Let's begin this comparison by citing some of the features of the Religious Organization - otherwise known as the 501(c)3 and compare it with the Corporation Sole:
1. A Church, which is defined as the Body of Christ, chooses to voluntarily remove itself from its rightful Head, the Lord Jesus Christ and place itself under a foreign head, the State of (Insert whatever State you live in) and the IRS when it applies for 501(c)3 status.
2. As a Church, it had all the Constitutional Rights guaranteed by the United States Constitution: Freedom of Speech, Press, Assembly, Right to Due Process, Privacy, etc. Once the decision was made to legally change the status of the Body of Christ from Church to "Religious Organization" [i.e. 501(c)3 under the Internal Revenue Code], it lost every one of those rights and now only has privileges - temporary advantages granted by the state and can be revoked at the will and pleasure of the state - should the "Religious Organization" violate "Public Policy" as did Bob Jones University a few years ago.
3. As a "Religious Organization" [ 501(c)3] - granted said status by the Internal Revenue Service, it has very restricted and limited actions: a) it must be accountable to the IRS every year and file the appropriate form to insure said accountability to the Government; b) its funds are restricted in use - they cannot be used for "political" purposes - the definition of "political" being highly subjective and dictated by the Government; c) doctrines of the "Religious Organization" must be in conformity with stated "Public Policy" of the Government - otherwise, the nonprofit status is revoked by the IRS; and finally, the worst feature of all: the Church of Jesus Christ is now subject to a GODLESS HEAD - the State and the IRS - all done voluntarily since IRS Publication 557 is quite clear: Churches [not "Religious Organizations"] are not required to become a 501(c)3 in order to have contributions and donations become tax deductible.
4. Churches need to have some kind of legal existence in order to hold property and to conduct the business affairs of the Body of Christ. By far, the best vehicle to accomplish these purposes is a Corporation Sole. The Corporation Sole has been used since the signing of the Magna Charta to hold property and to conduct business in the name of the Body of Christ. Established by common law contract, it maintains the separation of Church and State guaranteed by the First Amendment to the Constitution. A Corporation Sole is not formed by the Government, is not granted legal status by the Government, nor is it held accountable to the Government for its day-to-day operations and/or financial dealings.
5. The Corporation Sole is mandatorily excepted from filing tax returns pursuant to 26 USC § 508 and 6033.
6. The Corporation Sole reserves all of its rights under the Constitution and is faithful to its calling as a witness to its rightful Head, the Lord Jesus Christ.
7. The 501(c)3 has NO IMMUNITY from government inspection of books and records. The Church, under a Corporation Sole, has all the privileges and immunities [i.e.; 4th and 5th amendment protections of privacy of books and records as well as right to remain silent].
8. The 501(c)3 has restrictions on hiring and firing within the framework of "Public Policy [i.e.; cannot refuse the hiring of homosexuals who apply for work with the "religious organization"]. Conversely, the Church, under a Corporation Sole, has complete authority to hire and fire whoever it desires to work for the church.
9. The 501(c)3 can be represented in court ONLY by an attorney. The Church, under a Corporation Sole, can be represented by the Overseer and an attorney as co-counsel or just by the Overseer by himself. Once an attorney has been hired by the 501(c)3, the court has been granted jurisdiction over the case.
10. The 501(c)3 religious organization must apply for and be granted legal status by the IRS and the domicile state. The Church, under the Corporation Sole, has its status granted by its Head, the Lord Jesus Christ. Once the Church surrenders its Headship to the IRS and the State, it has lost all its rights, privileges and immunities under the Constitution of the United States.
11. The 501(c)3 must withhold and collect taxes from its employees and forward to the government. The Church, under the Corporation Sole, has the option of not withholding and collecting taxes from its employees and submitting same to the government.
12. In summary, the Church maintains its spiritual integrity by remaining a Church under the Corporation Sole. By applying for, being granted and operating under 501(c)3 status, the Church has relinquished its freedom under its Head and has chosen to be under a different head: the government.
The following is a report of a discussion of Corporation Sole
for the financial services and asset protection for Professionals:
Recently, there has been a lot of information and misinformation passed around among estate planners and investment consultants regarding the Corporation Sole. Corporations Sole have been around for over 450 years, so they are not a "new kid on the block". Corporations Sole are used primarily for holding and passing the title for property belonging to a church, religious society, or charitable organization. Two examples of well-known Corporations Sole are the Brothers Winery and the Sierra Club. Because you will be asked about Corporations Sole, if you haven't already been asked, I'll share a little background information on Corporations Sole and you may be able to decide if or how they fit in with the estate planning strategies that you provide for clients. This discussion is the result of five years of studying Corporations Sole, and writing Corporations Sole for dozens of clients. In this learning curve, I have studied the documents written by most of the current Corporations Sole gurus. In various ways and to varying degrees, I find that there is a general lack of understanding of the historic usage of the Corporation Sole, even among the so-called "gurus". There is also a lack of understanding of the statutes regarding Corporation Sole that results in most cases in giving away of the potential benefits gained by this unique form of corporation.
People use corporations when they need a means of limiting liability. Normal corporations are a creation of the state, and begin their existence on the date that the state incorporates them. Normal corporations owe their existence and allegiance to the government. Corporations "live" forever unless limited by their own Articles of Incorporation. Normal corporations require several officers, they have boards of directors, stockholders, annual fees, annual reports, and operate under many statutory regulations.
People use trusts when they need a means of protecting assets. Trusts are used when one person entrusts another person with some valuable asset or a right. The asset or right must be sufficiently identified for title to pass to the trustee and title must actually pass to the trustee. The asset or right, therefore, belongs to the Trustee and is not returned into the ownership of the original owner [trustor] or a designated beneficiary until the trust terminates on a stipulated date. The reason why assets placed in trust are not liable for claims against the trustor or for taxes of the trustor is because the property really does not belong to the trustor. Trusts are not perpetual and they are limited by statute to a certain number of years [20, 30, 99 years, etc.]. There are laws against perpetual trusts in virtually most, if not actually all, jurisdictions.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could have an organization that has the advantages of limited liability of a corporation, without the regulation, without the multiplicity of offices of a corporation, for an organization that the government does not create (therefore the organization does not have its allegiance to the state), and also allows the organization to function as a perpetual trust in order to protect and convey assets for many generations? Carefully reading and comparing the State Corporation Sole statutes, a good Corporation Sole instrument, and the "Certificate of Existence" [not: "Creation" issued by the Secretary of State], show that the Corporation Sole can be everything that is listed above. Are all Corporation Sole documents equally serviceable? Many documents that do meet a State's requirements are so poorly written that they give away all of the advantages recognized in the first amendment's "free exercise [of religion]" clause. Some Corporation Sole documents even attempt to form a contract with "the ALLEGED state of [State]." Under UCC 1-203, Good Faith is a requirement in all contracts. Because it is not possible, in my opinion, to operate in good faith when one is alleging that the other party may or may not exist, then that kind of Corporation Sole instrument is inherently flawed and the courts will eventually walk right through them and seize all of the assets that the corporation accumulates. I have friends who (in the past) had organized a church under a Corporation Sole and promptly applied for the IRS 501 (c)(3) status. Applying for permission for exemption under 501 (c)(3) voids the natural immunity against regulation found in the First Amendment to the Constitution as well as the Internal Revenue Code, section 508. In spite of some sad examples of poor planning, there are also some very solid Corporation Sole instruments that do hold up in the courts.
Being a "Corporation," the Corporation sole is by nature a form of limiting liability within the assets of the corporation. The State statutes on Corporation Sole stipulate that the property is held "in trust" for the membership of the organization. This makes this kind of corporation function as a trust! In fact, the Oklahoma statutes describing Corporation Sole are found in that state's trust successor provisions, with a waiver of the "rule against perpetuities".
One feature of religious societies is that they can accept vows of poverty by their members [Re; monks, nuns, priests and Overseers]. The IRS recognizes these vows of poverty. For a small part of the IRS information on Vows of Poverty, look at pages 3 and 8 in IRS Publication 517. When one is under a vow of poverty, the physical objects in their possession are not their own, although it may be their job to look after and use those objects. Thus, when you see a Catholic Bishop being moved between a cathedral and a golf course, he may be carried in a stretch limousine, but he is still under a vow of poverty that is recognized by the IRS and he is not questioned or bothered by the IRS. Virtually, all Catholic dioceses are organized as Corporations Sole.
One guaranteed way to fail in an attempt to avoid taxation is to work for W-2 wages and donate 100% of your income to a Corporation Sole of which you are the overseer. In cases like this, there is a contractual obligation not to exceed a certain percentage of one's income in charitable donations. Also, the IRS justifiably claims that the Corporation Sole is an "alter ego" of the W-2 wage earner, and liens, levies, and seizes all of the assets of the Corporation Sole. The best way to avoid this scenario is to never work for W-2 wages, but if you do, stay within the guidelines of the IRS when making donations to the sole. You may use other tax strategies for lowering the tax bite if you wish but please recommend that your clients protect their family assets by staying within the law (your contractual obligations). When the client eventually realizes that there is no way to safely reside within the tax system, they may want to get out of it completely with a Corporation Sole.
The religious society's property that is in the custody of the Overseer cannot be taken by a court for satisfaction of personal claims against the Overseer, because the property is held ONLY in the Overseer's fiduciary capacity. At one point in American History, the Patriarch of every household was legally considered as being the Overseer of a common-law Corporation Sole. In looking at this pattern, it appears that the U.S. Constitution's prohibition against "corruption of blood" is one of the legal foundations and supports for this concept. When no law can restrict the right, by blood relationship, for your children to inherit the fruits of the parent's labor, this is identical in precept to no law being able to take away the right of future members of your congregation or religious order [family religious unit] to use and enjoy the property of previous generations. Quite obviously, the founding fathers of America thought of the family as the basic religious unit of society. We are therefore acting as a fiduciary for our grandchildren and the family property is not ours alone but belongs to the family. Taxation is the only means for governments to work "corruption of blood". Because no law may impair obligation of contracts and when one places their family?s property under contract (mortgage or otherwise), that property is no longer protected by the "corruption of blood" provisions. The primary contract that compromises our right of owning property is the Social Security Number.
One of the most difficult contracts that one must deal with is the UCC's "holder in due course" issue regarding the Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs). The Corporation Sole Vow of Poverty (? These are two separate options: MM) deals with this issue better than any other method that I have seen. By not owning anything, we can be carrying pockets full of FRNs, be in charge of massive investment accounts, and still have no personal liability for the bankruptcy nature of the Federal Reserve Notes [United States Bankruptcy debt instruments].
During the "transition phase" out of a life that is completely under government regulation and control and into a life of liberty and privacy, it would appear that the Corporation Sole could be a valid and valuable tool for many traditional family units, both as a limit on liability and for protection of family assets.
What is a Church?
IRS Publication 557, Tax-Exempt Status for Your Organization, states: "Because beliefs and practices vary so widely, there is no single definition of the word "church" for tax purposes." The inability of the IRS to define the word church has a large part to do with the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. Black's Law Dictionary, fourth edition, defines the word "church" as the following: "In its most general sense, the religious society founded and established by Jesus Christ, to receive, preserve, and propagate his doctrines and ordinances." Black's 7th edition does not define the word "church", this is interesting because this edition is the current dictionary used by Lawyers and Judges at the time of this writing.
Section 6033 (a): This section exempts religious organizations from the need for filing returns of any kind. 6033 (a)(2)(I) provides for mandatory exceptions to filing requirements for religious organizations and states that filing requirements shall not apply to "churches, their related auxiliaries, and conventions or associations of churches"; 6033 (a)(2)(A)(iii) exempts as well "the exclusively religious activities of any religious order".
Explanation: Under 6033, your church or religious order has complete immunity to disclosure. It is not necessary for you to maintain records of any kind except for your own purposes and reasons.
Section 107: In case of a minister of the gospel, gross income does not include: (1) the rental value of a home furnished to him as part of his compensation; or (2) the rental allowance paid to him as part of his compensation, to the extent used by him to rent or provide a home.
Explanation: In order to qualify for the exclusion, the home or rental allowance is remuneration for services, which are ordinarily the duties of a minister of the gospel. The rental allowance is for, the rent of a home, the purchase of a home, or expenses directly related to providing a home.
Section 3401 (A) (9): provides that the definition of the term "wages" for tax withholding purposes does not include remuneration paid "for services performed by a duly ordained, commissioned or licensed minister of a church in the exercise of his ministry or by a member of a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such order; etc."
