The Random House College Dictionary defines Commerce as:
1. an interchange of goods or commodities; 2. engaged in commerce; 3. Sexual intercourse; 4. Intellectual or spiritual interchange; communion. (The root is Latin; to trade together; com plus marcari, from merc of merz, [Merchandise], goods). Then it says, See Trade.
Blacks :Law Dictionary, fifth Edition defines Commerce as:
to exchange goods, productions, or property of any kind; the buying, selling, and exchanging of articles. Intercourse by way of trade and traffic between different peoples or states and the citizens of inhabitants thereof, including not only the purchase, sale, and exchange of commodities, but also the instrumentalities and agencies by which it is promoted and the means and applications by which it is carried on, and the transportation of persons as well as goods, both by land and sea. The term “commerce” means trade, traffic, commerce, transportation, or communication among the several states.
The word Traffic is defined in Random House College Dictionary as:
Traffic (n) 8. trade or dealing in specific commodity or service, often of an illegal nature; 9. To carry on traffic , trade, or commercial dealings. 10. To trade or deal in a specific commodity or service, often of an illegal nature. Blacks Law, Sixth Edition defines Traffic as:
Traffic. Commerce, trade, sale or exchange of merchandise, bills, money, and the like.
The definition of Traffic from the original Hebrew Kenan;
to travel as a peddler; Canaan, merchant, traffic, to bend the knee in humiliation.
Now the word traffic leads us from the Hebrew into Greek; we must go to the Greek word whore, as in Whore of Babylon, the Greek word for Whore is Pornos.
Pornos: to traverse, to traffic, to sell, a prostitute, to dispose of as merchandise or into slavery. (slavery means to be security)
The Hebrew definition for Whore is:
Whore: highly fed and therefore wanton, to commit adultery, to commit idolatry.
Next we follow the root word of West, the direction, has a similar root meaning as whore.
The Hebrew definition for the word West means:West. To roar, a sea in breaking as a noisy surf. A large river, an artificial basin; shading the area as covering; evening shadow; to give or to be security; give pledges, mortgages.
Commerce is dependent upon two other words: Value and Scarcity. Without these two words commerce falls flat and is unable to function. Create scarcity of anything and its value tends to soar. Decrease scarcity (by increasing supply of a thing) and you decrease value. This is how the power elite control our actions – by the control of scarcity and value in commerce. Supply (scarcity) and demand (value).
The Greek definition of Value is:
Value: To prize, to revere, money paid, to pay a price as a penalty; be punished with.
When money is scarce, one generates a fear that one does not have any money. However, it is the lack of money that one fears, and therefore worship, giving worth to, i.e. value to, the god of fear.
The derivation of worship is to create worth.