Property is filed by ‘deed’ in county offices - see UCC 9-302 & 9-103: Not required to file a financial statement, but still have lien-hold capacity. Therein, “When any property is registered on the public side, pursuant to legislative statute or treaty there is no requirement to file a financial statement.”  The financial statement is the UCC-1.
To look at it backwards, if you file or register any property in a public records system (created by statute or treaty) you are filing a financial statement and giving a priority claim, or interest,  to the STATE - on that property!  (We won’t call it a financial statement or a UCC-1!). What do you register pursuant to a legislative enactment? How about a birth certificate, or your automobile, or a marriage license, or a business license, deeds, etc.?
You are the PLEDGOR and the STATE  is the PLEDGEE! State has the priority interest/claim.  The State is the CREDITOR -  and you are the DEBTOR!
Via UCC-9-302, legal requirement to register is by treaty (International Law) i.e. for debts!  Indicia [evidence] is the ‘Certificate’ is issued to the party doing the registration.  Regarding an automobile - don’t you get a ‘Certificate of Title’ when you register it?  What is that ‘Certificate’?  Is it in the nature of a “pawn broker receipt for the ‘pledge’?  That’s what you’re looking at on the ‘Certificate of Title’....same thing.  How do you redeem the pawn?  Pay the debt, but also take the pawn ticket back.  Who can redeem the pawn? The Holder (in due course).  The DMV/State is doing something very similar.  The State/DMV is soliciting a pledge which creates a CREDITOR/DEBTOR relationship.  They issue a Certificate to the DEBTOR, which is the redemption certificate.  The STATE has the priority lien on the entity, also known as “legal title” - until it is redeemed.  So the State, having the priority claim, can lien it, tax it, hypothecate it, control it, legislate over it-----anything they want!
          UCC 9-103 is about lienholder interest between 2 or more STATES.  The property is registered  in one state and the property is in another. “THIS” State = De Facto;  “THE” State = De Jure.
Which STATE has jurisdiction in the lienhold?  “If the property has been removed from “this” state, for a period longer that 4 months, then “this” state no longer has a lienhold over the property.” [the car!]  “Notwithstanding, it has no jurisdiction at the event of the cancellation of the certificate.”
There appears to be 2 methodologies of getting the property and lienhold interest out of “this” state:
1) Has it been removed from “this” state for a period linger than four months?
2) Has there been a “cancellation” of the certificate?
          Note:  Ohio statutes state that one cannot be charged with driving without a license if it has been expired for 4 months or more!  A license is a certificate to drive.
Regarding Oregon:  If your license is about to expire, the State sends you a Notice
that your license is about to expire.  If you do not go down and renew your license, the State presumes by your failure of response to their letter or renewal, that you’ve given a counter offer of silence, which the State accepts to retain control over the contractual rights of the property between you.  Remember, in Contract Law, the acceptor is the head and the offer is the tail.  So the State offers you the Notice of the Renewal of the license--you can either cancel it or renew it.  Most people ignore and never respond, or simply renew.
When they ignore it (silence), it’s like a default which is a counter offer which the State accepts, retaining jurisdiction over the agreement.  Once the State presumes to accept your silence, then the State is in control of the relationship with respect to the Driving privilege, and they place the license on their books in a condition of “suspension.”
Therefore, when their officers catch you out on the highway, they charge you under a suspended license.
Let’s say you’re charged with driving on a suspended license.  If you came in and could give notice that you have removed the property, i.e. the contract, from ‘this’ State and it’s been longer than four months, they have NO jurisdiction.  And even if they attempted to renew the contract, if you give them notice of the removal of the property (car) from ‘this’ State into ‘the’ State and it’s been longer than 4 months, they certainly have no control over the contact, pursuant to 9-103!
          But the other methodology is a swifter death!  Cancel the Certificate.  Because under 9-103, under no event shall they have jurisdiction or Rights to the property beyond the period of time of the cancellation of the license. So, how do we cancel the license?