Explanation: IRS regulations provide guidelines for IRS employees to help them understand the IRC. IRS Regulation 31.3401 (a) (9) (d) states: "Services performed by a member of a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such order includes all duties required of the member by the order. The nature or extent of such services is IMMATERIAL so long as it is a service that the minister is directed or required to perform by ecclesiastical superiors."
For Example: If Father McLaughlin is directed by his order to work for the Federal Government in the Office of the President, then his employer (in this case, the Federal Government) is not under any compulsion whatsoever to withhold either federal income taxes or social security taxes. A religious order may require a member be an Advisor to the President, a pilot, or a bank loan officer. The regulation states that the nature or extent of such service is IMMATERIAL.
Publication 526: states that up to 50% of an individual's adjusted gross income are deductible for contributions to "qualified organizations". Corporation Sole, as a church is a "qualified organization".
Explanation: A person with W-2 earnings with an adjusted gross income of $30,000 may generally contribute up to $15,000 and claim such a deduction.
Section 1402 (c) (4): provides that "the performance of service by a duly ordained, commissioned, or licensed minister of a church in the exercise of his ministry or by a member of a religious order in the exercise of duties required by such order", is not considered a "trade or business" when used with reference to self-employment or net earnings from self-employment.
Explanation: An auto mechanic, gardener, or medical doctor may be self-employed. If the religious order of which one is a member directs one to undertake duties in one's field of training or experience, as a self-employed person, then any income received is not taxable as income from a "trade or business".
Publication 15, 1978 Circular E: Employer's Tax Guide is distributed free of charge by the IRS. Page 11, states "Members of religious orders who have taken a vow of poverty performing duties required by the order are exempt from income tax withholding and from social security.
Explanation: Publication 517, p. 2 and 5. When one is under a vow of poverty, the physical objects in their possession are not their own, although it may be their job to look after and use those objects. Taking a Vow of Poverty to the Corporation Sole (or Religious Order, more likely - MM) means owning nothing, but controlling all, as a steward of God's property.
Section 1402 (e): exempts "a member of a religious order who has taken a vow of poverty as a member of such order" from taxes under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act, FICA or social security. There is no requirement that you file for this exemption from social security tax. The exemption is automatic when you are a member of a religious order and have taken a vow of poverty as a member of your order.
Under fundamental law, rights and privileges granted any church or religious order must grant all - everyone - the same rights and privileges. You have cause for prosecution under the U.S. Constitution if discrimination of or denial of rights has occurred to members of your church or religious order. Any person, including any government official, within the jurisdiction of the U.S. Constitution, who acts to prefer one religion to any other in an official capacity, is acting in violation of the Constitution. At the very least, a government employee may be dismissed for violating his oath of office to uphold the Constitution and he or she may be subject to civil and criminal penalties, with fines up to $10,000 or imprisonment up to five years, or both.
FAQ ( - USA)
Q. What NAME do I use?
A. The name that you use is important, it will describe the organization and the vision that you have for your Corporation Sole. A name should reflect an image of your intent with the use of Fellowship, Brotherhood, Services, Alliance, Ministries, Center, Awareness, Health and/or a name that would be used to describe the following titles; Church, Synagogue, Mosque or a name related to the religion practiced in them. NOTE: Do not use your personal name.
Q. Will I need my Social Security number for the Corporation Sole?
A. You will be provided with a 9 digit Federal Identification Number to open a checking account for the Corporation Sole. However, because you will be the signatory for the Corporation, some banks require your personal Social Security number to verify with the Banking Commissioners office to assure them that you personally have not had any banking fraud or checking fraud within your state throughout the past. You will find that not all banks require your SSN#. You may give it to them or refuse and go to another bank if you wish. It is not mandatory by law for them to require this; it is a policy of the bank that you choose.
Q. How can I be a church?
A. It may take some time to get used to the idea that you, personally, are the embodiment of a church. A church is not bricks and mortar, a church is a specific place to worship. Wherever you are is an appropriate place to worship. I recently saw a book titled, "My Monastery is my Minivan". Your body is your temple and you carry your beliefs and values with you wherever you go. In Black's Law Dictionary, one of the definitions for a church is: the clergy or officialdom of a religious body. Webster's Dictionary states that a religion is: a personal set of beliefs and practices held to with faith and ardor.
Q. What is a simple definition?
A. It is an unusual type of corporation consisting of only one person whose successor becomes the corporation on his death or resignation and therefore, lives on in perpetuity.
Q. What powers does a Corporation Sole have?
Contract in the same manner as a natural person.
Sue and be sued.
Defend and be defended in all courts.
Borrow money and give promissory notes.
Buy, sell, lease, mortgage and in every way deal in real & personal property.
Receive bequests and income for its own use.
Appoint attorneys in fact.
Q. What are modern uses for a Corporation Sole?
A. The Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, the Queen of England, the Governor of Tennessee and YOU. The structure of the Corporation Sole is so flexible it can run a very large or a very small organization. It can run any business that in some way serves God, humans, animals, or the Earth. Even if you have an employer, the Corporation Sole serves you and your family/friends as you determine, maybe as a means of providing charitable endeavors, education for a child, estate planning, protection and privacy.
Q. How is it legal?
A. It is legal by its creation in common law internationally. Our right to religious freedom is protected by the Constitution of the United States of America in the First Amendment: "Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof?"
Corporation Sole is looked upon by the IRS as a "qualified organization". IRC §508(c)(1)(A), a church, among other specific types of "organizations", is not required to file Form 1023 and obtain a 501(c)(3) designation to be tax exempt. (It is listed as a Mandatory Exception to taxation.) IRC Section 6033 is illustrative of the separation of church and state by pointing out that religious organizations are exempt from filing returns of any kind and there are no record keeping requirements. (In fact, it is a Mandatory Exception to the rule for filing returns.)
Exception means "there is no law". IRC § 6043 states that if an office holder in the Corporation Sole finds themselves emotionally, spiritually, financially or personally unable to keep their commitment to the mission and they do not wish to name a successor, they may terminate it without filing a return regarding liquidation, etc. The Corporation Sole does not report to the IRS, it reports to the Creator!
Q. Is there a difference between legal and lawful?
A. Yes. In the simplest of terms: To say of an act this is "lawful" implies that is authorized, sanctioned, or at any rate not forbidden by law. To say that is it "legal" implies that it is done or performed in accordance with the forms and usages of law, or in a technical manner. Lawful more clearly implies an ethical content than does legal. The word legal is used as a synonym of constructive, which lawful is not. Laws are made in the democracy, so legal is the rules the federal government places on its citizens.
Q. How long does it take to create a Corporation Sole? (This is OUR version of the response - MM)
A. Within two business days of receipt of the application and payment, and subject to the information provided not leading to further queries, you will be sent the Corporation Sole Charter by Express Post (3 business days within the USA). It requires the signatures of the Overseer, Secretary and two witnesses. You will also receive brief Guidelines (the information on the website will continue to be updated and represent your main information base). The longest wait will be in your applying for and getting the EIN from the IRS.
Q. Why doesn't everyone use a corporation sole - if it is as good as you say?
A. Corporation Sole has been around since the year 1215. It is not a "new kid on the block" for asset protection. The reason why it is not widely known about or used is that its use eliminates the need for attorneys, CPAs and other professionals usually associated with more traditional types of legal entities.
Q. Does every state recognize the Corporation Sole from another state?
A. Yes, even in states that have no statutes concerning the CS, they recognize the legal existence of the Corporation Sole from another state on account of the Law of Comity - which says that there is common agreement among all the 50 states to honor and recognize the legal status of each state's documents [i.e.; corporations, marriage licenses, driver licenses].
Q. All of this sounds too good to be true--how come my attorney and my CPA have never even heard of the corporation sole?
A. Most accountants and lawyers will confuse Corporation Sole with a "non-profit" or "not-for-profit" organization formed under IRS 26 U.S.C.S. 501 (c)(3) and fight with or re-characterize your objectives. It must be emphasized that the Corporation Sole is different from a "non-profit" or "not-for-profit" organization in almost every conceivable way. Asking a lawyer or accountant to educate him/herself can become extremely costly, nevertheless, please seek a competent advisor. Professionals in the field of taxation, accounting and asset protection sometimes have a tendency to stick with the familiar, the known, the most lucrative choices - when it comes to what they offer to you, the consumer. However, the consumer is always cautioned to "BE AWARE!" So, our advice to you is: Do your "Due Diligence" - check everything out, get all of your questions answered to your satisfaction - you have a right to know ALL the facts prior to moving on any decision concerning your financial and spiritual decisions.
Q. What should I tell my CPA or attorney?
A. For the most part, these professionals will not understand the Corporation Sole. It is not taught in traditional schools that teach statutory law. Your CPA can simply continue to keep the books for you, if you choose to keep books for your knowledge. They can even prepare year-end statements for you. The statements go only to you. You can take the time to educate your attorney about the Corporation Sole, if you wish.
Q. If I check with the IRS, what will they tell me about corporation sole?
A. Most lower level IRS employees do not know about the Corporation Sole. However, the Internal Revenue Code does address the corporation sole directly in §508 and §6033. Those sections state that churches and their integrated auxiliaries are MANDATORILY EXCEPTED FROM FILING. Further, the Constitution First Amendment says that Congress shall make NO LAW concerning the establishment of religion nor the free exercise thereof. So neither Congress nor the IRS has the power to regulate or control a corporation sole. When the IRS Form SS4 is completed to obtain the EIN for the CS, it is made clear that the Corporation Sole is: a) mandatorily excepted from filing; b) it is applying for an EIN for banking purposes only; and c) application is being made for a NONREPORTING EIN.
Q. How does a Corporation Sole compare with a 501(C)(3)?
A. The IRS grants a tax-exempt status to certain organizations that perform nonprofit functions that support governmental PUBLIC POLICY. Churches, which by definition are IMMUNE from taxation, voluntarily apply for tax exempt status under the Internal Revenue Code, become incorporated under the state where it resides, waives all of its constitutional protections, and becomes a ward of the state by becoming a "religious organization" under Internal Revenue Code §501(c)3. The other option, open to the church is to form a corporation sole, which by definition, is an unincorporated association, given legal status and existence by the state, created by God Himself, subject only to Him, is tax immune, and does not answer to the state since it is not created by the state - in contrast to the 501(c)3 which has voluntarily subjected itself to the godless state and godless IRS. The Corporation Sole still has all the constitutional protections provided by the Constitution. The 501(c)3 is forever dependent upon the good graces of the government for its continued existence as long as it operates within PUBLIC POLICY as defined by the government. The Corporation Sole is never subject to the government for its existence and answers to its Creator for its actions.
Q. What if I already have a 501(c)(3) organization?
A. There are procedures in the regulations of non-profit organizations that you can follow to terminate this designation. At the same time you can change the name slightly and continue your mission as a Corporation Sole. The relief from the reports and scrutiny are worth it. Is your covenant with God or the government? Which will be the most beneficial to the mission?
Q. Can a 501(c)(3) become a Corporation Sole?
A. Yes, but not in those terms. A presently organized 501 non-profit tax-exempt corporation can be closed or phased out once your Corporation Sole is established. You simply begin to operate under your Corporation Sole and begin to factor out the 501. You may need to speak to the attorney who maintains the corporate books and seal to explain this action and direct him to eliminate your accountant, but, it will be necessary for you to maintain the records of the Corporation Sole should you ever be challenged in court. Although, you do not have to show records of the CS, it is important that you can answer the court under oath that you have maintained records for the Sole.
Q. Can a Corporation Sole accept charitable donations?
A. Yes. IRS Publication 526 indicates that "qualified organizations" can accept charitable donations simply by virtue of being a church. Churches do not need to apply to be a "qualified organization." The Corporation Sole can take tax-deductible donations for its mission. It qualifies as a 50% organization, meaning that the deduction for a taxable person's charitable contributions can be 50% of their adjusted gross income for the year. If you work for W-2 wages and are the office holder in a CS, you could donate 50% of your adjusted gross income to the Corporation Sole for its mission. If you work for 1099 wages, the 1099 can be made out to the Corporation Sole and will be tax-free.
The Corporation Sole can make charitable donations to other organizations, too, with NO reporting requirement. When accepting a tax-deductible donation for the CS, it is important to write a formal letter of acceptance to the contributor. It must have the name of the CS, the business address of the CS, the amount of the donation and a general statement accepting the donation of goods or monies on behalf of the Corporation Sole to be used to further the mission.
Q. Can the Corporation Sole run a business?
A. Yes, a corporation sole can do everything a flesh and blood person can do except give blood! However, when a Corporation Sole owns and runs a business, it must do so through an EIN issued by the IRS and must not have employees. At least two options are open to the Corporation Sole to avoid employer-employee relationship: a) have everyone do business with the Corporation Sole via a private contract; or b) have a third party leasing company provide employees leased to the CS.
