Wizard of oz we're off to see the wizard.
The Wizard of OZ – an allegory… (author unknown)
An allegory (parable) is the expression of truths about human conduct and experience by means
of symbolic fictional figures and actions.
Such was the movie The Wizard of Oz, an allegory of the state of affairs we now live in today —
an allegory of the unfolding New World Order that was instituted in America via the stockmarket crash of 1929 and the bankruptcy of the United States in 1933.
The setting of this allegory is in Kansas — the “heartland” of America; the geographical center
of the U.S.A.
In came the twister — the whirling confusion of the Great Depression, the stock-market crash,
the U.S. Bankruptcy, and the theft of America's gold — that whisked Dorothy and Toto up into
the New Order of the World; an artificial new dimension “somewhere, over the rainbow,” above
the solid ground of Kansas.
When they landed in Oz, Dorothy commented to her little dog Toto: “Toto? I have a feeling
we're not in Kansas anymore . . .” Exactly!
After the bankruptcy of the United States, Kansas was no longer “Kansas” anymore, it is now
“KS” — a two-capital-letter federal postal designation that is part of the “federal zone,”
designated by the Zone ImProvement (ZIP) Code established by the bankrupt United States in
1933 — and Dorothy and Toto were now “in this state.” The terms: “in this state,” “this state,”
and “state” are deceptively defined for tax jurisdiction purposes as the “District of Columbia,”
a.k.a. the United States, Inc., or the corporate United States.
In the 1930s the all-capital-letter-written-name strawman — the newly created artificial “person”
that has no brain and speaks and acts for its once-upon-a-time sovereign, you and me — was
created while Americans were confused and distracted by the commotion caused by the
introduction of the New World Order of communistic socialism, to figure out that they even had
a strawman with which to contend. The scarecrow identified this strawman persona for Dorothy
thusly: “Some people without brains do an awful lot of talking. Of course, I'm not bright about
doing things.”
In his classic song, “If I Only Had A Brain,” the scarecrow/strawman succinctly augured, “I'd
unravel every riddle, For every Individual, In trouble or in pain.”
Individual: a United States government Employee. (Title 5 USC §552(a)2). The Internal
Revenue Code (IRC) and all state tax codes are in harmony with the above definition of
“individual” by reference only. A corporation-of-one is an artificial person constructed by law;
not a living, breathing man or woman. An “individual” is a public corporate persona existing
only in the public (government) domain having been created by law, not by God.
The drafters of codes and laws take everyday common speech and give it arcane encrypted
meanings that are generally unknown or unknowable to the uninitiated even after serious study.
Therefore, most folks are commercially, legally, and financially enslaved because of their
ignorance of the true situation. Even knowing that “ignorance of the law is no excuse” they find
themselves helpless, unarmed, and uninformed. [Upon close examination one can see a direct tie
in with America’s secret establishment known as the Order of Skull & Bones, as it was brought
about to bring down the united States of America, its members have penetrated just about every
significant research, policy, opinion-making organization in the United States as well as many of
the leading educational institutions. Also known as ‘the dumbing down’ of America. (If you had
trouble reading the previous sentence blame your poor educational experience as a result of the
influence of the Order of Skull & Bones and its members.)]
Translation: Once we discover that our strawman exists, and that we have co-signed for him
[signing by accommodation], political and legal mysteries, complexities, and confusions are
resolved. When we take title to our strawman (UCC1 financing statement), we protect ourselves
from any liabilities that we might otherwise occur.
The tin-man, our Taxpayer-Identification-Number (TIN) man, is a hollow man of tin, a vessel, or
vehicle; newly created code words for our strawman. [not being sexist here as one could say,
‘hollow woman of tin’ or ‘strawwoman’.]
Just as the strawman has no brain, the tin-man vessel/vehicle has no heart. Both are artificial
persons. (person = persona = mask). [Learn up on the word, ‘person’]
Persons are divided by law into natural and artificial. Natural persons are persons created by
God, and artificial persons are persons devised by human law for the purpose of governing them
as “corporations-of-one” or bodies-politic.
The precise definition of the term “person” is therefore necessary to identify those to whom the
14th Amendment to the Constitution affords its protections and liabilities, since the 14th
Amendment expressly applies to “persons.”
A strawman is a person with a fictitious name written in “legalese” — language foreign to the
rules of English grammar. Flesh and blood men and women with names [titles] written in [hand]
cursive, with initial-letters-only capitalized, are not “persons” even though they are referred to as
natural persons at times.
