1. The first (1st)
bankruptcy was officially declared in 1791. This was a time of many changes in
America. Perhaps most notable of these, was the signing of the Bill Of Rights
representing the first ten amendments to and the final passing of the
Constitution for the United States, which happened December 15th of that year,
shortly after our first bankruptcy. This is of course significant as our God
given rights are solely dependent on this document, though they were generally
accepted common law rights throughout the world long before America existed.
During each bankruptcy, a war is fought (the revolutionary
war in this case) and a new form of currency is always established, since the
old one becomes essentially worthless in the new corporate re-structure of each
bankruptcy. With the new country, came new money. Several monetary systems were
proposed for the early Republic of America. Congress approved the first dollar
on August 8, 1786. Once passage of the U.S. Constitution was secured, and the
1st bankruptcy and restructuring was in motion, the secretary of the treasury
Alexander Hamilton turned the government’s attention to monetary issues once
again in the early 1790’s. On Hamilton’s recommendations, Congress passed the
Coinage Act of 1792, which established the dollar as the basic unit of
accounting for the United States. At this point, the dollar was still backed by
2. The second (2nd)
bankruptcy took place exactly 70 years later, in 1861. The main reason for this
is that the restructuring that takes place in a bankruptcy can by law only last
or 70 years without being settled. And so in 1861, the country was declared
bankrupt once again. Of course there was much more to this planned event in
history. As carpetbaggers claimed and stole the land of southern property owners,
and the banks and governments bought up land and farmland for pennies on the
dollar, the civil war broke out in this year when the southern states began to
say no to the northern government and these carpetbaggers. This is often
referred to (by southern states especially) as the War Of Northern Aggression.
And most southerners will also say that there was certainly nothing civil about
the Civil War! And this was quite true when considering that the government is
housed in the north (British Columbia and Washington D.C.) and that their
aggression was the takeover and corporate restructuring of America. This was
not a war over slavery to be sure… and the assassination of Abraham Lincoln
happened only after his attempt to depose the central banking structure and
establish greenbacks: congressionally printed and controlled money. But in 1863
during the American Civil War, the National Banking Act was passed. This act
and its later amended versions essentially taxed states’ bonds and currency out
of existence. And so through corporate government legislation in the newly
reorganized country, the dollar became the sole currency of the United States
(which was still backed by metals then) and remains so in an altered (and
worthless) form today.
3. And now we come
to the third (3rd) bankruptcy in our countries history, which was 70 years
later in 1931. This was the big one. This was the time after the industrial
revolution, when population, lawful immigration, jobs, and opportunity were in
abundance. The money system was still in real money; meaning trade was done in
precious metals like gold and silver coins. Even the paper money was backed by
and redeemable for gold and silver at its face value. But, as the anticipated
bankruptcy loomed closer and closer, steps were taken by the government to
ensure that a new restructuring of the country could take place, ensuring the
same bankers and corporate crooks would remain in power. The stock market was
deliberately crashed, and the great depression ensued. The population was
broke, and their land and property was once again bought for pennies on the
dollar by the banks and newly reorganized government. Transfer of wealth is the
name of the game, and a new game is played every 70 years.
But during 1933 and 1938, as the reorganization of our
government and finance laws took place after most small banks were deliberately
collapsed and fell into the holdings of the larger banks, a very important
thing happened that changed the landscape of our nation: the gold standard was
removed and replaced by the Federal Reserve Note (dollar). The House of
Representatives accomplished this when they passed House Joint Resolution 192.
This new legislature actually outlawed the use of real money (gold and silver)
to pay a debt, actually making it illegal to require real money to pay for a
debt. The dollar (now called the Federal Reserve Note) became “legal tender”
and was backed by the supposed full faith and credit of the U.S. Government.
However, this paper money – or fiat currency – was in fact worthless due to the
absence of real money backing its value.
The dollar is nothing more than an IOU, and only has value
if both parties in an exchange verbally or contractually accept it as payment
for goods and services while remaining under the illusion (or blind faith) that
the government or institution which issues this paper has the power, wealth,
and credit to back up this currency. In fact, a few years after this third
restructure of the U.S, the government mandated the confiscation of all gold
from its citizens – and the transfer of land, property and real wealth was
accomplished yet again. Many people say that World War II is what seemingly
brought the U.S out of the great depression. In fact, many people recognize
that in the past America usually prospers in times of war and shortly
4. Flash forward
another 70 years… it’s now 2001. People are prospering. Goods and services are
in abundance. The world was at peace (excepting the military black ops and
economic hit man type of destabilization of many countries for strategic and
natural resource confiscation). Now any good conspiracy buff might note the
interesting and overwhelming coincidence in this being the year of the 4th
restructuring of our corporate government. Indeed, one might be even more
aghast when one realizes that the anniversary of the last bankruptcy from 70
years ago was in fact September 10, 1931, or the day before the destruction of
the World Trade Center buildings 1,2, and 7 along with the supposed “attack” on
the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. War is both a great distraction and a
profitable venture for the corporate world governments, and this obviously
isn’t the first time war or false flag events have been used in this manner, as
a tool for the restructuring of the U.S. government. And we have watched over
the last nine years as the dollar crashed, as the real estate and property
bubbles burst and are once again being taken over by our government and banks
(in a typical transfer of wealth), a complete corporate takeover of the country
– which started about 70 years ago with the introduction of the CAFR system –
which is now culminating into the nation being completely owned through
collective investment by the government owned corporations… we are about to see
the dollar become completely worthless right before our eyes (if it isn’t
already) and a new form of U.S. currency or world bank currency will likely
take its place – right on schedule!
This is the real U.S. history that isn’t in your textbooks.