Well, that starts to get interesting.  When you offered the registration of the automobile to the DMV, what you have basically done is gone by way of legislative enactment and pledged the property as the PLEDGOR to the State, the PLEDGEE, who now, under 9-302 has had a priority interest in the property claimed by it pursuant to that statute under the presumption that you intended to pledge it!  So they have legal title and they issue you, the pledgor, the certificate and the receipt of that pledge.
Now that you have turned over the legal title to the property to the State, it, with the priority interest, is the Creditor.  It’s State property and every year they require you to re-license the property for the USE - privilege of the State property.  So the yearly licensing and license plated - the license plates are the receipt for the tax paid, and the tax is on the use of the State vehicle, which you gave to the State.  It’s not your property...N0 More!
          Once you have reclaimed title to the property, you have no requirement to pay a tax on it every year because you have the priority claim...NOT the State!
But now what happens when you want to get rid of the old car, sell it to someone else and get a new one?  You’ve been doing exactly what you need all along, but you didn’t understand it, and it wasn’t you that was doing it.  It was passed off to a third party so you wouldn’t have a clue what was happening here. What they ended up doing was the following; When you want to get rid of the automobile - what you do is sign the back of the Certificate of Title, put the date down in front of a Notary, and put the value of the transaction on the document (how much money you’re selling it for).
     Haven’t you just done the following; Done an Acceptance for Value of the Certificate of Title?  Think about it.  You signed it! You dated it! You put the amount of value of the contract on there!  Isn’t that an Acceptance for Value?
What you have just done then, when you lay that back on the registering clerk, is you’ve given notice that you’ve taken back the pledge.  In other words, you’ve given the clerk Notice to Cancel the lien - cancel the certificate!
          Now the problem is, you never signed it, and took to down and laid it on the DMV counter and said “Cancel this certificate!”
          What you did is: you went beyond that and you put the name of the successive owner on there and his address.  And then you gave the damn instrument to him!  That idiot went down to the DMV and he laid ‘your’ certificate on the counter to get them to cancel their lien hold against you to clear the lien so that it could be transferred to him!
          Now, once they place that document on the counter, they probably went to the computer and cleared out your registration, which is a cancellation of the certificate.  But then they got him to sign that document or a new document applying for a new public registration.  And when he put that on them, they refiled a registration on the same property on him and now pursuant to 9-302 the State is the priority lien holder under the new pledge.
          Now if they had split this process up so that, before you could sell it to JOE JONES, the next guy, they had to tell you, well you’d go down to the State and get it removed from the State so you’ve got title.
          Everybody would sit back and say “What the hell ya’ talking about – it’s my property!  What do I have to get removed?”
          So, rather than you going down and laying the ‘Acceptance for Value’ on the clerk, they got you to give the document to the successor and he went down and laid your ‘Acceptance for Value’ on the clerk in his behalf so you don’t understand (or know) what’s going on!  See what they did to you?
Now, if you’ve done the ‘Acceptance for Value’ of your Birth Certificate, the certificate is the receipt for the pledge of the property.  And when you sign your name and the date on it and you lay it back on the office and say CANCEL the ‘certificate’ - who’s got the priority lien on the property on it?  Well, whoever is the next party to register!  See, this is the problem, remember, we’re in an Admiralty, War-time Economy.  There is no land, there is no soil, there is no common law!
          Remember “Water World”, the great movie, with Kevin Costner?  It is telling you that it is rumored that there is land!  But there’s nobody we know that has found it, and landed on it.  Everybody is sailing on vessels on the sea of commerce.  Therefore, there is no common law.  All there is, is the commercial law of the Admiralty between foreign entities.  Now the problem is, is when you’re operating on the high seas, if you are operating in a vessel that is not registered under a flag (license plate), you are presumed to be what?   A PIRATE!
Under the law of Nations, any of the nations (states), by privateers can seize the property (car) as a prize, tow it into port (impound), and let the authorities determine the states of the property since there’s no registration and/or flag!  That’s what’s been happening to all of us, we’ve all been seized and towed into port on the presumption that we’re all operating as pirates.
          And you can’t say there’s a common law right.  There isn’t any. The soil doesn’t exist (common law on the land) in their emergency military venue!