It is as impossible for a person to be natural as it is for a man to be artificial. “Person” is a silent
artificial construct hatched up by lawyers, to be used and controlled by lawyers’ encrypted
One of the definitions of “tin” found in Webster's dictionary is “counterfeit.” The tin-man
represents the mechanical and heartless aspect of commerce and commercial law. Just like they
say in the Mafia, as they throw you overboard, you feet in concrete overshoes, “Nothing
personal; [its] just business.” …
The heartless tin-man carried an “axe,” a traditional symbol for God, and for modern commercial
law, in most dominant civilizations, including fascist states. In the words of the tin-man, as he
expressed relief after Dorothy had oiled his arm, “I've held that axe up for ages.”
The word “ace” is etymologically related to the word “axe” and in a deck of cards the only card
above the King is the Ace − God. One of the Axis Powers of World War II was a fascist state,
Italy. The symbol for fascism is the “fasces,” a bundle of rods with an ax bound up in it with its
blade sticking out.
The fasces may be found on the reverse of the American Mercury-head dime (the Roman deity
Mercury was the God of Commerce) and on the wall behind and on each side of the Speaker's
Podium in the United States Senate, each gold fasces being approximately six feet high. At the
base of the Seal of the United States Senate are two fasces, crossed.
The lion in the story represents the “at-one-time” fearless American people as having lost their
courage. And after a round with the IRS, in “defending” your T-I-N man, dummy corporation,
vessel vehicle, individual employee, public corporation, all capital letters written name, artificial
person, strawman, you'd lose your courage, too. You perhaps haven't known it, but the IRS has
been dealing with you all along via your tin-man under the hidden laws of commerce. Just like
the tin-man, “commerce” has no heart; it is heartless.
To find the Wizard, you have to “follow the yellow-brick road” (the gold-bar road.) Follow the
trail of America's stolen gold and you'll find the thief who stole it.
In the beginning of the movie, the Wizard's counterpart was the traveling mystic, “Professor
Marvel” who Dorothy encountered when she ran away with Toto. His macabre shingle touted
that he was “…acclaimed by The Crowned Heads of Europe, Past, Present, and Future.”
Professor Marvel must have really been a Wizard to be acclaimed so by the future Crowned
Heads of Europe, even before they were crowned!
Before the bankers stole America, they had long-since overpowered the Christian Kings and
Queens of Europe and looted their kingdoms. Maybe “Professor Marvel” knew something about
the future that other folks didn't know. With a human skull peering down from its painted perch
above the door to his wagon, the professor lectured Dorothy about the priests of Isis and Osiris,
the Pharaohs of Egypt, and the days of yore.
When Dorothy Gale and her new friends emerged from the forest, they were elated to see the
Emerald City before them, only a short distance away. The Wicked Witch of the West, desperate
for the ruby slippers that Dorothy was wearing, would have to make her move before our heroes
arrived safely inside the Emerald City gates.
In the original book, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz, by Frank Baum, published 39 years before
the movie came out in 1939, and three years before the crash, the slippers were not ruby-red, but
America still had its gold at that time, and the value of 1 oz. of gold was set at 15 oz. of silver;
silver - then as now- being the more plentiful. Backed by gold, the currency of the day carried
America to a position of pre-eminence throughout the world. But when the movie came out in
1939, the slippers were not silver, but ruby red.
Between the years 1916 and 1933, America's gold was absorbed by the private non-federal
Federal Reserve and shipped off to the FED’s owners in Germany and England because the use
of Federal Reserve Notes carried an interest penalty that could only be paid in gold. Our former
currency, United States Notes, carried no such interest requirement, but such was the “bargain”
that came with the New World Order of the non-federal Federal Reserve in 1913.
When the United States’ Bankruptcy was declared in 1933, Americans were forced to turn in
(surrender) all their gold coin, gold bullion, and gold certificates by May 1st — “May Day” —
the birthday of the Communism and the Illuminati in 1776, the year that the American Colonists
declared their independence from the Crown.
Talking to people who were alive at that time, the general sentiment toward such “theft” in 1933
bordered on a second revolutionary war.
Maybe it was too much of a clue, or too much salt in their wounds, for Dorothy to be skipping
down the golden yellow-brick-road in a pair of silver slippers. So, for whatever reason, a color
less likely to provoke the people was selected.
With regard to the choice of ruby slippers — slippers colored red — one explanation is that on
commercial documents and the like, red signifies private as opposed to public. Your new Social
Security Card has a red serial number on the reverse. But no matter their color in the movie, the
Wicked Witch of the West had big plans to get her hands on the precious slippers before Dorothy
and crew could make it to Emerald City.
Her tactic was to drug them into unconsciousness by covering the countryside with poppy
flowers, poppies — the source of heroin, opium, and morphine — and then waltz in and snatch
the slippers. In other words, the best way to loot the gold was to dull the senses of the American
people with a contrived crisis (the Great Depression.) And of course now we have illicit street
drugs, heroin, cocaine, etc., and legal drugs such as Ridlin®, etc. and television, bogus media
dishing out control propaganda, etc. …etc.
