This is the AFV process that I am currently do ing on my bank account that went into over draft.  Currently it is less than $300 into the private (negative or left of zero).  I’ve scratched out that figure and entered 5000.  The charges we re presented on a full page statement, so I generated the coupon by making a mirror image (photocopy) of the statement before I stamped the original with the AFV stamp, but after I sc ratched out the charge and entered the amount that I authorize the creation of, so it will reflect on the new coupon.  Also to be noted is that I absent mindedly put my AFV stamp in a box like this. 



 (red stamp, blue pen)  I did n’t pic k u p o n t h e b o x till a f t e r t h e f a ct, but it might add another dimension as both Winston and Jack  have discussed the concept of “anything that is in 4 corners, a box, or brackets really isn’t there”.  Ho wever, thus far I haven’t received my instrument back yet, so contract law dictates ACCEPTANCE.  B elo w is a r e d a c t e d c o v e r le t t e r t h a t I s e n t to the bank.  The red pragraph was used for this case, but was omitted on a different process.  Below is the 1099-A as I have submitted it, and the 1099-B as I will submit when they arrive.  Since I initiated the process, I’ve received new offers to pay and abandon my payment alre ady made by an unknowing department of the bank separate from the CFO.  The language used in the new offer suggested that the other party didn’t have a clue.  After the tax form s, will be the CAFV I sent to the unknowing department, and I restructured the agreement I se nt to the CFO.  The reaon I will restructure it was because I changed the terms for a charit able reason and that really isn’t anyones business except God, me and CFO.  But if I did no t deside to go this rout e, then this would be the exact language I’d use.    1099-A conveys that the asset “issued” by the “issuer/LENDER” was loaned to the BORROWER, and box 5 conveys that the BORROWER is not liable to pay back the “issue”.  We presume that our contracts will be honored so we act accordingly.  1099-B conveys that the voluntary conveyance of the “issued asset” is a prepaid barter exchange.  Value is tendered for equal exchange of goods and services whatever they may be.  Our record will now reflect by way of a triple witness that we have given value and honor to the private contractual agreement by way of Notary Presentment, 2 or 3 IRS forms issued under the penalties of perjury, and the lack of rebuttal to any of the above facts in the record.  So the fact that the issuance of a valuable instrument was tendered, received, and due to the fact that it/they was/were not returned immediately REFUSED FOR CAUSE, they are thus ACCEPTED!  So now the parties to the private contract are in full agreement by way of actions, as they speak ever so louder than words, that true value has been exchanged.  The only thing left to do now is to fulfill the agreed upon terms of the contract.    Of course the mere fact that we, the box 2 Certificate of Live Birth people have offered to step in on behalf of the MAN OF STRAW, we have just made a “novation” in that we’ve offered to assume the role of “liable party” to the contract a.k.a. “surety and underwriter”.  The original parties to the contract do have the right to refuse the novation, however the simple fact that we have already proved by way of “the record” that the CFO has “accepted the novation” by not returning the 

ACCEPTED FOR VALUE RETURNED FOR VALUE Date; 7/7/09_ Exemption# F12345678__ At$ 5,000.00_ By;_Jack Inda Box_______ 

instrument that was “issued for value”.  So now that the MAN OF STRAW has been released from the contract by way of the CoLB/surety novation offer, it is just me and the CFO.  However, the CFO may have another department or agency issue an offer to me in the name of the MAN OF STRAW, as they cannot see me, to abandon my claim on the already existing agreed upon private contract.  I can either go in to dishonor and abandon my claim and release the CFO from the obligation to settle, or I can accept the new offer, conditionally, upon they providing me “proof of claim” why I should do that.  This part can last indefinitely, and unless one is willing to give them a real run for their money, it may be wise to consider another remedy b/c let’s face it, they have way more gas to throw than you or I do.  The key as I see it is to perfect our “records” with regards to our process and timing of it all.  Get certified copies of everything, keep all green cards safe, and everything in an orderly fashion.  I am not totally clear on enforcement strategies, but I do know that getting the IRS CID corrected filings and/or 3949-A, Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC) read sec. 46 of the Nation Currency Act, and American Bankers association (ABA) read the ABA Policy involved will be usefull in securing performance on their end.  And if they absolutely will not perform, I can see the GSA forms coming in handy to extract the property back 





Certified Mail No.  1111 2222 3333 4444 5555 



From:  Jack Inda: Box              in care of;              JACK INDA BOX              1234 ½ West Butter Street   Scranton, PA. 12345 


To:       Happy Harry   Chief Financial Officer for;   Benn Security Bank & Trust   000 North Washington Avenue   Scranton, PA. 54321 


Subject: Private Acceptance of Contractual Offer 


Dear Mr. Harry,        July 7, 2009 


 Please find enclosed my Acceptance of your presentment in the sum of $5,000.00, and the coupon generated therefrom.  You may process the instruments through my private exemption via your ACH Terminal to settle it, and credit the proceeds therefrom to Checking Account No. 87654321 for the benefit of the account holder JACK INDA BOX, or its agent(s).  Also approved for deductions from the proceeds from this transaction is up to $500.00 for the expenses Benn Security Bank & Trust or its agent(s) should incur to facilitate this transaction.  As soon as three (3) days, but no later than ten (10) days after the date of reception evidenced by the USPS return receipt, Form 1099-A will go out to the proper recipients to evidence this private agreement. 


 If you have any questions or concerns with regard to this matter, please forward all private correspondences to me in care of the person named on the account. 


 I thank you for your time and attention to this matter. 


Yours truly, 


      By:_________________________________        Jack Inda: Box, Agent