I believe you first need to understand the purpose behind Credit Scores.  The Credit Scoring System is another slave driving program; that was devised by the Federal Reserve System and with the blessing of the High Contracting Powers.  Its purpose is to squeeze more cash out of borrowers and to force the public into becoming loyal conditioned slaves! 
First of all, when you apply for a mortgage, you are requesting a loan of their valueless currency, to purchase a home or automobile, which you can never own and upon which you pay a penalty, called Interest and Costs.  Those who are approved for a loan are watched closely to see if they have swallowed the fraud, “hook, line and sinker” and follow the repayment instructions fully! 

Those who can’t follow their directions; lost a job or financially over extended themselves are rated badly [credit scores] and are penalized severely then and whenever they apply again, called [points]. 

The personal information you provide to them when applying, is also sold to other Financial Institutions and Collection Agencies. They tell you NO, but unless you take the time to read all the fine print, they bluffed you again!  

Some merchandizing companies have or perform a type of collection process first as a courtesy and when you fail to bring your payments up to date, they discharge the debt and sell the discharged debt to Collection Agencies for pennies on the dollar! 

These Collection Agencies are all owned by Law Firms who hire people to contact you and attempt to collect the original debt plus penalties for them.  They do not represent the merchandizing company, they represent their own business and probably paid $25.00 for a $300.00 discharged debt.  If they can persuade you to begin making payments too them, that creates a contract between you and the collection agency, regarding a debt that no longer exists!  When a debt is discharged, it means that your agreement with that company is cancelled for good! Those lawyers really are pretty clever! 

If you are a compliant slave, your credit rating will be high and yet their really isn’t a difference between the borrower who has perfect credit and the borrower who has poor credit, It is all a corporate fraud to increase their wealth and deplete yours!

HOME MORTGAGES:  Whenever you apply for a loan, you are requested to sign a Promissory Note for the total amount of the loan.  Then a Payment Account is established.  The Promissory Note is never endorsed by a member of the Financial Institution so that it can be sold without your permission.  Three days later, the original promissory note, signed in ink, is sold to another Institution or Foreign Government, who will COLLATERALIZE it or use it like a BOND and issue currency or loans against it. 

Why the three days? It is because you have the right to withdraw from or cancel any contract within three days of acceptance.  It is about the only right we have left and it may be found under the, Truth in Lending Act!

All that matters to the Bank, is that you are a flesh and blood human being and that you have affixed your signature to a Promissory Note!  They don’t care if you have a great credit score or a poor one!  Flesh and Blood Human Beings, technically own everything, and all Corporations are fictional companies that have no value and cannot function until some HUMAN BEING blows life into them!  The Promissory Notes each sell for the same value!

Since the Promissory Note was sold without your permission, your Mortgage Debt to them is actually [paid in full] but they never tell you about that!  In fact, the Bank also sells your repayment plan to an investor or another Bank for much less, and agree to manage the payments for them.  Most Banks now employ a middle company to collect your Mortgage payment.  They do this because your Mortgage and repayment plan is not reflected on the Banks Bookkeeping and under Federal and International Law, it is supposed to!  So the middle companies act as a buffer and keeps them out of trouble!   

Since the Banks can’t legally make loans against their depositor’s assets, everything is just a, Paper Chase!  Your payments are deposited into the investor’s account who purchased it and if it involves another Bank, your payment is transferred to that Bank where it is deposited into a savings account, under a number instead of your name!
The reason the account is numbered, is because it is really your savings account!  You don’t owe them a debt and so they conceal your payments as a numbered savings account!  If they included your name, they would have to mail you a monthly accounting and that would tip you off!

So any foreclosure that might occur thereafter is totally bogus and unlawful because they cannot produce the Original Promissory Note!  If demanded, they will produce a black and white photo copy but that is actually the Counterfeiting of a Negotiable Instrument unless it is reduced or enlarged!  The point being that if they cannot produce the original Note, it was sold! 

Given these circumstances, it was absolutely necessary for them to involve the Judges in their criminal conduct.  Foreclosure Judges receive 10% of the original Promissory Note, after they authorize the Bank to steal and sell your assets in FORECLOSURE.

This process essentially makes the rich man richer and explains how the Banks can own the bulk of the skyscraper buildings, parcels of land and stadiums across America.  In reality, we pay for our homes three times over its original purchase price without ever securing ownership.  Mr. Warburg was a pretty ingenious fellow when he designed the Federal Reserve System and why we Americans always need to be two steps ahead of the Banks, Courts and lawyers!
According to the Constitution:  The only way you can pay a debt is with silver or gold and since there is no silver or gold backed currency, the only thing we can do is to DISCHARGE our debts!  A DISCHARGE is never a payment in full and it can be resold or borrowed against.  Hence, lawyers purchase discharged debts for pennies on the dollar; open a collection company and hire people to harass you into paying that debt to them! 

Remember that in all legitimate contracts you always received something of equal value from the company or person you borrowed from.  Collection companies fail to provide you with anything of equal value and lie to you that they are collecting the debt on behalf of the original creditor! 

The best way to handle a debt collector is to deny who you are and every question they ask …..

Become a Secured Party Creditor via a UCC/UCC-1 Lien Filing Process through our UCC Redemption

A secured party creditor is someone who holds the superior lien over the (Strawman) debtor. As a Secured Party Creditor you can eliminate your credit card debt and stop foreclosures. Become a Secured Party Creditor TODAY via a UCC/UCC-1 Lien Filing Process through our UCC Redemption Book.

Becoming a Secured Party Creditor is your first step toward Sovereignty. Once completed, you will have established the foundation to manage the commercial affairs of the debtor, and the standing to protect yourself from all public claims made against your straw man (strawman), which is your name in ALL CAPITIAL LETTERS. This can be accomplished by filing your UCC-1(Uniform Commercial Code-1).

While the Secured Party Creditor status rebuts the presumption that you are property of the state, you must still bargain for your rights as a Sovereign. Only citizens (slaves) of the state have privileges. For Sovereigns, rights without contract are a fantasy. If you do not see your image in the depiction of the founding fathers at the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States, you are not party to the contract. This last statement may be a shocking revelation to many of you, but it is nonetheless true. If you did not gather in private discussion with your fellow man for the purpose of determining how you wish to govern and be treated by other sovereigns-If you have not framed a declaration of your rights for which you pledge your life, your wealth, and your sacred honor, as did the signatories to the U.S. Constitution, then you have but one unilateral right-to institute a claim. However this right is negated under the Declaration of International Rights and Duties if the Individual, which reads as follows:

"VII. Every individual is entitled to be protected and assisted by the state to which he belongs, in the manner and form established by treaties and by international law. No individual who, according to the law of the state against which he institutes a claim, as a citizen of that state, shall be entitled to such protection ". The United Nations Conference on International Organization page 105, Department of State publication 2490, Conference Series 83, 1946.
Strawman Redemption
Establish your Strawman account by doing your UCC/UCC-1 Lien Filing Process through our UCC Redemption Book.

The first step in returning yourself to a sovereign individual is that you have to take back your artificial straw man (strawman), and reclaiming it as YOUR debtor. If you were to take a look at your driver's license, social security card right now, you would see your name in all capital letters. That is your straw man (strawman) that the government created for you. In order to take back your straw man (strawman) you need to file a UCC-1 Financing Statement, filed with your Secretary of State's office. The UCC-1 defines exactly who the debtor is and who is the secured party creditor. Your name in all capital letters is the debtor and your name with initial capitals and the rest lower case letters, is you, the secured party creditor. As more and more people perform this process, some states are making the filing of UCC-1 forms more difficult, some states are refusing to file it all together.

