gate (or bar) is the veil. {one enters to give sacrifice} The bench is the alter. The Black
Robed Devil (the judge, administrative magistrate) is the high priest. {vicarius dei} The
Attorney [from Latin, attorn = to twist or turn] is the mediator. {vicarius filii dei} The
attorney's job is to move one into Roman 'Civil Law' Jurisdiction and then quickly into Code
and Rule Pleadings (Babylonian Law); remember he is a devil, too.
Common Law is moot, since these are not Article Three courts. The bailiffs, clerks, and
stenographers are the high priest servants. [They are there to accept and make record of
the sacrifice.] If one enters the veil, one is there (and is expected) to give sacrifices. The
fine is the wave offering; given to escape the threat of punishment. The court cost is the
heave (tribute or gift) offering.
If you enter voluntarily, then just give your sacrifices and be a good little slave and stop
wasting the Court's time. If you hire an attorney then you have volunteered, as sheople lead
to slaughter and you will get what you deserve.
How can one plea, if they "do not understand the nature and cause of the charges"? And if
one is coerced to enter a plea, then that plea would have to be "Non assumpsit, Without
prejudice" or “Non assumpsit under duress”, "...a plea by which Defendant avers that "he did not undertake" or promise as alleged by the plaintiff" with "no rights...waived". - Black's Law 6th Ed. A better plea is "Plea in Bar"; however, one must know proper procedure well and how to set it up, to make this one really stick.
If one enters plea of NOT GUILTY, one just might as well Plea Nolo Contrendere and get it
over with; because one will loose anyway, since Not Guilty is a negative and it is impossible
to prove a negative. The proper Plea would be a Plea of Innocence, which is a positive Plea,
something which can be proven. However, Devils seldom allow Plea of Innocence.
Remember, too, that these are courts of controversy. Learn ways and methods of avoiding
controversy. These courts can, only, proceed in controversy
"The privilege against self-incrimination is neither accorded to the passive resistant, nor the
person who is ignorant of his rights, nor to one indifferent thereto. It is a fighting clause. Its
benefits can be retained only by sustained combat. It can not be retained by attorney or
solicitor. It is valid only when insisted upon by a belligerent claimant in person."
"The one who is persuaded by honeyed words or moral suasion to testify or produce
documents rather than make a last ditch stand, simply loses the protection. Once he
testifies to part, he has waived his right and must on cross examination or otherwise, testify
as to the whole transaction. He must refuse to answer or produce, and test the matter in
contempt proceedings, or by habeas corpus. -- United States v. Johnson, 76 F. Supp. 538, 540
(District Court, M.D. PA. 1947) Once one hires an Attornor, and tell (testifies to) the
Attornor (the enemy's spy, an Officer of the Court) what has happened, the Attornor is
required by law to share (Discovery) ALL evidence, which he obtains from his Client, with
the Prosecutor. "You have the right to remain silent, everything that you say (to any of these
devils), CAN and WILL be used against YOU." Miranda v Arizona, 384 US 436(1966). You
would be wise to remain silent! "Open mouth, insert foot!" It is all a game, you are a pawn;
and it has been prearranged for you to be the looser. Here is another good one, learn to
answer a question with question. The master asks the question and the slave or servant
answers. Remember what is quoted in paragraph above?
If one answers a question, then never give them the answer they need or desire to gain
jurisdiction to proceed. A good example: What is your name? My mother calls me 'son'; or
What is not correct try again! Learn to relax and have fun with these devils. Remember it is
only a game; however, the joke is intended to be on you and at your expense. Learn to turn
it around.
If for some strange reason, one appears at Bar, then one must OBJECT to false statements
made by Attorners at Bar and take EXCEPTION to false statements made by the Black Robed Devil. Failure to do so, is the waiver of your right. One NEVER 'objects' to a statement by the Judge; take exception. Never APPEAR 'Pro se', 'Pro per' or 'Pro' anything, not even 'In propria persona'. Never allow the Black Robed Devil to proclaim that you are there 'Pro se', 'Pro per' or 'Pro' anything. Always, ALWAYS, take EXCEPTION. One does not OBJECT to the Judge's utterances, one takes EXCEPTION. One OBJECTS to the Prosecutor's utterances. The Supreme Court in all of its ultimate wisdom made this ruling about those who APPEAR 'PRO SE': "If there is any truth to the old proverb that '[o]ne who is his own lawyer has a fool for a client,' the Court by its opinion today now bestows a constitutional right on one to make a fool of himself." -- Faretta v California, 45 L Ed 2d 562, 592 (1975); also, found at last page of 422 US 806 and 95 S Ct 2525. To become a good belligerent claimant one needs to learn the "Faretta Defense".
