The Temples Of Baal and the Black Robed Devils

The Court is the synagogue. The Temple of Baal, enforcing Babylonian Talmudic Law. The 
gate (or bar) is the veil. {one enters to give sacrifice} The bench is the alter. The Black 
Robed Devil (the judge, administrative magistrate) is the high priest. {vicarius dei} The 
Attorney [from Latin, attorn = to twist or turn] is the mediator. {vicarius filii dei} The 
attorney's job is to move one into Roman 'Civil Law' Jurisdiction and then quickly into Code 
and Rule Pleadings (Babylonian Law); remember he is a devil, too.
Common Law is moot, since these are not Article Three courts. The bailiffs, clerks, and 
stenographers are the high priest servants. [They are there to accept and make record of 
the sacrifice.] If one enters the veil, one is there (and is expected) to give sacrifices. The 
fine is the wave offering; given to escape the threat of punishment. The court cost is the 
heave (tribute or gift) offering.
If you enter voluntarily, then just give your sacrifices and be a good little slave and stop 
wasting the Court's time. If you hire an attorney then you have volunteered, as sheople lead 
to slaughter and you will get what you deserve.
How can one plea, if they "do not understand the nature and cause of the charges"? And if 
one is coerced to enter a plea, then that plea would have to be "Non assumpsit, Without 
prejudice" or “Non assumpsit under duress”, "...a plea by which Defendant avers that "he did not undertake" or promise as alleged by the plaintiff" with "no rights...waived". - Black's Law 6th Ed. A better plea is "Plea in Bar"; however, one must know proper procedure well and how to set it up, to make this one really stick.
If one enters plea of NOT GUILTY, one just might as well Plea Nolo Contrendere and get it 
over with; because one will loose anyway, since Not Guilty is a negative and it is impossible 
to prove a negative. The proper Plea would be a Plea of Innocence, which is a positive Plea, 
something which can be proven. However, Devils seldom allow Plea of Innocence. 
Remember, too, that these are courts of controversy. Learn ways and methods of avoiding 
controversy. These courts can, only, proceed in controversy

"The privilege against self-incrimination is neither accorded to the passive resistant, nor the 
person who is ignorant of his rights, nor to one indifferent thereto. It is a fighting clause. Its 
benefits can be retained only by sustained combat. It can not be retained by attorney or 
solicitor. It is valid only when insisted upon by a belligerent claimant in person."
"The one who is persuaded by honeyed words or moral suasion to testify or produce 
documents rather than make a last ditch stand, simply loses the protection. Once he 
testifies to part, he has waived his right and must on cross examination or otherwise, testify 
as to the whole transaction. He must refuse to answer or produce, and test the matter in 
contempt proceedings, or by habeas corpus. -- United States v. Johnson, 76 F. Supp. 538, 540 
(District Court, M.D. PA. 1947) Once one hires an Attornor, and tell (testifies to) the 
Attornor (the enemy's spy, an Officer of the Court) what has happened, the Attornor is 
required by law to share (Discovery) ALL evidence, which he obtains from his Client, with 
the Prosecutor. "You have the right to remain silent, everything that you say (to any of these 
devils), CAN and WILL be used against YOU." Miranda v Arizona, 384 US 436(1966). You 
would be wise to remain silent! "Open mouth, insert foot!" It is all a game, you are a pawn; 
and it has been prearranged for you to be the looser. Here is another good one, learn to 
answer a question with question. The master asks the question and the slave or servant 
answers. Remember what is quoted in paragraph above?
If one answers a question, then never give them the answer they need or desire to gain 
jurisdiction to proceed. A good example: What is your name? My mother calls me 'son'; or 
What is not correct try again! Learn to relax and have fun with these devils. Remember it is 
only a game; however, the joke is intended to be on you and at your expense. Learn to turn 
it around.
If for some strange reason, one appears at Bar, then one must OBJECT to false statements 
made by Attorners at Bar and take EXCEPTION to false statements made by the Black Robed Devil. Failure to do so, is the waiver of your right. One NEVER 'objects' to a statement by the Judge; take exception. Never APPEAR 'Pro se', 'Pro per' or 'Pro' anything, not even 'In propria persona'. Never allow the Black Robed Devil to proclaim that you are there 'Pro se', 'Pro per' or 'Pro' anything. Always, ALWAYS, take EXCEPTION. One does not OBJECT to the Judge's utterances, one takes EXCEPTION. One OBJECTS to the Prosecutor's utterances. The Supreme Court in all of its ultimate wisdom made this ruling about those who APPEAR 'PRO SE': "If there is any truth to the old proverb that '[o]ne who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client,' the Court by its opinion today now bestows a constitutional right on one to make a fool of himself." -- Faretta v California, 45 L Ed 2d 562, 592 (1975); also, found at last page of 422 US 806 and 95 S Ct 2525. To become a good belligerent claimant one needs to learn the "Faretta Defense".
The court nor the state does not have the right or the need to know ones, family, work, 
military, educational or religious background. All that is needed is that one is able to read, 
write and speak America's English. Stop, volunteering information. The more information 
one volunteers the more these devil have to use against their victim. If one, out of 
necessity, must be present, then that presence, not appearance (things unseen are that 
which appear), should be 'sui juris' by one's own Right or 'suæ potestate esse', the lord or 
master of the soil (self rule). The latter require knowledge of law to successfully use. 