The other part of the reclamation of your straw man (strawman) process is the Security Agreement. Though this document is not filed with the UCC-1 form, it should be referred to in the Financing Statement section of the UCC-1. It is a properly executedSecurity Agreement that makes your filing legitimate since it is an agreement between your flesh & blood you and your artificial you. You cannot go around making other people or entities your debtors unless you have something to back up your claim.
UCC-1 Lien Filing Process
The UCC-1 Lien Filing Process begins by doing a proper and professional UCC process with the help of the UCC Redemption Book.

The UCC-1 form should be filed in your state of birth since that is the 'port of entry' for your straw man (strawman). If you are living in and own property and/or do business in a different state at present, for your property protection, a UCC-1 should also be filed in your current state.

The UCC-1 Financing Statement as well as the other information filled in on the UCC-1 is most critical not only for the effectiveness of it, but also on the success in getting your forms filed. The UCC Redemption Book gives you step by step instructions on how to prepare your UCC-1 Financial Agreement and your Commercial Lien, Security Agreement, Hold Harmless, Power of Attorney and Copyright Notice documents.

Our UCC Redemption Book will guide you through the complete process of becoming a secured party creditor. It is highly recommended that you read through the entire UCC Redemption Books a few times until you are comfortable with the overall process before proceeding with document preparation. Every effort has been made to provide clear and complete instructions for all phases of the process. Be forewarned that accuracy is essential to the process and there is considerable detail involved.


I. Basis of Action when confronted.
Never walk into the police station or court voluntarily.  If you do you traverse and acknowledge the validity of their jurisdiction/offer.  As Lao-tzu noted 2,500 years ago: “Do not invite the fight, accept it instead.  Better a foot behind than an inch too far ahead.”  Let the offer come to you; don’t make the offer.
When you are confronted with an obligatory court appearance, keep in mind the following:
Everything is commerce/contract, being administered in a state of emergency under the war powers.  The commerce clause of the Constitution operates in the private international law merchant of the bankers to whom essentially every government in the world is bankrupt.  All of this functions in admiralty/maritime where you have no rights and the captain’s word is law.
As a result of the above condition, military war powers enforce all interstate commerce (which is everything), with draconian penalties for impeding commerce.

Because the climate in which we live is a relentless and ravenous assault from all aspects of the “government” against our commercial liability, i.e. “revenue raising,” enforced by guns, violence, and prisons, life in America a high-risk venture. It requires understanding of how to neutralize the endless barrage of attacks in the form of commercial presentments/offers.  Fighting is a no win proposition.  Matters must be neutralized, defused, and transmuted into victory without conflict.

We have no money, only private debt paper, insurance scrip (like Monopoly money or casino chips which a real monopoly has foisted on the world), operating in the bankruptcy.  Everything is commerce, which is banking, which is debt paper, which is credit/debit balances on banks’ books, which is bookkeeping.

Assets (credits) must always equal liabilities (debits).  The books must always balance for world commerce to operate.  The commercial account must be cleared within three (3) days, which is codified in the US in the Federal Truth in Lending Act, Title 12 USC § 1601, “Regulation Z.”

A traffic citation, summons, indictment, complaint, etc., is a commercial presentment.  When the presentment is issued a debt is created, a liability on the bank’s books, which must be balanced with an asset.  They want you to supply the asset in the form of paying a fine, some specific performance, or jail time.
Every such commercial presentment is an offer to contract, concerning which you have the following five (5) options:

1. You can deny or fight the charges and thereby traverse, enjoin the action, legitimize their cause of action, and lock yourself in to their jurisdiction.  This is a commercial dishonor.  If you enter a plea, or the judge enters one for you, you have traversed.  The only issue now is the facts (“did you or did you not run the red light?”).  In other words, dishonor submits you to a court proceeding to resolve the dispute over facts of the matter.

2. You can demur.  A demurrer accepts all alleged facts as true and raises of issues of law.  A classic example is: “Yes, I did it, but so what?  The statute of limitations has expired so issues of law foreclose all possibility for me to be prosecuted in this matter.”

3. You can stand mute, in which both the law and facts are invoked.  The judge will enter a plea for you and a court proceeding to resolve the controversy will commence.  Standing mute is also a commercial dishonor and locks you into both law and facts.

4. You can protest, such as by denying jurisdiction.  This also locks you into the requirement to proceed with the court process to resolve the dispute.

5. You can accept the offer/charges (citation, summons, complaint, indictment, etc.) for value.
Of the above options, only # 5:

1. De-fuses, i.e. dissolves, the controversy, thereby obviating all necessity or possibility for court proceedings since there is no dispute to resolve (you have “agreed with your adversary quickly while you are on the way with him”).