The court nor the state does not have the right or the need to know ones, family, work,
military, educational or religious background. All that is needed is that one is able to read,
write and speak America's English. Stop, volunteering information. The more information
one volunteers the more these devil have to use against their victim. If one, out of
necessity, must be present, then that presence, not appearance (things unseen are that
which appear), should be 'sui juris' by one's own Right or 'suæ potestate esse', the lord or
master of the soil (self rule). The latter require knowledge of law to successfully use.
appear 'Pro Se' or 'Pro' anything is to accept a temporary appoint to the BAR, an acronym
{British AristocRATic Regency or British Accreditation Registry}. Attorney's are Esquires.
Esquires are apprentice Knights or Squires, who are practicing to become Squires and you
pay for their practice. The Florida Bar as an example has 70,000 members; however, less
than 2,800 members are Certified as Competent by the BAR. Do you really wish to be one of
their guinea pigs? It should, also, be noted that the United States Supreme Court in ALL of
its ultimate wisdom gave full immunity against both civil and criminal prosecution for
perjury to Judges, Attorneys, Court Reporters, Stenographers, Law Enforcement Officers
and Expert Witnesses, who testify for the STATE. They all have received an indulgence
(permission or license) to BEAR FALSE WITNESS again YOU on behalf the State. Witnesses,
such as Shrinks and Psychos, Sorcerers, receive a handsome amount of filthy lucre from to
Court to lie against you, usually $500 to $5000 for their services. Read it and weep, Briscoe
v LaHue, 460 US 325; 75 L Ed 2d 96, 103 S Ct 1108. Do you really want to play cards at their
table? Expert witness means someone with a sheep's skin, who agrees with the party paying
for their services. Welcome to the Fascist States of the United States, a British Crown Slave
State or Plantation The Black Robed Devil (false accuser) is GOD (false deity, demon)
[vicarius dei = substitute for deity; The Defense Attornor is the vicarius filii dei = substitute
for the son of deity] All other officers are lesser deities. Therefore, stop using the term God.
PERIOD. What part of the word stop do you not comprehend. God = Gaud (old
English) = Gâd (Hebrew, SH #1408 and 1409) = the deity of good luck, good fortune, or
troops; a deity of Babylon (The Masonic Luciferian Idol, which stand in New York Harbor).
You ask any Black Robed Devil for your God-given rights and he will give them to you,
maybe even 5 to 10 in one of their iron bar hotels or dungeons. Get the point! One is hung
by their own tongue. They do not speak English.
ALL Officers of the Court are Directors, Collectors or Representatives of the IRS.
Federal Civil Rules, Rule 81(f). {The Supreme Court has arbitrarily remove this section,
definition for “Officers of the Court”, from public view. They in their altiment wisdom
decided that the public did not have the need to know. }
Devil (SG #1228) = false accuser. idols = demons (SG #1140) =idols, false deities.
The term GOD is not synonymous or interchangeable with the term deity, since GOD is the
name of a false deity, a demon.
Never does the term GOD mean or apply to Creator, NEVER!
Welcome to Babylon!
I want my Creator (YHVH -Yahavah) given Rights or unalienable Rights, because I am an heir
of The King, not a servant of Baal. "Membership has its privileges." namely the cloak of
sovereignty, not that one is sovereign, but that one is cloaked with sovereignty. Remember,
is there enough evidence to convict you of being the bride of Christian (the anointed)? If you
keep not Yah's Laws (The Law of Love and the 679 Statutes of Liberty) in the Book of the
Law (Geneva Bible) (KJV is the Masonic State Religion Bible, the NIV is the UN Bible.), then the claim to being sovereign is MOOT. One is not sovereign, one is the heir elect of the
sovereign, and is cloaked with sovereign immunity. To claim sovereignty is to self proclaim
to be deity. Dumb move! This Black Robed Devil, remember he is an Attornor, a twister, will
do everything to trick his victim into braking the Law {the Creator's Law, the supreme Law
of the Land [not the CON CONstitution]; i.e., America, the Heavenly Kingdom} and thereby
gains jurisdiction. Selah! Think of that! He, only, gains jurisdiction if one voluntarily give it
to him. Christians (heirs of Messiah) can not take an oath (Talmudic or Luciferian in origin)
or sign an affidavit in their form. (Matthew 5:34-37; James 5:12) There is a way of escape
through, 28 USC 1746 (1). Though, a better way of escape is by recording Surety Bond in
Twenty-one silver Dollars and filling UCC1, based on Private Security Agreement; thereby,
securing your "transmitting utility" or commercial "vessel". It is all a matter of "Through The Looking Glass". Pawn Queen eight, Check Mate!