          So therefore, all the property must have a registration.  If it’s not registered, it’s bootlegged property, subject to seizure. [Consider; Public (DMV/Gov’t) Registration or Private (UCC) Registration!]
          The problem is, if you register it on the public side you’ve given the priority lien pursuant to 9-302 to the public!  But you can register it on the private side...the UCC!  And if you register it on the private side, then it’s registered and the military is given due process notice that the property is private!  Which is outside the scope of the military, i.e., the public (government), for it’s use!  So the key is that when you cancel the priority lien of the state on the public registration side, you’d better immediately go down and register a priority UCC 1 or 3 on the private side to the Straw-man [Trade-name]!
          And the finance statement is basically the Bill of Sale!  And the Bill of Sale can be between your strawman (the debtor) and yourself (the creditor).  Now, understand the difference between the debtor and creditor.  The debtor is really the human body and creditor is really your soul!   And there are two separate entities there, because remember the Lord said that if you follow his laws, your soul would be raised in the resurrection and go on to eternity. But your human body is a body of sin and it’s a non-perfected body.  It’s not a permanent entity, it was built of the earth and it will decay back into the earth.  So it’s a temporary temple.  So the body is the debtor--the man of sin.  And the soul is the redeemed character under God, and the soul is the creditor if he’s in control of the body, which the Lord placed him here to be, and not surrendered up to another master, particularly Satan (adversary), and the master of this world.  But everything you do in terms of commerce in their world, is only here for the time your body exists in the world, so the commerce is done through the debtor - the Straw-man [Trade-name].
          So you have two separate entities there, and your body, the vessel, is really the transmitting conduit [utility] between anything of this world and whatever is to the benefit to maintain and keep the soul alive in the temporary structure, the vessel, for that period of time on earth here.
          Now what we have done in terms of redeeming the body so that the soul indeed now has a vessel in which to operate under freedom and liberty is really to take the title of the body (the birth certificate), which is the pawn slip, and we redeemed it by the acceptance for value and put it back on them, just like you redeemed the lien hold interest on the vehicle, by signing it, dating it, and putting a value on it and laying it back on the registration clerk (UCC-3)!
          Now, let’s go to land because that’s similar, but a little different.  There’s money involved just like on the vehicle and everything else.  Money is whatever you use.  And it doesn’t have to be gold and silver, it’s immaterial and irrelevant.  It can be anything.  That’s why the gold clause of 1933 - it really didn’t change anything except get people totally off point.  See, the only reason that they said gold and silver is substance of money of account, certainly it has the substance built into it.  However, you’ve got substantive rights in paper currency to the merchandise  represented.  If you don’t own the title to the merchandise it’s immaterial whether it’s gold, silver, or paper, wampum beads, or anything else.
For instance, if a slave goes down and thinks he has the right to sell the master’s horse and buggy and the slave gets gold for the sale of the horse and buggy for which the master did not approve, could the slave argue that because he got paid in gold and silver, that’s substance and the property is his?  No, ‘cause he didn’t have title in the thing sold for which he acquired the title in which supposedly was substance!  It’s not the medium, it’s the TITLE to the transaction that carries the substance or mere form with it.
          If you are a sovereign being and you’re over in France and your kingdom was not of France, and you sold something and you got some French money for it, does that mean that the French money isn’t yours, or doesn’t express a substance or a title?  All it is, is a medium of exchange!
          If the sovereign owned the title in the thing sold, then the money, no matter what the hell it is, represents the substance of the transaction to which he is entitled.  And if it’s mere pieces of paper, he can go out and exchange those foreign pieces of paper through some kind of exchange system, alternately get gold, silver, or any other property and he owns title to whatever he got!  Because it’s merely some kind of continuing transaction, on a quid-pro-quo, that the first item that he gave up that he had substance of title in, therefore whatever represents that transaction in terms of “money” was merely a representation of the substance that he had from the beginning that he moved to the end medium.  It’s a different form!
          But if you have no title to that which you sold in the transaction to begin with, how can you acquire more title than that which you had by placing it in a medium which presumably has more substance to it than what you were entitled to?  See, we’ve been totally drawn off point.  It’s in the title to the transaction or the contract.  Not in the medium by which the exchange takes place over a series of events!