2. Makes you the owner of the contract/offer.

3. Makes you the Creditor.  The Creditor is always the winner in court proceedings, all of which have only two (2) classes of participants: Creditors and Debtors.  The Debtor always loses and pays.
After you accept for value and own the contract/offer, the matter is non-negotiable, i.e. private and personal between you and the offerror in his non-official capacity.
Every arrest and incarceration today is seizing the surety on a commercial dishonor.  The commercial accounts must balance for commerce to function.  It is not possible to retain only the debit side of a bank ledger.  The offsetting asset side must be there for the books to balance, the commercial account to clear.  Otherwise, world commerce would collapse into a pile of mush immediately.
When you dishonor a commercial presentment (citation, etc.,) the offerror accepts your dishonor, undertaking a Banker’s Acceptance (BA) and executing a Bill of Exchange.  This Bill of Exchange is for at least 10 times the face amount, and possibly 100 X.  The one who accepts, being the Creditor, is entitled to place whatever value he wishes on the transaction.  The counties run on these bonds.
You must now pay the full amount or the Bill of Exchange, the bond, or the account remains open indefinitely; the case (books) never closes.  If you fail to pay in Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) to balance the books, then you are arrested and incarcerated as the surety, collateral, to raise the funds to balance the ledger.  These funds are raised by borrowing (via your straw man) on the public debt for which you, the real being, are responsible for paying (discharging) if you have not rebutted the rebuttable presumption that the King (Wizard, Bankers, Power Elite, etc.) owns your all capital-letter name.  You have no liability if the books are fully balanced.  Performance on acceptance balances the books.
This is one reason the prisons are so full.  Another reason is that the judges are part owners of the prisons, and make money on everyone they incarcerate.  Prisons are immense money-making operations due to the bonds raised against the straw men (debtors) of the people (collateral) warehoused behind bars.  High dollar amounts are attached to the bonds raised to incarcerate people.  The prison industry is big business, constituting the major industry in California, Texas, and Florida.
If you have a bail bond you can’t proceed until you rid yourself of the bond.  Accept it for value, send it back to the bondsman, register the bond in the Commercial Registry as your secured property.
Never confess who you are.  That is bearing false witness against yourself.  Some people advocate carrying no identification.  If you are arrested, they have two (2) hours to identify you.  If you identify yourself, they are allowed to hold you (provided you don’t sign their paperwork or otherwise traverse) for three (3) days (72 hours).  The general rule is therefore, of course, never tell them who you are (why do their job for them?) or sign anything.
Anything you do except comply, insofar as dealing with the police is concerned, is interfering with a policeman in his line of duty.  What is his duty?  It is revenue collection for the city.
One of three (3) things is needed to identify you:
1. your date of birth (the day your vessel, i.e. body, was birthed into the 14th Amendment Public Charitable “cestui que” Trust as a citizen of the United States, a corporate franchise launched into a voyage in commerce in an ocean of insolvency, i.e. unpayable bankruptcy).
2. your Driver License.
3. your Social Security Number.
Without any of the above three (3) items, their job is difficult to impossible, especially with a two (2) hour time limit.
A judge’s job is to get you to traverse, contest, and dishonor, and thereby make an offer, which the judge can accept, and thereby own.  If you are hauled into court or forced to go under threat, do not offer and do not negotiate.  If you reject, negotiate, or issue a counter-offer, you create a controversy.  You perform a dishonor, which the judge can accept.
Concerning every offer a judge makes to you, accept it for value, with words such as:
1. “Thank you for your offer, which I accept for value.  May I have your name please?”  (You are acknowledging his commercial presentment and wanting to know with whom you are doing business and entering into contract)
Thereafter you must proceed with the remainder of the standard questions and request, i.e.:
2. Do you have a claim against me?
3. Do you know anyone who has a claim against me?
4. I request the order of the court to be released to me immediately.
If the judge says, “I don’t have a claim against you, but I believe that the prosecutor does,” you proceed with the three (3) questions to the prosecutor.  If he says that the State of California, United States, etc., has a claim against you, say:
“I call the State of California to the witness stand.”
When the State of California fails to take the stand to testify and be cross-examined, you can say:
“It appears no one has a claim against me.  I request the Order of the Court to be released to me immediately.”
Remember that when you accept their offer for value, you place the amount on the transaction and they are required to perform and adjust your account.  You are now the Secured Party, i.e. Creditor.  You are the Principal and the Interest goes to you.
II. Proof of Claim.
The fundamental issues must be perpetually kept in mind and actualized.  Namely:
1. The central core of any dispute is who can state the claim upon which relief can be granted.  Whoever can prove his claim wins.
2. One rebuts their rebuttable presumption of holding a claim against you, via presumption of ownership (by your default) of your Birth Certificate and straw man, by filing a UCC-1 Financing Statement with the real you (upper and lower case spelling of your name) as Secured Party and your name in all capital letters as the DEBTOR.  The UCC-1 is the single most irrefutable, unbreakable, bedrock contract in the world today.
3. Without rebutting their rebuttable presumption via filing a UCC-1, their unrebutted presumption stands as the truth in commerce and you have no standing in law.  You are bereft of rights, devoid of standing in law, and completely unable to “state a claim upon which relief can be granted.”  The result is that you are rendered permanent DEBTOR owned by them and concerning which they have carte blanche to deal as they wish.  You are a slave on the master’s slave plantation without capacity to go against your owner.
4. Once filing the UCC-1 you have irrefutable proof of your supreme claim and, if you proceed correctly, win in any proceeding as the acknowledged Creditor in the matter.  Then all would-be claimants lose for “failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted.”
5. The bottom line is therefore: How do you state your claim upon which relief can be granted in a manner that cannot be ignored by a judge or administrative agency?
6. The catch-22 of the matter is that in law only the original counts, but if you surrender your original of something you no longer have it.  Then if the opposition confiscates it you are devoid of a way to prove your claim and lose.
7. This conundrum is resolved in the following manner:
a. Obtain certified, true copies of your UCC filings in the Commercial Registry that establish your basic claim on your straw man and also any particular matter at hand (citation, indictment, court case, etc.);
b. Take the above-referenced documents (plus a certified, true copy of the court docket sheet—signed, dated, and stamped by the clerk—pertaining to your case, if one exists) to a notary and have two (2) or more notarial acknowledgments of the entire package as a “certified, true copy of the original”;
c. Serve one of the original notary acknowledgments, via process server or means such as Registered Mail with Affidavit of Service executed by a third party, notarized, on the judge, designated as “[Name of Judge—upper and lower case spelling] dba [NAME OF JUDGE], [FULL NAME OF COURT]” if such exists, or the legal department or party/office that receives service of process re an agency.
8. A notary acknowledgment has powerful effects and ramifications: it must be entered as evidence on the record of a court case and a judge must take judicial notice of it.  To achieve either of these results is not always easy.  By proceeding in this manner you have placed before the judge or authorized party on the other side a proof of your supreme claim that must be recognized and cannot be avoided.  In short, you have stated on the record (court or administrative) proof of your “claim upon which relief can be granted.”
A mere copy of the documents otherwise proving your supreme claim not only can be disregarded by a judge or legal department of an agency, it may be mandated to be disregarded (considered hearsay) since only the original counts.  To rely on mere copies may render your situation worse since you have played your hand, i.e. tipped them off, without the clout to back it up.
If you, or someone you know, is in jail, have the central documents pertaining to the case notarially acknowledged and served on the judge with at least a statement to the effect: “Enclosed/attached herewith is a notarially acknowledged, certified true copy of documents substantiating the supreme claim re [Citation, Tax Bill, Complaint, Case, etc.] of [Name of Secured Party].  Either provide proof of claim superior to the claim of Secured Party as evidenced by the enclosed/attached within [time frame you designate] or your failure to prove said superior claim within said time frame constitutes conclusive presumption, fact, i.e. judicial or administrative res judicata, that no such claim exists.  Absent your proof of superior claim Secured Party requests that the account be adjusted and the Order of the court be released to Secured Party immediately.”
Concerning anything you receive in writing from the system, it is a demand on or at least bears on your commercial liability.  A document you receive is almost always a bill, commercial presentment, offer to contract into your paying a debt or engaging in some specific performance.  In short, the system wants something from you.  Otherwise, why would they send you anything?  If it is a notice of discharge of an obligation (e.g. statement marked "paid in full”), it is still a matter concerning which you must establish your superior claim by accepting for value and registering in your UCC on the Commercial Registry.
As a result of the above, the procedure for dealing with essentially any document [e.g. Citation, Tax Bill, Complaint, Case, etc.] you receive is the same:
1. Make copies of the presentment;
2. Keep the original intact, pristine (unmarked on), in a safe place;
3. Stamp a copy with text to the effect: “accepted for value, all related endorsements, front and back, in accordance with House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933”;
4. Sign your name and date the stamped copy, using blue ink;
5. Send the stamped, signed, dated copy back to the sender within ten (10) days of your receipt thereof.
By engaging in the above process you have undertaken a Banker’s Acceptance, become the owner of the contract and entire matter, the holder in due course, Secured Party, and Creditor.  You have “placed the ball in their court” and their only options are to withdraw their offer (cancel the bill/offer) within the 72-hour Regulation Z grace period or thereafter be foreclosed from the option to do so.  They are then stuck with the debt in the amount you unilaterally choose (which must be at least equal to the amount of the bill, and preferably 100 times that amount to cover the bonding).  Their failure to cancel the matter within 3 days is a commercial dishonor and they are on the defensive.
Make the above-described procedure your norm for dealing with all unwanted claims against your commercial liability, whether tax agencies, bill collectors, court judgments, etc.  Remember the central Commercial Maxim: “An unrebutted affidavit, claim, or charge stands as the truth in commerce.”  You must accept for value, and do so within the time frame (10 days) allotted to you in order not to waive your opportunity to do so.

Founding Fathers and King George were working hand-in-hand to bring the people of America to their knees.

Queen Elizabeth controls and has amended U.S. Social Security, as follows: S.I. 1997 NO.1778 The Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 Made 22nd of July 1997 coming into force 1st September 1997.
At the Court at Buckingham Palace the 22nd day of July 1997. Now, therefore Her Majesty an pursuance of section 179 (1) (a) and (2) of the Social Security Administration Act of 1992 and all other powers enabling Her in that behalf, is please, by and with advise of Her privy Council, to order, and it is hereby ordered as follows:
"This Order may be cited as the Social Security (United States of America) Order 1997 and shall come into force on 1st September 1997."

Does this give a new meaning to Federal Judge William Wayne Justice stating in court that he takes his orders from England?
This order goes on to redefine words in the Social Security Act and makes some changes in United States Law. Remember, King George was the "Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire and c, and of the United States of America." See: Treaty of Peace (1783) 8 U.S. Statutes at Large 80.. Great Britain which is the agent for the Pope, is in charge of the USA ..'

What people do not know is that the so called Founding Fathers and King George were working hand-in-hand to bring the people of America to their knees, to install a Central Government over them and to bind them to a debt that could not be paid. First off you have to understand that the UNITED STATES is a corporation and that it existed before the Revolutionary war. See Republica v. Sweers 1 Dallas 43. and 28 U.S.C. 3002 (15)

The United States is not a land mass, it is a corporation.
Now, you also have to realize that King George was not just the King of England, he was also the King of France. Treaty of Peace * U.S. 8 Statutes at Large 80.

