Here is a writ of mandamus and replevin. Send this along with a copy of your document package to the Vital Statistics and the two Bureau of Land Management on the document. As the living man/woman you are the original supreme court. Just copy and paste into a word document, save and print.
In The Court of Jeffrey of the houseAnderson
The Original Supreme Court
Mike Pool, Director
Bureau of Land Management Washington Office
1849 C Street NW, Rm. 5665
Washington DC 20240
Carole Carter-Pfisterer
Bureau of Land Management
Assistant Director, Human Capital Management
1849 C Street NW, Rm. 5611
Washington, DC 20240
Writ of Mandamus & Replevin
Before Abraham was, I am, the Divine Spirit having a human experience, Heir to the Divine Estate, Beneficiary to the Divine Estate Trust named above.
It has been established in fact that:
The Birth Certificate represents my Estate Trust;
The Office of Vital Statistics issued the certified copy of the Birth Certificate, therefore, the Office of Vital Statistics must hold the original Birth Certificate;
The Office of Vital Statistics is the holder in due course and intermediary agent of the estate trust;
As holder in due course and intermediary agent The Office of Vital Statistics has a mandatory fiduciary duty to the Entitlement holder;
As Heir to the estate and Beneficiary to the trust, I am the Proper Party and Entitlement Holder of the Estate Trust;
The Divine Estate was created under the 13 month 28 day lunar cycle [1320 vibration], a natural cycle of balance and harmony operating in tune with nature and Nature's Law;
Under your administration the estate trust has been administrated under the distorted 12 month 30 day time matrix which blocks the natural flow of energy back to Source creating imbalance and dis-ease adversely affecting the estate, the Heir and Beneficiary, causing loss, damage and injury;
Under the un-natural time matrix the civil administration has waged war against the people and created separation where unity once lived, dis-ease and dis-order where balance and harmony once supported order and perfect health;
As Entitlement Holder it is my intent to restore the peace, ending the perpetual war against the people and our estates, returning the All to peace and Harmony, abundance and prosperity.
Breach of Trust
The administration of the Estate Trust under the Office of Vital Statistics has been determined to be a Breach of Trust; an international cure has been provided;
We, the Divine Spirit, object to the administration of my estate trust by the Office of Vital under the distorted 1260 time matrix giving rise to dis-ease and dis-order in their life and estate as well;
As Entitlement Holder of the Estate Trust I have the right to redeem the estate and the right to determine who and how the Estate Trust is administrated;
As Entitlement Holder I provided The Office of Vital Statistics with documentation correcting the error of assumptions under which the estate was administrated and instructed them to make the corrections and return the Estate Trust to Original jurisdiction. The Office of Vital Statistics has dishonored that request placing them in Breach of Trust.
As Entitlement Holder We have an absolute right to have Our Estate Trust withdrawn from the Civil Administration created under the 14th Amendment and the 1260 time matrix and return it to Original jurisdiction and the natural flow of the 1320 cycle of Source.
The Bureau/Office of Land Management has the authority and is the proper party having a mandatory obligation to compel performance of the Intermediary Agent in this matter.
It is hereby Decreed and Order, in the nature of mandamus, the Bureau/Office of Land Management to compel performance to return the Estate Trust to Original jurisdiction and the 1320 vibrational cycle to restore the peace and end the perpetual war against the people and the Divine Estate.
It is Decreed and Ordered this _____day of June, 2012.
Thumb print By___________________________________________
Jeffrey Heir & Beneficiary
The Original Supreme Court
P.O. Box 28606, Columbus, OH 43228, USA
Your Legal Person
By Registering (signing over to the state) your Biological Property (your body and the bodies of your children), creating a Birth Certificate (a Financial Security Instrument representing proof of parental consent in signing over the child) you are thus Consenting to the State’s Ownership of You and Your Children.
The State then creates a child’s very first Legal PERSON, with the parental signing of the Birth Certificate, which is given a “commercial value”. If you have an older-style Birth Certificate, look on the Reverse side of it, to see 3 points of interest.
1) A 6-10 digit Number that you have never used in your life.
2) The words “Revenue Receipt” on the left side of this number.
3) The words “For Treasury Purposes Only” on the right side of the number.
Incidentally, before the 1900’s, people USED to write the evidence of a birth in their Family Bible.
This first Legal Person attached to you, is known as a “NATIONAL CITIZEN” which later becomes synonymous with being a “Government Employee”, when you SUBMIT (give in) an APPLICATION (to beg) for REGISTRATION (to sign over your rights) to become a SINner (by signing up for the Fraud called Social Insurance or Social Security).
