NOT, for they know what they do!” In the King James Version, it is written that Jesus said: “Forgive them Father, for they know NOT what they do.” The King James interpretation represents a passive version and is in keeping with the purpose and the accolade mentioned in Article 3 of the Treaty of Verona.
The King James Version of the Bible is the most popular version today and is presented to the masses by all government controlled Christian religions.
[Passive obedience however is not taught or practiced in the Muslim religion]. What was the lie our government used to explain the involvement of the armed forces of the United States and England, in the Middle East? I remember Muslim leaders screaming that this was a “Jihad,” [a holy war] and our so-called leaders denied the allegations. When the American people were later questioned by the media, they responded with disdain and disbelief!
Is there any wonder why there are now Muslim paramilitary camps being formed on American soil? And when our government officials were questioned why they permit these paramilitary camps to exist; their response was, [The U. S. Constitution protects their right to exist!] I remind you that this is the same Constitution that we are not a party too; has been circumvented by our government officials and fails to protect any rights of, “We the People!” The reason the foreign Agents posing as our federal representatives, are not concerned by the formation of these camps, is because of the mass genocide planned for the American population in the fall!
Korea is now in the news for testing nuclear weapons. Our government is making Korea look like the aggressors when in fact Korea does not want to be a part of the New World Order government and they are reacting out of fear! They simply want to live their lives as they see fit and our government officials and the United Nations are trying to bully them into submission!
The following further exemplifies the power of the Vatican in America:
“If the Sovereign Pontiff should nevertheless, insist on his law being observed, he must be obeyed.” [Bened. XIV, De Sgn Dioec., lib., ix, c vii, n 4. Prati., 1844].
“Pontifical laws moreover become obligatory without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers.” [Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44].
“Hence, the jus nationale, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the United States; may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff.” [Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, Volume I, pages 53 and 54].
[This passage is saying that the government has no authority to abolish or change ecclesiastical law in America and that only the Pope has the power to do that].
Keys to the Conspiracy:
“Alice in Wonderland,” a famous children’s story written by Leo J. Carroll, which was his pen name. The author’s true profession was that of a lawyer, a lawyer who had a conscience, “another oxymoron!” Leo J. Carroll was English and was privy to the early scheme and conspiracy to destroy all the Worlds governments and eventually replace them with a “One World Government!” So he instituted his own plan to inform the Worlds population about this nefarious conspiracy, by writing about it in a children’s story! He figured that parents would buy his book, read the story to their children and when the real conspiracy began to unfold; the parents would identify with his story and rise up against this evil!
Kudos to Leo J. Carroll, but unfortunately his plan was too quick and the pace of the conspiracy was too slow and methodical for anyone to make the connection!
Consider this information:
1) During my research, I discovered a Congressional Record from the 1930’s, which was a report compiled by an expert in counter intelligence hired by the British Parliament. The report detailed a plan or method to be employed by Parliament and the United States government, for the complete take over and destruction of the U. S. representative form of government! The report was sent to our Congress for review and then there was an argument from certain members of Congress who insisted that the report be recorded as “Top Secret,” out of a fear of reprisal, should the American people discover its existence!
The opposition members of Congress argued that the American people are functionally illiterate and too preoccupied with their own personal comfort, to be concerned about what we do! The report was entered into the open record of Congress and was never discovered until 2002! I have this Congressional Record in my computer documents!
2) I met a man who was once employed by Military Intelligence. He is now diseased. We became close friends and over time he confided in me something that had been bothering his conscious for many, many years! During his employment in the Military; he happened upon a scientific report by MI, prepared for the Congress. The report detailed a plan titled; “How to reduce the population of the United States.” The conclusion reached in the report was through mass vaccinations to cure a fictitious pandemic!