On January 22, 1783 Congress ratified a contract for the repayment of 21 loans that the UNITED STATES had already received dating from February 28, 1778 to July 5, 1782. Now the UNITED STATES Inc. owes the King money which is due January 1, 1788 from King George via France. King George funded both sides of the Revolutionary War.

Now the Articles of Confederation which were declared in force March 1, 1781 States in Article 12:"All bills of credit emitted, monies borrowed, and debts contracted by, or under the authority of Congress, before the assembling of the United States, in pursuance of the present confederation, shall be deemed and considered a charge against the United States, for payment and satisfaction whereof the said United States, and the public faith are hereby solemnly pledged."
The Articles of Confederation acknowledge the debt owed to King George.
Now after losing the Revolutionary War, even though the War was nothing more than a move to turn the people into debtors for the King, the conquest was not yet complete. Now the loans were coming due and so a meeting was convened in Annapolis, Maryland, to discuss the economic instability of the country under the Articles of Confederation. Only five States come to the meeting, but there is a call for another meeting to take place in Philadelphia the following year with the express purpose of revising the Articles of Confederation On February 21, 1787 Congress gave approval of the meeting to take place in Philadelphia on May 14, 1787, to revise the Articles of Confederation. Something had to be done about the mounting debt. Little did the people know that the so called founding fathers were going to reorganize the United States because it was Bankrupt.

On September 17, 1787 twelve State delegates approve the Constitution. The States have now become Constitutors. Constitutor: In the civil law, one who, by simple agreement, becomes responsible for the payment of another's debt. Blacks Law Dictionary 6th Ed.

The States were now liable for the debt owed to the King, but the people of America were not because they were not a party to the Constitution because it was never put to them for a vote.

On August 4th, 1790 an Act was passed which was Titled.-An Act making provision for the payment of the Debt of the United States. This can be found at 1 U.S. Statutes at Large pages 138-178. This Act for all intents and purposes abolished the States and Created the Districts. If you don't believe it look it up. The Act set up Federal Districts, here in Pennsylvania we got two. In this Act each District was assigned a portion of the debt. The next step was for the states to reorganize their governments which most did in 1790. This had to be done because the States needed to legally bind the people to the debt. The original State Constitutions were never submitted to the people for a vote. So the governments wrote new constitutions and submitted them to people for a vote thereby binding the people to the debts owed to Great Britain. The people became citizens of the State where they resided and ipso facto a citizen of the United States. A citizen is a member of a fictional entity and it is synonymous with subject.
What you think is a state is in reality a corporation, in other words, a Person.
"Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is Person." 9 F. Supp 272 "Word "person" does not include state. 12 Op Atty Gen 176.

There are no states, just corporations. Every body politic on this planet is a corporation. A corporation is an artificial entity, a fiction at law. They only exist in your mind. They are images in your mind, that speak to you. We labor, pledge our property and give our children to a fiction. For an in-depth look into the nature of these corporations and to see how you also have been declared a fictional entity. See: AMERICAN LAW AND PROCEDURE. JURISPRUDENCE AND LEGAL INSTITUTIONS. VOL.XIII By James De Witt Andrews LL.B. (Albany Law School), LL.D. (Ruskin University) from La Salle University. This book explains in detail the nature and purpose of these corporations, you will be stunned at what you read.
Now before we go any further let us examine a few things in the Constitution.
Article six section one keeps the loans from the King valid it states; "All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, before the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this Constitution, as under the Confederation."

Another interesting tidbit can be found at Article One Section Eight clause Two which states that Congress has the power to borrow money on the credit of the United States. This was needed so the United States (Which went into Bankruptcy on January 1, 1788) could borrow money and then because the States were a party to the Constitution they would also be liable for it. The next underhanded move was the creation of The United States Bank in 1791. This was a private Bank of which there were 25,000 shares issued of which 18,000 were held by those in England. The Bank loaned the United States money in exchange for Securities of the United States. Now the creditors of the United States which included the King wanted paid the Interest on the loans that were given to the United States. So Alexander Hamilton came up with the great idea of taxing alcohol. The people resisted so George Washington sent out the militia to collect the tax which they did. This has become known as the Whiskey rebellion. It is the Militia's duty to collect taxes. How did the United States collect taxes off of the people if the people are not a party to the Constitution? I'll tell you how. The people are slaves! The United States belongs to the founding fathers, their posterity and Great Britain. America is nothing more than a Plantation. It always has been. How many times have you seen someone in court attempt to use the Constitution and then the Judge tells him he can't. It is because you are not a party to it. We are SLAVES!!!!!!! 

If you don't believe read Padelford, Fay & Co. vs. The Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah. 14 Georgia 438, 520 which states " But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution, the Constitution, it is true, is a compact but he is not a party to it."
Now back to the Militia. Just read Article One Section Eight clause (15) which states that it is the militia's job to execute the laws of the Union. Now read Clause (16) Which states that Congress has the power to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States.... the Militia is not there to protect you and me, it is their duty to collect our substance. As you can plainly see all the Constitution did is set up a Military Government to guard the King's commerce and make us slaves. If one goes to 8 U.S. statutes at large 116-132 you will find "The Treaty of Amity, Commerce and Navigation". This Treaty was signed on November 19th, 1794 which was twelve years after the War. Article 2 of the Treaty states that the King's Troops were still occupying the United States. Being the nice King that he was, he decided that the troops would return to England by June 1st, 1796. The troops were still on American soil because, quite frankly the King wanted them here.
Many people tend to blame the Jews for our problems, but they too are for the most part also slaves. Jewish Law does however govern the entire world, as found in Jewish Law by MENACHEM ELON, DEPUTY PRESIDENT SUPREME COURT OF ISRAEL, to wit: "Everything in the Babylonian Talmud is binding on all Israel. Every town and country must follow all customs, give effect to the decrees, and carry out the enactment's of the Talmudic sages, because the entire Jewish people accepted everything contained in Talmud. The sages who adopted the enactment's and decrees, instituted the practices, rendered the decisions, and derived the laws, constituted all or most of the Sages of Israel. It is they who received the tradition of the fundamentals of the entire Torah in unbroken succession going back to Moses, our teacher."
We are living under what the Bible calls Mammon. As written in the subject Index, Mammon is defined as ("Civil law and procedure").

Now turn to the "The Shetars Effect on English Law" -- A Law of the Jews Becomes the Law of the Land, found in "The George Town Law Journal, Vol 71: pages 1179-1200." It is clearly stated in the Law Review that the Jews are the property of the Norman and Anglo-Saxon Kings. It also explains that the Talmud is the law of the land. It explains how the Babylonian Talmud became the law of the land, which is now known as the Uniform Commercial Code which is private international law. The written credit agreement -- the Jewish shetar is a lien on all of the property in the world. The treatise also explains that the Jews are owned by Great Britain and that the Jews are in charge of the Banking system.
We are living under the Babylonian Talmud. It was brought into England in 1066 and has been enforced by the Pope, Kings and the various religions ever since. It is total and relentless mind control, people are taught to believe in things that do not exist. Private International Law, which is commercial law, only deals with fictions, known as persons. A person is a fictional entity at law, not a living being. See UCC 1-201.
Now before you scream that the UCC is unconstitutional I'm sorry people, you are not a party to any constitution. Read the case cite below.