Side NOTE: The term christ is a verb and means “to anoint”. A verb cannot be the subject or
object of a sentence. The term Christian (Gr) = Messiah (Heb) = the Anointed. The term
“Christians” means heirs of the Anointed. However, beware that if one successfully proves
to be one of Christian's subjects there is a high probability that these devil will attempt to
commit one to prison for the insane, in order to force one to do time, anyway. It is a loop
hole, by which they circumvent their own laws. Basically, they cannot imprison Christians in their system, they imprison felons, CONS and WARDS, and malefactors (male and female, criminals); therefore if they cannot make or convert a servant of Christian into a Felon by their CON game, then this is the simple solution, “Baker Act” this non conformist, declare the victim to be NUTS, a ward of the court, seize Jurisdiction by force, and commit follower of Christian, then shoot the victim up with drugs (the practice of Sorcery, Gal. 5:20; Rev. 21:8), after a period of a few months, MAGICALLY, no more disciple of Christian, but a
zombie instead, which can easily be controlled. If they are able to perpetrate this fraud long
enough, Believer becomes mentally DEAD. They literally fry your brain with chemicals
(drugs and poisons). Problem solved. Next! Folks, this is what took place in Nazi Germany
and now in the United States of Amerika.
Over 7000 prisons have been MURDERED at Chattahoochee, alone, since its opening; and at least 30% of those, who are there, do not belong there, they are consider enemies of the
STATE. And, while being locked up in that HELL, the State becomes busy seizing all of the
assets and properties of their victims, sometimes it is in the millions. Christians cannot or
should not enter at the gates of Baal, nor into contracts with devils [e.g.-- signing into the
iron bar hotel, posting bail, the hiring of an Attorney or plea bargaining]. Christians can give or sign 'asseverations' or 'declarations of truth' in the form of Affidavits {28 USC 1746 (1)}.
If at all possible, Christians must stand firm in 'commons' and not go in at bar. It is best to
do everything in writing beforehand, outside the sanctuary of the Temples of Baal.
Entering Security Agreement with ones "Vessel" or "Transmitting Utilities", Recording a UCC-1 Form (financing statement) with Addendum and Recording Twenty-one Silver Dollar Surety Bond beforehand for starters, followed by "Acceptance for Value" and then "Return for Cause under lawful Protest without Recourse", Abatement, and Petition for Bill of Particulars or More Definitive Statement or Presumption, Notice and Demand to Strike are all good steps to secure one's freedom prior to Arraignment.
WARNING! There are FOOLS out there, who continually toot the STRAWMAN theories and nonsense. Let's set the record straight, a strawman is a FELON. To claim to be a strawman is an admission to being a FELON. In Title 27 of United States Code and in Real Estate law, a strawman is someone, who makes an illegal purchase or transaction.
However, in the Wizard of OZ (ounce), the Bankster, of the Emerald City (the city of green,
the Federal Reserve) Dorothy is accompanied or followed by a strawman, (a mindless
corporate fiction) and a TIN man (Tax Identification Number), and cowardly lion (the king of this jungle in which we now live, representing government, who are afraid of the Banksters and Attorners), and Toto (a term meaning, all or total).
Remember the Black Robed Devil wanted it (the farm) ALL from the beginning.
The street of GOLD lead to the Federal Reserve. Did you note that the servants of the Black
Robed Devil, were winged ape like creatures, who are ready to swoop down on their victim
at any second? The Banksters and Attorners had dumbed down the general population to
half wits. The TIN man was carrying and holding up an ax, a symbol of FASCISM, to which
Dorothy, unknowing, gave new life or rebirth.
In attempt to stop Dorothy from getting to the Bank, the Black Robed Devil placed before
Dorothy a field of poppies. Dorothy, Toto and the Lion fell into a drunken stooper.
Remember, opium and heroin come from poppies. What happens next? Dorothy's corporate fiction and tax number cried out to SATAN CLAUSE for a quick fix. Satan Clause gives them SNOW, cocaine; everything is better now. What a scam! And, the American sheople have boughtit hook, line and sinker, since the last three Presidents of the United States have ALL be notorious DRUG SMUGGLERS.
Too, it should be noted that the Black Robed Devil was extremely jealous of Dorothy. She
wanted Dorothy's slippers. Slippers represent protection, mobility and means of movement.
By taking Dorothy's slippers, Dorothy's ability to travel, work or witness would become
limited. Remember, Dorothy was still of sound mind, which is more then I could say for the
balance of the population. In the movie the slippers were Ruby, representing life itself; life is in the blood. The Black Robed Devil wanted to complete and TOTALLY enslave Dorothy.
Ruby, is red, representing blood, which anyone, who is a Christian knows and comprehends
that REDEMPTION is by the blood of the Lamb.
Like Simon the Sorcery, the Black Robed Devil was attempting attain redemption by some
other means, then submitting to the Kingship of Yahshua Messiah.
However, in the original text of the book (1900), the slippers were silver, representing the
people as having some wealth. In the movie the Banksters had already stolen the Gold
(1933), but the American people still had silver Coin until 1965.