NOTE: As of June 2009, a former scientist, once employed by a large pharmaceutical company in the United States; has disclosed that before resigning from his employer, former President Bush, signed legislation that defers and eliminates the Federal Food and Drug Administrations mandatory product testing; defers and eliminates disclosure of possible dangers to the public; and defers and eliminates civil liability on the part of the FDA and the pharmaceutical company.
NOTE: This scientist revealed that the President and Congress are expected to order mass vaccinations for a (fictitious swine flu pandemic) in the fall of 2009 and that the vaccine to be used; contains small amounts of Bird guano, a substance known to cause serious illness and death and in several tests, killed the lab animals that were injected! This scientist suggested that most of the soldiers, who have died in the Middle East conflict, have died from these vaccinations, but no one is talking!
NOTE: The people who have died of (swine flu) so far, died because they were vaccinated with the vaccine that is planned to be given to the American population in the fall of 2009 and half of the Worlds population. The World Health Organization is expected to declare a (pandemic) and will request that President Obama and Congress order mandatory vaccinations in the United States! Any one who refuses to take the “death vaccine,” will be arrested as a Terrorist and will be committed into internment camps!
As a Terrorist, no one is permitted a lawyer, a hearing or a judge, pursuant to the new Patriot Act passed by Congress after 911.
The World Health Organization is owned by and under the direction of the Rockefeller and Rothschild families! Do you now see the pattern unfolding?
NOTE: Police officers, Sheriff’s Deputies, U. S. Military personnel and their families will not escape this mass genocide! All will be compelled to take the “death vaccine” right along with the rest of the general public!
My guess is that the federal or state governments will install another police authority to replace our Police, Sheriff’s Deputies and Military. My belief is that they will be using army personnel of the USSR and China. These armies are now occupying former military bases in each state that was closed down under the guise of budget cuts. Fort Dix in New Jersey now occupies a battalion of the Russian Army. I don’t know which bases are being occupied in the other states.
NOTE: One closed military base in each state, has also been converted into an “Internment Camp.” The Halliburton Corporation was hired by the federal government to modify each base and install maximum security buildings. Why would the United States require so many large Internment Camps? One camp should be sufficient!
Because these camps are expected to receive thousands of innocent Americans who simply refuse to submit to the “death vaccine!”
NOTE: Homeland Security is in charge of these camps and they have been training personnel to man these facilities since 911. According to one informant, the personnel have been told that anyone committed into their custody are members of a home grown Terrorist organization suspected of inflicting biological warfare upon America! The innocent people shot or interned will be blamed for the planned mass genocide being committed by our own government leaders!
The “want ads” in the newspapers, and on the internet by Homeland Security, seeking to employ people to help fight Terrorism, are the jobs they are attempting to fill at these Internment Camps!
What I don’t understand is why the members of the Press continue to follow Orders by not reporting anything when, from what my group of Internet Researchers have been able to determine; only members of the Congress, the Bar, Federal Police and their families will be protected and exempt from these vaccinations! The members of the press will be forced to submit to this “death vaccine” the same as everyone else!
NOTE: I have pictures of hundreds of thousands of plastic coffins purchased by our government, which are being stockpiled in New Jersey. These coffins are for the burial of dead Americans during this planned mass genocide.
I also have the statement by the scientist. He has been making Radio Announcements from a Pirate Radio Station in Chicago, attempting to warn the public of this planned mass genocide!
And I have copies of a complaint and restraining order, recently filed with the FBI, by an Australian Journalist, charging that the FDA, the World Health Organization and the
U. S. Federal Government is planning a World Pandemic against the population of the earth and that the United States population is expected to be decimated!
3) I met an elderly gentleman while living in Virginia. Somehow our conversation moved from the weather to the death of JFK and then the death of Franklin D. Roosevelt. I confessed to the gentleman that I had located Executive Orders signed by President Kennedy, six months before his assassination and that in those Executive Orders, President Kennedy disclosed that he and his brother Bobby, the Attorney General, have uncovered evidence that the Federal Reserve Bank was instituting a plan to undermine the American Economy!
President Kennedy “Ordered” the dismantling of the Federal Reserve Bank by these Executive Orders and “Ordered” that the U. S. Mint begin printing and circulating Silver Certificates to replace the Federal Reserve Notes in circulation. These facts were never presented to the special commission appointed to investigate JFK’s assassination and these Executive Orders were never repealed however, the Federal Reserve was never dismantled and after JFK’s assassination, the U.S. Mint ceased the printing of Silver Certificates. In the years to follow, the Federal Reserve Bank attempted to remove all of those Silver Certificates from circulation and destroy them. Only coin collectors possess any of the original Silver Certificates. The Collectors can trade or sell them between each other but they are prohibited now by law, from circulating them back into the American economy! Imagine that, the Congress passed a law prohibiting the circulation of lawful currency!
4) This same elder gentleman told me that when he was a child of 12, his father was a Mortician in Washington, DC and his family resided at the Funeral Home where his father was employed. This Funeral Home was eventually engaged by the White House to embalm the corpse of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, upon his death.
The elder gentleman then asked me; “Do you know why FDR’s funeral was a closed casket, when he died of natural causes?”
I didn’t know the answer! Then the elder gentleman responded: “Because my father didn’t know how to hide a bullet hole to the head!”
The man went on to elaborate how the Secret Service and FBI had visited the funeral home during this timeframe and made everyone swear under threat of death, not to reveal what we saw or knew! Nothing was ever reported to the public or printed about it in the history books and, “I’m too old now to give a shit about their threats!”
Just in case the old guy was simply trying to best my research on JFK; I wrote down the name of the Funeral Home and his last name, once I entered my vehicle. Later that afternoon I began to research FDR’s death and burial and discovered that the name of the Funeral Home matched! I then found a censes report for Washington, DC of that year and discovered that the old gentleman’s father was in fact a Mortician and he resided at the Funeral Home with his wife and two children!
5) Not knowing as much then as I do today; I telephoned the Washington Post and spoke to Bob Woodward, who was one of the two famous investigative reporters responsible for bringing down the Nixon Administration. I told Mr. Woodward about the possibility that FDR had been assassinated in office and was covered up! I gave him what information I could and told him that I hoped he would be able to solve this incident as well! This was seven years ago and nothing was ever printed, discussed in the Post or was ever released by any news service! Two years ago, I found the evidence of the Treaty of Verona and many other details discussed herein, which strongly suggests that freedom of the press no longer exists in America, (if it ever did!)
Some of you “Doubting Thomas’s” may want to argue with me that: “If this is such a huge conspiracy; how is it that you and your Internet friends can research everything on computers and write about it?”
The answer is that our Masters and their government agents are quite full of themselves! They have intelligence, wealth, influence and absolute power and control over everything and everyone on this earth but, they are human and suffer the same common frailties that every powerful leader has endured since the beginning of time; “fame and the desire for recognition!” They can’t talk or brag about their conspiratorial accomplishments while they are alive out of a fear of retaliation, which is in direct conflict with their human egos! So they are forced to settle for their accomplishments to be recorded in expectation that one day the MATRIX will be revealed and they will be recognized, revered and ogled by future generations of their kind!