The poppy-drugs worked on Dorothy, the lion and Toto — the flesh-and-blood entities — but
had no effect on the scarecrow or the tin-man — the artificial entities. The two cried out for help,
and Glenda — the Good Witch of the North — answered their cries with a blanket of snow that
nullified the narcotic effect of the poppies on Dorothy, Toto, and the lion.
As they all scampered toward the Emerald City — the city of green non-federal Federal Reserve
Notes (the new fiat mon7ey - money by decree) — we hear the Munchkins singing the glories of
the Wizard's Creation:
“You're out of the woods, Your out of the dark, Your out of the night. Step into the sun, Step into
the light, Keep straight ahead for the most glorious place on the face of the earth or the stars!”
This jingle abounds with Illuminati/Luciferian metaphors regarding darkness and light.
The Wicked Witch of the West made her home in a round medieval Watchtower — ancient
symbol of The Knights Templar of Freemasonry who are given to practicing witchcraft and are
also credited to be the originators of modern banking, circa 1099 A.D.
The Wicked Witch of the West was dressed in black, the color that symbolizes the planet Saturn,
a sacred icon of The Knights Templar, and [interestingly] the “color of choice” of judges and
priests for their robes.
Who was the Wicked Witch of the West? Remember, in the first part of the film her counterpart
was Almira Gulch who, according to Auntie Em, “…owned half the county.” Miss Gulch alleged
that Dorothy's dog, Toto, had bitten her. She came to the farm with an “Order from the Sheriff”
demanding that they surrender Toto to her custody and control. Auntie Em was not immediately
cooperative and answered Miss Gulch's allegations that Toto had bitten her, “He's really gentle --
with gentle people, that is.”
When Miss. Gulch challenged them to withhold Toto from her and “…go against the law,” dear
old Auntie Em was relegated to “pushing the Party Line” for Big Brother government. Auntie
Em dutifully succumbed to the pressure and counseled Dorothy, reluctantly, “We can't go against
the law, Dorothy. I'm afraid poor Toto will have to go.”
When Dorothy refused to surrender Toto Miss Gulch lashed out: “If you don't hand over that dog
I'll bring a suit that'll take your whole farm!”
Today >70% of all attorneys in the world reside in the West — in America to be exact — and
=>95% of all law suites in the world are filed under the jurisdiction of the corporate United
States. The Wicked Witch of the West and Miss Gulch symbolize Judges and Attorneys —
primary agents for the transfer of all wealth in America from the people to the United States, the
United Nations, and the international banks. [Study the word, “attorn(ey)”]
The American Bar Association is a branch of the Bar Council, under the Bar Association of
England and Wales. (British Accreditation Registry) [Some believe it to be a religious
association run by Esquires of the middle temple of the city of London – not as in London,
England but a particular place in the city of London.] As the copyrighted property of a British
Company, all states’ and United States Codes are private British owned Law, and all states’ and
United States courts, state Bar Associations, and the “State of [name each of the 50 States],” go
by and enforce private de facto British owned Law against Americans, operating as private
foreign owned tribunals or administrative agencies doing business in the states under cover and
color of [each of the 50 states’] Law.
The Wicked Witch of the West wanted the ruby (silver) slippers (the precious metals) — and her
counterpart, Miss. Gulch, wanted Toto, too. What does “toto” signify in attorney legalese?
“Everything!” Miss Gulch wanted to take everything.
Dorothy and the gang fell for the Wizard's illusion in the beginning, but soon wised up and
discovered the Wizard for what he was [is], a confidence man. When asked about helping the
scarecrow/strawman, the Wizard cited — among other babblings about “getting a brain” and
“universities” — the land of “E Pluribus Unum” (Latin for “One out of many”); converting many
into one; meaning the New World Order.
“Novus Ordo Seclorum” is the Latin phrase placed on the American one-dollar bill shortly after
the bankruptcy of the U.S. Government was declared in 1933. The Wizard proudly revealed
(confessed) that he was, “… Born and bred in the heart of the western wilderness - an old Kansas
man myself.”
The bankers did quite well. And, as the Wizard said, they made a killing in the America west
with the theft of America's gold, labor, and property from the “grateful and responsive rural folk”
(a quoted phrase of John D. Rockefeller) who populated the country at that time.
When Dorothy asked Glenda, the Good Witch of the North for help in getting back to Kansas,
Glenda replied, “You don't need to be helped; you've always had the power to go back to
Translation: You've always had the right and power to re-claim your sovereignty; you just forgot
your remedy; a UCC1 Form and Security Agreement sent to the Secretary of State and an
Invoice and Bill of Exchange to the Secretary of the Treasury, which can be completed from
scratch in a very short time.