appear 'Pro Se' or 'Pro' anything is to accept a temporary appoint to the BAR, an acronym 
{British AristocRATic Regency or British Accreditation Registry}. Attorney's are Esquires. 
Esquires are apprentice Knights or Squires, who are practicing to become Squires and you 
pay for their practice. The Florida Bar as an example has 70,000 members; however, less 
than 2,800 members are Certified as Competent by the BAR. Do you really wish to be one of 
their guinea pigs? It should, also, be noted that the United States Supreme Court in ALL of 
its ultimate wisdom gave full immunity against both civil and criminal prosecution for 
perjury to Judges, Attorneys, Court Reporters, Stenographers, Law Enforcement Officers 
and Expert Witnesses, who testify for the STATE. They all have received an indulgence 
(permission or license) to BEAR FALSE WITNESS again YOU on behalf the State. Witnesses, 
such as Shrinks and Psychos, Sorcerers, receive a handsome amount of filthy lucre from to 
Court to lie against you, usually $500 to $5000 for their services. Read it and weep, Briscoe 
v LaHue, 460 US 325; 75 L Ed 2d 96, 103 S Ct 1108. Do you really want to play cards at their 
table? Expert witness means someone with a sheep's skin, who agrees with the party paying 
for their services. Welcome to the Fascist States of the United States, a British Crown Slave 
State or Plantation The Black Robed Devil (false accuser) is GOD (false deity, demon) 
[vicarius dei = substitute for deity; The Defense Attornor is the vicarius filii dei = substitute 
for the son of deity] All other officers are lesser deities. Therefore, stop using the term God. 
PERIOD. What part of the word stop do you not comprehend. God = Gaud (old 
English) = Gâd (Hebrew, SH #1408 and 1409) = the deity of good luck, good fortune, or 
troops; a deity of Babylon (The Masonic Luciferian Idol, which stand in New York Harbor). 
You ask any Black Robed Devil for your God-given rights and he will give them to you, 
maybe even 5 to 10 in one of their iron bar hotels or dungeons. Get the point! One is hung 
by their own tongue. They do not speak English.
ALL Officers of the Court are Directors, Collectors or Representatives of the IRS. 
Federal Civil Rules, Rule 81(f). {The Supreme Court has arbitrarily remove this section, 
definition for “Officers of the Court”, from public view. They in their altiment wisdom 
decided that the public did not have the need to know. }
Devil (SG #1228) = false accuser. idols = demons (SG #1140) =idols, false deities.
The term GOD is not synonymous or interchangeable with the term deity, since GOD is the 
name of a false deity, a demon.
Never does the term GOD mean or apply to Creator, NEVER!

Welcome to Babylon!