The State then creates a child’s very first Legal PERSON, with the parental signing of the Birth Certificate, which is given a “commercial value”. If you have an older-style Birth Certificate, look on the Reverse side of it, to see 3 points of interest.
1) A 6-10 digit Number that you have never used in your life.
2) The words “Revenue Receipt” on the left side of this number.
3) The words “For Treasury Purposes Only” on the right side of the number.
Incidentally, before the 1900’s, people USED to write the evidence of a birth in their Family Bible.
This first Legal Person attached to you, is known as a “NATIONAL CITIZEN” which later becomes synonymous with being a “Government Employee”, when you SUBMIT (give in) an APPLICATION (to beg) for REGISTRATION (to sign over your rights) to become a SINner (by signing up for the Fraud called Social Insurance or Social Security).
In order to win in court you have to redeem the Bond. AUTOTRIS CUSIP DTCC
What they’re doing in these courts is all about Bonds. When you go into the courtroom after you’re arrested, they use two different sets of Bonds. What they do when your arrested they fill out a “Bid Bond”. The United States District Court uses 273, 274 & 275. SF = “Standard Form”. Standard Form 273, Standard Form 274 & Standard Form 275. This is the United States District Court.
There is another set of Bonds and they are all put out by GSA = General Services Administration. I’m just talking off the top of my head because I have all of this stuff memorized. GSA Form SF24 is the “Bid Bond”, everyone should have a copy of the Bid Bond. The “Performance Bond” is SF25. The “Payment Bond” is SF25A and put out by the GSA.
O.K. So, what are they doing with these Bonds? What’s going on in the courtroom is that they are suing you for a debt collection. If you look at these Bonds, everyone of these Bonds: the “Bid Bond”, the “Performance Bond” & the “Payment Bond”, all have a “PENAL SUM” attached to it. The reason for the “Penal Sum” is if you don’t pay the Debt, you go into “Default Judgment”.
That is what is going on in the courtroom. That is why all of these guys are sitting in prison wondering what’s going on! If you go in and argue jurisdiction or refuse to answer questions that the judge or the court addresses to you, they will find you in contempt of court and they will put you in jail. What they do is arrest you, then they hold you, basically until the suit has been completed. Once they get “Default Judgment” on you because of your failure to pay the Debt, they put you in prison. Theattorneys are there to create a smoke screen.
What attorneys have been trained to do is to lead you into “Dishonor” or “Default Judgment”. Then the court puts you into prison then they sell your “Default Judgment”.
Who do they sell it to?
Believe it or not, the U.S. District Court buys all of these State Court Judgments. I don’t know why noone has found this out before. There are about 300 “re-insurance” companies that buy these bonds. They are all ‘insurance” companies. These are the people that are buying these Bonds when you went into “Default Judgment” and they cannot buy these Bonds unless they are Certified by the Secretary of the Treasury.
What are they doing with these Bonds? They have regulations governing these Bonds – there are 2,000 regulations governing these Bonds.
Commercial Paper; Negotiable Instruments - anything you put your signature on is a Negotiable Instrument under the Uniform Commercial Code which is the Lex Mercantorium. Its Mercantile Civil Law.
The reason they use Lex Merchantorium in the court room is because everyone of you are Merchant’s at Law and Merchants at Law is anyone who holds themselves out to be an expert.Because you use commercial paper on a daily basis, you are considered to be an ‘expert’. This is also why they are not telling you what is really going on in the courtroom. You are presumed to know this stuff because you hold yourself out to be an expert by using commercial paper every day.
Every time you put your signature on a piece of paper, you are creating a Negotiable Instrument. Some are Non-Negotiable and some are Negotiable. Every time you endorse something, you are acting as an accommodation party or an accommodation maker under UCC 3-419.
An accommodation party is anyone who loans their signature to another party. Read UCC 3-419, it tells you what an accommodation maker is and what an accommodation party is. When you loan your signature to them, they can then re-write your signature on any document they want and that’s exactly what they are doing.
What the Federal Courts are doing is they are buying up these state court default judgments, called ‘criminal cases’ to cover up what they are doing. Actually, they are civil cases.
If you read “Clerk’s Praxis”, you find that what they call ‘criminal’ is all civil, they just call it criminal to cover up what their doing. If you don’t pay the debt you go to prison, bottom line.
How many of you have heard of REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust or PZN which means Prison Trust? Prisoners are real estate? They own all the real estate because they hold the Bonds on them. You haven’t redeemed your Bond, so they didn’t close your account.
