I AM; the Divine Spirit having a human experience. Each atom and cell of this physical vessel I inhabit to travel across this land is infused with the spark of the Creator; I AM one with the light, one with Creator, the alpha and the omega, without beginning nor end, without time.

This third dimensional vessel, called man, the original domicile of the Divine Spirit is known on this world and in this dimension as Jeffrey of the family Anderson, a living man, freeborn peaceful inhabitant, heir to the Divine Estate, Settler and Beneficiary to the Divine Trust, freeholder in fee simple absolute, one of the 'Posterity' as expressed in the Preamble of the United States Constitution, tribunal of the Court of Record and king of my sovereign nation state.

I came into this world an Heir to the Divine Estate as one of the 'Posterity' named in the Constitution. I was born into this illusion; a world of legal fictions where assumptions stand as fact; where the truth is hidden from man like a pirates treasure buried under layer upon layer of intertwining rules, regulations and codes; where opinions are treated as law; where one is held accountable for his ignorance for his inability to ferret out the truth.

On the day of my birth while still in recovery, my mother was compelled, without full disclosure, to place my estate in trust to be administrated by the civil administration UNITED STATES in accordance with the Constitution. Acting as intermediary agent and holder in due course of the Deed for the estate trust, the STATE OF CALIFORNIA established a Charitable Trust to facilitate the lease of the estate to the 14th Amendment congress and senate, for my benefit. Said fee has been held in abeyance, in expectation, remembrance, and contemplation in law there being no person in esse, in whom it can vest and abide: though the law has considered it as always potentially existing, and ready to vest whenever a proper owner appears.

Entitlement Order   12928

                I have been lost in the sea of illusion in which I was born, my estate placed in trust. I have awakened to the truth, so long hidden from man, and now claim and redeem my estate. I have acknowledged and accepted the deed establishing my entitlement right as lawful and proper owner of the estate, the appropriate person and entitlement holder within whom the estate shall vest and abidewith exclusive right of use of all land, tenements and heredimants thereof, to have and to hold in fee simple forever.


                It is hereby decreed and established in fact that, as Heir, I reject the benefits under the will electing to enforce my contractual rights in the estate against the will. This estate, and/or the Heir thereof, are not subject to the jurisdiction of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution, the congress and senate created therein, nor the codes, regulations or statutes thereof.

Acceptance of Oath of Office

                Let it be known by these words that the Oaths and bonds of all public officers are hereby accepted and confirmed and I hereby bind them to it, who by fealty and homage bear faith in opposition to all men without any saving or exception, to protect the King and his property from belligerents. I bestow my sovereign immunity on them while administering my lawful orders. This public record under the seal of a competent court is guaranteed full faith and credit per Article 4 Section 1 of your Constitution. Any officer of the public who fails to immediately execute these lawful orders admits and acknowledges warring with the Constitution and committing treason. Any/all orders or writs issued by Jeffrey of the family Anderson tribunal of the Court of Record orally or witnessed under my hand and seal is binding on all officers, courts, corporations, agencies, individuals and/or persons. Failure to immediately execute said orders and/or writs constitutes a violation of said Oath of Office and an act of war against the Constitution.


                This estate trust has been administrated under pledge/ lease to the 14th Amendment Congress and Senate since its creation. It has been established as a matter of fact that the UNITED STATES has exercised the lease, creating numerous negotiable instruments based on the value of the estate, adversely effecting the estate and the proper owner thereof.

It is herein determined and decreed, by my own act and deed, that any/all pledges and/or leases of this estate, past and/or present, express or implied are hereby and herein terminated. Any/all rights, power and/or authority granted therein is hereby terminated and withdrawn. All principal and interest shall be immediately returned to the owner and a full account shall be made thereof.


                This estate has been in abeyance awaiting the completion of conditions president. All conditions have now been met. Demand is herein made for all delinquent rent. Payment in full satisfaction is due immediately. All principal and interest shall be immediately returned to the owner and a full account shall be made thereof.