"But, indeed, no private person has a right to complain, by suit in court, on the ground of a breach of the Constitution. The Constitution it is true, is a compact, but he is not a party to it." Padelford, Fay & Co., vs. Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah 14 Ga. 438, 520 You have to understand that Great Britain, (Article six Section one) the United States and the States are the parties to the Constitution not you. Let me try to explain. If I buy an automobile from a man and that automobile has a warranty and the engine blows up the first day I have it. Then I tell the man just forget about it. Then you come along and tell the man to pay me and he says no. So you take him to court for not holding up the contract. The court then says case dismissed. Why? Because you are not a party to the contract. You cannot sue a government official for not adhering to a contract (Constitution) that you are not a party too. You better accept the fact that you are a Slave. When you try to use the Constitution you are committing a CRIME known as CRIMINAL TRESPASS. Why? Because you are attempting to infringe on a private contract that you are not a party to. Then to make matters worse you are a debt slave who owns no property or has any rights. You are a mere user of your Masters property! 
Here are just a couple of examples:
"The primary control and custody of infants is with the government" Tillman V. Roberts. 108 So. 62 
"Marriage is a civil contract to which there are three parties-the husband, the wife and the state." Van Koten v. Van Koten. 154 N.E. 146.
"The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State: individual so-called 'ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State. Senate Document No. 43 73rd Congress 1st Session. (Brown v. Welch supra)
You own no Property because you are a slave. Really you are worse off than a slave because you are also a debtor.
"The right of traffic or the transmission of property, as an absolute inalienable right, is one which has never existed since governments were instituted, and never can exist under government." Wynehamer v. The People. 13 N.Y. Rep.378, 481
Great Britain to this day collects taxes from the American people. The IRS is not an Agency of the United States Government.
All taxpayers have an Individual Master File which is in code. By using IRS Publication 6209, which is over 400 pages, there is a blocking series which shows the taxpayer the type of tax that is being paid. Most taxpayers fall under a 300-399 blocking series, which 6209 states is reserved, but by going to BMF 300-399 which is the Business Master File in 6209 prior to 1991, this was U.S.-U.K. Tax Claims, meaning taxpayers are considered a business and involved in commerce and are held liable for taxes via a treaty between the U.S. and the U.K., payable to the U.K. The form that is supposed to be used for this is form 8288, FIRPTA-Foreign Investment Real Property Tax Account. The 8288 form is in the Law Enforcement Manual of the IRS, chapter 3. The OMB's-paper-Office of Management and Budget, in the Department of Treasury, List of Active Information collections, Approved Under Paperwork Reduction Act is where form 8288 is found under OMB number 1545-0902, which says U.S. with holding tax return for dispositions by foreign persons, of U.S. Form #8288, #8288a.
These codes have since been changed to read as follows: IMF 300-309, Barred Assessment, CP 55 generated valid for MFT-30, which is the code for the 1040 form. IMF 310-399 reads the same as IMF 300-309, BMF 390-399 reads U.S.-U.K. Tax Treaty Claims. Isn't it INCREDIBLE that a 1040 form is a payment of a tax to the U.K.? Everybody is always looking to 26 U.S.C. for the law that makes one liable for the so called Income Tax but, it is not in there because it is not a Tax, it is debt collection through a private contract called the Constitution of the United States Article Six, Section One and various agreements. Is a cow paying an income tax when the machine gets connected to it's udders ? The answer is no. I have never known a cow that owns property or has been compensated for its labor. You own nothing that your labor has ever produced. You don't even own your labor or yourself. Your labor is measured in current credit money, which is debt. You are allowed to retain a small portion of your labor so that you can have food, clothing shelter and most of all breed more slaves.
You see, we are cows, the IRS is company who milks the cows and the United States Inc. is the veterinarian who takes care of the herd and Great Britain is the Owner of the farm in fee simple. The farm is held in allodium by the Pope. Now the picture will become much clearer after reading the next few paragraphs. We will now show the Popes involvement in the scheme of things. "Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their intention to sustain in their respective states, those measures which the clergy may adopt with the aim of ameliorating their interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes; and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations." Article (3) Treaty of Varona (1822)
If the Sovereign Pontiff should nevertheless, insist on his law being observed he must be obeyed. Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844. Pontifical laws moreover become obligatory without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers. Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44. Hence the jus nationale, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the United States, may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff. Elements of Ecclesiastical Law. Vol. I 53-54. So could this be shown that the Pope rules the world?
The Pope (Vicar of Christ) claims to be the ultimate owner of everything in the World. See Treaty of 1213, Papal Bulls of 1455 and 1492.
Don't let this information alarm you because without it you cannot be free, You have to understand that all slavery and freedom originates in the mind. When your mind allows you to accept and understand that the United States, Great Britain and the Vatican are corporations which are nothing but fictional entities which have been placed into your mind, you will understand that our slavery is because we believe in fictions.

You are now officially “Dead”

We are born on the land and are considered heirs of the land assets of our country.

But within hours undeclared agents of the federal “State” franchise get our Mothers to sign Certificates of Live Birth. These documents are misrepresented as simple recordings of the baby’s birth. Instead, they are registrations of commercial “vessels” using the baby’s name, and serving to make the “State” franchise the beneficiary of the baby’s estate on the land.

However many days, weeks, or months later as determined by “State” law, your “vessel in commerce” is reported “missing, presumed dead” to the probate court, which then doctors the civil records and converts your living estate to a trust ESTATE benefiting the perpetrators of this scheme.

You are now officially “dead” with respect to the land jurisdiction and unless you take action to correct the probate court records, you and your assets are permanently trapped in the international jurisdiction of the sea. You are therefore unable to take recourse to your holdings on the land or the law forms of the land that you are owed. Ever heard the Constitution called the “Law of the Land”?

This is why your constitutional guarantees don’t apply. There’s no version of “you” operating on the land as a result of this fraud.

And it is all based on identity theft and unilateral adhesion contracts that are obtained under conditions of deceit while you are still just a baby. There’s no way that you could ever know that this was going on or have any opportunity to object to it.

You are kidnapped and press-ganged into the international jurisdiction of the sea and your ESTATE is claimed and pillaged before you leave grade school.

And the monsters doing this to you? The IMF and FEDERAL RESERVE and other criminal international banking cartels and organizations like the American Bar Association that have participated in and profited from this lurid fraud scheme.

The IMF does business as the “UNITED STATES, INC.” and has franchises doing business as the “STATE OF OHIO” and so on. These franchises are no different than the franchises of Dairy Queen, Inc.

The FEDERAL RESERVE (reconfigured as a United Nations owned and operated corporation) is doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, INC. — they are just now setting up franchises operated simply as “OHIO” and “WISCONSIN” and so on.

None of these corporations has any lawful or even legal authority over you and your assets, but, thanks to their fraud scheme, they do have control of “your” ESTATE and now, “your” public transmitting utility which have both been created using your given name without your knowledge or permission.

JOHN QUINCY ADAMS = federal STATE estate trust owned and operated by the IMF, a UN agency dba UNITED STATES.

JOHN Q. ADAMS = federal public transmitting utility owned and operated by the new United Nation’s version of FEDERAL RESERVE doing business as THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

Isn’t it time to take back control of your property? [ . . . your flesh and blood human body and the fruits of your labor?]


Your property is pledged for the rest of your life upon your signature and your promise to
perform is pledged into perpetual debt. The bankers don't even bother to go to court They leave
it up to the agencies to administer the agency corporate public policy. It is the public policy of
that agency to bill you on your promise to perform. If you don't pay, they follow up on the public
policy on notice of default and give you one more chance to pay. Then they proceed to sell the
property at a tax auction. They never go to court or appear in court to back up their claim
against you. Did any of your government licensed and controlled teachers ever stress that your
signature is your most valuable personal property? Did your government teachers ever tell you
that any time you sign any document, you should sign it "without prejudice," or with "All Rights
Reserved" above your signature. This means you are reserving your God given unalienable rights
which cannot be transferred and all other rights for which your forefathers died.

The Corporate U.S.. Government provides, or at best pretends to provide for this reservation of
rights under the Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) 1-207 and 1-103. You need more information
in this area. It is not in the best interest of the United States Corporate "PUBLIC" schools to
teach you about their bankruptcy proceedings and how they have set the snare to Compel you
into paying their debt. The Corporate "PUBLIC" schools are strictly designed for their
Corporate citizen/subjects. That is. the Corporate U.S.. Public School citizens.