Here’s what goes on: A contractor comes in or any corporation could come in and tender a Bid Bond to the US District Court and they buy up these court judgments and anytime you issue a Bid Bond there has to be a reinsure. So they get a Reinsurance Company to come in and act as Surety for the Bid Bond, then they bring in a Performance Bond. All of these Bonds; Bid, Payment & Performance are all Surety Bonds and anytime you issue a Bid Bond it has to have a Surety guaranteeing or reinsuring the Bid Bond via issuing a Performance Bond.
Then they get an underwriter and that would be either an Investment Broker or an Investment Banker. They come in and underwrite the Performance Bond which is reinsuring the Bid Bond.
What does the underwriter do with the Performance Bond? The underwriter takes the 3 Bonds and pools them and creates what is known as Mortgaged Backed Securities. When you pool these MBS, they are called BONDS and are sold to a company called TBA, which is the Bond Market Association - this is an actual Corporation.
These converted Bonds, now MBS’ are investment securities and being sold the international level. CCA is one of the tickers on the NY Stock Exchange. Others include; CWX, CWD & CWG. When it goes to Frankfurt = CWG, when it goes to Berlin = CWD and so on.
Remember, everything is commercial. 7211 7 CFR says that all crimes are commercial. If you read that carefully it says kidnapping, robbery, extortion, murder, etc. are all commercial crimes. Thus, you are funding the whole enchilada simply because you got into Default Judgment when you went into court and failed to redeem the Bond.
This is why people don’t win in court; cause they don’t redeem the Bond. You are the Principal upon which all money circulates, but you don’t want to start arguing with the court about that.
They are drafting you for performance. So, anytime the court asks you to do something they are drafting you for performance and if you don’t perform, you get into dishonor by non acceptance.They are making a formal presentment under 3-501 of the UCC so they can charge you and they USE the word “charge”. They use the same commercial words on your Indictment, Information and Complaint. They use the word “charge”, i.e., “the following charges”, “…he has two counts of charges”, etc.
Be as gentle as a dove and wise as a serpent. You can’t act like an insurgent or belligerent. If you do, they will treat you like one; they’ll beat you up.
What you want to do is settle the account…go to full settlement and closure; you’re running the account, you’re the Fiduciary Trustee over the account – tell them what to do. You’re the Principal and owner of the account, tell them what to do – tell them you want full settlement and closure of the account. You have to do this from the get-go.
In order to win in court you have to redeem the Bond.
Here is where to begin: Start with what we call a conditional acceptance.
With the conditional acceptance you can say: “I’m more than happy to give you my name, if you can show that charging papers have been put into the court record. I have not seen any papers that show any charges exist.”
That’s a “Negative Averment”. What you are doing is rebutting the presumption that they have charges against you. They work off presumptions. They don’t have to have anything. You must rebut their presumptions.
I went down there and asked them for the Bid Bond. I said I want the Bid Bond back. I asked for full settlement and closure of the account. It’s your money that they create and the same thing is going on in the Banks and with these Bonds - they monetize these Bonds.
Then ask for legal counsel. The reason why you have to have an attorney, and I cannot emphasize this too strongly, is because the attorney while in a courtroom is they are working on the public side and you are working on the private side. The court cannot talk to you except through your attorney. You need a mouth piece; a microphone. That is what attorneys are - a mouthpiece. Everyone on the Public side is insolvent and bankrupt. You are not.
This is situation is called a Fiction-of-Law. They will not allow you to defeat this “Fiction-Of-Law”. Why? In Admiralty Maritime Law everything is colorable. It has the appearance of being real but is not real.
They will appoint legal counsel for you. You then instruct the attorney that you are doing a “LETTER OF ROGATORY” or letter of advice. This is also called an “Acceptance for Honor” and you want an accounting of what the total amount of the Bill is post settlement and closure of this account.
Then you give your CUSIP and AUTOTIS number and your case number.
Here’s the wording you use: “I accept your charge(s) for Value and Consideration in return for Post Settlement and Closure of Case # , account# 123-45-6789 [put down your 9 digit social security number] and put down CUSIP# [your ssn] & AUTOTRIS# [your ssn w/o dashes]. Please us my exemption for full settlement and closure of this account as this account is prepaid and exempt from levy. (Date it and endorse it as the Authorized Representative.)
(AUTOTRIS means Automated Tracking Identification System. This is the same as your social security number without the dashes. When I said that they didn’t even want to talk to me…when you sayCUSIP & AUTOTRIS they know exactly what you’re talking about. CUSIP is The COMMITTEE ON UNIFORM SECURITIES IDENTIFICATION PROCESSES. . CUSIP uses your Social Security Number to identify you because the Birth Certificate is a Security. It is an investment security and they have all the original Birth Certificates which are registered at the State level with the Department of Human Recourses and then they go to the Department of Commerce and the Federal level and then to the DTC (Depository Trust Corporation).