                From this moment forward this estate shall be administrated under the original Constitution for the United States and the Congress and Senate created thereunder, without the 14th Amendment. This estate shall be administrated in accordance with the original intent, as a Charitable Trust, under the direction of the Settler and Beneficiary of the estate.


This estate shall be at peace with all nations and shall strive to be always in harmony with Mother Earth; to promote growth and healing to facilitate the transition into the new world; to assist the people of the world to grow beyond the want and lack; to grow beyond the fear and doubt to bring about the birth of a world of abundance and prosperity for all mankind; a world of love and compassion; a world without limitation.


This estate trust holds the Demesne lands/ properties which are to be set aside for the use of the owner, his family and staff and shall be conveyed to his possession for his immediate use. Said property shall be maintained by the trust to maintain and preserve the estate. The body of the Heir, Jeffrey of the family Anderson, is a part and parcel of the Demesne property of this estate and is inviolable.

The intermediary shall appoint a fiduciary agent to administrate the estate. Said fiduciary shall immediately introduce him/her self to the entitlement holder and establish a time and location to sit down and identify and return the Demesne property to the entitlement holder; to discuss the collection of the delinquent rent and other issues as concerns the administration of this trust.

The securities intermediary:

shall comply with an entitlement order if the entitlement order is originated by the appropriate person.........

shall act at the direction of an entitlement holder to change a security entitlement into another available form of holding for which the entitlement holder is eligible......

has the same obligation to the holder as to the owner.................

shall exercise rights with respect to a financial asset if directed to do so by an entitlement holder...............to wit: the right to elect how the estate shall be administrated; if, and to whom the estate may or may not be leased.......

So it is written, so let it be done.

By my hand and seal by my freewill act and deed.

The process of taking Control away from the Chaos of the Money Changers

The hard facts the way I see it: (and it is not all that hard to do, but you have to understand what you are doing, because we are the ones that are own worst enemies. Every action we create causes a reaction that is either good or bad, therefore we were the ones that created all of our troubles, no one else. Now tell me what the Name of the Creator is, it is YOU, your SOUL not some other Fiction floating around in space. All the little I am’s make-up the Big I AM.)
We at the Present Time have 2 different beneficial accounts, one in the real world and one in the Money Changer’s fictional world.
1.       At a recorded birth, you were Given a Birth Trust as decreed in the Bible. (this was very good, but they turned it into a dead man’s Estate to get you need to become the Executor.)
2.       The second account is the one where the Money Changers set-up a SSN estate (the HER) with your help. (this was the very bad side also a dead man’s Estate and to take total control you need the 38- EIN and become the Executor) It could be classified as a dead man’s trust, but in a condition were the money changers have Easement access to the state of your property held within, therefore E-state.