Option 1: The Corporation Sole can enter into a contract with an existing business to be the fiduciary or administrative/managerial head of the business so all profits go to the Corporation Sole tax-free. If the business is set up as an LLC, S or C Corp. (we would recommend a Nevada Corporation, there are reporting requirements for those entities even though there is no tax liability. You would be exposing the Corporation Sole as the head of the business. Not a problem, but you give away some privacy. The Corporation Sole could "buy" the existing business, the former business would close on paper, following the IRS guidelines for closing or ending this entity. There are many strategies to accomplish the goal in privacy.
The Corporation Sole owned business could continue with a slightly different name. Example: Holistic Care Center, LLC is sold to Holistic Care Ministry/Mission/Foundation/Affiliation/Group/Assembly/Community Center or HC Group, etc. The Holistic Care Center, LLC is closed according to the guidelines for your state. Avoid standard commerce terms for the Corporation Sole such as services, company, corporation, etc. Think of the Apostle Paul who was a tent-maker. The Corporation Sole can run a business to provide a means to follow its mission. It can be a grocery, contractor, carpenter, department store, school, medical office - just about anything you can think of that is legal and lawful.
Option 2: It is better to have independent contractors working for the Corporation Sole and give 1099s if the person wants one. The Corporation Sole is not obligated to give 1099s. It is better not to have the type of employees that require/desire withholding of taxes, etc., so that you cut down on paperwork and eliminate reporting exposure.
Q. Can a Corporation Sole get a business licence, or should it?
A. If the license is for a business which must have a license in order to do business, it would be appropriate. Examples would be contractors and medical offices. If you are speaking of a broker's license, the Corporation Sole cannot, because those are issued to individuals and not businesses. Local laws will establish if a Church HAS to get a license. Check with your city or county laws in the area in which you live/operate.
Q. Can a W-2 employee utilize a CS?
A. Yes, a W-2 employee can contribute up to 50% of his/her income to the Corporation Sole - and claim that 50% as a tax deduction pursuant to 26 USC, § 170. Further, that W-2 employee can choose to take a Vow of Poverty, and thereby stop all social security and Medicare deductions.
Q. What about my retirement accounts?
A. In some instances, retirement accounts can be transferred or assigned to the Corporation Sole. You will have to check with your IRA trustee. Some will allow a trustee-to-trustee transfer. Some IRAs will only allow the beneficiary to be the CS, but not the change of the account holder. That would mean that if you are not "untaxed", you would be responsible for the tax on the 50% that could not be donated to the Corporation Sole. You could withdraw the entire amount now, pay the early withdrawal penalty, and put the money in the Corporation Sole. You would only be able to claim a 50% charitable donation on your taxes. Take your time and look at the pros and cons of this financially.
Q. Can I put all of my assets into the Corporation Sole?
A. Anything that you own - money, real estate, personal property - can be donated to the Corporation Sole. If there is one or more particular items that would create liability exposure for the Corporation Sole, it would be better to put that/those items into a separate Corporation Sole.
Example: The Eye Center has a van that picks up patients from their home and transports them to the Center for surgery. After surgery, the van again transports them home. This van would need to be a Corporation Sole of its own, because it presents a significant risk, it is a high liability item. By isolating it in its own CS, should there ever be an accident and litigation, none of the other assets of the umbrella Corporation Sole could be discovered or touched. For that very same reason, large estates or businesses should consider more than one Corporation Sole and divide assets into them appropriately. Example: A large physician group would have one umbrella Corporation Sole for the practice and each individual physician would have one or more of his own Corporation Soles. [did you know that each commercial airliner is a corporation, therefore if the plane crashes, all the assets are gone, and nothing will be paid out in liability as there is no asset to liquidate! The airline itself is not liable - sounds similar: MM]
Q. Can the corporation sole be an effective means to provide asset protection?
A. Yes, once both real and personal property is placed in the Corporation Sole: a) it is not subject to lien or levy; b) is not subject to inheritance tax or gift taxes; c) is not subject to probate; d) is not subject to estate taxes.
Q. How are assets transferred into the Corporation Sole?
A. Cars, boats, trailers, campers, etc., are transferred in by title. This can be done with a simple "bill of sale" or "sale of motor vehicle" document that can be purchased from an office supply store. The cost is listed as "gift", no money exchanged. You can also use the forms offered at this site. These forms can be modified to meet your needs and can be typed up on your own computer. Always follow the requirements of your local city, county and state; sometimes they require you to use their forms. Most title companies will accept any document agreed to by both parties. Since both parties are you, the individual and you, the office holder, agreement should be easy to reach! Real estate is transferred by deed. If there is a pre-existing mortgage, you will want to transfer the "equity interest" into the Corporation Sole using a standard Quitclaim Deed which can be purchased at an office supply store.
Q. How do I transfer personal property into the Corporation Sole?
A. Personal property, without encumbrances, can be transferred into the Corporation Sole with a letter stating that all personal property, household goods, furnishings, etc., previously owned by Mary Jones and located at (add physical address of property) is tithed to the Corporation Sole as a gift of love and appreciation. You may want to itemize very valuable items such as coin collections, art, jewelry, etc. This letter can be notarized or witnessed by two people who have no interest in the property. The letter is then kept with the Corporation Sole Charter. It is not necessary to list everything as long as it is clear what is YOUR personal property. If you are married or living with someone, the lines may not be clear as to who owns what as personal property. Under these circumstances, a list would be prudent.
Q. Once I put something in the CS, can I get it out?
A. Yes. As the Overseer of the CS, you can buy, sell, trade or donate any property, real or personal. Transferring property out of the Corporation Sole may create a tax liability for the person or entity receiving it.
Q. How can a Corporation Sole establish credit to buy a house or car?
A. One way to do it is to pay mortgage and car payments from the Corporation Sole bank account. The creditor doesn't care who makes the payments as long as they get paid. After 6-9 months of making payments from the Corporation Sole account, you can approach a creditor with the payment history. Often you can get a low-limit or secured credit card in the name of the Corporation Sole very soon after establishing a checking account with a bank.
Q. Can creditors attach my assets for the Corporation Sole and vice versa?
A. When you form a CS, you must picture yourself as two distinct people and so must your creditors. The assets in the Corporation Sole belong to the church and you are the caretaker of these assets, not the owner. The Corporation Sole assets are not attachable for anything you do as an individual. You, as an individual, are not attachable for anything that is in the Corporation Sole. What belongs to one does not belong to the other. They are separate and distinct. The Corporation Sole can pay your personal debts, if you, the office holder, deem it appropriate to do so. Is it in the best interest of the Corporation Sole for it to pay the mortgage on your home and the loan on your car and provide you with necessities and even luxuries of life? The Creator God wants you to be prosperous and joyous that you may add light to the world. Your personal assets donated to the Corporation Sole are sacred and cannot be touched by anyone other than you.
Q. Does the property owned by the corporation sole pay property and sales taxes?
A. Property owned by the Corporation Sole is not subject to property taxes. However, one must go through the proper channels to make application to the county taxing authorities to exempt the property from taxation. Depending on your zoning ordinances and county assessor, the property can be rezoned or taken off the tax roles (can you have a commercial property in your residential area?). Consider whether the amount of the property tax is great enough for you to want to petition for exemption. Sales tax is much the same and can depend on city, county and state ordinances.
Q. If the Corporation Sole owns real estate property and sells that property, does it owe capital gains taxes?
A. No, it does not since it is not subject to taxation by the government.
Q. Can the Corporation Sole sue and be sued?
A. Yes, just as a natural person, a corporation sole can sue or be sued. However, in most cases, because the Corporation Sole is not directly involved in commerce, it is much less likely to be sued unless property owned by the Corporation Sole damages a person or that person's property. In that case, the Corporation Sole has a legal and moral obligation to restore that person and his/her property to wholeness whenever and wherever possible.
Q. Can I still get insurance on things in the CS?
A. Yes. The Corporation Sole in the banking world is considered a business entity and so all insurance of items qualifies as being owned by the business and standard insurance is available as such. Some State Farm Bureau Insurance agencies have been helpful, but I would check with your own insurance company first.
Q. What other kinds of things can go into the CS?
A. You will want to change the beneficiaries on insurance and accident policies to the Corporation Sole. Also you will want to change ownership of stocks, bonds and all types of investments.
Q. Can more than one person be the Overseer and/or have access to the Corporation Sole bank account?
A. No, by definition, a Corporation Sole is a ONE man corporation and only ONE person [male or female] can be the Overseer at one time. Usually, if the husband is the Overseer, it is recommended that the wife be the Secretary; if the wife is the Overseer, then the husband would be the Secretary.
Q. What if I am married? Can we do the Corporation Sole together?
A. No. The Corporation Sole is a one-person organization and only one person has control of what is in the Corporation Sole. One spouse could have a Corporation Sole that runs his or her personal business and owns their personal property. Property now held in both names cannot be put into the Corporation Sole unless both agree and it would then be under the control of the officer of the CS, one person. When a spouse does not want to form a CS, the house could remain in both names and a Quitclaim Deed transferring 50% of the equity interest to the Corporation Sole could be done. Each individual may also form their own Corporation Sole and a division of assets could be determined for the purpose of transferring titles or deeds.
Q. What happens if the Overseer dies unexpectedly - who is the Overseer then? (Amended - MM)
A. In consultation and prayer, the Secretary (or Registered Agent in some States) and close associates of the religious organisation where he holds office (perhaps relatives and friends of the deceased Overseer) will appoint a new Overseer according to the terms of the Charter.
Q. What happens if I have 4 children - how do I as Overseer, pass on to my children any inheritance?
A. Legally, any assets placed in the corporation sole no longer belong to the donor. However, these same assets are available for the use of anyone the Overseer sees fit to bless. At least two options are open to bless the 4 children: a) establish 4 corporations sole - one for each of your children, and transfer any assets from one Corporation Sole to another; or b) one of your children would be appointed Overseer and, by contract with the other three, would provide for their access to use the assets held by the corporation sole.
Q. I looked on the internet and some sites call the corporation sole a scam and "tax protestor" tax avoidance scheme - and that the IRS is shutting them down and putting people in jail. Is this true?
A. For some strange reason, people tend to think that if something is on the Internet, it must be true. Nothing could be further from the truth! On the Internet, as well as every other marketplace, it is "Buyer Beware!" - which simply means check things out, take your time to get all your questions answered to your satisfaction, get all sides of the issue exposed to the daylight. If one does that, where the Corporation Sole is legally and morally presented in the context of its true nature as the church, it will emerge as the "Best of the Best" for asset protection.
Clean Hands and Fictitious Plaintiffs
When a prosecuting attorney brings a cause of action to court accusing some poor soul with a
crime in the secret maritime jurisdiction, he (or at least his client) needs standing to sue. All cases in law,equity, admiralty or maritime, are now classified as “civil actions.” Civil maritime and admiralty actions require a contract between the plaintiff and defendant for the plaintiff to have standing to sue. For the plaintiff to have standing and for the court to have jurisdiction of the subject matter, there must be in existence a bona fide contract binding the accused into the criminal maritime jurisdiction and the lawyer rat had better be able to get it properly into evidence. This is the foundation of the venue jurisdiction and the subject matter jurisdiction of the court. Under the doctrine of “clean hands”, relief will not be granted to a party, who as an actor, seeks to set the judicial machinery in motion and obtain some remedy, it such party in prior conduct has violated conscience or good faith or other equitable relief. One seeking relief cannot take advantage of one’s own wrongdoing.
The plaintiff’s attorney (prosecutor) is representing the STATE OF TEXAS, or the UNITED
STATES, both corporations. If you don’t believe the STATE OF TEXAS is a corporation, look up Article XI, Section 1 in the Texas Constitution; it is all clear enough. If you don’t believe that the UNITED STATES is a corporation, it is right there in Title 28 USC 3002 (15)(A). The prosecuting attorney is representing a corporation, a fictitious plaintiff, and bringing a maritime claim on the presumption that a maritime contract exists between the STATE OF TEXAS and the defendant, or more correctly, the ignorant victim. The ignorant victim does not know that this presumption even exists, does not know that the cause of action cannot be in the common law because a crime in law requires a corpus delecti, that is to say, the body of the crime or an injured party, and a corporation cannot be the body of the crime or an injured party because it is artificial, a fiction. Trust the author on this, there is plenty of well-settled authority, but it will not be cited here in the interests of brevity while covering the essentials. Because of constant government indoctrination and the lasting effects of cognitive dissidence, the fact that the cause is of a maritime nature is beyond the poor victim’s comprehension. The ocean is a long way from Kansas, Dorothy! So how could the accused victim of an alleged offense committed on the land end up in a maritime court and be bound to a presumed maritime contract?