          Let’s get back on point to the soil and land.  When you go in to buy property, usually you acquire the property from the previous owner, who sells you the land and he sells it to you by way of which usually referred to as a “warranty deed.”  The Warranty Deed is an elaborate ‘Bill of Sale’ in which amongst other things, the previous owner guarantees to the buyer that he’s going to get good and complete title with only the exceptions as “listed hereon.”
          Now, you and I know that when he went down to the County Recorder and had that previous deed that went to him registered, that pursuant to a statute and a treaty, that now the County Recorder has a priority lien on the property under 9-302, which is the equivalent of a UCC-1 priority lien, by the new owner of the property who is deemed to be the pledgor of the property, the pledgee being the County and the ‘holder in due course!’
          When that deed got registered, ultimately the piece of paper was going to find its way to the new owner of the property.
          Now, what value is that piece of property deed that came back to the owner - what could he do or not do with it?  For instance, let’s ask the question, let’s say he lost it or his dog ate it up.  Has that owner lost anything because of the loss of that piece of paper?  NO!  Why?  ‘Cause he doesn’t need that piece of paper!  Why doesn’t he need it?  Because the County Recorder is the holder in due course and if he wants another copy of that piece of paper he can go the County Recorder and every day of the week and every hour, and for a price the County Recorder will give him a certified copy of that document all day long. That deed that comes back is a ‘Certificate of Deed’ - like a certificate of Title!
          Now look at what happens.  Let’s say somebody ‘stole’ that deed out of his safe.  What could anybody do with that deed that they stole out of his safe?  Nothing!  Why?  Because the certificate is in the name of the guy on the land!  The certificate is not in the name of the thief.  Therefore, the holder in due course, the state, won’t recognize them!  The state only recognizes the certificate holder.  Just like the pawn broker only recognizes the pawn ticket holder (all are in DEBTOR ‘CAPS’).  Now you understand why all the capitalization on all of those documents are capitalizations, because under 9-302 they’re the debtor in the pledge! 
          Now, since only the debtor has first rights of redemption, he’s the only one for which the certificate has any value, unless he dies and then he’s gotta’ go through a probate court to get a successor recognized by the State, to come in and cancel the lien!
          Let’s watch what happens with the land if a guy wants to sell the land to somebody else now.  It’s kind of like the automobile deal, but a little different.  See, if they had you turn over the deed that they sent you back, and endorse it and send it in to cancel the lien, they’d probably start letting the cat out of the bag as it applies to land.  So what they do is, you fill out a brand new warranty deed which is approved by all the States and the warranty deed now assigns all your rights, title and interest which also includes the right of redemption, doesn’t it (?) to the successor party.  And you convey that deed, signed under a notary, to the new buyer.  But in that warranty deed as the seller, you have promised as part of your conveyance, that you’d release the lien hold interest upon the property.  You never did that but you gave the buyer the opportunity to.  Because the buyer or his agent takes the new warranty deed down to the County Recorder for his purpose of getting it registered, ‘cause he’s as stupid as the rest of us!
          Now, when he goes down there (some people never do it because it’s encumbered by a mortgage and the banks would never let them do it.  They’d have to go through a professional agent, so the agents do it and the people don’t have a clue what’s going on!)  Here’s what happens:  most people just think you take your deed down and record it - you can’t do that.  They break it down to at least 3 steps!  If you go down there with a deed and go to the County Recorder and say, “Hey, I want this recorded,” they’ll take one look at it and say, “No, we can’t record it, you go over to the transfer department first, and when you’re done there, they’re going to send you up to the treasurer and after you’re done there, come on down, and we’ll record it!  Three Step Process.  Now the first thing they have you do, is they have you go to the “Transfer Department” (well defined name).  When you show up there they take a look at your deed and the first thing they do is they look at who is the grantor (what is the name of the grantor), and they go to their records and they double check that the grantor on the deed is in fact the currently registered owner of the property.  What are they checking? 
