Simply put, we live on a planet we call earth and not in Countries. In fact Countries are not land under the real system of law, they are imaginary Seas, upon which Admiralty Law applies and the NAMES you use are imaginary ships floating on the Sea, where Piracy reigns as the system of Commerce, between your and all the other imaginary ships. But because you are not imaginary, they have to give you a play piece in the game. This is called a PERSON and its attributes are a NAME and BIRTH DATE. The Game is rigged from the start. The pirates simply set up laws and wait for you to break one so that they can plunder your wealth and freedom. A name is an imaginary thing you are given, typically when you were born. However, a name is simply hearsay; you do not know what your true name is, no one does. The other attribute of a person, a Birth Date, is hearsay because no one can say when exactly the Universe was created and making use of an event such as Jesus' Death, hence A.D., is only hearsay. Further Jesus was Crucified and died in the spring during Passover so the Calendar should actually start its new year in the spring. What they have done is to overlay an imaginary world over the earth and make you believe that it is real, when in fact it is simply fiction. So if you do not exist in their imaginary world, how is it that you must follow their laws and pay taxes? You are not responsible for paying taxes and following their laws and their laws even say so!
The pirates simply set up laws and wait for you to break one so that they can plunder your wealth and freedom.
What if I told you, you did not live in a country, nor do you have a true name, a true birth date and you did not have to file taxes or follow any laws? As many of you scoff, stop for a moment and examine these facts.
Simply put, we live on a planet we call earth and not in Countries. In fact Countries are not land under the real system of law, they are imaginary Seas, upon which Admiralty Law applies and the NAMES you use are imaginary ships floating on the Sea, where Piracy reigns as the system of Commerce, between your and all the other imaginary ships. But because you are not imaginary, they have to give you a play piece in the game. This is called a PERSON and its attributes are a NAME and BIRTH DATE. The Game is rigged from the start. The pirates simply set up laws and wait for you to break one so that they can plunder your wealth and freedom. A name is an imaginary thing you are given, typically when you were born. However, a name is simply hearsay; you do not know what your true name is, no one does. The other attribute of a person, a Birth Date, is hearsay because no one can say when exactly the Universe was created and making use of an event such as Jesus' Death, hence A.D., is only hearsay. Further Jesus was Crucified and died in the spring during Passover so the Calendar should actually start its new year in the spring. What they have done is to overlay an imaginary world over the earth and make you believe that it is real, when in fact it is simply fiction. So if you do not exist in their imaginary world, how is it that you must follow their laws and pay taxes? You are not responsible for paying taxes and following their laws and their laws even say so!
Simply put, we live on a planet we call earth and not in Countries. In fact Countries are not land under the real system of law, they are imaginary Seas, upon which Admiralty Law applies and the NAMES you use are imaginary ships floating on the Sea, where Piracy reigns as the system of Commerce, between your and all the other imaginary ships. But because you are not imaginary, they have to give you a play piece in the game. This is called a PERSON and its attributes are a NAME and BIRTH DATE. The Game is rigged from the start. The pirates simply set up laws and wait for you to break one so that they can plunder your wealth and freedom. A name is an imaginary thing you are given, typically when you were born. However, a name is simply hearsay; you do not know what your true name is, no one does. The other attribute of a person, a Birth Date, is hearsay because no one can say when exactly the Universe was created and making use of an event such as Jesus' Death, hence A.D., is only hearsay. Further Jesus was Crucified and died in the spring during Passover so the Calendar should actually start its new year in the spring. What they have done is to overlay an imaginary world over the earth and make you believe that it is real, when in fact it is simply fiction. So if you do not exist in their imaginary world, how is it that you must follow their laws and pay taxes? You are not responsible for paying taxes and following their laws and their laws even say so!
Undertaking the steps for
dealing with a commercial presentment/offer, i.e. “presentment,” is predicated
on the following events having occurred prior to commencing the steps outlined
herewith. These prior events are:
A. You have “captured your
straw man” by filing a UCC-1 Financing Statement with the real, biological
being, indicated by name in upper- and lower-case letters, as the Secured Party
and your “nom de guerre” or corporate franchise, indicated by all capital
letters, filed is the DEBTOR.