The attorneys for the plaintiff are prosecuting the suit in maritime jurisdiction without evidence
entered into the record of the contract binding the Petitioner to the maritime law. Without such contract the trial court is wholly in want of subject matter jurisdiction and venue jurisdiction. The doctrine of “unclean hands” applies to the attorneys for the plaintiff. The courts have held:
It is old hat that a court called upon to do equity should always consider whether the
petitioning party has acted . . . with unclean hands. Texaco Puerto Rico, Inc. v.
Department of Consumer Affairs, 60 F.3d 867, 880 (1st Cir. 1995). This consideration is
rooted in the maxim that "he who comes into equity must come with clean hands."
Precision Instrument Mfg. Co. v. Automotive Maintenance Mach. Co., 324 U.S. 806, 814
Under the doctrine of unclean hands, a court may refuse to grant equitable relief to a
plaintiff who has been guilty of unlawful or inequitable conduct regarding the issue in
dispute. Lazy M Ranch, Ltd. v. TXI Operations, LP, 978 S.W.2d 678, 683 (Tex. App.
It is well settled that a party seeking equity cannot come into a court with unclean hands.
Schenk v. Halliday Real Estate, Inc., 803 S.W.2d 361, 366 (Tex. App. 1990)
The findings show fraud on [the part of the party seeking legal subrogation]. He does not
come into court with clean hands, and is therefore not in a position to invoke the
equitable principles upon which legal subrogation rests.); Rotge v. Dunlap, 91 S.W.2d
905, 908 (Tex. App. 1936)
Applying to legal subrogation the maxim that "one who seeks equity must come into
court with clean hands., Christian v. Manning, 59 S.W.2d 234, 237 (Tex. App. 1933),
and See: Bell v. Franklin, 230 S.W.2d 181, 185 (Tex. App. 1921) (same).
crime in the secret maritime jurisdiction, he (or at least his client) needs standing to sue. All cases in law,equity, admiralty or maritime, are now classified as “civil actions.” Civil maritime and admiralty actions require a contract between the plaintiff and defendant for the plaintiff to have standing to sue. For the plaintiff to have standing and for the court to have jurisdiction of the subject matter, there must be in existence a bona fide contract binding the accused into the criminal maritime jurisdiction and the lawyer rat had better be able to get it properly into evidence. This is the foundation of the venue jurisdiction and the subject matter jurisdiction of the court. Under the doctrine of “clean hands”, relief will not be granted to a party, who as an actor, seeks to set the judicial machinery in motion and obtain some remedy, it such party in prior conduct has violated conscience or good faith or other equitable relief. One seeking relief cannot take advantage of one’s own wrongdoing.
STATES, both corporations. If you don’t believe the STATE OF TEXAS is a corporation, look up Article XI, Section 1 in the Texas Constitution; it is all clear enough. If you don’t believe that the UNITED STATES is a corporation, it is right there in Title 28 USC 3002 (15)(A). The prosecuting attorney is representing a corporation, a fictitious plaintiff, and bringing a maritime claim on the presumption that a maritime contract exists between the STATE OF TEXAS and the defendant, or more correctly, the ignorant victim. The ignorant victim does not know that this presumption even exists, does not know that the cause of action cannot be in the common law because a crime in law requires a corpus delecti, that is to say, the body of the crime or an injured party, and a corporation cannot be the body of the crime or an injured party because it is artificial, a fiction. Trust the author on this, there is plenty of well-settled authority, but it will not be cited here in the interests of brevity while covering the essentials. Because of constant government indoctrination and the lasting effects of cognitive dissidence, the fact that the cause is of a maritime nature is beyond the poor victim’s comprehension. The ocean is a long way from Kansas, Dorothy! So how could the accused victim of an alleged offense committed on the land end up in a maritime court and be bound to a presumed maritime contract?
The attorneys for the plaintiff are prosecuting the suit in maritime jurisdiction without evidence
entered into the record of the contract binding the Petitioner to the maritime law. Without such contract the trial court is wholly in want of subject matter jurisdiction and venue jurisdiction. The doctrine of “unclean hands” applies to the attorneys for the plaintiff. The courts have held:
It is old hat that a court called upon to do equity should always consider whether the
petitioning party has acted . . . with unclean hands. Texaco Puerto Rico, Inc. v.
Department of Consumer Affairs, 60 F.3d 867, 880 (1st Cir. 1995). This consideration is
rooted in the maxim that "he who comes into equity must come with clean hands."
Precision Instrument Mfg. Co. v. Automotive Maintenance Mach. Co., 324 U.S. 806, 814
Under the doctrine of unclean hands, a court may refuse to grant equitable relief to a
plaintiff who has been guilty of unlawful or inequitable conduct regarding the issue in
dispute. Lazy M Ranch, Ltd. v. TXI Operations, LP, 978 S.W.2d 678, 683 (Tex. App.
It is well settled that a party seeking equity cannot come into a court with unclean hands.
Schenk v. Halliday Real Estate, Inc., 803 S.W.2d 361, 366 (Tex. App. 1990)
The findings show fraud on [the part of the party seeking legal subrogation]. He does not
come into court with clean hands, and is therefore not in a position to invoke the
equitable principles upon which legal subrogation rests.); Rotge v. Dunlap, 91 S.W.2d
905, 908 (Tex. App. 1936)
Applying to legal subrogation the maxim that "one who seeks equity must come into
court with clean hands., Christian v. Manning, 59 S.W.2d 234, 237 (Tex. App. 1933),
and See: Bell v. Franklin, 230 S.W.2d 181, 185 (Tex. App. 1921) (same).
What is really going on in the Federal and State courts
It should be apparent that penal is not the same as criminal. Take the issuance of a traffic ticket
for example. The lawyer’s minion, the police officer, goes out on the public rights of
way to solicit business for his master, the prosecuting attorney for the CITY OF
CORRUPTION or the COUNTY OF TYRANNY, both of which are corporate
instrumentalities of the STATE OF CONFUSION. This solicitation of business for
the lawyer by the police officer is called Champerty.4 Champerty is, or at least used
to be, a tort and a crime at common law.
The police officer lurks around and finds someone violating a traffic
regulation, let’s say for driving an unregistered motor vehicle, arrests him, and
issues a citation on the presumption that the “offender” is bound in some
undisclosed manner to the maritime jurisdiction, a presumption probably created by
the existence of the state driver license, or on the presumption that the STATE has
acquired an interest in the “motor vehicle” being driven by the offender, or on the
presumption that the STATE has an interest in the offender himself. On threat of
imprisonment, the cop forces the “offender” to sign a “citation” as a promise to
appear in a certain court at a certain time. This citation is a contract to compel
specific performance. The cop signed and the offender signed. It looks like a
legitimate contract, except for a couple of problems.
The first problem is that it was signed under a threat. That alone should be
enough to void the contract. The second problem is that the cop did not pay any
“consideration” to the offender to perform. Want of consideration is always a defense
under the Texas Business and Commerce Code, (same as the UCC) Sec. 3.408,
unless there is an underlying or “antecedent” obligation, and there is no evidence of
an antecedent obligation, but it is presumed. A third problem is the
unconscionability of the contract. The authors will not discuss unconscionability5
here, except to say that it is unconscionable to force someone to contract under
threat, coercion, or duress and unconscionability can be grounds to void a contract.
for example. The lawyer’s minion, the police officer, goes out on the public rights of
way to solicit business for his master, the prosecuting attorney for the CITY OF
CORRUPTION or the COUNTY OF TYRANNY, both of which are corporate
instrumentalities of the STATE OF CONFUSION. This solicitation of business for
the lawyer by the police officer is called Champerty.4 Champerty is, or at least used
to be, a tort and a crime at common law.
![]() |
In the land of the blind the one eyed man is KING! |
regulation, let’s say for driving an unregistered motor vehicle, arrests him, and
issues a citation on the presumption that the “offender” is bound in some
undisclosed manner to the maritime jurisdiction, a presumption probably created by
the existence of the state driver license, or on the presumption that the STATE has
acquired an interest in the “motor vehicle” being driven by the offender, or on the
presumption that the STATE has an interest in the offender himself. On threat of
imprisonment, the cop forces the “offender” to sign a “citation” as a promise to
appear in a certain court at a certain time. This citation is a contract to compel
specific performance. The cop signed and the offender signed. It looks like a
legitimate contract, except for a couple of problems.
The first problem is that it was signed under a threat. That alone should be
enough to void the contract. The second problem is that the cop did not pay any
“consideration” to the offender to perform. Want of consideration is always a defense
under the Texas Business and Commerce Code, (same as the UCC) Sec. 3.408,
unless there is an underlying or “antecedent” obligation, and there is no evidence of
an antecedent obligation, but it is presumed. A third problem is the
unconscionability of the contract. The authors will not discuss unconscionability5
here, except to say that it is unconscionable to force someone to contract under
threat, coercion, or duress and unconscionability can be grounds to void a contract.
Dealing With The Courts
The first few thing you must realize about courts are:
- Courts are Banks!
- Living beings can’t be in the statutory courts!
- If you are in a court, you are considered dead and worse (NON-exsitant!)
- From their angle you are literally NOT standing there!
- You can’t appear, you can only be somewhere or not!
- Only the LEGAL PERSON is summoned to any court, so you can’t go, sorry!
- All law today is commercial and for CORPORATIONS ONLY! There is no law for living beings in the CORPORATE MATRIX!
- Living beings are hostile enemies of the STATE/FEDERAL CORPORATION.
- Courts are Admiralty Military Zones. Admiralty Military War zones means (Courts of Martial-Military Law).
- If you go into a court you are trespassing in Admiralty where only commercial vessels (CORPORATIONS) are allowed and you are automatically in Admiralty Contempt.
- When you go into court you stepped out of your private jurisdiction and contracted (submitted) to hostile military jurisdiction by default.
- A lawyer can be in a court (supposedly) but you can’t, not even standing beside the lawyer! As you will see below the lawyer can’t be there either! Strange stuff!
- There are no courts to go to! A true court is an Article III court and there is no such blessing to be found not even in Washington.
- Courts are merchant-banks.
- All courts use a statutory jurisdiction which doesn’t even exist. They will say it is Statutory jurisdiction but we challenge anyone including the best judge or lawyer to locate that jurisdiction starting with the only document that establishes jurisdictions for courts, the constitution. Oh we forgot, there is no constitution either or any rights that go along with it, at least in a court! How insane is that?
- Since there is no law and no courts and only commerce then it’s all about money!
- Since there is no money of substance to be found as well, then what is there?
- There is nothing! It’s all an act, a game and a heinous scam! All of it!
- The gambler clerks are the accountants-bookies for the bank-court. They bet on the BONDS then move the fake money(BONDS-BAD CHECKS) back and forth between the military officers of the court up to the U.S. District court and on to the money exchangers(the market). This scam goes on from Wall Street to the world bank!
- The judges are actors who conflictingly work for the STATE (the plaintiff) and the Attorneys are foreign British-BAR agents that aren’t even allowed in a real court.
- All prison/jail/warehouse bailiffs, sheriffs and police are Interpol military officers (hired to protect commerce-not people) so there aren’t any real American peace keepers either.
- So what the hell is going on?
- How do you deal with the courts and their scam if there is nothing to deal with?
- Well as a wise sentient being with all rights in tact you deal with the matter correctly up front!
- First you deal with their offer and secondly you expose their crimes!
- When you receive the first presentment (the indictment/charging instrument) which is a negotiable instrument DEAL WITH IT and deal with all the things listed above as well and you will never be in a court!
- Statutory Courts do NOT have subject matter jurisdiction over living beings and if you handle things correctly up front and do not contract to their jurisdiction by mistake, nothing serious will ever happen! Always challenge the Subject Matte jurisdiction of the court but do our research and stand in your private jurisdiction correctly!
- The first thing you could do is bring up the question of Subject Matter Jurisdiction over you the natural living man! They don’t have it and nothing can proceed until they prove it on the record! It is important to say that you must always abide under your private jurisdiction and you must stay in honor or they will end up having Subject matter Jurisdiction by shear Trickery! Be wise and always stay in peace!
What they’re doing in these courts is all about Bonds. When you go into the courtroom after you’re arrested, they use two different sets of Bonds. What they do when your arrested they fill out a “Bid Bond”. The United States District Court uses 273, 274 & 275. SF = “Standard Form”. Standard Form 273, Standard Form 274 & Standard Form 275. This is the United States District Court.