Use a BID BOND to pay your charges and stay out of jail..

Don't use a bond, when you are sentenced to jail, request a BID BOND, it has the word PRINCIPLE (I am the principle), the Straw man is the SURETY.

Put the Straw-man as the SURETY and yourself as the principle.

Then fill out a PERFORMANCE BOND, which is a REINSURANCE BOND for the BID BOND.

On the REINSURANCE BOND you will put yourself down as the guarantor or the re insurer. The PERFORMANCE BOND is $274, to file.

You can underwrite the BID BOND with the PERFORMANCE BOND. If your in District Court, such as child support type in the case # and it will tell how much your BOND is, use the CUSIP# a nine digit number on the back of your social security number its in RED or Blue numbers.

Don't let the Judges put you in Jail, discharge your debt by your Self. The judges make so much money for you going in Jail, and then it gets sold on the stock market, they want to keep you in the system, because it makes them money..STOP DOING THAT!!!

I have been doing more research on our prison system via the internet and have found out some interesting things, regarding what is really going on in the courtroom. The court is looking for an acceptance and acceptor under 3-410 of the U.C.C. as the Principle has the primary obligation to pay or discharge any instrument presented for acceptance. Since they are presenting a Bill of Exchange [indictment] for acceptance. This is called an acceptance for honor, which involves a negotiable instrument especially a bill of exchange [indictment] that has been accepted for payment. The complaint, information, or indictment is a three party Draft, Commercial paper, or Bill of Exchange under Article 3 of the U.C.C. The Grand Jury Foreman is the Drawer or Maker of the Indictment by his signature, the Defendant/Debtor or Straw-man is the Drawee and the State is the Payee and the live man is the Payor. What they are doing in the courtroom is all commercial, this is in conformity to 27 CFR 72.11, where it says all crimes are commercial. What the judge and prosecutor are doing in the courtroom is making a commercial presentment under section 3-501 (1) "Unless excused (section 3-511) presentment is necessary to charge secondary parties as follows":

Please, lets fight the dirty court systems that are fraudulently, taking families and ripping them apart, for the sake of Billionaires NO thanks to us for supporting them. STOP SUPPORTING THE RICH!!! SUPPORT HOME GROWN BUSINESS..don't let this government get in on our life style of freedom...the founding fathers put upon us as HUMAN BEINGS!!! LIVE FREE..SOVERIGN!!

(a) Presentment for acceptance is necessary to charge the drawer and endorsers of a draft where the draft so provides, or is payable elsewhere than at the residence or place of business of the drawee, or its date of payment depends upon such presentment. The holder may at his option present for acceptance any other draft payable at a stated date;
(b) presentment for payment is necessary to charge any endorser;
(c) in the case of any drawer, the acceptor of a draft payable at a bank or the maker of a note payable at a bank, presentment for payment is necessary, but failure to make presentment discharges such drawer, acceptor or maker only as stated in section 3-502 (1)(B).
If you don't accept the charge or presentment you are in dishonor for no acceptance under 3-505 of the U.C.C. (c) and 3-501 (2) (a), (b). Acceptance is the drawer's signed engagement to honor the draft as presented. It must be written on the draft, and may consist of his signature alone. It becomes operative when completed by delivery or notification 3-410 of the U.C.C.

You are the fiduciary trustee of the strawman which is a Cesti Que Trust; in this capacity you have the responsibility to discharge all his debts, by operation of law. You are also the principal or asset holder on the private side of the accounting ledger; you are holding the exemption necessary to discharge the debt. When they monetize debt they have to have a principal, capital and interest is what circulates as principal and is called revenue or re-venue. Principal is where venue lies. Revenue is a Tax debt or Tax bills. All bills when presented represent revenue, interest, capitol, or accruals circulating from you as the principal, when it is returned back to you as capital or interest it is called income or in-coming. This method of accounting is called the "Accrual Accounting Method" and is represented by debits and credits. Debits are assets Credits are liabilities. The credits and liabilities have to be in balance, this is accomplished through double bookkeeping entries or reverse bookkeeping entry. These bookkeeping entries are the funds referred to in commercial banking. When you are in dishonor they cannot use your exemption to pass the debt or charge through your account to obtain a discharge, so they sell your dishonor, which has a commercial value of $ 1,000,000 dollars for each count. When social security # is assigned or issued a blank bond is issued and when you are imprisoned the bond is filled out. This bond is called a Bid Bond, standard form 24 (REV. 10-98) prescribed by GSA-FAR (48CFR) 53.228(a). This is also called a prison bond. These are also referred to as contract surety bonds. 

The first, the bid bond, provides financial assurance that the bid has been submitted in good faith and that the contractor intends to enter into the contract at the price bid and provide the required performance and payment bonds. The second, the performance bond, protects the oblige from financial loss should the contractor fail to perform the contract in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract documents. The Third kind of contract bond is the payment bond which guarantees that the contractor will pay certain subcontractor, labor and material bills associated with the project. On April 9, 2002 (12:18 pm) Lehman Brothers Banking Cartel in New York City agreed to provide prison industry leader CCA (Corrections Corporation of America) with a new $ 695.0 million senior secured credit facility, to be combined with a $150 million notes offering. The war on terrorism has created a buzz in the private prison industry . Less than three weeks after September 11th, a New York Post story on the for-profit private prison industry stated, "America's new wall of homeland security is creating a big demand for cells to hold suspects and illegal aliens who might be rounded up." In order to prosper, prison operators need to maintain a steady flow of prisoners and prison dollars.