NOTE: You cannot have direct access to the first until you close-down the second one.
The process is to come out of the HER E-state.
[It has been there all along, but people did not want to open their eyes and face the real facts that we are operating in a world of fiction, where everything is the exact opposite.] Several Examples of operating on the fictional side of the Looking glass:
1.       Do you really know how the account process works on the fictional side of the looking glass?
a.       The SSN E-state account drew credit from your birth Trust. (Not a National Debt it is there for your benefit but you have to understand the fictional reverse process to be able to property access it.)
b.       The Credit is there for your benefit but you have been taught that you can only operate with positive instruments of exchange.
c.        The only way to have access to the benefit is to properly discharge it with a Negative instrument of exchange.
d.       Through our usage of the positive instruments of exchange we have added to our Credit, thereby overcharging (putting too much positive energy into the Credit side of our account) with the result being that we create the National Debt that is owed to us.
e.        With the increase in this positive energy (National Debt) the government has to set in and Discharge it to relieve the condition. This is being done every day by wars, BS laws, increases in taxes, manmade problems; uncalled for flooding, fires, road work programs, protest, work stoppages, etc.
2.       You owe taxes!!! (You need 3 items; an Invoice, a Voucher and a Payment Instrument.)
a.       The Invoice. Your 1040 Tax Return form.
b.       The Voucher. You do a 1040-V, but you put in a Negative amount. (-12,005.00).
NOTE: When you pay with a positive amount you are adding additional Credit to your account, which in turn increases the National Debt owed to you. By putting in the Negative draw, it will be drawn against the Credit in your SSN account, decrease the National Debt owed to you and decrease the amount of credit the Money Changers have to play with.
c.        The Payment Instrument. You can either make out a Negative check (your bank will have to process it back against your SSN account – they will try and fight you on this but if you really understand the reason that you gave them your SSN # in the first place, they have to honor your Negative check [this is NOT a CLOSED Check, it is a regular check made out with a Negative Value] and withdraw the credit from your SSN account) OR make out a personal Negative Money Order (Bill of Exchange)against your SSN account. Put the Bank Routing number and your account # on the bottom of it.
Main SSN Account is with the FRB of New York 0210-0120-8 , 0XXX-XX-XXXX.
Sub SSN Account (6.5 million) at bank on back of newer SS card, example F12345678, converts into Atlanta 0610‑0014-6 , 0012345678.
                                                               i.      Made out to the US TREASURY they oversee the SSN accounts, as a banking sub division of the Federal Reserve System.
                                                              ii.      Example Amount; $ (-12,005.00).
                                                            iii.      MINUS TWELVE THOUSAND, FIVE   Dollars.
                                                            iv.      (for your MO) SSN sub-account number – example F12345678.
1.       “F” is the Atlanta FRB and needs to address the bank’s routing #; 0610-0014-6.
2.       The account # would be two zeros in front of the rest of the number. 0012345678.
3.       All of the rest of your Bills should be handled the same way. (an Invoice, a Voucher and a Negative Payment Instrument)
a.       When you do an Acceptance for Value, it is really 2 of the items; an Invoice and a Negative Payment Instrument that you are accepting and returning it to the company so that they can go and draw off the Positive Value from your Beneficial Credit on the Asset side of your SSN account. They need to do the Voucher with a 8109b form, if they argue with you tell them to complete the process with the 8109b or you will contact the IRS. The exemption number would read; Exemption 0610-0014-6,  0012345678
b.       If you send it to the IRS with a 1040-V, the value needs to be recorded on the 1040-V as a Negative value. The IRS will then process the Positive Value back to the company.
c.        The Companies are the ones to be doing the 1099’s and also the 8109b forms, so that they can get their payments. (Do not re-contract with them they should only get one payment, but they can and will try to get more out of you if they can.)
The process of taking Control away from the Chaos of the Money Changers: (Chaos reference from “Get Smart”)
1.       Per the 1040 schedule B, question 8 you need to declare the original Trust – a Non-Withholding Foreign Grantor Trust. It is so named because it is under a foreign jurisdiction to the Money Changers.
a.       You have to submit a 3520 and a 3520A form to do this.
b.       This will get you a 98-series EIN to open a banking account that is outside the money changers system of control, you are now to operate in honor.
c.        When you get the 98-series EIN bank account opened you will need to do a TD F90-22.1, from 1040 schedule B, question 7.
But you have not gained total Control over the access to the original trust funds yet.
2.       You need to submit a SS4 against the SSN E-state and become the EXECUTOR over this E-state.
a.       This should get you 38-series EIN.
b.       As the declared EXECUTOR, you can now fire all of the money changer trustees.
c.        You can either leave it there or transfer it to your 98-series EIN bank account or setup a 38-series EIN bank account.

3.       Lastly you will need to tie in the access to the Birth Trust Beneficial Credit. (This cannot be done until the rest of the process has been completed, so it will not be covered now.) The Birth Trust was setup per the Gutenberg Bible, incun 1454.b5, but I think it is also in a Dead Estate right now so you need to become the Executor over it also.