Notice all the emphases on being a "good" Citizen. Basically all their teachers and their students
are trained to produce labor and material in exchange for valueless green paper called "money."
It is not money, it functions "AS" money. Lawful money must be backed by something of value.
Bankers take your labor, services, and material (homes, cars, farms, etc.) in exchange for their
valueless corporate paper. This paper is backed only by the "full faith and Confidence of the
United States Government" THE MOTHER CORPORATION.

I do not have faith or confidence in the U.S. BANKRUPT CORPORATE GOVERNMENT
the sovereign American people into their bankruptcy obligations. Their fraudulent money
laundering process promotes your payment on the corporate government's bankruptcy debt. This
debt is mathematically impossible to pay Off. You and your family are in continual financial
bondage to the international bankers. They love it so!

Black's Law Dictionary 1990, defines "Money Changers" as: .....business of a banker... today
handled by the international departments of banks." Let me think for a moment, what did Christ
do to the Money Changers." Oh, Yes, he severely interfered with their activity. Three days later
he was crucified. Lincoln was killed for interfering with the money changers. Kennedy was
slaughtered for interfering with the money changers.

Let's return to the subject of your property, and the tax sale for not paying property taxes. In this
situation under a standard deed (not common law deed) you are actually in default. Not because
you understand the default or you like being in default, you just are in default of the tax
payment. So they put your property up for sale. At the tax sale, Joe Doe, average American, bids
on your property and gets it. Now, there is a procedure he must go through step by step to
establish. He is required to give you another chance. You have six months and a day to pay off the
default. If, at this time, you pay off the amount the county says you owe, plus penalties, interest,
fines, etc., then your property is taken off default status and it is yours to continue to pay taxes on
the next year.

reverse-engineering a criminal matter

If some party wants to press a claim against someone else, and the claim is one of a criminal nature, they would create an Affidavit for Probable Cause and take it to the appropriate authority, perhaps a county attorney, or a state attorney, or even a US attorney.

If the attorney determined that the claim had merit, he would take it before a Grand Jury.  The Grand Jury would consider the situation, and if they felt that the claim needed to be heard before a petit jury, trier of facts, then the Grand Jury would issue a True Bill.  Hmm, bill … sounds a little like commerce to me.

With the True Bill in hand, the attorney would approach a judge or magistrate to issue a warrant for arrest of the offender.  So, a sheriff or marshal will go out and arrest the offender.
If a sheriff or marshal offers you the ‘benefit privilege’ of being arrested, what is the first thing you ask them for?  You would ask them for the original signature order from the judge and the Affidavit for Probable Cause that instigated the whole thing in the first place.

If in the unlikely event that they did have the original warrant, your remedy would be to AFV  and give it right back to them.  [my son did that once … a traffic cop gave him a true bill and warrant in the form of a traffic ticket … my son did the AFV on the ticket and gave it right back to him … the cop said, ‘you just voided out my ticket’, and my son said, ‘yes, and I will do it to every other ticket you give me’, so the cop went back to his cruiser and wrote out another ticket and just threw the copy of the ticket into the back of my son’s truck … and ran off].

Usually what happens is that they only have some copy of some supposed warrant, and so they arrest you and put on handcuffs (for their safety as you can use whatever physical resistance you are capable of if the warrant is illegally served … which it always is) and haul you off to jail.  “Every person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest ... and, in preventing such illegal restraint of his liberty, he may use such force as may be necessary.”  Columbus v. Holmes, 152 N.E.2d 306 (1958).
So, what is the remedy for that?  Sue the warrant!  One good way to sue the warrant is to do a habeas corpus.  If a warrant is sued, it is presumed to be fraudulent.

I used to hear a man say, find the first defect in the paperwork, and you are 2/3 done.
Now if you haven’t done any of that, what will have to happen is that they will have to identify you.  Technically, they will be trying to identify you as being a citizen.  If you are a citizen, then all of the statutes and codes kick in making you liable for the public or national debt.  If that can be established then you are considered to be an ‘absconding’ debtor (meaning that you are taking off with some of the property belonging to the state, etc.), then they will put you in a holding cell or jail until you can be arraigned before a magistrate to see why you haven’t paid your bills, in particular, the True Bill.
Paramount to establishing a contract between you and the court is for you to give them your name and hopefully they can get a signature or two out of you.

So, the remedy for those requests is … don’t give them your name and don’t sign anything.
Perhaps you might use the tactic Roger used years ago whereas if they ask you for your name, you simply ask them for theirs, and then follow with the rest of the questions … do you have a claim against me, etc.
Brandon, Gordon and Jack have recently come up with some things to say which seem to work real well.  You could say, ‘well I am the authorized representative for JOHN DOE’.  And then there is a further conversation that could be had from there.
Or you might say, ‘I won’t say it for fear you will misspell it.  If you will write it down exactly as I spell it, then here it is…’.  Or you can wear a name tag.

If they insist you sign something, just ask, ‘can I be forced to sign a contract against my will’?  If they say ‘yes’ or still pressure you to sign, you might ask, ‘so then, what you are implying is that you are waiving your bond and insurance and making all of your personal property available for seizure by me.?
Or you could give a qualified signature which could be used to ‘set up’ a situation later on.  If you just give what would be called a general signature without any qualifiers, then you are granting them general jurisdiction on your signature.  But you can qualify your signature in any number of ways.  Some of the most popular are By:  Authorized Representative, or Grantor, Trustee, Beneficiary, Executor, UCC 1-308, UCC 3-402 b, etc.  But what you are doing is allowing your signature to be used only in those limiting situations.

At some point they will be wanting you to plead or pray (but you won’t be praying to God, you will be praying to the false idol known as the ‘state’).
If you are in shackles, you might ask them to take off the restraints because you can’t speak freely unless you are free to do so.  Otherwise any contract you enter into will be done under duress and will not have any effect later on.

If they free you up, tell them that you need an appearance bond at no cost to you so that you can speak in the court.  If they refuse the appearance bond, ask them if anyone present is holding a bond on you?  Who is holding the bond in this case?
***at this point it is important that you always get an answer to every question that they put to you.  You should ask responsive questions which require only a yes or no answer.  Never ask a second question until you have the first one answered.***
Remember that your appearance in the magistrate court is totally civil.  What is being determined is whether or not you have paid your bill.

The Collection Agency for the International Monetary Fund. Meet The IRS

 The IRS is not who you think they are. IRS agents are neither trained nor paid by the United States Government.

Pursuant to Treasury Delegation Order No. 92, the IRS is trained under the direction of the Division of Human Resources United Nations (U.N.) and the Commissioner (International), by the office of Personnel Management.

In the 1979 edition of 22 USCA 278, "The United Nations," you will find Executive Order 10422. The Office of Personnel Management is under the direction of the Secretary of the United Nations.

Pursuant to Treasury Delegation Order No. 91, the IRS entered into a "Service Agreement" with the US Treasury Department (See Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. 5967, Reorganization (BANKRUPTCY!!!) Plan No. 26)and the Agency for International Development. This agency is an international paramilitary operation and according to the Department of the Army Field manual (1969) 41-10, pgs 1-4, Sec. 1-7 (b) & 1-6, Sec. 1-10 (7)(c) (1), and 22 USCA 284, includes such activities as, "Assumption of full or partial executive, legislative, and judicial authority over a country or area."

The IRS is also an agency/member of a 169 nation pact called the International Criminal Police Organization, or INTERPOL, found at 22 USCA 263a. The memorandum of Understanding, (MOU), between the Secretary of Treasury, AKA the corporate governor of "The Fund" and "The Bank" (International Monetary Fund, and the International Bank for reconstruction and Development), indicated that the Attorney General and its associates are soliciting and collecting information for foreign principals; the international organizations, corporations, and associations, exemplified by 22 USCA 286f.