Remedy: Remedy is the means by which the violation of a right is prevented, redressed, or
compensated. Both remedy and rights include those remedial rights of self-help which are among
the most important bodies of rights under the Universal Commercial Code (UCC). Remedial
rights are rights an aggrieved party can resort to on his own. “Acceptance of Value” is our
Americans have intimate firsthand knowledge of the heartless mechanics of the laws of
commerce when strictly applied by the unregistered, foreign agents of the IRS.
The Internal Revenue Service is the collection agency for the private non-federal Federal
Reserve and the International Monetary Fund. It was placed under the Uniform Commercial
Code in 1954 and has been operating strictly in that realm ever since.
You may have wondered about the meaning behind the words, “The Wizard of Oz”? Look them
up in the dictionary. Like almost everything else, the ruse is out there in the open for all to see, if
you will look, and see.
One definition of Wizard is “a person of high professional skill or knowledge.” Oz is an
abbreviation of “onza,” the Italian word for ounce (oz.) or ounces, the unit of measurement of
gold and silver and other precious metals. No matter how large the quantity of gold or silver
being discussed, the amount is always expressed in ounces rather than hundreds of tons of gold,
it’s stated as so many million ounces of gold.
As the factual history of this country attests, “The Wizard of Oz” is the “Wizard of Ounces”, of
silver and gold.
Everything worked out for Dorothy (the American people) in the end. In the end she “made it
home” to Kansas and her friends.
Meaning: There's a remedy encoded, disguised, and camouflaged in law. The UCC has been
cracked and there's a way home, just like in the movie. Like Dorothy said, “There's no place like
home” — there's nothing like sovereignty for a sovereign!
Vice Admiralty courts are courts established in the Queen's possessions beyond the seas, with
jurisdiction over maritime causes and those relating to “prize.” The United States is now a
colony (a possession) of the English Crown, per a joint commercial venture agreement between
the colonies (the United States) and the Crown, which brought the United States back under
British ownership and rule, in 1933.
But the American people had a “standing in law” as sovereigns, independent of any connection
to the United States and the Crown. This “standing in law” necessitated that the people be
brought back under British rule, quietly and one at a time — but the Commercial Process of
Redemption, through the UCC, will redeem us from this travesty.
All courts in America are Vice-Admiralty courts conducting the private foreign commerce of the
Crown. But there is commercial remedy in Redemption-in-Law.
Will you continue to be conned by confidence men into worshiping the Wizard's light-show or
will you look behind the veil?
Notice by: John Henry Doe, Principal
Cindy Smith, Notary Public
Witness Street
Beach, California 92648
Date of Notice: 15 June 2010
Notice for: Internal
Revenue Service
Box 9036
Utah 84201
Service by: Registered
Mail Article No. RB 111 222 333 US, with return receipt
In the matter of: Enclosed tender for setoff
Greetings . . . .
Please find enclosed, the following
1. original
FINAL NOTICE, issued by California Franchise Tax Board and dated May 12, 2010,
duly indorsed as follows:
H DOE 123-45-6789”
(date)"; and
2. original I.R.S. Form 1040-V, Payment
Voucher, duly indorsed as follows:
H DOE 123-45-6789”
(date)"; and
3. original I.R.S. Form 8888, Direct
Deposit of Refund to More Than One Account.
copy of Treasury Direct Account Authorization for account JOHN
123-45-6789; original on file with The
Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Public Debt.
These instruments are being tendered by John
Henry Doe, hereinafter “Principal”, for the set off of California Franchise Tax
Board Account No. 123-00000-01, and are to be used to affect debit and credit
accounting transactions for the settlement and closure of said account. If any of the enclosed instruments contain
any defects or are incorrect, incomplete, or inaccurate, please return the same
to the Principal via the Notary Public at the address shown above within 10
days from the date of receipt.
JOHN H DOE 123-45-6789 has an open Treasury
Direct Account Z-000-123-001 established with the Bureau of Public Debt for the
purpose of purchasing and setting off public debt with private equitable assets,
as outlined in the Chicago Federal Reserve Bank’s publication entitled “Public
Debt Private Assets”. The included IRS
form 8888 indicates the account number and routing information associated with
said Treasury Direct Account to ensure that any credits, refunds, or
over-payments are directed to account Z-000-123-001, and not returned to the
Principal in the form of a check, promissory note, or other liability
instrument. The Principal hereby grants
and conveys to the Internal Revenue Service, or any of its agents, the
authority to direct any refunds or over-payments as credits ledgered to account
Please exercise ordinary care, as the party
entitled to enforce these instruments, to ensure that all debit or credit
transactions ledgered to accounts 123-00000-01, Z-000-123-001, and JOHN H DOE 123-45-6789
are done so in the best interest of the United States Treasury for the
Thank you for your consideration, and I look
forward to a relationship that is mutually beneficial to all parties involved.
Until then, it is my pleasure to always be . .
. .
John Henry Doe, Principal