Judges and lawyers don’t understand commercial law. They do not teach commercial law at law school.They have a special school for them and it’s on a “need to know” basis. The law always assumes that you know, since you were doing this since you were born until you reach the age of accountability, which is 18 years of age or what they call adulthood. If your holding yourself out and using commercial paper on a daily basis, that legal definition makes you an expert or you wouldn’t be using it, so they presume that when you go into the courtroom you know all this stuff.
They have to give you an out. Whenever you create a liability, you always have to create a remedy. They’re on the Public side of the accounting ledger. You are on the Private side.
You have an account and your account is a “Demand Deposit” account and you are insured by the FDIA and the FDIC. The “Federal Depository Insurance Act” which insures the FDIC which is the Federal Depository Insurance Corporation under Title 12; they have a $10 Million Dollar Policy on you and YOU’RE WORTH MORE DEAD THAN YOU ARE ALIVE.
NOTE: All tradable Securities must be assigned a CUSIP NUMBER before it can be offered to investors. Birth Certificates and Social Security Applications are converted into Government Securities; assigned a CUSIP NUMBER; grouped into lots and then are marketed as a Mutual Fund Investment. Upon maturity, the profits are moved into a GOVERNMENT CESTA QUE TRUST and if you are still alive, the certified documents are reinvested. It is the funds contained in this CESTA QUE TRUST that the Judge, Clerk and County Prosecutor are really after or interested in! This Trust actually pays all of your debts but nobody tells you that because the Elite consider those assets to be their property and the Federal Reserve System is responsible for the management of those Investments.
Social Security; SSI; SSD; Medicare and Medicaid are all financed by the Trust. The government makes you pay TAXES and a potion of your wages supposedly to pay for these services, which they can borrow at any time for any reason since they cannot access the CESTA QUE TRUST to finance their Wars or to bail out Wall Street and their patron Corporations.
The public is encouraged to purchase all kinds of insurance protection when the TRUST actually pays for all physical damages; medical costs; new technology and death benefits. The hype to purchase insurance is a ploy to keep us in poverty and profit off our stupidity because the Vatican owns the controlling interest in all Insurance Companies.
You may receive a monthly statement from a Mortgage Company; Loan Company or Utility Company, which usually has already been paid by the TRUST. Almost all of these corporate businesses double dip and hope that you have been conditioned well enough by their Credit Scams, to pay them a second time. Instead of paying that Statement next time, sign it approved and mail it back to them. If they then contact you about payment, ask them to send you a TRUE BILL instead of a Statement and you will be glad to pay it? A Statement documents what was due and paid, whereas a TRUE BILL represents only what is due. Banks and Utility Companies have direct access into these Cesta Que Trusts and all they needed was your name; social security number and signature.
What they’re doing in these courts is all about Bonds. When you go into the courtroom after you’re arrested, they use two different sets of Bonds. What they do when your arrested they fill out a “Bid Bond”. The United States District Court uses 273, 274 & 275. SF = “Standard Form”. Standard Form 273, Standard Form 274 & Standard Form 275. This is the United States District Court.
There is another set of Bonds and they are all put out by GSA = General Services Administration. I’m just talking off the top of my head because I have all of this stuff memorized. GSA Form SF24 is the “Bid Bond”, everyone should have a copy of the Bid Bond. The “Performance Bond” is SF25. The “Payment Bond” is SF25A and put out by the GSA.
O.K. So, what are they doing with these Bonds? What’s going on in the courtroom is that they are suing you for a debt collection. If you look at these Bonds, everyone of these Bonds: the “Bid Bond”, the “Performance Bond” & the “Payment Bond”, all have a “PENAL SUM” attached to it. The reason for the “Penal Sum” is if you don’t pay the Debt, you go into “Default Judgment”.
That is what is going on in the courtroom. That is why all of these guys are sitting in prison wondering what’s going on! If you go in and argue jurisdiction or refuse to answer questions that the judge or the court addresses to you, they will find you in contempt of court and they will put you in jail. What they do is arrest you, then they hold you, basically until the suit has been completed. Once they get “Default Judgment” on you because of your failure to pay the Debt, they put you in prison. Theattorneys are there to create a smoke screen.
What attorneys have been trained to do is to lead you into “Dishonor” or “Default Judgment”. Then the court puts you into prison then they sell your “Default Judgment”.
Who do they sell it to?
Believe it or not, the U.S. District Court buys all of these State Court Judgments. I don’t know why noone has found this out before. There are about 300 “re-insurance” companies that buy these bonds. They are all ‘insurance” companies. These are the people that are buying these Bonds when you went into “Default Judgment” and they cannot buy these Bonds unless they are Certified by the Secretary of the Treasury.