The Power of Acceptance

The UNITED STATES defines the fictitious entity spelled like your name with all caps - your strawrnan - as a "corporation".
Corporation: -any company, trust, so-called Massachusetts trust, or association, incorporated or unincorporated, which is organized to carry on business for its own profit or the profit of its members." --- 15 USCA (United States Code Annotated) section 44.
Since the state created this "unincorporated corporation" the state has full authority over it, and unless and until you object and give them notice otherwise, they will always have authority over your strawman, and through him over you.
A UCC-1 Financing Statement (declaration) gives public notice that you, the secured party, now have a claim against the debtor, the unincorporated corporation of one, your strawman.
When you file this notice (declaration), you take this entity "out of the state" venue (out of the jurisdiction of a fictitious entity) into the private domain (venue) where you are king. The entity becomes "foreign to the state" - an unincorporated corporation foreign to the state.
Sounds like an oxymoron, but this is THEIR terminology and THEIR law! We simply discovered how it works.
Financing Statement: - a document setting out a secured party's security interest in goods. A document designed to notify third parties, generally prospective buyers or lenders, that there may be an enforceable security interest in the property of the debtor. It is evidence of a security interest filed by the security holder with the Secretary of State, or similar public body, that has becomes public record.
Security Agreement: - an agreement which creates or provides for a security interest between the debtor and a secured party. UCC-9-105(h). An agreement granting a creditor a security interest in personal property, which security interest is normally perfected either by the creditor taking possession of the collateral or by filing financing statements in the proper public records.
Security interest: - interest in property obtained pursuant to security agreement; A form of interest in property which provides that the property may be sold on default in order to satisfy the obligation for which the security interest is given; Often "lien" is used as a synonym, although lien most commonly refers only to interests providing security that are created by operation of law, not through agreement of the debtor and creditor.
A security agreement must exist in order to file a UCC-1 Financing Statement, but does this mean it must be in writing and attached to the UCC-1 ?
Perhaps; but not if it is a verbal agreement.
Since your strawman corporation cannot speak how can it write or sign its name? You can create a security agreement and attach it, but you probably don't need it. In fact, you can still do all of the administrative procedures without filing a UCC-1, because you are the Secured Party Creditor whether you file or not.
Filing the UCC-1 is as much for your benefit as for anyone else because it makes this intangible subject more real to you and gives you confidence, and that alone is worth every bit of the effort expended.
Some of the states give you a hard time when filing the financing statement as they claim you are "contracting with yourself'. You can overcome this by creating a separation between you and your strawman corporation so that they can see the difference (as if they didn't know!).
You can apply for a tradename for your corporation. Once this is filed, you will start receiving promotions in the mail advertising credit card machines that you can use in your "new business". You will not need them, but it indicates that the "corporate system" now recognizes your strawman as a "fictitious entity doing business for profit", as a corporation.
The government - specifically the INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE - keeps an account for your strawman corporation from the time you were born until the time you die. That is what the strawman is - an account -an accounting of the commercial transactions of the credit that you as the creditor give to UNITED STATES.
The IRS calls the summary of entries made to this account your Individual Master File (IMF). This file is an account of what the strawman does so that they can put a value on the criminal "charges" that they are claiming against you individual strawman, such as being a rum runner in Puerto Rico, an arms dealer in Iran, or a drug dealer in Malaysia. That is how they "charge your account" and that is why you have never been directly "charged" with these crimes -the debtor, the corporation, your strawman is charged instead. These "charges" represent millions of dollars worth of U.S. Treasury Bonds sold and traded by the foreign corporation called the UNITED STATES.
As you might guess, depending on the crimes and the assigned values, this balance is a continuing deficit to the debtor, and it would be an overwhelming feeling to know that if you think you are the debtor, you could owe millions if not hundreds of millions of dollars to someone else.
But you must ask yourself this question, "who is the creditor of this debtor strawman ?"
Is it the UNITED STATES, the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, or the INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND? No. YOU are the creditor of your debtor strawman. These entities are "pretending" to be the creditors, in your place, but did they give the substance, or did you?
Then why are they getting the interest (taxes) for the credit units that WE supplied to the corporations? Shouldn't the corporations be paying the interest (taxes) to us, instead of us to them?
How did this get turned upside down where the head is the tail and the tail is the head?
"The stranger that is within you shall get up above you very high; and you shall come down very low. He shall lend to you and you shall not lend to him; he shall be the head, and you shall be the tail. Moreover all these curses shall come upon you, and shall pursue you, and overtake you, till you be destroyed; because you hearkened not unto the voice of the Lord your God, to keep his commandments and his statutes which he commanded you. "- Deuteronomy 28:43, 44 & 45.
Now that you can visualize the countless number of "charges" that have been entered by the IRS against your strawman's account, what can you do about it?
You can balance your account by ACCEPTANCE FOR VALUE. You can redeem (zero out) this account with your credit and you can discharge all of the other debts that you can see.
The following is a speech by Representative James Traficant: Report On The Bankruptcy Of The United States, United States Congressional Record, March 1, 1993, VOL. 33, page H-1303.
The Speaker- Rep. James Traficant, Jr. (Ohio) - addressing the House.
NOTE: Several people have looked in Law Libraries for the above speech and references, however the documents can not now be stated as fact. However, Traficant's speech is very eloquent, to the point and can be supported with other documented facts.
Mr. Speaker, we are here now in chapter 11 bankruptcy reorganization.
We members of Congress are official trustees presiding over the greatest reorganization of any Bankrupt entity in world history, the U.S. Government. We are setting forth, hopefully, a blueprint for our future. There are some who say it is a coroner's report that will lead to our demise.
It is an established fact that the United States Federal Government has been dissolved by the Emergency Banking Act, March 9, 1933, 48 Stat. 1, Public Law 89-719; declared by President Roosevelt, being bankrupt and insolvent.
HJR 192, 73rd. Congress in session, June 5, 1933 - Joint Resolution To Suspend The Gold Standard and Abrogate The Gold Clause, dissolved the Sovereign Authority of the United States and the official capacities of all United States Government Offices, Officers and Departments, and is further evidence that the United States Federal Government exists today in name only.