There is another set of Bonds and they are all put out by GSA = General Services Administration. I’m just talking off the top of my head because I have all of this stuff memorized. GSA Form SF24 is the “Bid Bond”, everyone should have a copy of the Bid Bond. The “Performance Bond” is SF25. The “Payment Bond” is SF25A and put out by the GSA.
O.K. So, what are they doing with these Bonds? What’s going on in the courtroom is that they are suing you for a debt collection. If you look at these Bonds, everyone of these Bonds: the “Bid Bond”, the “Performance Bond” & the “Payment Bond”, all have a “PENAL SUM” attached to it. The reason for the “Penal Sum” is if you don’t pay the Debt, you go into “Default Judgment”.
That is what is going on in the courtroom. That is why all of these guys are sitting in prison wondering what’s going on! If you go in and argue jurisdiction or refuse to answer questions that the judge or the court addresses to you, they will find you in contempt of court and they will put you in jail. What they do is arrest you, then they hold you, basically until the suit has been completed. Once they get “Default Judgment” on you because of your failure to pay the Debt, they put you in prison. Theattorneys are there to create a smoke screen.
What attorneys have been trained to do is to lead you into “Dishonor” or “Default Judgment”. Then the court puts you into prison then they sell your “Default Judgment”.
Who do they sell it to?
Believe it or not, the U.S. District Court buys all of these State Court Judgments. I don’t know why noone has found this out before. There are about 300 “re-insurance” companies that buy these bonds. They are all ‘insurance” companies. These are the people that are buying these Bonds when you went into “Default Judgment” and they cannot buy these Bonds unless they are Certified by the Secretary of the Treasury.
What are they doing with these Bonds? They have regulations governing these Bonds – there are 2,000 regulations governing these Bonds.
Commercial Paper; Negotiable Instruments - anything you put your signature on is a Negotiable Instrument under the Uniform Commercial Code which is the Lex Mercantorium. Its Mercantile Civil Law.
The reason they use Lex Merchantorium in the court room is because everyone of you are Merchant’s at Law and Merchants at Law is anyone who holds themselves out to be an expert.Because you use commercial paper on a daily basis, you are considered to be an ‘expert’. This is also why they are not telling you what is really going on in the courtroom. You are presumed to know this stuff because you hold yourself out to be an expert by using commercial paper every day.
Every time you put your signature on a piece of paper, you are creating a Negotiable Instrument. Some are Non-Negotiable and some are Negotiable. Every time you endorse something, you are acting as an accommodation party or an accommodation maker under UCC 3-419.
An accommodation party is anyone who loans their signature to another party. Read UCC 3-419, it tells you what an accommodation maker is and what an accommodation party is. When you loan your signature to them, they can then re-write your signature on any document they want and that’s exactly what they are doing.
What the Federal Courts are doing is they are buying up these state court default judgments, called ‘criminal cases’ to cover up what they are doing. Actually, they are civil cases.
If you read “Clerk’s Praxis”, you find that what they call ‘criminal’ is all civil, they just call it criminal to cover up what their doing. If you don’t pay the debt you go to prison, bottom line.
How many of you have heard of REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust or PZN which means Prison Trust? Prisoners are real estate? They own all the real estate because they hold the Bonds on them. You haven’t redeemed your Bond, so they didn’t close your account.
Here’s what goes on: A contractor comes in or any corporation could come in and tender a Bid Bond to the US District Court and they buy up these court judgments and anytime you issue a Bid Bond there has to be a reinsure. So they get a Reinsurance Company to come in and act as Surety for the Bid Bond, then they bring in a Performance Bond. All of these Bonds; Bid, Payment & Performance are all Surety Bonds and anytime you issue a Bid Bond it has to have a Surety guaranteeing or reinsuring the Bid Bond via issuing a Performance Bond.
Then they get an underwriter and that would be either an Investment Broker or an Investment Banker. They come in and underwrite the Performance Bond which is reinsuring the Bid Bond.
What does the underwriter do with the Performance Bond? The underwriter takes the 3 Bonds and pools them and creates what is known as Mortgaged Backed Securities. When you pool these MBS, they are called BONDS and are sold to a company called TBA, which is the Bond Market Association - this is an actual Corporation.
These converted Bonds, now MBS’ are investment securities and being sold the international level. CCA is one of the tickers on the NY Stock Exchange. Others include; CWX, CWD & CWG. When it goes to Frankfurt = CWG, when it goes to Berlin = CWD and so on.
Remember, everything is commercial. 7211 7 CFR says that all crimes are commercial. If you read that carefully it says kidnapping, robbery, extortion, murder, etc. are all commercial crimes. Thus, you are funding the whole enchilada simply because you got into Default Judgment when you went into court and failed to redeem the Bond.
This is why people don’t win in court; cause they don’t redeem the Bond. You are the Principal upon which all money circulates, but you don’t want to start arguing with the court about that.
They are drafting you for performance. So, anytime the court asks you to do something they are drafting you for performance and if you don’t perform, you get into dishonor by non acceptance.They are making a formal presentment under 3-501 of the UCC so they can charge you and they USE the word “charge”. They use the same commercial words on your Indictment, Information and Complaint. They use the word “charge”, i.e., “the following charges”, “…he has two counts of charges”, etc.
Be as gentle as a dove and wise as a serpent. You can’t act like an insurgent or belligerent. If you do, they will treat you like one; they’ll beat you up.
What you want to do is settle the account…go to full settlement and closure; you’re running the account, you’re the Fiduciary Trustee over the account – tell them what to do. You’re the Principal and owner of the account, tell them what to do – tell them you want full settlement and closure of the account. You have to do this from the get-go.
In order to win in court you have to redeem the Bond.
Here is where to begin: Start with what we call a conditional acceptance.
With the conditional acceptance you can say: “I’m more than happy to give you my name, if you can show that charging papers have been put into the court record. I have not seen any papers that show any charges exist.”
That’s a “Negative Averment”. What you are doing is rebutting the presumption that they have charges against you. They work off presumptions. They don’t have to have anything. You must rebut their presumptions.
I went down there and asked them for the Bid Bond. I said I want the Bid Bond back. I asked for full settlement and closure of the account. It’s your money that they create and the same thing is going on in the Banks and with these Bonds - they monetize these Bonds.
Then ask for legal counsel. The reason why you have to have an attorney, and I cannot emphasize this too strongly, is because the attorney while in a courtroom is they are working on the public side and you are working on the private side. The court cannot talk to you except through your attorney. You need a mouth piece; a microphone. That is what attorneys are - a mouthpiece. Everyone on the Public side is insolvent and bankrupt. You are not.
This is situation is called a Fiction-of-Law. They will not allow you to defeat this “Fiction-Of-Law”. Why? In Admiralty Maritime Law everything is colorable. It has the appearance of being real but is not real.
They will appoint legal counsel for you. You then instruct the attorney that you are doing a “LETTER OF ROGATORY” or letter of advice. This is also called an “Acceptance for Honor” and you want an accounting of what the total amount of the Bill is post settlement and closure of this account.
Then you give your CUSIP and AUTOTIS number and your case number.
Here’s the wording you use: “I accept your charge(s) for Value and Consideration in return for Post Settlement and Closure of Case # , account# 123-45-6789 [put down your 9 digit social security number] and put down CUSIP# [your ssn] & AUTOTRIS# [your ssn w/o dashes]. Please us my exemption for full settlement and closure of this account as this account is prepaid and exempt from levy. (Date it and endorse it as the Authorized Representative.)
(AUTOTRIS means Automated Tracking Identification System. This is the same as your social security number without the dashes. When I said that they didn’t even want to talk to me…when you sayCUSIP & AUTOTRIS they know exactly what you’re talking about. CUSIP is The COMMITTEE ON UNIFORM SECURITIES IDENTIFICATION PROCESSES. . CUSIP uses your Social Security Number to identify you because the Birth Certificate is a Security. It is an investment security and they have all the original Birth Certificates which are registered at the State level with the Department of Human Recourses and then they go to the Department of Commerce and the Federal level and then to the DTC (Depository Trust Corporation).
Judges and lawyers don’t understand commercial law. They do not teach commercial law at law school.They have a special school for them and it’s on a “need to know” basis. The law always assumes that you know, since you were doing this since you were born until you reach the age of accountability, which is 18 years of age or what they call adulthood. If your holding yourself out and using commercial paper on a daily basis, that legal definition makes you an expert or you wouldn’t be using it, so they presume that when you go into the courtroom you know all this stuff.
They have to give you an out. Whenever you create a liability, you always have to create a remedy. They’re on the Public side of the accounting ledger. You are on the Private side.
You have an account and your account is a “Demand Deposit” account and you are insured by the FDIA and the FDIC. The “Federal Depository Insurance Act” which insures the FDIC which is the Federal Depository Insurance Corporation under Title 12; they have a $10 Million Dollar Policy on you and YOU’RE WORTH MORE DEAD THAN YOU ARE ALIVE.
NOTE: All tradable Securities must be assigned a CUSIP NUMBER before it can be offered to investors. Birth Certificates and Social Security Applications are converted into Government Securities; assigned a CUSIP NUMBER; grouped into lots and then are marketed as a Mutual Fund Investment. Upon maturity, the profits are moved into a GOVERNMENT CESTA QUE TRUST and if you are still alive, the certified documents are reinvested. It is the funds contained in this CESTA QUE TRUST that the Judge, Clerk and County Prosecutor are really after or interested in! This Trust actually pays all of your debts but nobody tells you that because the Elite consider those assets to be their property and the Federal Reserve System is responsible for the management of those Investments.
Social Security; SSI; SSD; Medicare and Medicaid are all financed by the Trust. The government makes you pay TAXES and a potion of your wages supposedly to pay for these services, which they can borrow at any time for any reason since they cannot access the CESTA QUE TRUST to finance their Wars or to bail out Wall Street and their patron Corporations.
The public is encouraged to purchase all kinds of insurance protection when the TRUST actually pays for all physical damages; medical costs; new technology and death benefits. The hype to purchase insurance is a ploy to keep us in poverty and profit off our stupidity because the Vatican owns the controlling interest in all Insurance Companies.
You may receive a monthly statement from a Mortgage Company; Loan Company or Utility Company, which usually has already been paid by the TRUST. Almost all of these corporate businesses double dip and hope that you have been conditioned well enough by their Credit Scams, to pay them a second time. Instead of paying that Statement next time, sign it approved and mail it back to them. If they then contact you about payment, ask them to send you a TRUE BILL instead of a Statement and you will be glad to pay it? A Statement documents what was due and paid, whereas a TRUE BILL represents only what is due. Banks and Utility Companies have direct access into these Cesta Que Trusts and all they needed was your name; social security number and signature.
Are You Going to Jail Because of Your Birth Certificate? October 22, 2016
A major implication of not knowing who you are and what a birth certificate represents, can mean the difference of going to jail or not…
What you don’t know CAN and will hurt you! What you say and do WILL be used against you!
First, a clarification about the Ownership of the Birth Certificate. The BC is NOT the property of the governmental services corporations operating as your “E-State” and usurping the public trust you are owed. It is a Certificate of Title (like a car, boat, or cattle). This was created by your creations behind it. In the end the Birth Certificate is your property in trust. It is your “indemnity receipt” given to you in exchange for the “legal title” they have received and hold to your estate. When you present yourself in court with a certified copy of your 3 Step Authenticated Birth Certificate in hand, you hold both the legal and equitable/ beneficial title, which is the complete title to THAT name, and the certificate is your legal title to property in hand.
There can be no excuse for any judge or lawyer mistaking this fact, however to keep their money machine going based on your ignorance, they routinely contrive to continue presuming a role as executive administrator of your estate, when YOU answer as the NAME or respond as THE ALL CAPS NAME on a warrant, bill, indictment, in any capacity other than as the agent for the NAME estate at that time. You then default into becoming defendant/trustee/surety because you misidentified yourself and didn’t claim your beneficiary position… thus you lose. They get you at “hello” with that name.
They then pretend to have the right to overrule you, when you are no longer acting as the lawful and adult beneficiary of your estate. Why can they do this? You volunteered to act as an incompetent and as trustee/surety for the entity, and not as a flesh and blood living being and beneficiary to your estate, the one who is holding title.
You have to know who you are and what you are doing. The court then proceeds on this basis by deliberately falsified public records and conducting a probate court as if you are dead, as someone with no rights. Do the dead have rights? NO!