I want my Creator (YHVH -Yahavah) given Rights or unalienable Rights, because I am an heir 
of The King, not a servant of Baal. "Membership has its privileges." namely the cloak of 
sovereignty, not that one is sovereign, but that one is cloaked with sovereignty. Remember, 
is there enough evidence to convict you of being the bride of Christian (the anointed)? If you 
keep not Yah's Laws (The Law of Love and the 679 Statutes of Liberty) in the Book of the 
Law (Geneva Bible) (KJV is the Masonic State Religion Bible, the NIV is the UN Bible.), then the claim to being sovereign is MOOT. One is not sovereign, one is the heir elect of the 
sovereign, and is cloaked with sovereign immunity. To claim sovereignty is to self proclaim 
to be deity. Dumb move! This Black Robed Devil, remember he is an Attornor, a twister, will 
do everything to trick his victim into braking the Law {the Creator's Law, the supreme Law 
of the Land [not the CON CONstitution]; i.e., America, the Heavenly Kingdom} and thereby 
gains jurisdiction. Selah! Think of that! He, only, gains jurisdiction if one voluntarily give it 
to him. Christians (heirs of Messiah) can not take an oath (Talmudic or Luciferian in origin) 
or sign an affidavit in their form. (Matthew 5:34-37; James 5:12) There is a way of escape 
through, 28 USC 1746 (1). Though, a better way of escape is by recording Surety Bond in 
Twenty-one silver Dollars and filling UCC1, based on Private Security Agreement; thereby, 
securing your "transmitting utility" or commercial "vessel". It is all a matter of "Through The Looking Glass". Pawn Queen eight, Check Mate! 
Side NOTE: The term christ is a verb and means “to anoint”. A verb cannot be the subject or 
object of a sentence. The term Christian (Gr) = Messiah (Heb) = the Anointed. The term 
“Christians” means heirs of the Anointed. However, beware that if one successfully proves 
to be one of Christian's subjects there is a high probability that these devil will attempt to 
commit one to prison for the insane, in order to force one to do time, anyway. It is a loop 
hole, by which they circumvent their own laws. Basically, they cannot imprison Christians in their system, they imprison felons, CONS and WARDS, and malefactors (male and female, criminals); therefore if they cannot make or convert a servant of Christian into a Felon by their CON game, then this is the simple solution, “Baker Act” this non conformist, declare the victim to be NUTS, a ward of the court, seize Jurisdiction by force, and commit follower of Christian, then shoot the victim up with drugs (the practice of Sorcery, Gal. 5:20; Rev. 21:8), after a period of a few months, MAGICALLY, no more disciple of Christian, but a 
zombie instead, which can easily be controlled. If they are able to perpetrate this fraud long 
enough, Believer becomes mentally DEAD. They literally fry your brain with chemicals 
(drugs and poisons). Problem solved. Next! Folks, this is what took place in Nazi Germany 
and now in the United States of Amerika.
Over 7000 prisons have been MURDERED at Chattahoochee, alone, since its opening; and at least 30% of those, who are there, do not belong there, they are consider enemies of the 
STATE. And, while being locked up in that HELL, the State becomes busy seizing all of the 
assets and properties of their victims, sometimes it is in the millions. Christians cannot or 
should not enter at the gates of Baal, nor into contracts with devils [e.g.-- signing into the 
iron bar hotel, posting bail, the hiring of an Attorney or plea bargaining]. Christians can give or sign 'asseverations' or 'declarations of truth' in the form of Affidavits {28 USC 1746 (1)}. 
If at all possible, Christians must stand firm in 'commons' and not go in at bar. It is best to 
do everything in writing beforehand, outside the sanctuary of the Temples of Baal.

Entering Security Agreement with ones "Vessel" or "Transmitting Utilities", Recording a UCC-1 Form (financing statement) with Addendum and Recording Twenty-one Silver Dollar Surety Bond beforehand for starters, followed by "Acceptance for Value" and then "Return for Cause under lawful Protest without Recourse", Abatement, and Petition for Bill of Particulars or More Definitive Statement or Presumption, Notice and Demand to Strike are all good steps to secure one's freedom prior to Arraignment. 
WARNING! There are FOOLS out there, who continually toot the STRAWMAN theories and nonsense. Let's set the record straight, a strawman is a FELON. To claim to be a strawman is an admission to being a FELON. In Title 27 of United States Code and in Real Estate law, a strawman is someone, who makes an illegal purchase or transaction.
However, in the Wizard of OZ (ounce), the Bankster, of the Emerald City (the city of green, 
the Federal Reserve) Dorothy is accompanied or followed by a strawman, (a mindless 
corporate fiction) and a TIN man (Tax Identification Number), and cowardly lion (the king of this jungle in which we now live, representing government, who are afraid of the Banksters and Attorners), and Toto (a term meaning, all or total).
Remember the Black Robed Devil wanted it (the farm) ALL from the beginning. 
The street of GOLD lead to the Federal Reserve. Did you note that the servants of the Black 
Robed Devil, were winged ape like creatures, who are ready to swoop down on their victim 
at any second? The Banksters and Attorners had dumbed down the general population to 
half wits. The TIN man was carrying and holding up an ax, a symbol of FASCISM, to which 
Dorothy, unknowing, gave new life or rebirth.
In attempt to stop Dorothy from getting to the Bank, the Black Robed Devil placed before 
Dorothy a field of poppies. Dorothy, Toto and the Lion fell into a drunken stooper. 
Remember, opium and heroin come from poppies. What happens next? Dorothy's corporate fiction and tax number cried out to SATAN CLAUSE for a quick fix. Satan Clause gives them SNOW, cocaine; everything is better now. What a scam! And, the American sheople have boughtit hook, line and sinker, since the last three Presidents of the United States have ALL be notorious DRUG SMUGGLERS.
Too, it should be noted that the Black Robed Devil was extremely jealous of Dorothy. She 
wanted Dorothy's slippers. Slippers represent protection, mobility and means of movement. 
By taking Dorothy's slippers, Dorothy's ability to travel, work or witness would become 
limited. Remember, Dorothy was still of sound mind, which is more then I could say for the 
balance of the population. In the movie the slippers were Ruby, representing life itself; life is in the blood. The Black Robed Devil wanted to complete and TOTALLY enslave Dorothy. 
Ruby, is red, representing blood, which anyone, who is a Christian knows and comprehends 
that REDEMPTION is by the blood of the Lamb.
Like Simon the Sorcery, the Black Robed Devil was attempting attain redemption by some 
other means, then submitting to the Kingship of Yahshua Messiah.
However, in the original text of the book (1900), the slippers were silver, representing the 
people as having some wealth. In the movie the Banksters had already stolen the Gold 
(1933), but the American people still had silver Coin until 1965.