What are they doing with these Bonds? They have regulations governing these Bonds – there are 2,000 regulations governing these Bonds.
Commercial Paper; Negotiable Instruments - anything you put your signature on is a Negotiable Instrument under the Uniform Commercial Code which is the Lex Mercantorium. Its Mercantile Civil Law.
The reason they use Lex Merchantorium in the court room is because everyone of you are Merchant’s at Law and Merchants at Law is anyone who holds themselves out to be an expert.Because you use commercial paper on a daily basis, you are considered to be an ‘expert’. This is also why they are not telling you what is really going on in the courtroom. You are presumed to know this stuff because you hold yourself out to be an expert by using commercial paper every day.
Every time you put your signature on a piece of paper, you are creating a Negotiable Instrument. Some are Non-Negotiable and some are Negotiable. Every time you endorse something, you are acting as an accommodation party or an accommodation maker under UCC 3-419.
An accommodation party is anyone who loans their signature to another party. Read UCC 3-419, it tells you what an accommodation maker is and what an accommodation party is. When you loan your signature to them, they can then re-write your signature on any document they want and that’s exactly what they are doing.
What the Federal Courts are doing is they are buying up these state court default judgments, called ‘criminal cases’ to cover up what they are doing. Actually, they are civil cases.
If you read “Clerk’s Praxis”, you find that what they call ‘criminal’ is all civil, they just call it criminal to cover up what their doing. If you don’t pay the debt you go to prison, bottom line.
How many of you have heard of REIT = Real Estate Investment Trust or PZN which means Prison Trust? Prisoners are real estate? They own all the real estate because they hold the Bonds on them. You haven’t redeemed your Bond, so they didn’t close your account.
Here’s what goes on: A contractor comes in or any corporation could come in and tender a Bid Bond to the US District Court and they buy up these court judgments and anytime you issue a Bid Bond there has to be a reinsure. So they get a Reinsurance Company to come in and act as Surety for the Bid Bond, then they bring in a Performance Bond. All of these Bonds; Bid, Payment & Performance are all Surety Bonds and anytime you issue a Bid Bond it has to have a Surety guaranteeing or reinsuring the Bid Bond via issuing a Performance Bond.
Then they get an underwriter and that would be either an Investment Broker or an Investment Banker. They come in and underwrite the Performance Bond which is reinsuring the Bid Bond.
What does the underwriter do with the Performance Bond? The underwriter takes the 3 Bonds and pools them and creates what is known as Mortgaged Backed Securities. When you pool these MBS, they are called BONDS and are sold to a company called TBA, which is the Bond Market Association - this is an actual Corporation.
These converted Bonds, now MBS’ are investment securities and being sold the international level. CCA is one of the tickers on the NY Stock Exchange. Others include; CWX, CWD & CWG. When it goes to Frankfurt = CWG, when it goes to Berlin = CWD and so on.
Remember, everything is commercial. 7211 7 CFR says that all crimes are commercial. If you read that carefully it says kidnapping, robbery, extortion, murder, etc. are all commercial crimes. Thus, you are funding the whole enchilada simply because you got into Default Judgment when you went into court and failed to redeem the Bond.
This is why people don’t win in court; cause they don’t redeem the Bond. You are the Principal upon which all money circulates, but you don’t want to start arguing with the court about that.
They are drafting you for performance. So, anytime the court asks you to do something they are drafting you for performance and if you don’t perform, you get into dishonor by non acceptance.They are making a formal presentment under 3-501 of the UCC so they can charge you and they USE the word “charge”. They use the same commercial words on your Indictment, Information and Complaint. They use the word “charge”, i.e., “the following charges”, “…he has two counts of charges”, etc.
Be as gentle as a dove and wise as a serpent. You can’t act like an insurgent or belligerent. If you do, they will treat you like one; they’ll beat you up.
What you want to do is settle the account…go to full settlement and closure; you’re running the account, you’re the Fiduciary Trustee over the account – tell them what to do. You’re the Principal and owner of the account, tell them what to do – tell them you want full settlement and closure of the account. You have to do this from the get-go.
In order to win in court you have to redeem the Bond.
Here is where to begin: Start with what we call a conditional acceptance.
With the conditional acceptance you can say: “I’m more than happy to give you my name, if you can show that charging papers have been put into the court record. I have not seen any papers that show any charges exist.”
That’s a “Negative Averment”. What you are doing is rebutting the presumption that they have charges against you. They work off presumptions. They don’t have to have anything. You must rebut their presumptions.