You do this all to yourself by your status and standing, and conduct. The court presumes a duty to administer and take from your estate (usufruct) as it now appears unclaimed. Any “charge” (in the monetary sense), civil or criminal, is organized theft, or so it seems. Or did you actually give it to them? A gift is not theft… get it?
Therefore what they are doing is legal and proper, because you volunteered a gift, in every case. These “probate courts” (they all are actually probate – even if they call themselves, civil, criminal, etc) have been “misinformed” by YOU to the effect that you are missing and therefore are “presumed dead” by your own actions. Unclaimed and dead as if you were Robinson Crusoe – lost at sea and unaccounted for.
Acting upon this known and obviously false presumption, the judges act as “executors de son tort” as they should, and dispose of you and your property however they see fit. This unclaimed property they hold is why they can claim a bond value on the case, then go straight to wall street under the court’s trading account, and start trading bonds backed by YOUR estate. They hold something of value, so why not? (usufruct)
You failed to identify yourself as the beneficiary of your own estate, thus they presume you abandoned that property right. This happens in nearly every court case, which is why 98% of defendants (trustees by default), lose. It costs the court too much trading profit to let you win (they are Municipal Corporations with an EIN# like any other corporation).
These lower courts (State courts and US District Courts), have nothing to do with the facts or real victim based crimes. THAT is the game that is going on. This is a form of fraud known as a “Reverse Trust Scheme” in which the trustee of an estate, public or private, contrives to usurp the position of the lawful beneficiary for their own or an accomplice’s gain. But it is not a crime for them to do this if you volunteer, as most everyone does without realizing what is really going on. SO STOP DOING THAT. It is that simple.
This is all being done via the use of deceitfully similar names, e.g., John Henry Doe versus JOHN HENRY DOE. They are getting away with it because the basis of the fraud has been set up many years before, whenever you enter a courtroom with an attorney or without knowledge of the real game…. AND YOU VOLUNTEER for it. Yes, by entering with an attorney you are already abandoning your estate and admitting to being incompetent and assume the role as trustee and therefore abandoned your claim to being the sole beneficiary (you can’t be both positions in a trust).
This has all been constructed without your knowledge or consent, while you were still a baby in your cradle, and equally without the knowledge or consent of your parents. Then they spend a lifetime keeping this from you, especially now using propaganda in TV and movies and public schools to teach you how to answer to these people as SIR, and as if they are “Authorities”, when in reality they are your servants. Don’t they always tell you “to get a good attorney”? It’s all taught backwards folks.
Didn’t they say in the movie “THE MATRIX 1” it is all about control (mind control). That movie is one of the few telling you what is really going on.
They have built a Prison for your Mind in order to turn you into a "Copper Top" battery. (to finance their bankrupt corporation)
Arrest is presumed to be false if …
1. Arrest is presumed to be false; officer has the burden of proof
The only thing the plaintiff needs to plead and to prove if alleging false arrest, is either (1) that the defendant made an arrest or imprisonment, or (2) that the defendant affirmatively instigated, encouraged, incited, or caused the arrest or imprisonment. Burlington v. Josephson, 153 Fed.2d 372,276 (1946).
”When the plaintiff has shown that he was arrested, imprisoned or restrained of his liberty by the defendant, "the law presumes it to be unlawful." People v. McGrew, 20 Pac. 92 (1888); Knight v. Baker, 133 P. 544(1926).
"The burden is upon the defendant to show that the arrest was by authority of law." McAleer v. Good, 65 Atl. 934, 935 (1907); Mackie v. Ambassador, 11 P.2d 6 (1932).
"Any arrest made without a warrant, if challenged by the defendant, is presumptively invalid...the burden is upon the state" to justify it as authorized by statute, and as not violative of constitutional provisions. State v. Mastrian, 171 N.W.2d 695 (1969); Butler v. State, 212 So.2d 577 (Miss 1968)
"As in the case of illegal arrests, the officer ... must keep within the law at his peril." Thiede v. Scandia, 217 Minn. 231, 14 N.W.2d 400 (1944).
2. Must show warrant upon request
"He must show it to the accused, if requested to do so." Smith v. State, 208 S.2d 747 (Miss., 1968).
"If demanded, he must produce the warrant and read it to the accused, that he may know by what authority and for what cause he is deprived of his liberty." State v. Shaw, 89 S.E. 322 (1916).
"An accused person, if he demands it, is entitled to have the warrant for his arrest shown to him at the time of arrest." 42 L.R.A. 682, 51 L.R.A. 211, Crosswhite v. Barnes, 124 S.E. 242, 245 (1924).
"A special deputy is bound to show his warrant if requested to do so, and if he omit, the party against whom the warrant issues may resist an arrest, and the warrant under such circumstances is no protection against an action for an assault, battery and false imprisonment." Frost v. Thomas, 24 Wendell's Rep. (N.Y.) 418, 419 (1840).
“It is doubtless the duty of an officer who executes a warrant of arrest to state the nature and substance of the process which gives him the authority he professes to exercise, and, if it is demanded, to exhibit his warrant, that the party arrested may have no excuse for resistance.” Shovlon v. Com., 106 Pa. 369, 5 Am. Crim. Rep. 41 (1884)
“It was the duty of an officer who attempts to make an arrest to exhibit the warrant if he has one.” Jones v. State, 114 Ga. 79, 39 S.E. 861 (1901)
3. Warrant must be valid
A constable justifying an imprisonment under a warrant must show that the warrant on its face is legal, and that the magistrate had jurisdiction of the subject-matter. 51 L.R.A. 197, Poulk v. Slocum, 3 Blackfords (Ind). 421. (Meaning, you should also demand a copy of the affidavit giving the judge probable cause to issue the warrant. All warrants must issue upon submission of an affidavit of probable cause.)
“A warrant is regarded as insufficient and thus void if, on its face, it fails to state facts sufficient to constitute a crime.” Wharton’s Crim. Proc., 12th Ed., vol. 1, p. 152 (1974).
4. No rubber-stamp “signature”
“The United States Supreme Court ... stressed the need for ‘individualized review’ to avoid the issuance of ‘rubber stamp’ warrants.” State v. Paulick, 277 Minn. 140, 151 N.W.2d 596 (1967).
5. False arrest is assault and battery
"An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty has the same right, and only the same right, to use force in defending himself as he would have in repelling any other assault and battery.” State v. Robinson, 72 Atl.2d 262 (1950).
"An arrest without warrant is a trespass, an unlawful assault upon the person ... where one is about to be unlawfully deprived of his liberty he may resist the aggressions of the offender, whether of a private citizen or a public officer, to the extent of taking the life of the assailant, if that be necessary to preserve his own life, or prevent infliction upon him of some great bodily harm.” State v. Gum, 69 S.E. 464 (1910).
“Every person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest ... and, in preventing such illegal restraint of his liberty, he may use such force as may be necessary.” Columbus v. Holmes, 152 N.E.2d 306 (1958).
6. No handcuffs (sorry, OSHA)
“But a constable cannot justify handcuffing a prisoner unless he has attempted to escape, or unless it be necessary in order to prevent his doing so.” 51 L.R.A. 216.
“The handcuffing was utterly unlawful.” Osborn v. Veitch 1 Foster & Fin Eng Rep 317.
7. Go immediately to a magistrate (no photographs, no fingerprinting)
“The one arresting has “a duty to immediately seek a magistrate,” and failure to do so “makes a case of false imprisonment.” Heath v. Boyd, 175 S.W.2d. 217 (1943); Brock v. Stimson, 108 Mass. 520 (1871).
"To detain the person arrested in custody for any purpose other than that of taking him before a magistrate is illegal.” Kominsky v. Durand, 12 Atl.2d. 654 (1940).
"Any undue delay is unlawful and wrongful, and renders the officer himself and all persons aiding and abetting therein wrongdoers from the beginning.” Ulvestad v. Dolphin, 278 Pac. 684 (1929).
"The taking of the plaintiff’s picture before conviction was an illegal act.” Hawkins v. Kuhne, 137 NY Supp 1090, 153 App Div 216 (1912).
"The power to arrest does not confer upon the arresting officer the power to detain a prisoner for other purposes.” Geldon v. Finnegan, 252 N.W. 372 (1934).
"Compulsory fingerprinting before conviction is an unlawful encroachment...[and] involves prohibited compulsory self-incrimination.” People v. Helvern, 215 N.Y. Supp. 417 (1926)
A warrant must be issued and be signed (no rubber stamp) by a judge who has jurisdiction;
must state the facts showing jurisdiction;
must be based upon probable cause;
must name the offense committed;
must contain an affidavit (under oath) by the accuser, stating FIRST HAND facts constituting a crime;
must name the party to be arrested, or describe him sufficiently to identify him;
must offer the warrant and the affidavit for inspection upon request;
No handcuffs;
must take me immediately before a magistrate, and hold me for no other purpose (no photographs, no fingerprinting);
You are responsible for everything that happens to me even if you relinquish custody to an assign;
Unlawful arrest is assault, battery & trespass;
There is no immunity in a false arrest case;
Good faith is not a defense to sustain false arrest.
Lastly . . . If the warrant states as cause to issue, a mere civil/statutory infraction not rising to the level of a capital crime . . . the officer must produce title to your biological property/body, before said officer can make the arrest and take possession of the biological property. You do not by accommodation, accept the offer of arrest for any statutory infraction unless the statute defines a capital crime and probable cause exists.
The arresting officer that this information has been presented to, has both a civil and legal duty to become informed with the material incorporated herein before an arrest is determined to have cause to be made.
1. Arrest is presumed to be false; officer has the burden of proof
The only thing the plaintiff needs to plead and to prove if alleging false arrest, is either (1) that the defendant made an arrest or imprisonment, or (2) that the defendant affirmatively instigated, encouraged, incited, or caused the arrest or imprisonment. Burlington v. Josephson, 153 Fed.2d 372,276 (1946).
”When the plaintiff has shown that he was arrested, imprisoned or restrained of his liberty by the defendant, "the law presumes it to be unlawful." People v. McGrew, 20 Pac. 92 (1888); Knight v. Baker, 133 P. 544(1926).
"The burden is upon the defendant to show that the arrest was by authority of law." McAleer v. Good, 65 Atl. 934, 935 (1907); Mackie v. Ambassador, 11 P.2d 6 (1932).
"Any arrest made without a warrant, if challenged by the defendant, is presumptively invalid...the burden is upon the state" to justify it as authorized by statute, and as not violative of constitutional provisions. State v. Mastrian, 171 N.W.2d 695 (1969); Butler v. State, 212 So.2d 577 (Miss 1968)
"As in the case of illegal arrests, the officer ... must keep within the law at his peril." Thiede v. Scandia, 217 Minn. 231, 14 N.W.2d 400 (1944).
2. Must show warrant upon request
"He must show it to the accused, if requested to do so." Smith v. State, 208 S.2d 747 (Miss., 1968).
"If demanded, he must produce the warrant and read it to the accused, that he may know by what authority and for what cause he is deprived of his liberty." State v. Shaw, 89 S.E. 322 (1916).
"An accused person, if he demands it, is entitled to have the warrant for his arrest shown to him at the time of arrest." 42 L.R.A. 682, 51 L.R.A. 211, Crosswhite v. Barnes, 124 S.E. 242, 245 (1924).
"A special deputy is bound to show his warrant if requested to do so, and if he omit, the party against whom the warrant issues may resist an arrest, and the warrant under such circumstances is no protection against an action for an assault, battery and false imprisonment." Frost v. Thomas, 24 Wendell's Rep. (N.Y.) 418, 419 (1840).
“It is doubtless the duty of an officer who executes a warrant of arrest to state the nature and substance of the process which gives him the authority he professes to exercise, and, if it is demanded, to exhibit his warrant, that the party arrested may have no excuse for resistance.” Shovlon v. Com., 106 Pa. 369, 5 Am. Crim. Rep. 41 (1884)
“It was the duty of an officer who attempts to make an arrest to exhibit the warrant if he has one.” Jones v. State, 114 Ga. 79, 39 S.E. 861 (1901)
3. Warrant must be valid
A constable justifying an imprisonment under a warrant must show that the warrant on its face is legal, and that the magistrate had jurisdiction of the subject-matter. 51 L.R.A. 197, Poulk v. Slocum, 3 Blackfords (Ind). 421. (Meaning, you should also demand a copy of the affidavit giving the judge probable cause to issue the warrant. All warrants must issue upon submission of an affidavit of probable cause.)
“A warrant is regarded as insufficient and thus void if, on its face, it fails to state facts sufficient to constitute a crime.” Wharton’s Crim. Proc., 12th Ed., vol. 1, p. 152 (1974).