The receivers of the United States Bankruptcy are the International Bankers, via the United Nations, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. All United States Offices, Officials, and Departments are now operating within a defacto status in name only under Emergency War Powers. With the Constitutional Republican form of Government now dissolved, the receivers of the Bankruptcy have adopted a new form of government for the United States. This new form of government is known as a Democracy, being an established Socialist/Communist order under a new governor for America. This act was instituted and established by transferring and/or placing the Office of the Secretary of Treasury to that of the Governor of the International Monetary Fund. Public Law 94-564, page 8, Section H. R. 13955 reads in part. "The U.S. Secretary of Treasury receives no compensation for representing the United States?"
Gold and silver were such a powerful money during the founding of the United States of America, that the founding fathers declared that only gold and silver coins can be "money" in America. Since gold and silver coinage were heavy and inconvenient for a lot of transactions, they were stored in banks and a claim check was issued as a money substitute. People traded their coupons as money, or "currency" Currency is not money, but a money substitute. Redeemable currency must promise to pay a dollar equivalent in gold or silver money. Federal ,Reserve
Notes (FRN's) make no such promises and are not "money. "A Federal Reserve Note is a debt obligation of the federal United States government, not "money. " The federal United States government and the U. S. Congress were not and have never been authorized by the Constitution for the United States of America to issue currency of any kind, but only lawful money - gold and silver coin.
It is essential that we comprehend the distinction between real money and a paper money substitute. One cannot get rich by accumulating money substitutes, one can only get deeper in debt. We the People no longer have any "money." Most Americans have not been paid any "money" for a very long time, perhaps not in their entire lifetimes. Now do you comprehend why you feel broke? Now, do you understand why you are "bankrupt," along with the rest of the country?
Federal Reserve Notes (FRN's) are unsigned checks written on a closed account. FRN's are an inflatable paper system designed to create debt through inflation (devaluation of currency). Whenever there is an increase of the supply of a money substitute in the economy without a corresponding increase in the gold and silver backing, inflation occurs.
Inflation is an invisible form of taxation that irresponsible governments inflict on their citizens. The Federal Reserve Bank who controls the supply and movement of FRN's has everybody fooled. They have access to an unlimited supply of FRN's, paying only for the printing costs of what they need. FRN's are nothing more than promissory notes for U. S. Treasury securities (7-Bills) - a promise to pay the debt to the Federal Reserve Bank.
There is a fundamental difference between "'paying" and "discharging" a debt. To pay a debt, you must pay with value or substance (i. e. gold, silver barter or a commodity). With FRN's, you can only discharge a debt. You cannot pay a debt with a debt currency system. You cannot service a debt with a currency that has no backing in value or substance. No contract in common law is valid unless it involves an exchange of "good and valuable consideration. " Unpayable debt transfers power and control to the sovereign power structure that has no interest in money, law, equity or justice because they have so much wealth already.
Their lust is for power and control, and since the inception of central banking, they have controlled the fates of nations.
The Federal Reserve System, is based on the Canon law and the principles of sovereignty protected in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In fact, the international bankers used a "Canon Law Trust" as their model, adding stock and naming it a "Joint Stock Trust." The U. S. Congress had passed a law making it illegal for any legal "person" to duplicate a "Joint Stock Trust" in 1873. The Federal Reserve Act was legislated post-facto (1670), although post-facto laws are strictly forbidden by the Constitution. (Art. 1, § 9, cl . 3)
The Federal Reserve System is a sovereign power structure separate and distinct from the federal United States government. The Federal Reserve is a maritime lender, and/or maritime insurance underwriter to the federal United States operating exclusively under Admiralty/Maritime law. The lender underwriter bears the risks, and the Maritime law compelling specific performance in paying the interest, or premiums are the same.
Assets of the debtor can also be hypothecated as a security (to pledge something as a security without taking possession of it) by the lender or underwriter.
The Federal Reserve Act stipulated that the interest on the debt was to be paid in gold. There was no stipulation in the Federal Reserve Act for ever paying the principal.
Prior to 1913, most Americans owned clear, allodial title to property, free and clear of any liens or mortgages until Federal Reserve Act (1913) "hypothecated" all property within the federal United States to the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, in which the Trustees (stockholders) held legal title, the U.S. citizen (tenant, franchisee) was registered as a "beneficiary" of the trust via his/her birth certificate. In 1933, the federal United States hypothecated all of the present and future properties, assets and labor of their "subjects," the 14th. Amendment U.S. citizens, to the Federal Reserve System (the nonfederal Federal Reserve Bank).
In return, the Federal Reserve System agreed to extend the federal United States corporation all the credit "money substitute" it needed. Like any other debtor, the federal United States government had to assign collateral and security to their creditors as a condition of the loan. Since the federal United States didn't have any assets, they assigned the private property of their "economic slaves." the U.S. citizens, as collateral against the unpayable federal debt. They also pledge the unincorporated federal territories, national parks forest, birth certificates, and nonprofit organizations, as collateral against the federal debt. All has already been transferred as payment to the international bankers.
Unwittingly, America has returned to its pre-American Revolution, Feudal roots whereby all land is now held by a sovereign and the common people have no right to hold allodial title to property. Once again, We the People are the tenants and sharecroppers renting our own property from a Sovereign in the guise of the Federal Reserve Bank. We the People have exchanged one master for another. This has been going on for over eighty years without the "informed" knowledge of the American people, without a voice protesting loud enough. It is now easy to see why America is fundamentally bankrupt.
Why don't more people own their properties outright? Why are 90% of Americans mortgaged to the hilt and have little or no assets after all debts and liabilities have been paid? Why does it feel like you are working harder and harder and getting less and less?
We are reaping what has been sowed, and the result of our harvest is a painful bankruptcy and a foreclosure on American property, precious liberties, and way of life. Few of our elected representatives in Washington, D_ C. have dared to tell the truth. The federal United States is bankrupt. Our children will inherit this unpayable debt, and the tyranny to enforce paying it. America has become bankrupt in world leadership, financial credit and its reputation for courage, vision and human rights. This is an undeclared economic war- bankruptcy and economic slavery of the most corrupt kind!"