I went down there and asked them for the Bid Bond. I said I want the Bid Bond back. I asked for full settlement and closure of the account. It’s your money that they create and the same thing is going on in the Banks and with these Bonds - they monetize these Bonds.
Then ask for legal counsel. The reason why you have to have an attorney, and I cannot emphasize this too strongly, is because the attorney while in a courtroom is they are working on the public side and you are working on the private side. The court cannot talk to you except through your attorney. You need a mouth piece; a microphone. That is what attorneys are - a mouthpiece. Everyone on the Public side is insolvent and bankrupt. You are not.
This is situation is called a Fiction-of-Law. They will not allow you to defeat this “Fiction-Of-Law”. Why? In Admiralty Maritime Law everything is colorable. It has the appearance of being real but is not real.
They will appoint legal counsel for you. You then instruct the attorney that you are doing a “LETTER OF ROGATORY” or letter of advice. This is also called an “Acceptance for Honor” and you want an accounting of what the total amount of the Bill is post settlement and closure of this account.
Then you give your CUSIP and AUTOTIS number and your case number.
Here’s the wording you use: “I accept your charge(s) for Value and Consideration in return for Post Settlement and Closure of Case # , account# 123-45-6789 [put down your 9 digit social security number] and put down CUSIP# [your ssn] & AUTOTRIS# [your ssn w/o dashes]. Please us my exemption for full settlement and closure of this account as this account is prepaid and exempt from levy. (Date it and endorse it as the Authorized Representative.)
(AUTOTRIS means Automated Tracking Identification System. This is the same as your social security number without the dashes. When I said that they didn’t even want to talk to me…when you sayCUSIP & AUTOTRIS they know exactly what you’re talking about. CUSIP is The COMMITTEE ON UNIFORM SECURITIES IDENTIFICATION PROCESSES. . CUSIP uses your Social Security Number to identify you because the Birth Certificate is a Security. It is an investment security and they have all the original Birth Certificates which are registered at the State level with the Department of Human Recourses and then they go to the Department of Commerce and the Federal level and then to the DTC (Depository Trust Corporation).
Judges and lawyers don’t understand commercial law. They do not teach commercial law at law school.They have a special school for them and it’s on a “need to know” basis. The law always assumes that you know, since you were doing this since you were born until you reach the age of accountability, which is 18 years of age or what they call adulthood. If your holding yourself out and using commercial paper on a daily basis, that legal definition makes you an expert or you wouldn’t be using it, so they presume that when you go into the courtroom you know all this stuff.
They have to give you an out. Whenever you create a liability, you always have to create a remedy. They’re on the Public side of the accounting ledger. You are on the Private side.
You have an account and your account is a “Demand Deposit” account and you are insured by the FDIA and the FDIC. The “Federal Depository Insurance Act” which insures the FDIC which is the Federal Depository Insurance Corporation under Title 12; they have a $10 Million Dollar Policy on you and YOU’RE WORTH MORE DEAD THAN YOU ARE ALIVE.
NOTE: All tradable Securities must be assigned a CUSIP NUMBER before it can be offered to investors. Birth Certificates and Social Security Applications are converted into Government Securities; assigned a CUSIP NUMBER; grouped into lots and then are marketed as a Mutual Fund Investment. Upon maturity, the profits are moved into a GOVERNMENT CESTA QUE TRUST and if you are still alive, the certified documents are reinvested. It is the funds contained in this CESTA QUE TRUST that the Judge, Clerk and County Prosecutor are really after or interested in! This Trust actually pays all of your debts but nobody tells you that because the Elite consider those assets to be their property and the Federal Reserve System is responsible for the management of those Investments.
Social Security; SSI; SSD; Medicare and Medicaid are all financed by the Trust. The government makes you pay TAXES and a potion of your wages supposedly to pay for these services, which they can borrow at any time for any reason since they cannot access the CESTA QUE TRUST to finance their Wars or to bail out Wall Street and their patron Corporations.
The public is encouraged to purchase all kinds of insurance protection when the TRUST actually pays for all physical damages; medical costs; new technology and death benefits. The hype to purchase insurance is a ploy to keep us in poverty and profit off our stupidity because the Vatican owns the controlling interest in all Insurance Companies.
You may receive a monthly statement from a Mortgage Company; Loan Company or Utility Company, which usually has already been paid by the TRUST. Almost all of these corporate businesses double dip and hope that you have been conditioned well enough by their Credit Scams, to pay them a second time. Instead of paying that Statement next time, sign it approved and mail it back to them. If they then contact you about payment, ask them to send you a TRUE BILL instead of a Statement and you will be glad to pay it? A Statement documents what was due and paid, whereas a TRUE BILL represents only what is due. Banks and Utility Companies have direct access into these Cesta Que Trusts and all they needed was your name; social security number and signature.