Two Constitutions in the United States.

Since 1871 the United States president and the United States Congress has been playing politics under a different set of rules and policies. The American people do not know that there are two Constitutions in the United States. The first penned by the leaders of the newly independent states of the United States in 1776. On July 4, 1776, the people claimed their independence from Britain and Democracy was born. And for 95 years the United States people were free and independent. That freedom ended in 1871 when the original “Constitution for the united states for America” was changed to the “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA”.

The Congress realized that the country was in dire financial straits, so they made a financial deal with the devil – international bankers — (in those days, the Rothschilds of London ) thereby incurring a DEBT to said bankers. The conniving international bankers were not about to lend the floundering nation any money without some serious stipulations. So, they devised a way of taking back control of the United States and thus, the Act of 1871 was passed. With no constitutional authority to do so, Congress created a separate form of government for the District of Columbia.

With the passage of “the Act of 1871” a city state (a state within a state) called the District of Columbia located on 10 sq miles of land in the heart of Washington was formed with its own flag and its own independent constitution – the United States’ secret second constitution.

Pope meeting with the board of directors of The Vatican Bank

POTUS is the Chief Executive (president) of the Corporation of the United States operating as any other CEO of the corporation — governs w/a Board of Directors (cabinet officials) and managers (Senators/Congress) Obama as others before him is POTUS — operating as “vassal king” taking orders once again from “The City of London” through the RIIA (Royal Institute of Intl Affairs). The Illuminati (founded by the The Society of Jesus or Jesuits, the largest Roman Catholic Religious Military Order headed by the Black Pope) created the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA) in 1919. The American equivalent to the RIIA is the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR). The RIIA and CFR set up Round Table Groups (based on the King Arthur myths).

What did the Act of 1871 achieve? The ACT of 1871 put the United States back under British rule (which is under Vatican rule). The United States people lost their independence in 1871.

THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is the constitution of the incorporated UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. It operates in an economic capacity and has been used to fool the People into thinking it governs the Republic. It does not! Capitalization is NOT insignificant when one is referring to a legal document. This seemingly “minor” alteration has had a major impact on every subsequent generation of Americans. What Congress did by passing the Act of 1871 was create an entirely new document, a constitution for the government of the District of Columbia, an INCORPORATED government.

The flag of Washington’s District of Columbia has 3 red stars, each symbolizing a city state within the three city empire. The three city empire consists of Washington D.C., London, and Vatican City. London is the corporate center of the three city states and controls the world economically. Washington’s District of Columbia city state is in charge of the military, and the Vatican controls it all under the guise of spiritual guidance. Although geographically separate, the city states of London, the Vatican and the District of Columbia are one interlocking empire called “Empire of the City”

The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under tyrannical Vatican law known as “Lex Fori” (local law). When congress passed the act of 1871 it created a separate corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and corporate government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act has unlawfully allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and in total disregard of the best interests of the American citizens.

Instead of having absolute and unalienable rights guaranteed under the organic Constitution, we the people now have “relative” rights or privileges. One example is the Sovereign’s right to travel, which has now been transformed (under corporate government policy) into a “privilege” that requires citizens to be licensed – driver’s licenses and Passports. By passing the Act of 1871, Congress committed TREASON against the People who were Sovereign under the grants and decrees of the Declaration of Independence and the organic Constitution. The Act of 1871 became the FOUNDATION of all the treason since committed by government officials.