According to the 1994 US Government Manual, at page 390, the Attorney General is the permanent representative to INTERPOL, and the Secretary of Treasury is the alternate member. Under Article 30 of the INTERPOL constitution, these individuals must expatriate their citizenship.

They serve no allegiance to the United States of America. The IRS is paid by "The Fund" and "The Bank." Thus it appears from the documentary evidence that the Internal Revenue Service agents are "Agents of a Foreign Principle" within the meaning and intent of the "Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938" for private, not public, gain.

The IRS is directed and controlled by the corporate Governor of "The Fund" and "The Bank." The Federal Reserve Bank and the IRS collection agency are both privately owned and operated under private statutes. The IRS operates under public policy, not Constitutional Law, and in the interest of our nations foreign creditors.

The Constitution only permits Congress to lay and collect taxes. It does not authorize Congress to delegate the tax collection power to a private corporation, which collects our taxes for a private bank, the Federal Reserve, who then deposits it into the Treasury of the IMF.

The IRS is not allowed to state that they collect taxes for the United States Treasury. They only refer to "The Treasury."

Postal Power November 2024

The UPU (Universal Postal Union) in Berne, Switzerland, is an extremely significant organization in today's world.   It is formulated by TREATY.     No nation can be recognized as a nation without being in international admiralty in order to have a forum common to all nations for engaging in commerce and resolving disputes.    That is why the USA under the Articles of Confederation could not be recognized as a country.     Every state (colony) was sovereign, with its own common law, which foreclosed other countries from interacting with the USA as a nation in international commerce.   Today, international admiralty is the PRIVATE jurisdiction of the IMF, et al., the creditor in the bankruptcy of essentially every government on Earth. 

The UPU operates under the authority of TREATIES with every country in the world.   It is, as it were, the overlord or overseer over the COMMON interaction of all countries in international commerce.     Every nation has a postal system, and also has reciprocal banking and commercial relationships, whereby ALL are within and under the UPU.    The UPU is the number one military (international admiralty is also military) CONTRACT mover on the planet. 

For this reason one should ALWAYS send all important legal and commercial documents through the POST OFFICE rather than private carriers, UPS, Fed EX, etc., which are firewalls.     We want direct access to the authority — and corresponding availability of remedy and recourse—of the UPU.   For instance, if you post through the US Post Office and the US Postmaster does not provide you with the remedy you request within twenty-one (21) days, you can take the matter to the UPU. 

Involving the authority of the UPU is automatically invoked by the use of (adhesive or the kind that you lick)  postage stamps.   Utilization of stamps includes putting stamps on ANY documents (for clout purposes, not just for mailing) that we wish to introduce into the system.     As long as you use a stamp (of any kind) (an adhesive stamp) you are a player in the game, not a pawn on the board.   If you have time, resources, and the luxury of dealing with something well before expiration of a given time frame, you can use stamps that you consider ideal.     The most preferable stamps are ones that are both large and contain the most colors.   In an emergency situation, or simply if economy is a consideration, ANY stamp will do.   Using a postage stamp and autograph on it makes you the postmaster for that CONTRACT. 

Whenever you put a stamp on a document, inscribe your FULL name (not just your initials and do not use a first or a middle initial) through the stamp at a 45º angle.     The color of ink that you use for this is a function of what color will show up best against the colors in the stamp.   Ideal colors for doing this are purple (royalty), blue (origin of the bond), and gold (the king's [your] edict).    Avoid red at all cost!!!    Obviously, if you have a dark, multi-colored stamp you do not want to use purple or blue ink, since your autograph on it would not stand out as well as if you had used a lighter color ink.     Ideally one could decide on the best color for his autograph and then obtain stamps that best suit one's criteria and taste.     Although a dollar stamp is best, it is a luxury unless one is well off financially.   Otherwise, reserve the use of dollar stamps for crucial instruments, such as travel documents.    The rationale for using two-cent stamps is that in the 19th Century the official postage rate for the de jure (by right according to the law) Post Office of the united States of America was fixed at two (2) cents.    For stamps to carry on one's person for any kind of unexpected encounter or emergency use, this denomination might be ideal. 

Use stamps on all important documents, such as a check, travel documents, paperwork you put in court, etc.       WHERE to put the stamp and HOW MANY stamps to use depend on the document:  


On foundational documents and checks, for instance, put a stamp on the right hand corner of the instrument, both on the front and on the back.   

The bottom right hand corner of the face of a check, note, or bill of exchange signifies the LIABILITY.     

Furthermore, the bottom right hand corner of the reverse of the document is the FINAL POSITION on the page, so no one can endorse anything (using a restricted endorsement or otherwise) after that.   YOU want to have the last word.   

If you have only one stamp, put it where you are expected to sign and autograph over it cross-wise.   

In the case of a traffic ticket, for instance, put a stamp on the lower right hand corner where you are supposed to sign and autograph across the stamp at a 45º angle. 

Autographing a stamp not only establishes you as the POSTMASTER of that CONTRACT but constitutes a CROSS-CLAIM.     Using the stamp process on documents presents your adversaries with a problem because their jurisdiction is subordinate to that of the UPU, which you have now invoked for your benefit.   The result in practice of doing this is that whenever those who know what you are doing are recipients of your documents with autographed stamps, they back off.      If they do not, take the matter to the US Postmaster to deal with.   If he will not provide you with your REMEDY, take the matter to the UPU for them to clean up. 

The countries whose stamps would be most effective to use are China, Japan, United States, and Great Britain.   Utilizing these countries covers both East and West.   However, since the US seems to be the point man in implementing the New World Order, one might most advisably use US stamps. 

If you put stamps on documents you submit into court, put a stamp on the back of each page, at the bottom right hand corner.    DO NOT place any stamps on the front of court paperwork since doing so alarms the clerk.    By placing your autographed stamp on the reverse right hand corner you prevent being damaged by one of the tricks of judges these days.    A judge might have your paperwork on his bench, but turned over so only the back side, which is ordinarily blank on every page, is visible.    Then if you ask about your paperwork he might say something like, "Yes, I have your paperwork in front of me but I don't find anything."   He can't see anything on the blank reverse side of a page.    If you place an autographed stamp on the lower right hand corner, you foreclose a judge from engaging in this trick. 

In addition, when it comes to court documents, one side is criminal and the other side is civil.    Using the autographed stamp that you rubber-stamp with your seal (bullet stamp) on the back side of your court documents is evidence that you possess the cancelled obligation on the civil side.    Since there can be no assessment for criminal charges, and you show that you are the holder of the civil assessment, there is no way out for the court. 

Also, in any court document you put in, handwrite your EIN [SS# w.o. the dashes] in GOLD on the top right corner of EVERY page, with the autographed stamp on the back side. 

Use of a notary combined with the postage stamp (and sometime Embassy stamps) gives you a priority mechanism.      Everything is COMMERCE, and all COMMERCE IS CONTRACT.    The MASTER of the CONTRACT is the POST OFFICE, and the UPU is the supreme overlord of the COMMERCE, BANKING, and POSTAL SYSTEMS of the world!!   Use of these stamps in this manner gets the attention of those in the system to whom you provide your paperwork.   It makes YOU the MASTER of that POST OFFICE.      Use of the stamp is especially important when dealing with the major players, such as the FBI, CIA, Secret Service, Treasury, etc.       They understand the significance of what you are doing.     Many times they hand documents back to someone using this approach and say, "Have a good day, sir."   They don't want any untoward repercussions coming back on them. 

If anyone asks you why you are doing what you are doing, suggest that they consult their legal counsel for the significance.   It is not your job to explain THE LAW, nor explain such things as your EXEMPTION or SETOFF ACCOUNT.   The system hangs us by our own words.   We have to give them the evidence, information, contacts, and legal determinations they require to convict us.   The wise words of Calvin Coolidge, the most taciturn president in US history, are apt.    When asked why he spoke so little, he replied, "I have never been hurt by anything I didn't say." 