Ignorance of the Law does not excuse misconduct in anyone, least of all a sworn officer of the law. (Maxim of law)
No one is believed in court but upon his oath. (Maxim of law)
All Affidavits are TRUTH AFFIDAVITS-for they are the manner for the Sovereign People to address other Sovereign people or government. The Constitutions state that all cases of Common Law will be tried by Affidavits. Affidavits state only the facts provable by the maker.
Affidavits are mainly in COMMERCE and deal with COMMERCIAL MATTERS.
Affidavits entered in the County Records/Public Records become PUBLIC POLICY and are established as the facts of the case/issue.
Affidavits entered in the County Records/Public Records and not REBUTTED after 30 days becomes the Law of the (particular) Case/Issue.
Affidavits establish the Law for the cases in COMMON LAW and through the County Recorder/Public Record they become PUBLIC POLICY. PUBLIC POLICY is not for the Sovereign People. It is for the PUBLIC (SERVANTS) OFFICIALS, OFFICERS, WORKERS, AGENTS, etc.
Sovereign People are PRIVATE, the government is PUBLIC (including everything in the public corporations).
After entering the AFFIDAVIT into the County Record/Public Record, three certified copies should be obtained from the Notary Public, if the case is in a CORPORATE COURT (which it always is).
One copy is entered into the Records of the Court (file stamp into case) and take the other two copies to court.
Upon the court appearance, present one to the Plaintiff and give the other to the bailiff to hand to the Judge.
From this point on you are the Creditor or Secured Party in the case and the case cannot proceed until your AFFIDAVIT has been rebutted.
At that point simply notify the Judge (administrator), My AFFIDAVIT has not been rebutted, I am Creditor and Secured Party to this action and I, Sui Juris, John, a competent natural man of the genealogy of Doe, on the Land do hereby choose to honor your offer and accept the constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Illinois and your mandated Oath of Office as the designated PUBLIC SERVANT, doing business as “Judge – Circuit Court Cook County,” as found filed and recorded in the official public records of Cook County Illinois, as instrument 2003023744 dated the 19 day of January 2012, successor, assigns and Court Clerks and all PUBLIC SERVANTs relating, as your open and binding offer of promise to form a firm and binding contract between the respective governments, their political instrumentalities and all the above so recognized PUBLIC SERVANTs and Me, in My private capacity. Certified copy of instrument 2003023744 attached. By My acceptance for "full acquittance and discharge" with prejudice and I am leaving.
If you do not want to go to the court-simply write an order to the court for Full Acquittance and Discharge with prejudice.
Any papers received after this can be sent back refused for "failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted" in REBUTTAL of your Affidavit.
Affidavits must be entered into the County Record/Public Record for it is here that PUBLIC POLICY LAW is established by the Sovereign People.
If it is not put into the County Record/Public Record - it must be placed in the Newspaper for 3 weeks or posted on the court bulletin board for 3 weeks. or posted on the Internet.
Common Law is the beginning of all Law and in its perfection is the absence of all Law and in today's society it is known as PUBLIC POLICY. Common Law summed up in simple terms is the will of the people and will manifest itself in separate cases as people so rule with their conscience and a sense of fair play.
Common Law is a Law that is Common to all People.
Common Law is Common Sense and is the Law of the Creator of this Universe - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Common Law supersedes all Law and is Superior in all Cases to Statutory Law, Codified Law, and Rules and Regulations, Codes etc.
Common Law establishes Constitutions as all Power is inherent in the People.
Common Law establishes through the Constitution all restrictions on the corporate government (public servants).
Constitutions never give the corporate government power for legislating People.
Government only has the power to Legislate the workings of the different functions of the various departments to allow the people Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.
Constitutions can never establish Common Law...for then all Power would not be in the People, but would be in the Constitution and it is only a piece of paper, and the Peoples right to redress grievances or to amend, change, or address any problem could not be.
The Creator created man... man (with help) created government, government started CORPORATIONS.
The Creator rules over man,
man rules over government,
and government rules over CORPORATIONS.
Governments are mere pieces of paper to be altered and changed to the whim of the living souls.
CORPORATIONS are mere pieces of paper that government can change and alter at their whim.
The Creator is Superior over Man,
government, and CORPORATIONS.
Man is superior to government and CORPORATIONS.
If man says they do not exist-they do not exist.
Simply said, Common Law - PUBLIC POLICY - the Will of the People, a Law Common to all People.
Simply ask the public servant will you swear to that in writing signed under your commercial liability?