B. You have likewise filed a
Security Agreement in the Commercial Registry, either on the original UCC-1 or
a subsequent UCC Change Statement (a “UCC-3” in Washington), in which the
DEBTOR has indemnified the Secured Party by pledging all of DEBTOR’S property
as collateral against any kind of loss or harm that should accrue to the
Secured Party as the result of any transmitting utility activities of
DEBTOR. Such loss or harm would occur,
for instance, if the DEBTOR, and thereby the Secured Party on whose behalf
DEBTOR functions in commerce as a transmitting utility and for which Secured Party signs as the accommodating
party, is fined, charged, or imprisoned by some commercial presentment having
been issued against the DEBTOR which the system deems to have been
UCC 9-105(l) states:
“’Security agreement’ means an agreement which creates or provides for a
security interest.” Black’s 6th
states: “An agreement granting a creditor a security interest in personal
property, which security interest is normally perfected either by the creditor
taking possession of the collateral or by filing financing statements in the
proper public records.” The Security
Agreement you file in the Commercial Registry is a binding, sealed contract
between DEBTOR and Secured Party
which includes, inter alia, an
itemization of the property/collateral the DEBTOR has pledged to the Secured
Party. All the property belongs to the
DEBTOR but the Secured Party holds
all interest in it. Since the DEBTOR has
pledged all of DEBTOR’S property/collateral to the Secured Party, and a binding contract is filed registering and
recording that agreement and the Fidelity Bond posted by the DEBTOR to
indemnify the Secured Party against
loss, no third party is able to state a claim upon which relief can be granted
against DEBTOR or any of the property pledged by DEBTOR to Secured Party. All commercial affairs are the province of
and interactions of commercial entities with, the DEBTOR, as per the text in
one’s UCC-1 stating: “All proceeds, products, accounts, and fixtures, and the
Orders therefrom, are released to DEBTOR.”
C. You have received an actual
presentment/offer, not merely a notice, and still have time to deal with it
within ten (10) days of your receipt thereof.
A presentment is a demand for payment or acceptance, involving some kind
of necessity to engage in specific performance desired by the party issuing the
presentment, hereinafter the “Offeror.”
The specific performance occurs when you fail to deal with the
presentment properly—a dishonor—and the Offeror does a Banker’s Acceptance of
your dishonor of the presentment. If you
simply pay he wins automatically; if you fight or do nothing, you traverse or
dishonor and are locked in to the commercial jurisdiction in which they always
win unless you have “captured your straw man” and properly dealt with their
presentments. All arrests and
incarcerations today consist of seizing the collateral/surety (the real you) to
pay the debt against the DEBTOR based upon their having done a Banker’s
Acceptance of your commercial dishonor and executed a Bill of Exchange with themselves as Creditor and your straw man
Since any bill,
presentment/offer, you receive from the system is a commercial instrument,
whether it is a traffic citation, tax bill, or summons to court, the procedure
for dealing with it is the same. With
the exception of an alternate way to approach a traffic ticket within the first
few days of receiving it (which will be discussed separately), the steps
herewith should obtain in all cases.
For a document that is not a
presentment, such as a notice, receipt, license, birth certificate, or Social
Security Card, etc., you should accept it for value, and thereby be the holder in due course thereof and of all
matters connected therewith and derived therefrom. For that (unless it is for the Treasury,
concerning which you always use the large Treasury stamp regardless of what the
document is), stamp a copy of your document with the following text:
All related endorsements, front and back, in
with Uniform Commercial Code
3-419 and House Joint Resolution 192
of June 5,
You may affix your signature
and the date underneath the text (in blue ink, of course), if you wish.
D. You have sent your Actual and Constructive Notice and
non-negotiable Bill of Exchange to
Lawrence H. Summers, Secretary of the Treasury, Department of the Treasury, to
charge back the debt against your Birth Certificate from the public
(debt/liability) side to your private (credit/asset) side from which all the
“money” in circulation is borrowed to pay on the interest on the “national
debt” and reorganization in bankruptcy.
Staple the entire set of
documents you send to Summers together in a single unit consisting of the
following items:
ACN, Bill of Exchange, attachments stamped with the large Treasury
“accepted for value” stamp, an IRS 1040-ES with the amount left blank, filling
in your all capital-letter DEBTOR straw man, Social Security #, and statutory address. Affix a sticky note (Post-it) to the 1040-ES
on which you have written: “Please complete this form for me (pre-paid
account).” The IRS calls a Bill of Exchange a “UCC Contract,” and accepts
them as valid. Any Bill of Exchange you
send into the Treasury is shipped to an IRS office in your state awaiting being
matched with a 1040-ES, at which point the IRS deducts the amount it wants in
taxes from the amount of the Bill of Exchange.
By stapling the 1040-ES on the Bill of Exchange you short-circuit the
time and trouble for one to catch up with the other through the bureaucracy and
mailings involved.
All of the mailings you do
should be sent with proof of service (or even affidavit of service) mailed by a
third party, by Certified or Registered Mail.
Each of the steps should be done within time frames as herein-below
indicated, usually approximately ten (10) days apart.
Preliminary documents needed
• Affidavit of Service, “Proof
of Service.”
• Security Agreement.
• Actual
and Constructive Notice to Lawrence H. Summers, Secretary of the Treasury.
• Non-Negotiable Bill of
Exchange to Summers, one with value indicated, one without designated amount
for Summers to fill in.
Make several copies of your presentment. Place the original, pristine (un-stapled and
not written upon), in a safe place.
Never part with your original for any reason to anyone. Make copies and deal with them. Stamp as many as are necessary (depending
upon how many people they must be sent to) with the following text:
This presentment is accepted
for value, with all related endorsements front and back, in accordance with
Uniform Commercial Code 3-419 and House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933;
pre-paid; exempt from levy.