The EFT (SETOFF) TRANSACTION MUST be written on CLOSED personal bank account ONLY! (In regards to public bank CHECK transactions, this is illegal!) It is to be clearly directed on the instrument that it is an EFT transaction only (NOT AN ACH CHECK).


Black’s Law Dictionary, 6th Edition: CLOSED ACCOUNT: An account to which no further additions can be made on either side, but which remains open for adjustment and set-off, which distinguishes it from and account stated.

You must open a bank account and then close it! All closed bank accounts are NOT closed by the bank!

In the definition of “Closed Account” above the term ’side’ means public and private side and it refers to a bank’s accounting ledger! If you do not understand public vs private banking transactions then do not proceed!

If you feel you need to ask your bank about how this works then do not proceed!

The bank you use to process this transaction MUST be a large commercial bank and not a local credit union.


The account must be a personal checking account ONLY and NOT a business account!

You must use check fraud proof ink (Order Online) otherwise you are committing fraud!

An EFT Transaction and ACH are two entirely different things! If the bank runs the instrument through as an ACH (A Check/Public Transaction) the transaction will be reversed automatically. Remember the definition of a closed account? Can the bank run it through as anything but a SET-OFF? If this happens who is in the wrong you or the bank? Better yet who made the mistake because it would have to be a mistake! Now you are learning!


This type of transaction is NOT recommended for open accounts like cell phones, electric bills etc..

It has worked for taxes, student loans, credit cards, car loans, child support and public debt in general.





 Property titles take several weeks to attain sometimes.

Remember, never talk with creditors on the phone or in person, only in writing. If bill collectors are harassing you by phone, tell them you do not contract over the phone and then hang up!

Checks on Closed Accounts.

In return for the loans from the people, the UNITED STATES keeps track of these loans from the people by tracking the "contributions" of the strawmen- i.e. the corporate shadows of the people, by way of what the UNITED STATES calls the Social Security Number accounts. Since all donations (or loans) of commercial assets from the people to the UNITED STATES are accounted for by way of the SSN accounting, the UNITED STATES knows at any one time how much it owes the ultimate creditors, the living people. Most people believe that the SSN was created to enslave the people by making them takers of benefits. This is false (unless you want it to be true and demand benefits from the UNITED STATES). Everything from the BANKRUPT public under public policy and not under public law is told to us in reverse or backwards. The creation of the SSN accounts was not to make us a nation of slaves. It was to allow the government to take our commercial energy and use it to run the nation, while at the same time not being guilty of fraud or theft. The government needed to account for how much commercial energy it owed each and everyone of us, the ultimate creditors, for our contribution. Therefore, the SSN was to track our claims against the UNITED STATES. We are the creditors and they are the debtor. Therefore, we have a pre-paid account with the UNITED STATES since we are the creditors and it is the debtor.

The CAFR accounting is the summary results of this accounting of keeping track of the people's contributions and earnings on those contributions. There are two accounts. The one account is the accounting of the first tier contributions. This is the property contributed to the UNITED STATES from the people of the states by way of the acts of the governors of the states in March of 1933. The larger asset account is most likely the earnings off of the commercial investment of the assets contributed to the first account. This second dealing with the investment earnings is most likely a tontine account belonging to the people, as long as they are alive to claim it. After their death, their share of this account is probably estopped with their probate.