Simple say I will hold you personally liable for any injury, violation of rights to me, my family, my property.
No one is believed in court but upon his oath. (Maxim of law)
All Affidavits are TRUTH AFFIDAVITS-for they are the manner for the Sovereign People to address other Sovereign people or government. The Constitutions state that all cases of Common Law will be tried by Affidavits. Affidavits state only the facts provable by the maker.
Affidavits are mainly in COMMERCE and deal with COMMERCIAL MATTERS.
Affidavits entered in the County Records/Public Records become PUBLIC POLICY and are established as the facts of the case/issue.
Affidavits entered in the County Records/Public Records and not REBUTTED after 30 days becomes the Law of the (particular) Case/Issue.
Affidavits establish the Law for the cases in COMMON LAW and through the County Recorder/Public Record they become PUBLIC POLICY. PUBLIC POLICY is not for the Sovereign People. It is for the PUBLIC (SERVANTS) OFFICIALS, OFFICERS, WORKERS, AGENTS, etc.
Sovereign People are PRIVATE, the government is PUBLIC (including everything in the public corporations).
After entering the AFFIDAVIT into the County Record/Public Record, three certified copies should be obtained from the Notary Public, if the case is in a CORPORATE COURT (which it always is).
One copy is entered into the Records of the Court (file stamp into case) and take the other two copies to court.
Upon the court appearance, present one to the Plaintiff and give the other to the bailiff to hand to the Judge.
From this point on you are the Creditor or Secured Party in the case and the case cannot proceed until your AFFIDAVIT has been rebutted.
At that point simply notify the Judge (administrator), My AFFIDAVIT has not been rebutted, I am Creditor and Secured Party to this action and I, Sui Juris, John, a competent natural man of the genealogy of Doe, on the Land do hereby choose to honor your offer and accept the constitutions of the United States of America and the State of Illinois and your mandated Oath of Office as the designated PUBLIC SERVANT, doing business as “Judge – Circuit Court Cook County,” as found filed and recorded in the official public records of Cook County Illinois, as instrument 2003023744 dated the 19 day of January 2012, successor, assigns and Court Clerks and all PUBLIC SERVANTs relating, as your open and binding offer of promise to form a firm and binding contract between the respective governments, their political instrumentalities and all the above so recognized PUBLIC SERVANTs and Me, in My private capacity. Certified copy of instrument 2003023744 attached. By My acceptance for "full acquittance and discharge" with prejudice and I am leaving.
If you do not want to go to the court-simply write an order to the court for Full Acquittance and Discharge with prejudice.
Any papers received after this can be sent back refused for "failure to state a claim upon which relief can be granted" in REBUTTAL of your Affidavit.
Affidavits must be entered into the County Record/Public Record for it is here that PUBLIC POLICY LAW is established by the Sovereign People.
If it is not put into the County Record/Public Record - it must be placed in the Newspaper for 3 weeks or posted on the court bulletin board for 3 weeks. or posted on the Internet.
Common Law is the beginning of all Law and in its perfection is the absence of all Law and in today's society it is known as PUBLIC POLICY. Common Law summed up in simple terms is the will of the people and will manifest itself in separate cases as people so rule with their conscience and a sense of fair play.
Common Law is a Law that is Common to all People.
Common Law is Common Sense and is the Law of the Creator of this Universe - Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Common Law supersedes all Law and is Superior in all Cases to Statutory Law, Codified Law, and Rules and Regulations, Codes etc.
Common Law establishes Constitutions as all Power is inherent in the People.
Common Law establishes through the Constitution all restrictions on the corporate government (public servants).
Constitutions never give the corporate government power for legislating People.
Government only has the power to Legislate the workings of the different functions of the various departments to allow the people Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of happiness.
Constitutions can never establish Common Law...for then all Power would not be in the People, but would be in the Constitution and it is only a piece of paper, and the Peoples right to redress grievances or to amend, change, or address any problem could not be.
The Creator created man... man (with help) created government, government started CORPORATIONS.
The Creator rules over man,
man rules over government,
and government rules over CORPORATIONS.
Governments are mere pieces of paper to be altered and changed to the whim of the living souls.
CORPORATIONS are mere pieces of paper that government can change and alter at their whim.
The Creator is Superior over Man,
government, and CORPORATIONS.
Man is superior to government and CORPORATIONS.
If man says they do not exist-they do not exist.
Simply said, Common Law - PUBLIC POLICY - the Will of the People, a Law Common to all People.
Simply ask the public servant will you swear to that in writing signed under your commercial liability?
Simple say I will hold you personally liable for any injury, violation of rights to me, my family, my property.