Accepted for Value tutorial 2023

When you receive a “PRESENTMENT” from anyone (that you have a standing contract with, example account with SS# tied to it) – disregard the concept of a “BILL” you need to pay. That will give you confidence. Realize you don’t owe anyone anything. When your account was set up you gave them some large amount of money from your account and they’ve never compensated you for it.
Look at the “BILL”. Notice there’s a top portion and a bottom “stub” or “payment coupon” – the portion that gets torn off where it says “detach and send with payment.”
To process an “Accepted for Value” formatted item, you always need two instruments, the top of the statement and the bottom of the statement or coupon. (If you pay a $40.00 bill with 2-$20’s; you’ve just sent in 3 instruments, 2-$20’s and the coupon. That’s beyond the 2 instruments required by 1.
NEVER SEND the UPPER AND LOWER parts of the STATEMENT (your 2 instruments) back in the RETURN ENVELOPE THEY’VE PROVIDED for YOU. ALWAYS USE YOUR OWN ENVELOPE AND MARK on the OUTSIDE of the envelope “Private and Confidential”, in red, and to the left side of the (TO: address) and under your return address, put Priority/Confidential, send “Registered Mail with electronic signature confirmation service requested”
OR “Certified/Registered with return Receipt Requested” and mail to the CFO (Chief Financial Officer) of the company you’re tendering your “Accepted for Value” payment documents to.
Could also do the following, I would:1) Cover Letter - send it to the billing origination CFO or someone over your account(s)
2) Fiduciary Contract, with the Form 56 attached; making the CFO or someone Fiduciary of your the account(s).
3) 1040V with all A4V’s.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you want to keep the Credit Card Account OPEN – DO NOT make the
payment for the Full amount that you Owe, make it like $10 less.
FORMAT #1 – To MAKE PAYMENT; but Not to Shut Down/Close the Account (i.e., your power bill, water bill).
1. A4V Statement angled corner to corner on the top of the bill (IN RED):
Accepted For Value and Returned For Value
Date:______*, Exemption #_________**
_______________signature________ (do not put Auth. Rep.)

* use date of birth (this date is for the inception of the signature of your Certificate of Live Birth”)
**The Exemption # is found on the back of your SS card, it’s your Bond #. It begins with a Letter then 8 numbers. For example: A12345678. (If your SS card doesn’t have a number on the back, you need to go apply for a new card. )
2. Take the COUPON/PAYMENT STUB you tore off and in the LOWER RIGHT HAND CORNER, above any numbers that may be there, Sign your “Certificate of Live Birth” name.
3. Find the box where you would write in what amount you’re paying. Pay the total of the invoice; plus add in EXTRA DOLLARS, so that they can’t close the account.
4. TURN the COUPON/PAYMENT STUB OVER and ENDORSE the BACK as you would a check including “Authorized Representative.”
FORMAT #2 – To Close Out/Pay Off an Account (i.e., pay off car, credit cards, mortgage).
1. A4V Statement corner to corner angle on top of statement (IN RED):Accepted For Value and Returned For Value For Settlement, Closure and Setoff
Date:______*, Exemption #_________**
____________signature________ (do not put Auth. Rep.)
2. It is best to contact the company and ask for a PAY-OFF presentment. Then you a Statement to put the A4V wording on.
3. If the PAY-OFF presentment does not have a coupon on the bottom that’s okay, just put the wording A4V on and attach a $1.00 bill. (covers the 2 instruments needed)
4. If this is a purchase that you’ve put a down payment down on, then the contract is binding and you can A4V right away. If you’ve NOT put anything down at the time of purchase, you MUST wait 30 DAYS for the contract to cure. After the 30 days curing, wait another 2-3 weeks then do the A4V process.
FORMAT #3: Statement with no coupon.
1. A4V Statement angled corner to corner on statement (IN RED):
Accepted For Value and Returned For Value
(For Settlement, Closure and Setoff) if it applies
Date:______*, Exemption #_________**
____________signature________ (do not put Auth. Rep.)
2. Send back with $1.00 FRN.
FORMAT #4: IRS issues - (with or without a coupon).
1. A4V Statement angled corner to corner on presentment (IN RED):
Accepted For Value and Returned For Value
For Settlement, Closure and Setoff
Date:______*, Exemption #_________**
________________signature________ (do not put Auth. Rep.)
2. Take a 1040V for the YEAR that the presentment refers too, SIGN in lower right hand corner like a check. Fill in the amount plus extras dollars so they have to send you a refund check. Make it payable to: Department of Treasury.
3. Endorse the back of the 1040V:
By: (your name)___________Auth. Sig.
For Settlement, Closure and Setoff of this Presentment
Payment/Exemption #________(from back of SS card)
4. Send to the Top Person at the Agency. [you choice on addresses] I like the last two.
(Kansas City, for IRS, is supposedly the best for getting them accepted).
(Or IRS, Stop 4440, PO Box 9036, Ogden, UT 84201)
***Presentments for all years except 07 & 08 – IRS, Fresno Campus, ASFR Unit Stop 81404, Po Box 24015,Fresno, CA 93779
***Presentments for years 07 & 08 – IRS, ACS Support Stop 76202, Po Box 24017, Fresno, CA 93779
NEVER write your Social Security number with NO dashes on an A4V statement.
There has never been a BILL; that you were supposed to pay, but you were never told this.
You are the Surety; they are taking their money from you as collateral. You’re paying them twice; if you pay any BILL with anything other than YOUR “Certificate of Live Birth” SIGNATURE on the public side.
The reason we do this is because we are giving the CFO permission to access our DTC account and get “asset” funds to offset the “debt”. FRN’s are liability and public funds, and are just another debt.
We are allowed to do this under the contract we signed with our signature and SS #, for services or whatever.
The CFO is allowed to go to the DTC to offset the account. If you pay by check, money order, etc, you are paying with public/liability funds and the CFO will do a 1099-A on the abandoned credit you neglected to “claim, and you’ll have paid them twice. The CFO is licensed to do an ACH transfer from the private side of the DTC, he’s getting “real” money.
Follow-up with:
[This item can be done now or later] Send them the following items to address the settlement of past payments made out of your back pocket - 2nd payment and you demand settlement (three years for everything not tied to a promissory note) or (from life of contract signing if it was under a promissory note); [understand these forms before you use them please]
a. 1099-A (for each year you made payments out of your back pocket)
b. 1099-OID (them as the Payer and the amount that has WITHHELD from you)
Always TIE these forms together so they cannot be separated. (tie - means to refer to each document on each one)
IF they still do not accept and settle, then file a 3949A IRS form on them and send the package to
the IRS/CID.