Living people loan or contribute credits to the UNITED STATES when they own property and register it, or when they have income and file a tax return. You are in commerce when you have income (i.e.- you sell the labor of the living man for private money) or when you are an "owner" of registered property. Title 31 United States Code §3124 is interesting. It is titled "Exemption from Taxation." This statute says in effect that you are not exempt from taxation under Title 26 of the United States Code if you sell your labor or if you own property that is registered to any state or the united states. Notice that Title 31 of the United States Code is the laws concerning "money". Since there is no public law money now, and only private money of the private Federal Reserve Bank, then there is no ability to purchase any titles to any property anymore. Since there is no ability to purchase titles to property anymore with the private Federal Reserve Notes, then one's "ownership" or property or the sale of one's labor for private "money" has no lawful title transferred in the exchange. Therefore one is always dealing with a "federal" property right in any "ownership" or in any "sale of labor for ‘money". Since one is dealing in a property right of Congress (since they enfranchised the Federal Reserve Bank), then one who sells his labor for "money" or owns property is nothing more than a tenant on the federal feudal plantation and is NOT tax exempt from the statutes of Title 26 mentioned in Title 31 §3124 and being outside the exemption. The tax is the rent for the use of the federal feudal property held by the UNITED STATES in trust for the people and franchised to the federal 14th amendment fictions and corporations to raise a revenue for the democracy.

There is a court case that says the same thing. It is backward to reality, but the truth is there anyway. The agents of the court speak as the agents of YHWH to His people, if they will listen. Scripture says in 1 Cor 13:12: For Now [in the later days] we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part: but then shall I know even as also I am known,' The "glass" is a mirror that inverts the direction from left to right. "Darkly" is the modifier that suggests that the image from the mirror is not easily discernible even when it is in reverse. The Court case is from the UNITED STATES Supreme Court. "If the nation [the man] comes down from its [his] position of sovereignty and enters the domain of commerce, it [he] submit itself [himself] to the same laws that govern individuals therein. It [he] assumes the position of an ordinary citizen and it [he] cannot recede from the fulfillment of its [his] obligations;" 74 Fed. Rep. 145, following 91 U.S. 398. Notice that the words in the brackets have been added by the writer. It is not in the original decision. This case was a commercial case in which the sovereignty of the United States was draw into question. The Supreme Court said that when a sovereign goes into a commercial relationship with private money [not lawful money of account], it looses its sovereignty. The Supreme Court was telling you that we all lost our sovereignty in 1933 when we went into commerce with private FRN's that did not secure title to the goods purchased. Title remained with the "state" under the principle of escheat. The only way to remain sovereign is to be out of commercial activity.

It is interesting that there is something called a COMMERCIAL ACTIVITY EXCEPTION. Black's Law Dictionary, Seventh, states: the - term "commercial-activity exception means: "An exemption from the rule of sovereign immunity, permitting a claim against a foreign state if the claim arises from private acts undertaken by the foreign state, as opposed to the state's public acts." Isn't this definition exactly what we said above. If you are in commerce since 1933, you are not a sovereign. You are not free. Prior to 1933, you could perform a "public act" of "paying" for goods and services with lawful money of account. In 1933 that "public act" was suspended by federal public policy of the bankruptcy. Now all one can do is to use a "private act" of discharging your debt with FRN's, which are not a money and do not purchase a title for the goods and services you bought. Therefore, none of your acts are cloaked with the protection of a "sovereign" anymore. You lost your presumption of "sovereignty" because of your participation in private commercial activity.

Let me put this a different way. It comes out the same in the end. The UNITED STATES has been bankrupt from the beginning. It has only been in various stages of bankruptcy going from bad to worse. The Constitution was the first indicator. If you look up the word "constitution", it will give you all kinds of comfy-cozy stuff. It will make you feel good about this "founding document". If you look up the word "constitutor" you will get a changed opinion. A "constitutor" is one who passes on his debts to another by way of the constitution he writes, so it was with the UNITED STATES. It owed the debts of the Revolutionary War back in the 1770's. The States would not tax themselves to pay these debts. Congress, under the Articles of Confederation, borrowed money from the international bankers to pay these war debts. The Constitution was the means of getting the States to coinsure the UNITED STATES in order to get an extension in paying back the loan to the creditors at the end of the 1780's. The States became endorsers and co-sureties on the national loan. This cosurety was called in in 1933 when the assets of the States were turned over to the UNITED STATES to help discharge the bankruptcy. This was done because of the Constitution of the United States and pursuant thereto.

If you do not believe this, then I will give you another issue to consider. There is a principle called the Rule of 93. It relates to the Rule of 1793 under International Law. "Where a commerce which had previously been considered a monopoly is thrown open, in times of war, to all nations, by a general regulation neutrals have no right to avail themselves of the concession, and their entrance on such trade is a breach of the impartiality they are bound to observe." 2 Halleck, mt. L. 302. This rule came into existence between the Treaties of 1783 and 1794, more commonly termed the Treaty of Peace and the Jay Treaty. The first Treaty of Peace signed in July 16, 1792 recognized the debt that Congress had with the bankers of the Crown of England payable by Jan. 1, 1788, but defaulted on by Congress. This Rule of 93 states that anyone who acts in a commercial manner with one who is a debtor to another, is no longer a neutral party and stands in the place of the debtor.