They’re checking to see who has the power of redemption.  Because if the grantor on your deed is not in their records, he’s not got the power of redemption, does he?  And they can’t register your property under your name until they release the lien under the old pledgor’s name.  See, their goal is first, they must release the first pledge!  They’ve got a duty to, because since they’re going to operate with this warranty deed, they don’t want to get the previous owner in trouble so that he’s going to come back and sue the county when the county doesn’t release the lien against him!  So that you’ve got a clear property before you are grantor to convey the same right back to the county with your filing!  Now they gotta’ go to the records and check to make sure the grantor is the right party and they also gotta’ make sure that there’s no registered liens against the grantor before the state releases its lien.  Because if there are other parties, like the IRS and banks and everybody else with a lien against that property, the state wants to maintain the priority lien to protect all these other corporate interests. 
And it’ll never release it until you dispose of those other liens.  Understand how it happens!  Once the file department sees that no other liens are on the property, the grantor is the correct party who signed it, and it was notarized so that they can believe it was the grantor, then what happens is, because the file clerk at the ‘Transfer Department’ notices that there is a signature of the previous grantor (previous certificate holder) on the warranty deed---doesn’t the file transfer clerk notice that the previous certificate holder has endorsed the legal description of the property, signed it, which is an acceptance for value, and then what does the file transfer clerk do?  Make note that we’ve just cancelled the security lien hold interest against the previous owner of the property.  And he takes the brand new deed and he stamps “transferred” on it!  Now that file transfer clerk says, “Go over there to the Treasurer.”  Why are you going over to the treasurer?  Because when you get to the treasurer they’re going to slip you a piece of paper and they want you to fill out the piece of paper.  And the piece of paper is gonna’ be your ‘agreement’ that you’re the new owner and that the property actually sold for $______. Now, what happens when you put down the amount of money for an item and sign your name to it?   What is that called?  What kind of a document is it?  It’s a Finance Statement!  What is a Finance Statement?  It’s basically what you do with a bank when you’re going to get a loan, isn’t it?  And when you fill out the form to apply for the loan, aren’t you giving the bank a finance statement, which is a UCC-3? Who in the hell’s got the priority lienhold interest?
          Okay, so you go over to the treasurer of the County and they request that you fill out the exact amount of funds for which you are paying them...boy, you’d better be right, because you’re signing ‘under penalty of perjury’ and they’re going to come back and throw you in jail if you’re wrong!  So you’re so scared you put down the right money (amount) and give it to them!  What you don’t understand is why the hell did you have to give them anything???  By giving them the finance statement, they’re the holder in due course!  Then they charge you a tax based on the amount of the transfer...because that is a customs tax.  All income taxes are customs taxes.  And they’re putting a tax on the value of the property, which is leaving the ‘defacto bifurcation’, going to you, leaving ‘this’ state, going to ‘the’ state.  So all these sales taxes are customs export taxes, from one ‘state’ to another!
          Now, where the hell in the dejure Constitution of the united States does any of our governments ever allowed to tax exports?
Now that they want an export tax and you don’t protest, they charge you the tax and give you a receipt and stamp the deed again!  Then they say you can go down and register it!  Well, by golly, by then you’d better register it because they’re the holder in due course and they want to hold it anyway!
          Now, let’s look at the remedy.  Let’s say you went through all this stupid process to begin with and now you’re sitting there with a registered deed.  Theoretically, how do you get rid of the priority lien?  Well, what you gotta’ do is cancel the certificate!  There’s several methodologies quite possibly to cancel the certificate.  One would be to take the certified copy of the land deed and accept it for value with the contract overlay, date it, and serve it back on the County Recorder, the transfer clerk!  Have them cancel the certificate.  Just like you did with the birth certificate!  Lay it back on the Clerk of the County, because that’s where they registered the damn thing!
          What if the County refuses to accept it?  Understand the following, you did the acceptance of the certificate!  And you laid the acceptance back on them!  What do you mean they’re not going to accept your acceptance?  They are the offerors, they don’t have the opportunity to decline your acceptance!  You’re in control!  The one who accepts the offer is in control!  By placing an acceptance for value on the certificate, you’re the acceptor!  They’re the acceptee!