This is one place to send to CID !! Check them all out though.
BOX 192


Did you know that the FDIC doesn't really insure bank accounts?

Did you know that when a bank goes under and is taken over by the FDIC, instead of paying the $100,000, the FDIC just pays its own people to come into the bank and divvy up what's left of the bank's assets? (This comes from a woman who once worked as a temp for the FDIC. Her job was to talk on the phone to the angry depositors and explain this to them.)

Did you know that a bank cannot legally require a fingerprint as a condition of cashing a check?
According to UCC 3-501(b)(2), they can only require you to:
Exhibit the instrument (i.e. you show them the check)
Give reasonable identification, and evidence of your authority if you are cashing the check on behalf of someone else
Sign the check, and make a written receipt for partial payment, or the surrender of the check upon full payment (i.e. you let them keep the check)
They write the brochures to say that they "ask" for a fingerprint (not "demand" as a condition of payment). Their excuse for the fingerprint is "reasonable identification." So if you can get them to agree that your picture ID is reasonable identification, they have NO LAWFUL EXCUSE for refusing to pay the check just because you don't give them a fingerprint! In this case they have "dishonored" the check and you can proceed exactly as you would if they blatantly, and for no reason, refused to pay. Contact us for ideas on how to use the fingerprint issue.

Did you know that if you write “Without Recourse” below your endorsement or signature that the bank can not take any action against you for any reason!

Did you know that banks do not loan their own assets, nor the assets of their depositors?
Do you realize this means they do NOT loan money, but instead, there is an exchange of credit for credit, in which interest is charged on one side, but not the other?
If the borrower walks away with cash (which has value in the form of "purchasing power"), but the bank didn't loan any of its assets, isn't it obvious that the "purchasing power" must have come from SOMEWHERE?

Did you know that when a bank makes a "loan," the money supply (M1) expands -- in other words, the volume of currency in circulation increases?

Did you know that the value of the Federal Reserve Note "dollar" depends on the size of the money supply via the law of "supply and demand" -- in other words, the more FRNs there are, the less they are worth?

Do you understand that when the bank makes a loan, the value of the FRN "dollar bills" in everybody's pocket declines -- in other words, the bank is creating FRN dollars in competition with the FRN "dollars" in your pocket, and this reduces the value of the FRN "dollars" in your  pocket? Do you realize this is the cause of inflation?

Do you realize that this means the "value," or "purchasing power," loaned by the bank is essentially STOLEN from the public via the mechanism of inflation? Contact us for ideas on how to use the "Theft by Inflation" issue

1. Always Pursue Truth - unless something better comes along.
2.  There is No Deception so great as-- Self-deception, see # 1.