4. No rubber-stamp “signature”
“The United States Supreme Court ... stressed the need for ‘individualized review’ to avoid the issuance of ‘rubber stamp’ warrants.” State v. Paulick, 277 Minn. 140, 151 N.W.2d 596 (1967).
5. False arrest is assault and battery
"An illegal arrest is an assault and battery. The person so attempted to be restrained of his liberty has the same right, and only the same right, to use force in defending himself as he would have in repelling any other assault and battery.” State v. Robinson, 72 Atl.2d 262 (1950).
"An arrest without warrant is a trespass, an unlawful assault upon the person ... where one is about to be unlawfully deprived of his liberty he may resist the aggressions of the offender, whether of a private citizen or a public officer, to the extent of taking the life of the assailant, if that be necessary to preserve his own life, or prevent infliction upon him of some great bodily harm.” State v. Gum, 69 S.E. 464 (1910).
“Every person has the right to resist an unlawful arrest ... and, in preventing such illegal restraint of his liberty, he may use such force as may be necessary.” Columbus v. Holmes, 152 N.E.2d 306 (1958).
6. No handcuffs (sorry, OSHA)
“But a constable cannot justify handcuffing a prisoner unless he has attempted to escape, or unless it be necessary in order to prevent his doing so.” 51 L.R.A. 216.
“The handcuffing was utterly unlawful.” Osborn v. Veitch 1 Foster & Fin Eng Rep 317.
7. Go immediately to a magistrate (no photographs, no fingerprinting)
“The one arresting has “a duty to immediately seek a magistrate,” and failure to do so “makes a case of false imprisonment.” Heath v. Boyd, 175 S.W.2d. 217 (1943); Brock v. Stimson, 108 Mass. 520 (1871).
"To detain the person arrested in custody for any purpose other than that of taking him before a magistrate is illegal.” Kominsky v. Durand, 12 Atl.2d. 654 (1940).
"Any undue delay is unlawful and wrongful, and renders the officer himself and all persons aiding and abetting therein wrongdoers from the beginning.” Ulvestad v. Dolphin, 278 Pac. 684 (1929).
"The taking of the plaintiff’s picture before conviction was an illegal act.” Hawkins v. Kuhne, 137 NY Supp 1090, 153 App Div 216 (1912).
"The power to arrest does not confer upon the arresting officer the power to detain a prisoner for other purposes.” Geldon v. Finnegan, 252 N.W. 372 (1934).
"Compulsory fingerprinting before conviction is an unlawful encroachment...[and] involves prohibited compulsory self-incrimination.” People v. Helvern, 215 N.Y. Supp. 417 (1926)
A warrant must be issued and be signed (no rubber stamp) by a judge who has jurisdiction;
must state the facts showing jurisdiction;
must be based upon probable cause;
must name the offense committed;
must contain an affidavit (under oath) by the accuser, stating FIRST HAND facts constituting a crime;
must name the party to be arrested, or describe him sufficiently to identify him;
must offer the warrant and the affidavit for inspection upon request;
No handcuffs;
must take me immediately before a magistrate, and hold me for no other purpose (no photographs, no fingerprinting);
You are responsible for everything that happens to me even if you relinquish custody to an assign;
Unlawful arrest is assault, battery & trespass;
There is no immunity in a false arrest case;
Good faith is not a defense to sustain false arrest.
Lastly . . . If the warrant states as cause to issue, a mere civil/statutory infraction not rising to the level of a capital crime . . . the officer must produce title to your biological property/body, before said officer can make the arrest and take possession of the biological property. You do not by accommodation, accept the offer of arrest for any statutory infraction unless the statute defines a capital crime and probable cause exists.
The arresting officer that this information has been presented to, has both a civil and legal duty to become informed with the material incorporated herein before an arrest is determined to have cause to be made.
BAR (British Accredited Regency)
In 1926, the codes, rules, regulations, procedures, and Statutes were starting to be placed into the law books by trickery. The lawful manner for enacting a law is by the introduction of a bill into the legislature enabled by the Constitution, the passage by both the Senate and Congress and then signed by the Legislature, the President, and the Judicial. In 1926 the Judicial ceased signing the bills and was replaced by the President of the BAR (British Accredited Regency) of New York.
This was necessary in their scheme of things to come for they were going to declare what had passed in 1871-the DC CORPORATION had now become the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and they had to have Rules, Regulations, Codes, Statutes to run the many and various CORPORATIONS they would be setting up. BANKS, LENDING INSTITUTIONS, IRS, or any thing to do with the “MONEY” or lack thereof was left UNINCORPORATED.
Codes, Rules, Regulations, and Statutes apply only for the CORPORATION they are written for and apply only for the Employees of that Corporation. They could not apply to the people of the 48 various states united for America, but only for the CORPORATION. The CORPORATION is required to abide by their Codes, Rules, Regulations, and Statutes. By the CORPORATION swearing under the penalty of perjury that a citizen of the states owes them something, can they bring the people of the states into the action.
When checking the BAR ACT which was placed into every state around 1938, we find that the Attorneys, Lawyers, Esquires, Counselors, etc could only represent CREATED FICTIONS and CORPORATIONS. Now we understand why the passage of more than 60,000,000 Codes, Rules, Regulations, and Statutes had to be placed into the books.
All Attorneys, Lawyers, Esquires, Counselors, etc were required in 1938 to join the private fraternity called the BAR (British Accredited Regency or British Accredited Registry) for the privilege of practicing in the courts and to be given a License to Practice by the CREATED CORPORATIONS/ FICTIONS retaining them. They are given a Certificate by the State and a BAR CARD from their PRIVATE FRATERNITY.
Placing this all together the trick was now to establish each citizen of the 48 states united for America, that they had declared WAR upon as a CREATED FICTION.
This was done by the issuance of a BIRTH CERTIFICATE (which had not been done until this point) thereby creating a FICTION, the states selling these BIRTH CERTIFICATES to the COMMERCE DEPARTMENT of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, the COMMERCE DEPARTMENT then placed a bond on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE (making it a negotiable instrument), and placing the FICTION into the warehouse of the FEDERAL UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Representation for the CREATED FICTION was given to the BAR for the purpose of Contracting the FICTION in a third party action.
Men and women are born into this world by the creator as Living Souls. The BIRTH CERTIFICATE then creates a FICTION.
This was necessary in their scheme of things to come for they were going to declare what had passed in 1871-the DC CORPORATION had now become the UNITED STATES CORPORATION and they had to have Rules, Regulations, Codes, Statutes to run the many and various CORPORATIONS they would be setting up. BANKS, LENDING INSTITUTIONS, IRS, or any thing to do with the “MONEY” or lack thereof was left UNINCORPORATED.
Codes, Rules, Regulations, and Statutes apply only for the CORPORATION they are written for and apply only for the Employees of that Corporation. They could not apply to the people of the 48 various states united for America, but only for the CORPORATION. The CORPORATION is required to abide by their Codes, Rules, Regulations, and Statutes. By the CORPORATION swearing under the penalty of perjury that a citizen of the states owes them something, can they bring the people of the states into the action.
When checking the BAR ACT which was placed into every state around 1938, we find that the Attorneys, Lawyers, Esquires, Counselors, etc could only represent CREATED FICTIONS and CORPORATIONS. Now we understand why the passage of more than 60,000,000 Codes, Rules, Regulations, and Statutes had to be placed into the books.
All Attorneys, Lawyers, Esquires, Counselors, etc were required in 1938 to join the private fraternity called the BAR (British Accredited Regency or British Accredited Registry) for the privilege of practicing in the courts and to be given a License to Practice by the CREATED CORPORATIONS/ FICTIONS retaining them. They are given a Certificate by the State and a BAR CARD from their PRIVATE FRATERNITY.
Placing this all together the trick was now to establish each citizen of the 48 states united for America, that they had declared WAR upon as a CREATED FICTION.
This was done by the issuance of a BIRTH CERTIFICATE (which had not been done until this point) thereby creating a FICTION, the states selling these BIRTH CERTIFICATES to the COMMERCE DEPARTMENT of the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, the COMMERCE DEPARTMENT then placed a bond on the BIRTH CERTIFICATE (making it a negotiable instrument), and placing the FICTION into the warehouse of the FEDERAL UNITED STATES CORPORATION. Representation for the CREATED FICTION was given to the BAR for the purpose of Contracting the FICTION in a third party action.
Men and women are born into this world by the creator as Living Souls. The BIRTH CERTIFICATE then creates a FICTION.
EVER WONDER WHY OUR BIRTH CERTIFICATES ARE ALSO BANKNOTES? Its time to flip the script and become the Executors of the Estates that have been set up in our names via the Strawman/ALL CAPS NAME!
We can actually help balance the National Debt by "Accepting for Value" all bills and presentments that we are requested to pay- IF THEY ARE PRESENTED IN OUR ALL CAPS NAME. That's right, we can offset all that debt via our TDA's, our Treasury Direct Accounts!
"From now on, when presented with a "claim" (presentment) from government, we will agree with it (this removes the “controversy”) and we will ACCEPT IT FOR VALUE.
By doing this we remove the negative claim against our account and become the "holder in due course" of the presentment. As holder in due course you can require the sworn testimony of the presenter of the "claim" (under penalty of perjury) and request the account be properly adjusted.
It's all business, a commercial undertaking, and the basic procedure is not complicated. In fact, it's fairly simple. We just have to remember a few things, like: this is not a "legal" procedure -we're not playing dog-and-pony.
This is commerce, and we play by the rules of commerce. We accept the "claim," become the holder in due course, and challenge whether or not the presenter of the claim had/has the proper authority (the Order) to make the claim (debit our account) in the first place.
When they cannot produce the Order (they never can, it was never issued) we request the account be properly adjusted (the charge, the "claim" goes away).
If they don't adjust the account a request is made for the bookkeeping records showing where the funds in question were assigned. This is done by requesting the Fiduciary Tax Estimate and the Fiduciary Tax Return for this claim.
Since the claim has been accepted for value and is prepaid, and our TDA account is exempt from levy, the request for the Fiduciary Tax Estimate and the Fiduciary Tax Return is valid because the information is necessary in determining who is delinquent and/or making claims on the account.
If there is no record of the Fiduciary Tax Estimate and the Fiduciary Tax Return, we then request the individual tax estimates and individual tax returns to determine if there is any delinquency.
If we receive no favorable response to the above requests, we will then file a currency report on the amount claimed/assessed against our account and begin the commercial process that will force them to either do what's required or lose everything they own -except for the clothing they are wearing at the time.
This is the power of contracts (commerce) and it should be mentioned, at least this one time, that a contract overrides the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and any other document other than another contract. We should also mention that no process of law -"color" of law under present codes, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, etc. - can operate upon you, no agent and/or agency of government (including courts) can gain jurisdiction over you, WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT.
You, (we) are not within their fictional commercial venue.
The Accepted For Value process, however, gives us the ability to deal with "them" -through the use of our transmitting utility/go-between, the Strawman -and hold them accountable in their own commercial world, for any action(s) they attempt to take against us.
Without a proper Order, and now we know they're not in possession of such a document, they must leave us alone ... or pay the consequences.
Yes, this process IS powerful.
Yes, it CAN set us free from government oppression and control.
But remember: "What goes around, comes around." "Do unto others, as you have others do unto you."
It's simple, folks, DO NOT ABUSE THIS PROCESS ... if you do it could come around and bite you."-
We can actually help balance the National Debt by "Accepting for Value" all bills and presentments that we are requested to pay- IF THEY ARE PRESENTED IN OUR ALL CAPS NAME. That's right, we can offset all that debt via our TDA's, our Treasury Direct Accounts!
"From now on, when presented with a "claim" (presentment) from government, we will agree with it (this removes the “controversy”) and we will ACCEPT IT FOR VALUE.
By doing this we remove the negative claim against our account and become the "holder in due course" of the presentment. As holder in due course you can require the sworn testimony of the presenter of the "claim" (under penalty of perjury) and request the account be properly adjusted.
It's all business, a commercial undertaking, and the basic procedure is not complicated. In fact, it's fairly simple. We just have to remember a few things, like: this is not a "legal" procedure -we're not playing dog-and-pony.
This is commerce, and we play by the rules of commerce. We accept the "claim," become the holder in due course, and challenge whether or not the presenter of the claim had/has the proper authority (the Order) to make the claim (debit our account) in the first place.
When they cannot produce the Order (they never can, it was never issued) we request the account be properly adjusted (the charge, the "claim" goes away).