POTUS Obama at the Vatican Corporate headquarters

Universal Postal Union

The bottom line is that whenever you need to sign any legal/commercial document, put a stamp (even a one (1) cent stamp) over where you sign and sign at an angle across it. Let the recipient deal with the significance and consequences of your actions. If you are in a court case, or at any stage of a proceeding (such as an indictment, summons, complaint, or any other hostile encounter with the system), immediately do the following:
1. Make a color copy of whatever documents you receive, or scan them in color into your computer;
2. Stamp the original of the first page of every document with the ARFV stamp, put a postage stamp in the signature space, and autograph across it at an angle with your full name, using purple or blue ink, handwritten with upper- and lower-case, with your gold-ink bullet stamp (seal) on the upper left-hand portion of the postage stamp;
Make a color copy of the stamped, autographed pages and/or scan into your computer;
3. Put a stamp on the lower right-hand-corner of the back of every page and bullet-stamp and autograph it;
4. Have a notary send each document back to the sender, with a notarial certificate of service, with or without an accompanying/supporting affidavit by you;
5. If you have an affidavit, put an autographed stamp on the upper right hand corner of the first page and the lower right hand corner of the back of every page.
People who have engaged in this process report that when any knowledgeable judge, attorney, or official sees this, matters change dramatically. All of these personages know what mail fraud is. Since autographing the stamp makes you the postmaster of the contract, anyone who interferes is tampering with the mail and engaging in mail fraud. You can then subpoena the postmaster (either of the post office from which the letter was mailed, or the US Postmaster General, or both), and have them explain what the rules are, under deposition or testimony on the witness stand in open court.
In addition, most of the time when you get official communication it has a red-meter postage mark on the envelope rather than a cancelled stamp. This act is mail fraud. If the envelope has a red-meter postage mark on it, they are the ones who have engaged in mail fraud, because there is no cancelled stamp. It is the cancelled stamp that has the power; an un-cancelled stamp has nothing. A red-meter postage mark is an uncancelled stamp. If it is not cancelled, it is not paid. One researcher has scanned everything into his computer, and has more red-meter postage marks than he "can shake a stick at." Officials sending things out by cancelled stamp is a rarity—perhaps at most 2%.
With the red-metered postage you can trace each communication back to the PO from which it was sent, so you can get the postmaster for that PO, as well as the postmaster general for the US, to investigate the mail fraud involved. It is reasonable to conclude that canceling a stamp both registers the matter and forms a contract between the party that cancels the stamp and the UPU. Using a stamp for postage without canceling it is prima facie evidence that the postmaster of the local PO is committing mail fraud by taking a customer's money and not providing the paid-for service and providing you with the power of a cancelled stamp, as required under the provisions of the UPU. When you place an autographed stamp on a document you place that document and the contract underlying it under international law and treaty, with which the courts have no jurisdiction to deal. The system cannot deal with the real you, the living principal (as evidenced and witnessed by jurat). Nor can officials, attorneys, judges, et al., go against the UPU, international law, and treaty. In addition, they have no authority/jurisdiction to impair a contract between you (as the living principal) and the UPU (overseer of all world commerce).
You cancelled the stamp by sealing it and autographing across it. You did so in capacity of being the living principal, as acknowledged by your seal and the jurat on your documents.
If you are in a court case, bring in your red-metered envelopes in court and request the judge to direct the prosecutor to explain the red-meter postage stamp. Then watch their jaws drop. Doing this is especially potent if you also have asked the prosecutor to provide his bar number, since most attorneys in court—especially in US—are not qualified. An attorney in federal court had better have a six-digit bar card or he committed a felony just by walking in and giving his name.
Lastly, if you are charged with mail fraud, subpoena the prosecutor(s) to bring in the evidence on which mail fraud is being alleged, as well as the originals of all envelopes used for mailing any item connected with the case. Then the mail fraud involved was committed by the postmaster of the PO in which the envelope was stamped.