          Now, if they don’t want to pick it up from their counter, that’s their problem, you cannot force them to pick it up off their counter.  All you can do is what you’re legally required to do--accept it-- and place the notice back in their hands.  And when you place the acceptance on their counter, do not pick it back up and walk away with it!  Now your going to notify not only one party but probably a whole slew of parties, so nobody can get brain lockjaw and say “I never got it.”
          See, you can send it to them by certified or registered mail, or just go in with a couple of witnesses and you also give notice by sending proof of service and certified mail to a whole slew of other people, which I guarantee if I ever do this process, I’m gonna’ do.  You’re not only going to want to lay it upon the proper parties’ office in the county, and we’re not sure who that is yet, so you want to send copies by certified mail to a number of parties in the county, in the State, in the U.S.  You’re going to definitely lay it upon the file transfer agent, the County Recorder, the County Treasurer, the Prosecutor, County Counsel, Secretary of State, Attorney General’s office, State Treasurer.  You’re gonna lay it on the Secretary of the Treasury (DC), and maybe the US Attorney General!
          Now, see, eventually when you do this, you’re canceling the certificate, aren’t you?  The next thing you do is register that ‘thing’ post haste on the private side.  You put the legal description on your UCC-3, and you register that with your Secretary of State.  Then you may even want to give notice to the Clerk of the Common Pleas Court (superior court, district court, etc.) in your County, that the property is now private.  And now that you accepted it for value, and you ask the county to adjust all the records and stuff, if you don’t get an adjustment and removals from whatever, that’s when you’re going to do the chargeback on up to Lawrence Summers, and have Summers adjust the account through the IRS and the public side!
          Look at the process, look at this theory, look at 9-103, look at what your mind tells you (logic) on what you understand and it looks reasonable.  Look at the ‘deed’ process.  What they’re going through, that it was the signature of the previous ‘donor’ or the previous pawnee or pledgor that gets the release of the lien from the state to clear the property to come to you so that you can pledge it back again!  It’s the ONLY thing that makes sense!  Otherwise, there’d be violations of pledges, covenants, everything up and down the line. 
          Now, look at the following thing:  Now you’re clearing a State interest in the land.  Do the Feds have an interest in the land?  You’d better believe it!  What document did the Feds issue with regard to that land?  Way, way back, didn’t the land get deeded through the Feds by way of Treaty (land patent)?  What is the land patent called?  A certificate!  Land Patent Certificate!  In essence, the Feds did not grant it true (absolute ownership).  What happens if you lost your land patent certificate?  You can get a new one!  So who’s the ‘Title Holder?’  The Feds!  If they can issue a new certificate, they’re ultimately the Title Holder!!  So, what do you gotta do?  Call the TITLE BUSTERS!!!  You’ve got to cancel the certificate as it applies to your share of the land!  How do you do that?  Get a certified copy of the land patent certificate, describe the subset portion, and accept it for value and lay it back on the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) office, to cancel that portion of the certificate of the ownership title of the land as it applies to your land.
          I don’t know if one has to cancel an interest beyond that by the ‘Crown,’ I don’t know if we have to cancel an interest beyond that by the Vatican!  For instance, if the Crown of England by way of the Treaty of Peace, granted the titles of the land to the Congress and the United States, do we have to accept that Treaty of Peace for value, to the King as it applies to ‘our’ land?  And with the Crown of England’s agreement with the Pope, to be a subset of the Papacy, do we have to accept that document for value as it applies to the subset to our claim to the Vatican to clear its interest?
          Doesn’t 9-102 and 9-302 start laying out the pattern of what these thieves and crooks have been up to?  They (since this goes back to the Edomites, [government]) just assume and presume that since you just gave up all your rights, privately to the public side, you intended it to be a ‘no’ nation! 
          See, ultimately the problem comes back on us because we are ignorant of the law and didn’t understand no different, cause we did not read the scripture and we did not understand what we were told!  And that’s partially the fault of the ‘corporate’ church, which doesn’t learn, understand, or teach the law. WHY? Because they’re....False Prophets!  And therefore you believe the false prophets and therefore you fail [fall into the pit!]