_____________________________________ ____________________
[Name] [Date]
Sign your name and date the
stamp using blue ink. Send back to the
Offeror(s) (the persons who sent you the presentment) with an Actual and Constructive Notice, “ACN-1,”
informing the Offeror(s) that you have accepted the presentment for value,
“Banker’s Acceptance,” and that each Offeror has 72 hours per the Federal Truth
In Lending Act, to withdraw the offer or his failure to notice you within the
prescribed time constitutes a dishonor establishing you as undisputed Creditor
and holder in due course of the presentment and all matters attached thereto
and derived therefrom. Send by Certified
or Registered Mail with 3rd party proof of service. Ideally one should use an Affidavit of
Service that is signed and notarially acknowledged by a non-party to the action
and mailed by him with your entire package.
Each recipient receives an original Affidavit of Service with the
Wait ten (10) days after sending off the first mailing to see if you
receive from the Offeror a notice that the presentment/offer has been withdrawn
(cancelled). If you receive such a
notice it means that the matter is ended as if it had never occurred. What is most likely, however (until the
system catches up with what is happening with this process), is that you will
hear nothing from them. In such case, on
the 10th day send out the following items to the appropriate parties
by the specified means:
a. Send a Bill of Exchange to Summers, executed for
the amount you have placed on your Banker’s Acceptance of the Offeror’s
dishonor and your status as Creditor and holder
in due course. Some respected
thinkers concerning this process advocate printing your Bill of Exchange on banker’s paper, certificate stock, since it
is the commercial paper. The argument
against doing this is that it looks too much like a security, which might
arouse their ire, and regular 8½” X 11” white paper works quite well. It is also much easier to execute than doing
a certificate on bank paper. In any
case, send the Bill of Exchange to
Summers with an ACN and copy of the presentment on which you have affixed the
large Treasury stamp, signed and dated in blue ink. The set of documents you send to Summers
consist of:
• ACN-2 of instructions to
Summers, which includes specifying the amount as to how much you are billing
the Offeror. Because of the bonds and
insurance issued on presentments, it is recommended that one set a value of
100X the face amount of the presentment.
If, for instance, the amount of the traffic ticket fine is $300, make
your Bill of Exchange for
$30,000. Since you are the Creditor and
the Offeror is reduced to your Debtor devoid of defenses, you are authorized to
affix the value of the Offeror’s debt obligation owed to you.
• Bill
of Exchange for
the above amount, executed on Banker’s Paper or Stock Certificate (this is the
commercial paper).
• Copy of the presentment with
the large Treasury “accepted for value” stamp, signed and dated by you in blue
ink. The text of the Treasury stamp is:
Charge Back
Lawrence H. Summers or
Office Holder
Secretary of the Treasury
_________________________________ accepts
for value all
related endorsements,
front and back, in accordance with Uniform
Commercial Code 3-419 and House Joint
Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933.
Treasury Direct Account Employer Identification # __________ for the
registration fees
and command the memory
of account # __________ to charge
same the Debtor’s Order or the
Order of Lawrence
H. Summers or Office Holder.
Employer Identification #
Pre-Paid - Preferred Stock
Priority - Exempt from Levy
Posted: Certified Account #
# _______________________________
b. Send a thank-you letter to
Offeror which includes the following items:
• ACN-3 to the Offeror
thanking him for his business, informing him that:
-He has passed the time to
withdraw his offer;
-You are the holder in due course of the presentment/offer;
-You are established as the
Creditor who has performed a Banker’s Acceptance on his note whereby he is
Debtor in the amount of the Bill of
Exchange you have sent to Summers;
-He must adjust your
• Copy of everything you sent
to Summers, with everything clearly stamped “COPY.”
• Accounting letter informing
the Offeror how to adjust the account.
c. File a UCC-3 Change
Statement, checked “amendment” and “partial release” in the action line, adding
the presentment, stamped accepted for value, to your commercial affairs and
putting Bill of Exchange on your UCC
and (in the same filing) released from your filing. Cite the accounting, which should look like:
Entered on account: [Amount
of Bill of Exchange]
Partial release: [Amount of
Bill of Exchange]
Balance on Account: $0.00
Ten (10) days after the above three (3) mailings, if you have received
no notice from the Offeror that he has adjusted your account, send the first
notice of his requirement to do so, ACN-4.
Include a W-9 and let him know that if he does not adjust the account
you require him to return the W-9 to you with his fiduciary tax report or
individual tax return (1040). Also
inform him that he is retaining the funds, refusing to clear the commercial
account, and may thereby be liable for the taxes on his unauthorized retention
of the funds since the account has been adjusted in the Treasury, discharged,
and your account is pre-paid.
Ten (10) days after sending the above first notice, send the Offeror a
second notice. This notice is similar to
the first notice, but warn him that if he does not provide the W-9 and
fiduciary tax report or 1040 you will send an IRS Form 8300, suspicious
transaction, to the IRS and an SEC Suspicious Activity Report, which is sent to
FinCEN in Detroit. This automatically
goes to six (6) different agencies (of the Federal Reserve): FRB, FDIC, OCC,
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