Universal Postal Union
The Universal Postal Union (UPU, French: Union postale universelle) is an international organization that coordinates postal policies between member nations, and hence the world-wide postal system. Each member country agrees to the same set of terms for conducting international postal duties. Universal Postal Union's headquarters are located in Berne.
Prior to the establishment of the UPU, a country had to conclude a separate postal treaty with each other country that it wished to carry international mail to or from. The United States called for an international postal congress, which was held in 1863. This led Heinrich von Stephan, German Minister for Posts, to found the Universal Postal Union, the second oldest international organization (after the ITU). It was created in 1874, under the name "General Postal Union", as a result of the Treaty of Berne signed on 9 October 1874. In 1878, the name was changed to "Universal Postal Union".
The UPU established that (1) there should be a more or less uniform flat rate to mail a letter anywhere in the world; (2) postal authorities should give equal treatment to foreign and domestic mail; and (3) each country should retain all monies it collected for international postage.
One of the most important results of the UPU treaty was that it ceased to be necessary, as it often had been previously, to affix the stamps of any country through which one's letter or package would pass in transit; the UPU provides that stamps of member nations are accepted for the whole international route.
After the foundation of the United Nations, the UPU became its specialized agency.
In 1969 the UPU introduced a new system of payment by which fees were payable between countries according to the difference in the total weight of mail between the respective countries. These fees were called terminal dues. As this affected the cost of the delivery of periodicals, the UPU devised a new "threshold" system, which was implemented in 1991.
The system sets separate letter and periodical rates for countries which receive at least 150 tonnes of mail annually. For countries with less mail, the original flat rate has been maintained. The United States has negotiated a separate terminal dues formula with thirteen European countries that includes a rate per piece plus a rate per kilogram, and has a similar arrangement with Canada.
The UPU also operates the system of International Reply Coupons and addresses concerns with ETOEs.
Philatelic activities: the Universal Postal Union, in conjunction with the World Association for the Development of Philately (WADP), has developed the WADP Numbering System (WNS), launched on 1 January 2002. The web site ( has entries for some 160 countries and emitting postal entities, with over 25,000 registered stamps since 2002. Many of them have images, which generally remain copyrighted by the issuing country, but which the UPU and WADP permit to be downloaded.
Member countries
The United Nations member states may all become member countries of the UPU. The 192 United Nations member states are all UPU member countries except Andorra, Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia and Palau whose situation with regard to the UPU has not yet been settled. A non-member state of the United Nations may also become a UPU member if two-thirds of the UPU member countries approve its request. Vatican City is a UPU member country and a non-member state observer of the United Nations (as the Holy See).
The UPU has 191 member countries since Timor-Leste joined on 28 November 2003 and Montenegro on 26 July 2006, including the Dutch territories of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba as a single UPU member, and the British overseas territories, which are not independent states.
Various other non-recognized countries such as Somaliland, Sealand and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus need to have their mail routed through third countries as the UPU will not allow direct international deliveries (Sealand's mail goes via the UK, TRNC's mail via Turkey, and Somaliland's mail via Ethiopia). Other entities without direct UPU representation are the Palestinian Authority and the Sahrawi Republic / Western Sahara.
The members are listed below by alphabetical order in their short-form English names, with the date of entering the UPU (multiple entry dates for some countries). Territories covered by a sovereign member country are included under that country.
United States of America - 1 July 1875
Territories of the United States of America coming within the Union's jurisdiction by virtue of article 23 of the Constitution
o Guam
o Puerto Rico
o American Samoa
o United States Virgin Islands

I included the postal stamps "canceled" by affixing a postal stamp to each page, and autographing diagonally across the top of each stamp = canceling it, and putting the SS# on top without dashes for the redemption number, and sign our name at the bottom of stamp.

        |                 /    |
        |             /        |
        |          /           |
        |       /              |
        |    /                 |
        |/                     |
            John Doe

If you can get a light colored stamp, in a 2 cent denomination, it won't cost much......

The Post Office and the International Postal Union The role of the United States Post Office and the Universal Postal Union became a factor in our lawsuits because of several bankruptcies that the United States has been through over the history of the country.  When one declares himself a bankrupt, that person is no longer legally competent to conduct his affairs.  The court becomes a fiduciary, and appoints a trustee to oversee the affairs of the bankrupt.  It does not matter if the bankrupt is a common man, or a nation; except that a nation still has a right to conduct war.  Typically the average person anywhere in the world thinks of their Postal System as a part of, and subservient to, their government.

However, the postal system in the United States has a different legal history than one would expect.

The Post Office and Judicial Courts were established before the seat of the Government.

On Thursday, Sept.  17, 1789 we find written, Mr.  Goodhue, for the committee appointed for the purpose, presented a bill to amend part of the Tonnage act, which was read the first time.  The bill sent from the Senate, for the temporary establishment of the Post Office, was read the second and third time, and passed.  The bill for establishing the Judicial Courts .  .  .  , for establishing the seat of government [258] Other references to the Post Office support my theory of the founding forefather's views:

POST OFFICE.  A place where letters are received to be sent to the persons to whom they, are addressed.

2.  The post office establishment of the United States, is of the greatest importance to the people and to the government.  The constitution of the United States has invested congress with power to establish post offices and post roads.  Art.  1, s.  8, n.  7.