The bottom line is that whenever you need to sign ANY LEGAL/COMMERCIAL DOCUMENT, put a stamp (even a one (1) cent stamp) over where you are to sign and sign at a 45º angle across the stamp.     Let the recipient deal with the significance and consequences of your actions.   If you are in a court case, or at ANY stage of a proceeding (such as an indictment, summons, complaint, or any other hostile encounter with the system), immediately do the following: 

1. Make a color copy of whatever documents you receive, or scan them in color into your computer; 

2. Stamp the original of the first page of every document with the A4V ; R4V stamp, put a postage stamp in the signature space, and autograph across it at a 45º angle with your full name, using purple or blue ink, handwritten with upper- and lower-case, with your gold-ink bullet stamp (seal) on the upper left-hand portion of the postage stamp; 

Make a color copy of the stamped, autographed pages and/or scan into your computer; 

3. Put a stamp on the lower right-hand-corner of the back of every page and bullet-stamp and autograph it; 

4. Have a notary send each document back to the sender, with a notarial certificate of service, with or without an accompanying/supporting affidavit by you; 

5. If you have an affidavit, put an autographed stamp on the upper right hand corner of the first page and the lower right hand corner of the back of every page.

People who have engaged in this process report that when any knowledgeable judge, attorney, or official sees this, matters change dramatically.    All of these personages know what mail fraud is.    Since autographing the stamp makes you the postmaster of the contract, anyone who interferes is tampering with the mail and engaging in mail fraud.     You can then subpoena the postmaster (either of the post office from which the letter was mailed, or the US Postmaster General, or both), and have them explain what the rules are, under deposition or testimony on the witness stand in open court. 

In addition, most of the time when you get official communication it has a red-meter postage mark on the envelope rather than a cancelled stamp.    This act is mail fraud.    If the envelope has a red-meter postage mark on it, they are the ones who have engaged in mail fraud, because there is no cancelled stamp.    It is the cancelled stamp that has the power; an un-cancelled stamp has nothing.     A red-meter postage mark is an uncancelled stamp.     If it is not cancelled, it is not paid.   One researcher has scanned everything into his computer, and has more red-meter postage marks than he "can shake a stick at."   Officials sending things out by cancelled stamp is a rarity—perhaps, at most, 2%. 

With the red-metered postage you can trace each communication back to the PO from which it was sent, so you can get the postmaster for that PO, as well as the postmaster general for the US, to investigate the mail fraud involved.   It is reasonable to conclude that canceling a stamp both REGISTERS the matter and forms a CONTRACT between the party that cancels the stamp and the UPU.   Using a stamp for postage without canceling it is prima facie evidence that the postmaster of the local PO is committing mail fraud by taking a customer's money and not providing the paid-for service and providing you with the power of a cancelled stamp, as required under the provisions of the UPU.    When you place an autographed stamp on a document you place that DOCUMENT and the CONTRACT underlying it under INTERNATIONAL LAW and TREATY, with which the courts have no jurisdiction to deal.   The system cannot deal with the real you, the living principal (as evidenced and witnessed by jurat).    Nor can officials, attorneys, judges, et al., go against the UPU, INTERNATIONAL LAW, and TREATY.    In addition, they have no authority/jurisdiction to impair a CONTRACT between you (as the LIVING PRINCIPAL) and the UPU (overseer of all world commerce). 

You cancelled the stamp by sealing it and autographing across it.    You did so in capacity of being the living principal, as acknowledged by your seal and the jurat on your documents. 

If you are in a court case, bring in your red-metered envelopes in court and request the judge to direct the prosecutor to explain the red-meter postage stamp.   Then watch their jaws drop. Doing this is especially potent if you also have asked the prosecutor to provide his bar number, since most attorneys in court—especially in US—are not qualified.     An attorney in federal court had better have a six-digit bar card or he committed a FELONY just by walking in and giving his name. 

Lastly, if YOU are charged with mail fraud, subpoena the prosecutor(s) to bring in the evidence on which mail fraud is being alleged, as well as the ORIGINALS of ALL ENVELOPES used for mailing any item connected with the case.   Then the mail fraud involved was committed by the postmaster of the PO in which the envelope was stamped. 


Universal Postal Union

The Universal Postal Union (UPU, French: Union postale universelle) is an international organization that coordinates postal policies between member nations, and hence the world-wide postal system.   Each member country agrees to the same set of terms for conducting international postal duties.   Universal Postal Union's headquarters are located in Berne.

Prior to the establishment of the UPU, a country had to conclude a separate postal treaty with each other country that it wished to carry international mail to or from.     The United States called for an international postal congress, which was held in 1863.   This led Heinrich von Stephan, German Minister for Posts, to found the Universal Postal Union, the second oldest international organization (after the ITU).   It was created in 1874, under the name "General Postal Union", as a result of the Treaty of Berne signed on 9 October 1874.     In 1878, the name was changed to "Universal Postal Union".

The UPU established that: 

(1) there should be a more or less uniform flat rate to mail a letter anywhere in the world; 

(2) postal authorities should give equal treatment to foreign and domestic mail; and 

(3) each country should retain all monies it collected for international postage.

One of the most important results of the UPU treaty was that it ceased to be necessary, as it often had been previously, to affix the stamps of any country through which one's letter or package would pass in transit; the UPU provides that stamps of member nations are accepted for the whole international route.

After the foundation of the United Nations, the UPU became its specialized agency.

In 1969 the UPU introduced a new system of payment by which fees were payable between countries according to the difference in the total weight of mail between the respective countries.   These fees were called terminal dues.      As this affected the cost of the delivery of periodicals, the UPU devised a new "threshold" system, which was implemented in 1991.

The system sets separate letter and periodical rates for countries which receive at least 150 tons of mail annually.   For countries with less mail, the original flat rate has been maintained.   The United States has negotiated a separate terminal dues formula with thirteen European countries that includes a rate per piece plus a rate per kilogram, and has a similar arrangement with Canada.

The UPU also operates the system of International Reply Coupons and addresses concerns with ETOEs.

Philatelic activities: the Universal Postal Union, in conjunction with the World Association for the Development of Philately (WADP), has developed the WADP Numbering System (WNS), launched on 1 January 2002.      

The web site (www.wnsstamps.ch/en/) has entries for some 160 countries and emitting postal entities, with over 25,000 registered stamps since 2002.   Many of them have images, which generally remain copyrighted by the issuing country, but which the UPU and WADP permit to be downloaded.

Member countries

The United Nations member states may all become member countries of the UPU.   The 192 United Nations member states are all UPU member countries except Andorra, Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia and Palau whose situation with regard to the UPU has not yet been settled.   A non-member state of the United Nations may also become a UPU member if two-thirds of the UPU member countries approve its request.    Vatican City is a UPU member country and a non-member state observer of the United Nations (as the Holy See).

The UPU has 191 member countries since Timor-Leste joined on 28 November 2003 and Montenegro on 26 July 2006, including the Dutch territories of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba as a single UPU member, and the British overseas territories, which are not independent states.

Various other non-recognized countries such as Somaliland, Sealand and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus need to have their mail routed through third countries as the UPU will not allow direct international deliveries (Sealand's mail goes via the UK, TRNC's mail via Turkey, and Somaliland's mail via Ethiopia).   Other entities without direct UPU representation are the Palestinian Authority and the Sahrawi Republic / Western Sahara.

The members are listed below by alphabetical order in their short-form English names, with the date of entering the UPU (multiple entry dates for some countries).   Territories covered by a sovereign member country are included under that country.

United States of America - 1 July 1875 

Territories of the United States of America coming within the Union's jurisdiction by virtue of article 23 of the Constitution 

o Guam 

o Puerto Rico 

o American Samoa 

o United States Virgin Islands