This is the source of our problem today, people. The UNITED STATES and all the states are codebtors to the bankers. We, the people, were never linked directly with the obligation to discharge the debt. But when we go into a commercial activity with private "money" with the debtors the UNITED STATES and the territorial Buck Act States, then we are no longer neutral, under law, and we have come into breach of the impartiality in the commercial relationship between the UNITED STATES and its Buck Act States and the international creditor banks. By our co-commercial activity under private acts of commerce by using private credit and debt, we have become the debtors by our actions. The only solution is to get out of commerce with private federal "money".

This is where the "closed check" account becomes interesting. When the account is closed, one can access the asset side of the admiralty-maritime pre-paid account. If one cannot access the asset side, then one cannot acquire the right of the creditor to the action. The liability side is the evidence of a debt. A debtor has no remedy in an action. Dealing with open checking accounts is reserved is for "dead" entities who have no original energy. If you are a living soul, you are the source of the energy used by commerce. You are the creditor or the principle.

There is NO MONEY. It was discontinued by an act of Congress in 1933. All we have is the PROMISE to deliver money, if and when it is ever restored, which President Johnson said would never be restored again. If you believe that there is money, then you are a fool and live in a fiction as a lunatic. There are things that some people want you to believe is used "as a money". If money existed, you would not need to have "notes" and promises to pay money. How can the promise to pay money be the money you think you are getting?

The long and short is simple. You never PAY anyone any money. You hand them a due bill to promise to pay them something which does not now exist and to which those in power will not sanction. The reason is simple. If you do not have money, you can not acquire a title to any property. Therefore, all property rests in the hands of the fictitious state which owns everything and you must get permission from the state to do whatever you desire to do. This is called a democracy which is run on the commercial principles of socialism [or communism]. We, as a nation, were taken over in March, 1933, and not one citizen or slave was the wiser and objected. But who cares? The reason was stated in Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26.

The reason for our nation's current condition is not relevant to this discussion. We are interested in the problem of the woman, who in the start of this article, was involved with a visit from the FBI to inquire about why she was using closed checks on a closed checking account.

A closed account in a bank is one which allows one to go back to draft the UNITED STATES to protest the lack of remedy to the loss of Constitutional money. It requests the use of "public" policy to remedy your loss of lawful money as a living people and as a creditor of the commercial bankruptcy. By drafting with a closed account check, used in a proper manner, one can notice the Secretary of the Treasury that you request a "public act" of settlement of an account someone might charge you with under "private acts" of public policy. Using the closed check properly actually puts one in harmony with the principles of HJR 192 as set forth by Congress in 1933 as the remedy for the "creditors", or we the people. You are NOT using the closed check to purchase anything. There is no money. You are involved in an exchange. An exchange is an action between two parties where goods or services are neither bought or sold and are not gifted. Remember, there is a tax or a lawful penalty on gifting or buying and selling when the commercial system is run under foreign private acts or laws. This is the penalty stated in the Rule of 1793 whereby traders in commerce with the debtors are also treated like the debtors and lose all titles and property rights not granted by letters of Marquee (licenses and registrations), to which the party in commerce never has lawful title. He is merely a beneficiary to an implied trust with the "state" as the lawful trustee with the right of control.

When the woman in our example used a closed account check to tender a charge, she was not paying the charge. There is no money. It is a fiction and illusion to assume there is. She was merely telling the so called charging party that if they want to believe there is money, or if they want to believe that there is a charge against her straw-woman, then she will not argue with them. Why would you argue with an insane person who believes that there is money when Congress told everyone there wasn't in 1933. To argue with a lunatic who believes that there is money and that they can charge you to try to collect money which does not exist, is to become a lunatic yourself. The test in this scenario is that the controllers for the government at the high level know there is no money. They test you to see if you believe that there is still money. If you are with them that you do not owe MONEY, then you are the one who raised the factual issue of MONEY, and you must be a lunatic. Their judgments against you for money is another test to see if they can appease you, since you obviously think money exists.

So lets figure this out. If you argue about a debt payable in money, such as a civil or criminal charge against you, then you are a lunatic since you appear to believe that money exists, which since 1933 is not true. You must be crazy. If you "accept" any alleged charges that they imply are related to money [like civil and criminal charges and other commercial presentments], and you never raise the issue of money at all, since it is a fiction and illusion and you do not deal with, talk about, or argue things that are illusions and fictions, then you pass the test from the public, and you just might escape any serious judgments for criminal or civil liabilities that will be thrown at your strawman.

The way that you get out of commerce and do not use money is to authorize the Secretary of the Treasury to offset and adjust any charges against your strawman by the use of an "exemption" by way of a PRE-PAID account, which links back to the CAFR accounting and your share of the living man's work energy donated to the state by way of the loans of work energy and property donations through registrations by the strawman. This PRE-PAID account has no money in it currently. It was prepaid when you authorized the state to become the trustee over it as an unselfish act of honor and duty. Since the Secretary of the Treasury is the fiduciary creditor to operate that account according to your draft, the Secretary of the Treasury is the only person who could enter a Certificate of Protest to your draft instrument seeking settlement and closure of any charge that the state might bring against your strawman as a test of your competency as a sovereign. Sovereignty means to serve, not to rule.