3.  By virtue of this constitutional authority, congress passed several laws anterior to the third day of March 1825, when an act, entitled "An act to reduce into one the several acts establishing and regulating the post office department," was passed.  3 Story, U.  S.  1825.  It is thereby enacted, 1.  That there be established, the seat of the government of the United States, a general post office, under the direction of a postmaster general.  [259] We need to take notice where the commas are placed on that last sentence.  That there be established, the seat of the government of the United States, a general post office, under the direction of a postmaster general.  When I set off a clause with commas, I make sure that the sentence makes sense without that clause.  Taking out the set-off clause, we read, .  .  .  the seat of the government of the United States under the direction of a postmaster general.

The creation of the Post office occurs before the creation of the seat of the government, and is placed in authority over the seat of government.  What is the effect of these legal techniques?  The stated position of an object and the sequence of events play an important role in the Universal-Legal-Technology.  The effect is that the Government's later bankruptcies in 1859 and 1929 have no legal effect upon the solvent Post-Office.

We can make a case that the formation of the Post-Office before the formation of the government's operations is a stroke of dumb luck.  Perhaps it is ingenious, since communication has a higher value than government itself.  If any government fails, the people still have a need to communicate with one another to form a new government.  And to this day, the Post-Office is still solvent and operational, ready to fulfill its duty to help the people in their communications; to set a new government should a complete breakdown of the existing governmental structures occur in the United States.  Sounds like a very good back up plan.

The formation of the Universal Postal Union in 1874 has another legal effect that is very important to the Universal-Legal-Technology.  The Universal Postal Union unites member countries into a single, worldwide postal territory.  [260] We have already learned that any litigant is going into international jurisdiction every time he goes to any court.  Since the litigant needs to establish that his papers are official, he uses a dollar postage stamp on the face of the first page.  The stamps also invoke postal statutes and the Universal Postal Union jurisdiction.

Currently in the U.  S., the stamp of choice is the fox U.  S.  dollar postage stamp.  The stamp is not drawn in a box, making the forty-five-degree lines unnecessary.

The litigant does, however, need to autograph across the stamp, then date the autograph, for two reasons: to comply with postal regulations concerning private mail carriers, and to make a continuance of evidence that the process (paper work) is mail.  The continuation of evidence is less of a factor, since the definitions of mail and delivery can include a clerk at a grocery store handing a customer a receipt for groceries.

The legal writers were forced to make the definitions wide enough to encompass the private rural carriers, and private advertisers that have placed advertisements on our doorsteps, or in our hands.  I have thought about this issue a lot, and I did not find any other better alternative.  Any loophole would have devastated many consumers, and caused a plethora of other laws to be enacted to cover the loophole.

Additionally, on the back of the first page, we authenticate the authority of the Post-Office with an endorsement, and simultaneously authenticate our identity by placing a postage meter stamp, from a postage meter machine that we have purchased in advance, on the lower quarter of the back of the first page.  All commercial papers have endorsements to authenticate their authenticity.  Again, we autograph across the meter stamp, and date.  The postage meter stamp is better than a regular stamp, and stamps are said to have rendered seals superfluous.  [261] The purchase of a meter machine requires identification in case the meter machine is tampered with or is stolen.  The meter number on the meter stamp can be traced back to the owner (litigant), and therefore authenticates the endorser better than any seal.

What are we doing by placing our paper work into the jurisdiction of the Universal Postal Union?  To answer that question, we need to look at the structure and finance of that organization.  The official aims and purposes of the Universal Postal Union (UPU) are two: to form a single postal territory for the reciprocal exchange of correspondence; and to secure the organization and improvement of the postal services and to promote in this sphere the development of international collaboration.

[262] The organization of the circulation of the international mail is based on the freedom of transit, .  .  .  as a result, therefore, only by enduring absolute freedom of transit can the effectual universality of the postal territory be attained.

* * * Freedom of transit is guaranteed throughout the entire territory of the union.

Administrations may exchange, through the intermediary of one or more of their number, both closed mails and open mail according to the needs of the traffic and the requirements of the service.  [263] Starting in 1878, the union created a category for territories which were recognized as non independent but which were given all the rights of union membership afforded to clearly independent countries.  [264] So the members of the union have been operating as sovereign, independent countries, and their currency is based on the gold French Franc.  Gold is the acceptable form of money in international jurisdictions, or paper backed by gold.  [265] When we purchase postal money orders, the money order is backed by gold, not the fiat money called Federal Reserve Notes.

The FRNs, as some call them, are based instead on a promise to pay a debt.  The debt is based only upon the full faith and credit of the United States, and lacks any intrinsic value.

Some of the obligations in the convention can, in some states, be introduced into domestic practice without involving a nation's legislative process or without even reaching the desk of the chief executive.  [266] The Union also sets forth the principle that postal administrations are responsible for loss of, theft from, or damage to, insured items, and then goes into detail about exceptions to the principle of responsibility, cessation of responsibility, how the sender is indemnified, and the manner in which responsibility is apportioned between postal administrations.