If they don't adjust the account a request is made for the bookkeeping records showing where the funds in question were assigned. This is done by requesting the Fiduciary Tax Estimate and the Fiduciary Tax Return for this claim.
Since the claim has been accepted for value and is prepaid, and our TDA account is exempt from levy, the request for the Fiduciary Tax Estimate and the Fiduciary Tax Return is valid because the information is necessary in determining who is delinquent and/or making claims on the account.
If there is no record of the Fiduciary Tax Estimate and the Fiduciary Tax Return, we then request the individual tax estimates and individual tax returns to determine if there is any delinquency.
If we receive no favorable response to the above requests, we will then file a currency report on the amount claimed/assessed against our account and begin the commercial process that will force them to either do what's required or lose everything they own -except for the clothing they are wearing at the time.
This is the power of contracts (commerce) and it should be mentioned, at least this one time, that a contract overrides the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and any other document other than another contract. We should also mention that no process of law -"color" of law under present codes, statutes, rules, regulations, ordinances, etc. - can operate upon you, no agent and/or agency of government (including courts) can gain jurisdiction over you, WITHOUT YOUR CONSENT.
You, (we) are not within their fictional commercial venue.
The Accepted For Value process, however, gives us the ability to deal with "them" -through the use of our transmitting utility/go-between, the Strawman -and hold them accountable in their own commercial world, for any action(s) they attempt to take against us.
Without a proper Order, and now we know they're not in possession of such a document, they must leave us alone ... or pay the consequences.
Yes, this process IS powerful.
Yes, it CAN set us free from government oppression and control.
But remember: "What goes around, comes around." "Do unto others, as you have others do unto you."
It's simple, folks, DO NOT ABUSE THIS PROCESS ... if you do it could come around and bite you."-
Your value to society
By analogy, consider that when you go to prison, everything of value is taken from you - your time, your attention, your freedom, your ability to function as a contributing member of society, the option to apply your intellectual or manual skills. Even your property is of no use to you if you cannot benefit from ownership.
When government does this, it must assume total responsibility for you and pay your way. So, your food, clothing, housing/shelter, medical care, etc are provided because that is the State\'s legal responsibility.
Likewise, when the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, pledged all Americans as collateral against the national debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that \"something\" is your credit.
Your value to society was then and still is calculated using actuarial tables and at birth, bonds equal to this \"average value\" are created. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars. These bonds are collateralized by your birth certificate which becomes a negotiable instrument. The bonds are hypothecated, traded until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes, and all that credit created is technically and rightfully yours. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number without the dashes. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number.
However, the clever rascals have done everything in their power to block your access to your own credit by creating the corporate fiction which is a trust identified by your name in all capital letters. It is commonly referred to as your strawman. It is a Debtor, like all corporate entities under the bankruptcy because it is a subset of the bankrupt debtor government. It is not you, but you unknowingly serve as the Trustee for this fiction, manage it for a lifetime, and are legally liable for any and all debts it incurs unless by adminstrative means you lay claim to any and all value it might contain by creating a security agreement between you and it. Once you have done this no other fiction can have any dealings with your fiction without your express permission as a Creditor to and creator of its value. It cannot even be sued without your permission. In fact, no court, government agency, law enforcement agency, attorney, or other corporate entity can transact business of any kind with the strawman without your permission. It is the one thing that every judge has drilled into his head, that the court must have your consent before it can prosecute your strawman, rule, put you in jail (you, the unwitting surety for the strawman which as a fiction cannot be put in jail), because it is not you that they are prosecuting, it is the strawman, and because it is your property, they need your consent for their fiction court or attorney to transact business (under admiralty/commercial UCC law) with your strawman. The person in the black robe sitting in front of a court is a man on the land operating a corporate fiction called a court, which can only do business with another fiction, your strawman. If you have ever looked at a Summons and Complaint, which typically starts a legal proceeding/suit, you will see the identities of the parties involved as Plaintiff and Defendant, are always spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, because they are fictions.
Cleverer still, the UNITED STATES contracted with the Federal Reserve to use its private, copyrited scrip, the Federal Reserve note, for all debts both private and public, and that private scrip can only be brought into the PUBLIC, the corporate domain that is the system we currently live in, through a chartered banking institution or a pass-through account, and that pass-through account is your limited liability social security account. Anyone bringing money into the PUBLIC in any other way can be charged with money laundering.
With that groundwork laid, we come to the greatest scam of all, the use of your credit without your permission or knowledge. In a debt-based system such as the one we use under the national bankruptcy of 1933, all value is created through lending, and what you lend is credit because there is no longer any money. The government took it all away. As previously stated, every living soul in the system has the right and, albeit cleverly hidden, the ability to create credit. Only a living soul whose value to society has been denominated in bonds collateralized by evidence of his physical birth, has access to credit except for fictions such as banks which are chartered by the government, given the franchise to create credit. However, when you sit down with a banker to \"take out a loan\", you sign a promissory note, and on the strength of your signature, the loan, which is really a draw on your own credit, originally created to satisfy a legal requirement to provide you with a means to pay, is created, but you are led to believe that the bank is lending you its assets so that it is entitled to repayment of principle plus interest. Wrong. The bank is using your credit to create the loan and then demanding that you pay back something that belongs to you. This means that all loans are fraudulent because under the terms of the contract, whether it is a mortgage, a line of credit, a credit card account, a car loan. or any other loan, the truth of the matter was not fully divulged, and no contract can stand as legitimate and lawful unless all the terms of the agreement were shared with the \"borrower\". In fact, the bank deposits the promissory note that you sign just as it would a check that you wrote. It flips it over and endorses it, creates a special demand-type account, deposits it, then carries the loan on its books first as an asset and secondly as a liability owed to YOU. Of course, they never tell you this, but it is true. If you are willing to risk having your accounts at the bank shut down, try asking a branch manager exactly what happens to a promissory note.
But I digress. The fact is, you have unlimited credit, and there is a burgeoning community of Americans who are learning to lawfully access and utilize this credit to settle their commercial affairs. It\'s quite a tussle, because the Powers do not want to cooperate. The government was legally required to provide you with a means to pay anything anytime, but it did not see that it was obligated to show you how to access it, so it has taken many years of patriots working very hard to uncover and develop the means to do just that - use their credit to better their lives and those of their loved ones. It is the ultimate gift in this system, and one that you should be grateful that people are devoting their lives to.
In summary, in our debt-based system, all value is created by lending in order to discharge, not pay, another debt/obligation. The value behind this lending is credit. For you, this credit was based on your personal worth and was created by bonds collateralized by your birth certiificated and valued according to actuarial tables. This credit, your Exemption, is all yours, authorized under the terms of the bankruptcy and HJR192 to replace the gold confiscated by the government. The government and all its subsets have tried very hard for many decades to keep the fact of this value from you, and structured your interface with the rest of the corporate world so that you have acted as the surety for a Debtor fiction, your strawman. The predictable effect of this has been your personal amnesia, forgetting who you really are, a Creditor, while the government has pillaged your credit for its own uses, leaving you enslaved without even knowit it, this the ultimate deception and fraud.
When government does this, it must assume total responsibility for you and pay your way. So, your food, clothing, housing/shelter, medical care, etc are provided because that is the State\'s legal responsibility.
Likewise, when the UNITED STATES declared bankruptcy, pledged all Americans as collateral against the national debt, and confiscated all gold, eliminating the means by which you could pay, it also assumed legal responsibility for providing a new way for you to pay, and it did that by providing what is known as the Exemption, an exemption from having to pay for anything. In practical terms, though, this meant giving each American something to pay with, and that \"something\" is your credit.
Your value to society was then and still is calculated using actuarial tables and at birth, bonds equal to this \"average value\" are created. I understand that this is currently between one and two million dollars. These bonds are collateralized by your birth certificate which becomes a negotiable instrument. The bonds are hypothecated, traded until their value is unlimited for all intents and purposes, and all that credit created is technically and rightfully yours. In point of fact, you should be able to go into any store in America and buy anything and everything in sight, telling the clerk to charge it to your Exemption account, which is identified by a nine-digit number that you will recognize as your Social Security number without the dashes. It is your EIN, which stands for Exemption Identification Number.
However, the clever rascals have done everything in their power to block your access to your own credit by creating the corporate fiction which is a trust identified by your name in all capital letters. It is commonly referred to as your strawman. It is a Debtor, like all corporate entities under the bankruptcy because it is a subset of the bankrupt debtor government. It is not you, but you unknowingly serve as the Trustee for this fiction, manage it for a lifetime, and are legally liable for any and all debts it incurs unless by adminstrative means you lay claim to any and all value it might contain by creating a security agreement between you and it. Once you have done this no other fiction can have any dealings with your fiction without your express permission as a Creditor to and creator of its value. It cannot even be sued without your permission. In fact, no court, government agency, law enforcement agency, attorney, or other corporate entity can transact business of any kind with the strawman without your permission. It is the one thing that every judge has drilled into his head, that the court must have your consent before it can prosecute your strawman, rule, put you in jail (you, the unwitting surety for the strawman which as a fiction cannot be put in jail), because it is not you that they are prosecuting, it is the strawman, and because it is your property, they need your consent for their fiction court or attorney to transact business (under admiralty/commercial UCC law) with your strawman. The person in the black robe sitting in front of a court is a man on the land operating a corporate fiction called a court, which can only do business with another fiction, your strawman. If you have ever looked at a Summons and Complaint, which typically starts a legal proceeding/suit, you will see the identities of the parties involved as Plaintiff and Defendant, are always spelled in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS, because they are fictions.
Cleverer still, the UNITED STATES contracted with the Federal Reserve to use its private, copyrited scrip, the Federal Reserve note, for all debts both private and public, and that private scrip can only be brought into the PUBLIC, the corporate domain that is the system we currently live in, through a chartered banking institution or a pass-through account, and that pass-through account is your limited liability social security account. Anyone bringing money into the PUBLIC in any other way can be charged with money laundering.
With that groundwork laid, we come to the greatest scam of all, the use of your credit without your permission or knowledge. In a debt-based system such as the one we use under the national bankruptcy of 1933, all value is created through lending, and what you lend is credit because there is no longer any money. The government took it all away. As previously stated, every living soul in the system has the right and, albeit cleverly hidden, the ability to create credit. Only a living soul whose value to society has been denominated in bonds collateralized by evidence of his physical birth, has access to credit except for fictions such as banks which are chartered by the government, given the franchise to create credit. However, when you sit down with a banker to \"take out a loan\", you sign a promissory note, and on the strength of your signature, the loan, which is really a draw on your own credit, originally created to satisfy a legal requirement to provide you with a means to pay, is created, but you are led to believe that the bank is lending you its assets so that it is entitled to repayment of principle plus interest. Wrong. The bank is using your credit to create the loan and then demanding that you pay back something that belongs to you. This means that all loans are fraudulent because under the terms of the contract, whether it is a mortgage, a line of credit, a credit card account, a car loan. or any other loan, the truth of the matter was not fully divulged, and no contract can stand as legitimate and lawful unless all the terms of the agreement were shared with the \"borrower\". In fact, the bank deposits the promissory note that you sign just as it would a check that you wrote. It flips it over and endorses it, creates a special demand-type account, deposits it, then carries the loan on its books first as an asset and secondly as a liability owed to YOU. Of course, they never tell you this, but it is true. If you are willing to risk having your accounts at the bank shut down, try asking a branch manager exactly what happens to a promissory note.
But I digress. The fact is, you have unlimited credit, and there is a burgeoning community of Americans who are learning to lawfully access and utilize this credit to settle their commercial affairs. It\'s quite a tussle, because the Powers do not want to cooperate. The government was legally required to provide you with a means to pay anything anytime, but it did not see that it was obligated to show you how to access it, so it has taken many years of patriots working very hard to uncover and develop the means to do just that - use their credit to better their lives and those of their loved ones. It is the ultimate gift in this system, and one that you should be grateful that people are devoting their lives to.
In summary, in our debt-based system, all value is created by lending in order to discharge, not pay, another debt/obligation. The value behind this lending is credit. For you, this credit was based on your personal worth and was created by bonds collateralized by your birth certiificated and valued according to actuarial tables. This credit, your Exemption, is all yours, authorized under the terms of the bankruptcy and HJR192 to replace the gold confiscated by the government. The government and all its subsets have tried very hard for many decades to keep the fact of this value from you, and structured your interface with the rest of the corporate world so that you have acted as the surety for a Debtor fiction, your strawman. The predictable effect of this has been your personal amnesia, forgetting who you really are, a Creditor, while the government has pillaged your credit for its own uses, leaving you enslaved without even knowit it, this the ultimate deception and fraud.
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