[267] There was only one instance, according to the Belgium delegate, where the bureau would have any power even approximating the right to intervene in the affairs of administrations, that is in the arbitration of disputes, but in this instance the bureau could act only when requested to do so by an administration.

[268] The Functions of the International Bureau for the Universal Postal Union include acting as a clearinghouse for information concerning postal matters.

It also functions as a clearinghouse for international postal accounts and as a conciliator and arbitrator in disputes over postal matters between administrations.

[269] So what we are doing, by placing the postage stamp on our admiralty paperwork and endorsement on the back of the first page, is using the authority of the sovereignty of the longest surviving, solvent, governmental authority in the United States.

Through the admiralty, we are taking the Post-Office and the judicial system back some two hundred years, and simultaneously creating a new territory with all the rights of union membership afforded to clearly independent countries.  We are establishing the laws in this new territory with the paper work that we have filed.  As we will see later, we are also correcting the errors of the founding forefathers; in that we are also bringing the equal rights that they neglected to give to all the people in the United States.  We are eliminating all of the legal deficiencies that handicap the sovereign status of us, the people, within the court.  We are guaranteed that all of the parties in the case: the clerk, judge, bailiff, and litigants have the freedom of transit in the admiralty court.  If the clerk, judge, or other official fails to deliver our documents as directed, or delay them, or obstruct them, that person is faced with several penalties within the postal statutes and admiralty statutes.  The final advantage is that if we are obstructed, because of the transitory nature of the action, we are in the admiralty and can take the case offshore for adjudication in any court in the world.
§ 6201. Assessment authority
How Current is This?
(a) Authority of Secretary
The Secretary is authorized and required to make the inquiries, determinations, and assessments of all taxes (including interest, additional amounts, additions to the tax, and assessable penalties) imposed by this title, or accruing under any former internal revenue law, which have not been duly paid by stamp at the time and in the manner provided by law. Such authority shall extend to and include the following:
(1) Taxes shown on return
The Secretary shall assess all taxes determined by the taxpayer or by the Secretary as to which returns or lists are made under this title.
(2) Unpaid taxes payable by stamp
(A) Omitted stamps
Whenever any article upon which a tax is required to be paid by means of a stamp is sold or removed for sale or use by the manufacturer thereof or whenever any transaction or act upon which a tax is required to be paid by means of a stamp occurs without the use of the proper stamp, it shall be the duty of the Secretary, upon such information as he can obtain, to estimate the amount of tax which has been omitted to be paid and to make assessment therefor upon the person or persons the Secretary determines to be liable for such tax.
(B) Check or money order not duly paid
In any case in which a check or money order received under authority of section 6311 as payment for stamps is not duly paid, the unpaid amount may be immediately assessed as if it were a tax imposed by this title, due at the time of such receipt, from the person who tendered such check or money order.
(3) Erroneous income tax prepayment credits
If on any return or claim for refund of income taxes under subtitle A there is an overstatement of the credit for income tax withheld at the source, or of the amount paid as estimated income tax, the amount so overstated which is allowed against the tax shown on the return or which is allowed as a credit or refund may be assessed by the Secretary in the same manner as in the case of a mathematical or clerical error appearing upon the return, except that the provisions of section 6213 (b)(2) (relating to abatement of mathematical or clerical error assessments) shall not apply with regard to any assessment under this paragraph.
(b) Amount not to be assessed
(1) Estimated income tax
No unpaid amount of estimated income tax required to be paid under section 6654 or 6655 shall be assessed.
(2) Federal unemployment tax
No unpaid amount of Federal unemployment tax for any calendar quarter or other period of a calendar year, computed as provided in section 6157, shall be assessed.
(c) Compensation of child
Any income tax under chapter 1 assessed against a child, to the extent attributable to amounts includible in the gross income of the child, and not of the parent, solely by reason of section 73 (a), shall, if not paid by the child, for all purposes be considered as having also been properly assessed against the parent.
(d) Required reasonable verification of information returns
In any court proceeding, if a taxpayer asserts a reasonable dispute with respect to any item of income reported on an information return filed with the Secretary under subpart B or C of part III of subchapter A of chapter 61 by a third party and the taxpayer has fully cooperated with the Secretary (including providing, within a reasonable period of time, access to and inspection of all witnesses, information, and documents within the control of the taxpayer as reasonably requested by the Secretary), the Secretary shall have the burden of producing reasonable and probative information concerning such deficiency in addition to such information return.